On 4-25-2000, I had a vision of 6 individual priests' photographs.
Under each photograph, it had the words "Council of ___".
I don't know the significance of the 6 priests since there have
been more then 6 councils.  However, I'm  getting the impression
these may be 6 councils to come since none of the names I was
given were in the past lists I was able to come up with through
a search of the internet.

by Dee

International Movement We Are Church (IMWAC) 
A Pope for the Time to Come:
Bishop of Rome and Universal Pastor
Preface: Now is the Time 

"Now is the acceptable time" (2 Cor. 6) for Catholics throughout the whole world to reflect on what type of leadership, indeed what model of church, we need for the new millennium. 

The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) invited all of us to read the signs of the times in the light of the gospel. It called our faith community to perpetual renewal.  We have tried to be faithful to that call as we examine the life of our church and our need for a Bishop of Rome who can lead our faith community in a "universal agapé," or assembly of charity. 

The millennium now passing away has been an age of division among Christians. It is our hope that the third millennium will become an age of reconciliation and unity. 

In this spirit, Pope John Paul II invited all Christians to reflect on the future of the Papacy "…that we may seek - together, of course - the forms in which this ministry [of Peter] may accomplish a service of love recognized by all concerned…to find a way of exercising the primacy which, while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission, is nonetheless open to a new situation." (Ut Unum Sint, No.95). 

At the same time, voices within the World Council of Churches are calling all Christian churches to commit themselves in the year 2000 to begin preparation for a Universal Christian Council. 

We join our voices with these calls, and declare our readiness to renew our faith community in light of the signs of our times, and to dialogue and work with other churches on the basis of equality. 

To realize these dreams, we offer our reflections on the qualities needed by our age in the next Bishop of Rome.   We share our thoughts in the spirit of the woman in the gospel who mixed yeast with flour so that her bread might expand and nourish a community.  This is our "yeast." 

A Model of Church for our Times: Ever Ancient, Ever New 
  • To build a vibrant church in the new millennium, we need to listen once again to Jesus and his first disciples who preached the equality of all persons (Matt. 23; 11-12; Luke 22: 24-26; Gal. 3:28).
  • We need to build structures in our church which reflect that equality so that we may live, pray and minister to one another as a "discipleship of equals."  Only then will we follow the example of Jesus who sends the Spirit, not to a small group, but to the whole community of faith.  Only then will we live out the teaching of Vatican II which recognizes us all as the People of God, co-responsible for decision-making in the life of our church. 
  • We need to restore a church that values dialogue and justice in its internal life as well as its approach to the world. 
  • We need to reestablish a church that respects and celebrates our worldwide diversity, a church in which there is freedom to live our faith in different ways in different cultures. 
  • We need to resurrect a church that recognizes the importance of local churches where the Word is preached in ways that local cultures can hear it.  The building of this restored church is the work of the whole People of God, not only the Bishop of Rome, other bishops and the clergy. 
  • We begin by urging that we restore the practice of the early church and develop structures that permit the People of God to participate in a prominent way in the election of all church leaders.  This would include the election of the Pope, the Bishop of Rome.  This renewal of an ancient tradition will acknowledge the action of the Spirit in community of the faithful. 
The Next Bishop of Rome 

We would be greatly helped in renewing our church by a leader who reads the "signs of the times" in concert with the people, a collaborative Bishop of Rome who can listen as well as preach, and dialogue as well as teach.  We need a leader who truly embraces and consults the sensus fidelium (sense of the faithful). 

We especially need a leader who recognizes the awakening of women's consciousness as a significant "sign of our times."  Women, more than half of our church, have grown conscious of their dignity and equality with men.  They are calling our faith community to respect and implement that equality in its own life. 

We need a Bishop of Rome who respects the differences among us as well as challenges us to live the gospel. 

We need a Pope who distinguishes between his pastoral ministry as the Bishop of Rome, and the ministry of Peter in which he is in dialogue with the universal church.  As Bishop of Rome, he serves the faithful of Rome as any bishop serves a diocese.   He would retire at the age established for all bishops.  As president of the worldwide agapé, he would act as a brother bishop who invites the world's bishops to share leadership with him and with other members of the People of God who are called forth by the faithful.  In that spirit, he would reform the Curia (papal cabinet) so that it might serve, rather than dominate, other bishops and the church universal. 

But most of all, we need a Bishop of Rome and a Universal Pastor who is: 

  • a visionary leader who promotes a profound discernment on church ministry by all the People of God and calls them to consider the possibility of welcoming into ministry all those qualified whatever their gender, marital status or sexual orientation; 
  • a respecter of the consciences of Catholics who calls forth a genuine public dialogue on the theologies, moral teaching and policies in the church so that our faith community might share experiences, begin to heal its alienation and resurrect a sense of unity and enthusiasm for the faith; 
  • a pastor who encourages academic freedom for theologians and other scholars in order to foster a healthy diversity of opinions in the church; 
  • a reconciler who welcomes "liberals" and "conservatives" to share the same church; 
  • a leader who recognizes the cultural pluralism of the church and celebrates the diversity that flowers in different parts of our world; 
  • a collaborator with a sense of history who is willing to restore the tradition of full participation of the people in church and who invites all Catholics to share governance and decision-making, including the election of church leaders; 
  • a pioneer who encourages initiative and experimentation and calls Catholics to develop an adult sense of responsibility for their faith community; 
  •  an ecumenist who engages in serious dialogue with Christians of the Reformation and Orthodox traditions in an effort to bring about the dream of Christian unity; 
  • a brother to the Jewish people who will work to dismantle any vestiges of anti-Semitism and build strong bonds of spiritual kinship that recognize our common heritage flowing from Abraham and Sarah; 
  • a student of religious traditions other than Christianity and Judaism who welcomes interfaith dialogue, and seeks to learn from the rich diversity of insights in these traditions; 
  • a lover whose arms embrace the world and whose policies express a special solidarity with the poor and oppressed; 
  • a prophet who is tireless in promoting justice, equality, peace and nonviolence in our world and in our church; 
  • a lover of the earth who recognizes and promotes the integrity of all creation; 
  • a gentle soul with a sense of humor; and 
  • a Brother Bishop who can happily shed the trappings of the powerful of this world (Luke 22: 25-26) and walk with us as we together re-create our community of faith to make the Spirit of Jesus come alive in the third millennium. 
What we need in the new millennium
is a Bishop of Rome who is a Universal Pastor

Chronological List of Popes 

Election of the Popes

The List of Popes

What is a Pope?


General Councils

Plenary Councils

Abbreviations Used in the Text

The Canons Of The Councils Of Ancyra, Gangra, Neocaesarea, Antioch And Laodicea - 314 A.D. - 381 A.D.
The First Ecumenical Council First Council Of Nicea - 325 A.D.
First Council of Nicea: 325 A.D.
SITE Nicaea (in N.W. Asia Minor) POPE St. Sylvester I, 314 - 335
EMPEROR Constantine I, The Great, Western Roman Emperor 306-337; Sole Emperor 324- 337
ACTION: Called by the emperor and ratified by the Pope, this council condemned the heresy of Arius (priest of Alexandria, d. 336) by defining the CONSUBSTANTIALITY of God the Son with God the Father. The Son is of the "same substance," homo-ousion, as the Father (St. Athanasius); not merely a "like substance," homoi-ousion (as with the semi-Arians); nor is He (as Arius taught) some sort of super-creature.

NOTE: St. Athanasius, Doctor of the Church (d. 373), Bishop of Alexandria, was present as deacon and peritus at Nicaea; exiled five times and excommunicated by the Arians. St. Ephrem, Doctor of the Church (d. 373), deacon, was also present at Nicaea as peritus.

The Canons Of The Synods Of Sardica, Carthage, Constantinople, And Carthage Under St. Cyprian: 343 A.D.
Second Ecumenical Council at Constantinople : 381 A.D.
Second Ecumenical Council - First Council of Constantinople - 381
SITE: Constantinople (near Bosporus, a strait in today's Turkey).
POPE: St. Damasus I, 367 - 384 - EMPEROR: Theodosius I, the Great, 379 - 395
ACTION: It appears that Pope St. Damasus I was not contacted in regard to this council attended by about 186 bishops. Called by the emperor, it was not attended by the pope or his legates or any bishops from the West. Nevertheless, it is listed as a General Council of the 4th century by papal decrees of the 6th century, by which time its doctrinal definitions were accepted throughout the Church (Murphy, pg. 41). This council condemned the heresy of Macedonius by clearly defining the divinity of the Holy Ghost: He is not created like the angels no matter how high an order is attributedto such a "creature." The council also reaffirmed the faith of Nicaea.

NOTE: St. Gregory Nazianzen, Doctor of the Church (d. 389), was the bishop presiding. St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church (d. 386), was also in attendance.

Synod of Hippo - 393 - New Testament Proclaimed

Synod of Hippo

Third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus: 431 A.D.
Third Ecumenical Council - The Council Of Ephesus - 431 A.D.
SITE: Ephesus (S. of Smyrna in SW Asia Minor). POPE St. Celestine I, 423 - 432 - EMPEROR Theodosius II, 408 - 450
ACTION: Called by the Eastern Emperor, Theodosius II, influenced by his pious sister, St. Pulcheria (Emperor in the West was Valentinian III, 425 - 455), and ratified by Pope Celestine I, council condemned the heresy of Nestorius by clearly defining the Divine maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are two natures in Christ (Divine and Human), but only one Person (Divine). Mary is the Mother of this one Divine Person, the eternal Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Nestorius was deposed as bishop of Constantinople. This council also briefly affirmed the condemnation of the Pelagians (see local Council of Carthage, A.D. 416).

NOTE: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church (d.444), was the bishop presiding.

Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon: 451 A.D.
The Fourth Ecumenical Council - The Council Of Chalcedon - A.D. 451
SITE: Chalcedon, (north of Constantinople) POPE: St. Leo I, the Great, 440 - 461 - EMPEROR: Marcian, 450 - 457
ACTION: Called by Emperor Marcian, spouse of the chaste and noble St. Pulcheria, and ratified by Pope St. Leo the Great, the council condemned the heresy of the Abbot Eutyches, MONOPHYSITISM, which claimed that there existed only "one nature" (the divine) in Christ from the Incarnation onward. Though the council had approved the assertion that Constantinople should be ranked first after Rome ecclesiastically, Pope St. Leo did not. The primacy of the See of Rome was due to it's possession of the Chair of Peter, not to any political power. In his "Dogmatic Epistle," read by his legates at the end of the second session of the council (Oct. 10, 451), Pope St. Leo I also declared invalid all that had been done at the "Robber Synod of Ephesus" (a false Ephesus II): ".... we see no Council, but a den of thieves (Latrocinium)." In the greatest testimony of the Eastern Council to the primacy of the Pope, the bishops cried out: "Behold the faith of the fathers, the faith of the Apostles; thus through Leo has Peter spoken!" Eutyches was excommunicated.

NOTE: Pope St. Leo I, Doctor of the Church (d. 461), was called the "Soul" of Chalcedon.

The Canons of the Council of Orange: (529 AD)
Fifth Ecumenical Council at Constantinople: 553 A.D.
Fifth Ecumenical Council  Constantinople : 553 A.D.
Second Council of Constantinople: 553 A.D.
Second Council of Constantinople: 553 A.D.
The Sixth Ecumenical Council: The Third Council Of Constantinople A.D. 680-681
Third Council of Constantinople : 680-681 A.D.
The Canons Of The Council In Trullo; Often Called The Quinisext Council - A.D. 692
Seventh Ecumenical Council: Second Council of Nicaea: 787 A.D.
Second Council of Nicaea - 787 A.D.
Fourth Council of Constantinople : 869-870
First Lateran Council 1123 A.D.
Second Lateran Council - 1139 A.D.
Third Lateran Council - 1179 A.D.
Fourth Lateran Council : 1215
First Council of Lyons - 1245 A.D.
Second Council of Lyons - 1274
Council of Vienne 1311-1312 A.D.
Council of Constance 1414-18
Council of Basel 1431-45 A.D.
Fifth Lateran Council 1512-17 A.D.
The Canons of Dordt: 1618
The Belgic Confession: 1618
The Westminster Confession of Faith: 1646
Decrees of the First Vatican Council -  1869
Encyclical of Pope Pius XII - September 30, 1943
Appendix Containing Canons And Rulings Not Having Conciliar Origin But Approved By Name In Canon II. Of The Synod In Trullo

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