1.1 High Energy Photons and Zero 

"The result of a head-on particle collision is perhaps easiest to interpret in the case of electron-positron interactions. Because the electron and the positron is particle and antiparticle they are both annihilated when they collide yielding a state of pure electromagnetic energy. This state can be represented as a high- energy photon, but it is a photon with bizarre and paradoxical properties. A fundamental law of nature states that both energy and momentum must be conserved in all physical processes. In order for energy to be conserved in an electron-positron collision, the photon must carry off several billion electron volts contributed by the annihilating particles. A photon can do that but, moving at the speed of light it also has substantial momentum. The net momentum of the electron and positron, however, is zero, since they are moving with the same speed in opposite directions. Therefore the photon must have zero momentum and cannot move at all.

A way out of this quandary is provided by the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, which allows momentary fluctuations in the energy and momentum of a particle, provided they do not last too long or extend over too great a distance. Hence the photon can exist briefly even with its energy and momentum, out of balance, but it must decay within a finite period into a set of particles that properly conserves energy and momentum. Such a photon is called a virtual particle, to distinguish it from a real photon, whose lifetime is unlimited.


Scientific American
Mar. 1980, pg.70

1.3 The Virtual Photons 

"The virtual photon can decay into any assortment of particles that conserve energy and momentum and various other properties that also must remain in balance".


Scientific American
Mar. 1980, pg.70

(Note: This is the place (0) between + and -, visible / invisible, "This Side" and the "Other Side". Keep in mind that these particles are in essence, frequencies which have to be "balanced" if extended over too long a period. These frequencies also must be treated as if the relations and ratios were musical instead of studying the electron voltage or mass or angular momentum etc.

More study is necessary, of the heavy ambiplasma (proton-antiprotons), the light ambiplasma (electrons and positrons) coupled with Scientific American, Mar. 1980, The Inner Structure of the Proton, describing photons, their breakdown into quarks, hadron jets, matter and antimatter opposites and as stated in the article of Scientific American...).

Pg71..."Quark pairs and muon pairs created in electron-positron annihilation seem to arise through the same process (namely through the decay of a virtual photon)".

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© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999