compiled by Dee Finney


I was supposedly managing an apartment building I had just moved into. It was in bad shape.

The upper window was missing from the front door. The locks on the apartments didn't work as the doors just swung through. I did have my own set of keys including the master keys to the building, but I was also carrying someone else's keys in my purse that didn't have the master keys on the ring. (That was a female person)

Inside my apartment, my beds' blankets were formal gowns, which got hung up on hangars in the morning.

My ex-husband Ed came to visit with our two kids (a boy and girl) (we didn't have any real kids)  They were about 6 & 8 years old. I took them with me through the building and he left.

I started showing a woman through an occupied apartment because she was interested in renting an apartment. The people there didn't seem to mind.

I  then went down into the basement and coming down into the basement, I saw a thin wooden box with a ball of light in it and from the light came the voice of my friend Bonnie. the box was marked 3rd and her voice sounded like a 3 year old.

Right after her I saw another small thin wooden box marked Mercury 8th. From that box came the voice of a high school chum - a Jewish boy name Murray Bernstein.


4-16-03 - DREAM - I don't know where this takes place, but I was at home, living with other people. It was somewhere in America.

I picked up the newspaper and on the back page was printed 8 boxes. Each box had a symbol in it and each day it was the same and you automatically knew everything was okay.

One of these symbols was a light colored stylized eagle, which when it was looking towards the laurel branches, meant "peace".

One of the other symbols was  a dark eagle, looking the other way, meaning, "war".

Each day was the same, peace and war at the same time - but everything was okay.

Then the following day, the paper came and the back sheet of the paper came and the eagle symbols looked the same, but there was a tremendous amount of black ink like blood splattered all over the back of the newspaper. You could barely see the eagle symbols behind it.

That same day, two people came into the office area where I was and were putting on a radio show with portable equipment. they were doing a psychic call-in show and getting everything wrong. I laughingly thought -"I could do that too."

Then my daughter got up there to do a spelling test, where they give you the definition and you have to spell the word. She got it wrong. She was supposed to spell "aspic", which is vegetable Jell-O, sometimes made with tomato juice.

They left and I looked at the telephone which had two lines on it. Both lights were blinking like these were calls on hold.

It bothered met that new calls couldn't come in if the lines were on hold, so I picked one up, and it was like it was dead except that it was hissing.

So I picked up the other line and I could tell it was the Father and Son who lived upstairs, talking about the last baseball game of the season.

So I hung up the phone.

Then a young man came in and he was on his knees near the desk. He said, "Come here and listen to this."

I got down on one knee near him and listened to the phone and recognized the Latin words Dominus Vobiscum.  It was a Catholic mass being said in Latin, which we haven't heard in America for a long time. The last one I heard was in 1958 to 1960.

While I was on my knees a large bright orange-beaked bird was like flying/swimming in the air, trying to get close to me. He was like a fish/bird.

I tried putting up the newspaper between him and me and he just went a different direction to come close to me, but he just stayed hovering in the air about 2 feet in front of my face.

He was like a kingfisher - Fisher-king?

Dominus Vobiscum

An ancient form of devout salutation, incorporated in the liturgy of the Church, where it is employed as a prelude to certain formal prayers. Its origin is evidently Scriptural, being clearly borrowed from Ruth, ii, 4, and II Par., xv, 2. The same idea is also suggested in the New Testament, e. g., in Matt., xxviii, 20: "Ecce ego vobiscum sum", etc. The ecclesiastical usage dates probably from Apostolic times. Mention of it is made (ch. iii) by the Council of Braga (563). It also appears in the sixth or seventh-century "Sacramentarium Gelasianum". The phrase is pregnant with a deep religious significance; and therefore intensely expressive of the highest and holiest wishes. For is not the presence of the Lord -- the Source of every good and the Author of every best gift -- a certain pledge of Divine protection and a sure earnest of the possession of all spiritual peace and consolation? In the mouth, therefore, of the priest, who acts as the representative and delegate of the Church, in whose name and with whose authority he prays, this deprecatory formula in pre-eminently appropriate. Hence its frequent use in the public prayers of the Church's liturgy. During the Mass it occurs eight times, namely, before the priest ascends the altar, before the two Gospels, the collects, the Offertory, the Preface, the Post-Communion oratio, and the blessing. On four of these occasions the celebrant, whilst saying it, turns to the people, extending and joining his hands; on the other four he remains facing the altar. In the Divine office this formula is said before the principal oratio of each Hour by priests, even in private recitation, because they are supposed to pray in union with, and in behalf of, the Church. Deacons say it only in the absence of a priest or with his permission if present (Van der Stappen, De officio divino, 43), but subdeacons use instead the "Domine exaudi orationem meam". Contrary to general usage, the "Dominus Vobiscum" does not precede the prayer of the Blessed Sacrament before Benediction is given. Gardellini (Comment. in Inst. Clem., =1531, n. 5) explains this anomaly on the ground that the blessing with the Sacred Host in the monstrance effectively contains all that is implied in the formula. Bishops use the "Pax Vobis" (q.v.) before the collects in Masses where the Gloria is said. The response to the "Dominus Vobiscum" is "Et cum spiritu tuo" (cf. II Tim., iv, 22; Gal., vi, 18; Phil., iv, 23). Formerly this answer was rendered back with one voice by the entire congregation. Among the Greeks there is a corresponding form "Pax omnibus" (Liturgy of St. Basil). The Council of Braga, already mentioned, ordained (Mansi, IX, 777) that priests, as well as bishops, to whom alone the Priscillianist sought to restrict it, should adopt this formula.