99.10.1 City Square & Torus (Vol/Area) (Michael Morton) 

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In early 2000, I posted my ASM ("Archaeo-sky Matrix") figures for several prominent structures at Cydonia on Mars. These included the "Cydonia City Square Center".

(Morton, 2000, Internet).

I will now show the specific, precise, obviously-intentional correlations and cross-referencing involved with both the Torus and the Sphere, pertaining to the obviously-deliberate placement of "Cydonia City Square Center".

"City Square Center" Grid LAT .. 41 (deg) X 03 (min) X 10.53658537 (sec) North .. = 1296 North.

"City Square Center" Grid LONG .. 22.91831181 (min) W.CYDONIA. [ W.NASA 09 deg 54 min 55.8987086 sec ].

"City Square Center" Grid POINT Value .. 1296 / 22.91831181 = 56.54866775

(Morton, 2000, Internet).


The ASM ("Archaeo-sky Matrix") prime meridian on Mars was found in the early 1990s, by Carl P.Munck,Sr. (1992, "The Code", self-published).

In early 2000, I derived the longitude_variance_between the NASA prime meridian on Mars, and the ASM prime meridian on Mars. Munck found the ASM prime meridian to pass through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia. I derived the exact .. and, what is now self-evident .. intended longitude_variance_between these two prime meridians, by comparison to the prime meridian longitude variance that Carl Munck had derived for Earth. He found that the ASM prime meridian on Earth passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. He derived the exact .. and, what became the 'self-evident' .. longitude_variance_between the Greenwich prime meridian, and the ASM prime meridian through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. as .. exactly 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.

I knew .. thanks to Erol O.Torun, that the Mars prime meridian longitude variance was .. 09 deg .. and .. "close to 33 minutes", according to him. As it turns out, it is a lot closer to 09 deg and 32 minutes .. but .. at least I had a "ballpark" in which to play.

Here is what I found ..

09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) = 230.4 .. decimal harmonic of a gematrian number .. 2304 .. which is double 1152.

And 1152 has the classic gematrian 'meaning' of .. "witness". (1152 / 8) = 144 .. a major gematrian number with the classic 'meaning' of .. "light". The number "8" is associated with "infinity", with "the eternal", and with "kingship and enlightenment" .. (L.Gardner, "Genesis of the Grail Kings"). Also .. I found the first UK crop formation of the 2000 season .. to have a Grid POINT Value of "8", and its design_was_a "stylized ouroboros". (See Paul Vigay's website .. http://www.cropcircleresearch.com) where I have an article posted on my assessment of that "stylized ouroboros" crop formation).

But .. the "clincher" was .. when I actually compared this 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec .. to_Earth's_prime meridian longitude variance !!

31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec
- 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec


21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec

This showed a numerical_difference_in the VARIANCES of .. precisely .. 21.6 arc-degrees of longitude .. "numerically" .. between Mars and Earth !!

To me .. this was a MAJOR "Aha" moment .. because I had already found, in 1999, the "ASM" Grid POINT Value for the January 1, 2000 sky-location of POLARIS .. our current north pole star. And the ASM sky-location figures come from a database source that is_specifically_as of January 1, 2000 'projections' of late-1990s observations of prominent "fixed" stars in our sky .. relative to the ECLIPTIC .. given to the nearest arc-second. { http://users.cwnet.com/~sidereal/mag/astfixst.htm } For my methodology regarding sky-location "ASM" calculations .. http://mission-ignition.tripod.com/matrix/ There; click on my "Sky Matrix" articles.

I found the ASM Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value for POLARIS to be .. 21.6 .. a flat-out numerical_match_of the DIFFERENCE in prime meridian longitude_variances_between Earth and Mars.

Not only that .. the figure "21.6" is a decimal harmonic match of the "21600"_POLAR_circumference of Earth in latitude arc-minutes, and also in nautical miles.

Plus .. Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) had found the Grid LAT of Stonehenge as "21600" North .. = 51 (deg) X 10 (min) X 42.35294118 (sec) North.

Additionally, my interpretation of the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" number "of a man" .. is that "a man" .. actually is referencing "humankind" .. as a "species" category. So .. I interpret 666 as .. 6*6*6 .. Cube of 6 .. 216.

(See my equation for "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx").

So .. there's another "216" decimal harmonic form.


Getting-back, now, to "City Square Center" at Cydonia.

Its Grid LAT .. 1296 .. is the Square of 36. (36 X 36 = 1296).

Its Grid LONG .. 22.91831181 .. is .. (72 / Pi). And Pi, here, is relatively very-precisely encoded .. (72 / 3.141592654) = 22.91831181

Its Grid POINT Value .. 56.54866776 .. is .. (18 X Pi). Again .. relatively very-precisely encoded .. (18 X 3.141592654) = 56.54866776


Thanks to my friend and research colleague, Damon Elkins, I can now point-out to you .. that the Grid POINT Value of "City Square Center" at Cydonia, is a perfect numerical match of the current Earth-human civilization's standard width for the railroad track .. 56.54866776 regular ("British") inches. This also amounts to .. 4.71238898 regular ("British") feet.

"4.71238898" .. is equivalent to .. (1.5 X Pi). Again .. relatively very-precisely encoded .. (1.5 X 3.141592654) = 4.71238898

Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) found/derived the original self-evidently-intended apex-height of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza as .. 471.238898 regular ("British") feet. Of course .. there's a decimal harmonic reference, again.

(Needless to say .. these "aliens" who designed and built these structures at Cydonia .. used base 10 a lot. We don't know, at this point, I'd say .. as to whether or not they had railroads. But; I do have a suggestion. If we could just get "better quality" images from JPL/NASA .. some of the "image-enhancement specialists" in our civilization might be able to look for things like .. oh .. signs of ancient "railroad turntables", for example .. that sort of thing.


The Sphere and The Torus

Comparing the standard math formulas for Volume of the Sphere and the Torus ..

Vol. Sphere = (4Pi / 3) X (radius Cubed).

Vol. Torus = (2Pi X Pi) X (radius Cubed).

Their_ratio_difference is .. (2Pi X Pi) / (4Pi / 3) .. = 19.7392088 / 4.188790205 .. = 4.71238898 .. = (1.5 X Pi) .. = Earth-human current civilization's standard railroad track width, in terms of the_number_of regular ("British") feet .. = "Cydonia City Square Center" Grid POINT Value, on Mars, in terms of the_number_of regular ("British") inches, of the current Earth-human civilization's standard railroad track width.

Notice the word "regular".

Notice its syllables .. REG .. U .. LAR.

Notice the name .. "REGULUS".

Notice its syllables .. REG .. U .. LUS.

REGULUS is known as "The Heart of the Lion" in the Leo constellation of the zodiac. It is located very close to the ecliptic .. less than half-an-arc-degree north of the ecliptic.

Here are my figures (Morton, 1999, Internet) for the January1, 2000 ASM sky-location of REGULUS ..

REGULUS Grid LAT .. 27 (min) X 41.88790205 (sec) North of ecliptic .. = 1130.973355 North of ecliptic. { Note: 1130.973355 = (360 X Pi) }.

REGULUS Grid LONG .. 65 (deg) X 08 (min) X 42.93176771 (sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 22324.51921 E.ALNITAK.

REGULUS Grid POINT Value .. (22324.51921 / 1130.973355) = 19.7392088


"19.7392088" .. a perfect numerical_match_of the Torus Volume term (see above) in the ratio with the Sphere Volume term.

"41.88790205" .. the decimal-fractional number of arc-seconds, in the Jan.1, 2000 ecliptic latitude of REGULUS itself .. is a_decimal harmonic_of the Sphere Volume term (see above) in the ratio with the Torus Volume term.

In my opinion, REGULUS (and Leo, of course) are intentionally referenced in the "hominoid/feline" duality apparent in the "halves" of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars, and are_also_intentionally referenced at_other_major structures at Cydonia, including "City Square Center". Additionally, it is apparent to me that the geometry involving the Sphere vs. the Torus .. in terms of Volume and Surface-Area .. are being deliberately displayed, as well .. albeit through this "encoded" ASM .. via a time-node synchronization to January1, 2000 in the current Earth-human culture. (See the work of Richard C. Hoagland and the work of Kynthia, regarding the "hominoid/feline" duality of 'The Face' at Cydonia; http://www.enterprisemission.com)


Regarding the Grid LAT of "City Square Center" .. 1296 .. it is a decimal harmonic of the Surface-Area on a Torus .. assuming a radius of_numerical value_57.29577951 .. which_is_the value of The Radian Arc in "our" conventional 360 arc-degrees system. { 360 / 2Pi = 57.29677951 }.

Notice ...

Surface-Area formula for a Torus .. (4Pi X Pi) X (radius Squared).

(4 X 3.141592654) X (3.141592654) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 129600 .. = (360 X 360) .. the "Squaring of the Circle".

This is also the Grid LONG of the North Bimini Shark Mound. (Munck, 1992, "The Code") .. 129600 W.Giza .. = 110 (deg) X 22 (min) X 53.55371901 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 79 deg 14 min 52.75371901 sec ].

Of course .. what about using the Radian Arc_itself_as a proportion of ANY circumference ?

To get its 'proportion' of_any_circumference .. we can use this ratio .. (57.29577951 / 360) = 0.159154943

Or .. we can take the reciprocal of 2Pi .. (1 / 6.283185307) = 0.159154943

Now .. I will show the Surface-Area of the Torus, assuming a radius of (1 / 2Pi) ..

(4Pi X Pi) X (0.159154943 X 0.159154943) .. = 39.4784176 X 0.025330296 .. = 1. "Unity".

As for Torus Volume using that_same_radius of (1 / 2Pi) ..

(2Pi X Pi) X (radius Cubed) .. = 19.7392088 X (0.159154943 X 0.159154943 X 0.159154943) .. = 0.07957747155 .. = (1 / 4Pi) .. the reciprocal of "4Pi".


"0.079577155" .. is adecimal harmonic of .. the Jan.1, 2000 ASM "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio" of .. 7.957747155

(Morton, 2001, Internet).

Using their Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Values ..

(MINTAKA X ALNITAK) / ALNILAM .. = (31.00627668 X 43.63323131) / 170.010936 .. = 7.957747155


As an "aside" .. but very instructive .. suppose I "kept going" with that Torus Volume .. and I divided it_into_the (2Pi X Pi) term .. the Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Value of REGULUS ?

(19.7392088 / 0.07957747155) = 248.0502134

"248.0502134" .. is the exact Grid POINT Value, circa 2000, of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992, "The Code"). [ http://hometown.aol.com/marscode/giza.html ].

Be curious .. check things out. Curiosity .. a "feline" quality, eh ?!


Recall the Torus Surface-Area .. assuming the 57.29577951 radius numerical value .. it is .. 129600.

Divide that by Pi .. (129600 / 3.141592654) = 41252.96125

"41252.96125" .. is the Surface-Area on a Sphere .. assuming the 57.29577951 radius numerical value .. (4Pi) X (radius Squared).

I have proposed on The Internet (Morton, 1998) .. that "The King's Chamber"_inside_The Great Pyramid of Giza .. has a precisely-intended length of .. 412.5296125 regular ("British") inches .. equivalent to .. the precisely-intended length of .. 20 Royal Cubits.

Each Royal Cubit was precisely-intended as 20.62648063 regular ("British") inches .. because .. the designers/builders obviously used The Radian Arc of 57.29577951 arc-degrees.

They obviously_tied_the length of "The King's Chamber" directly to the Surface-Area on a Hemisphere .. (2Pi) X (radius Squared) .. = 6.283185307 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 20626.48063 Square arc-degrees.

There's the decimal harmonic, from which they made the length of The Royal Cubit, in terms of "regular" inches !!

The_width_of "The King's Chamber" is .. 10 Royal Cubits .. 206.6248063 "regular" inches.

When you convert the length of "The King's Chamber" into "regular" feet .. 412.5296125 / 12 = 34.37746771 .. decimal harmonic of .. Earth's POLAR_radius_in nautical miles !!! { 3437.746771 }.


Three years ago, I found that the Volume of a Sphere, assuming the 360 arc-degrees circumference .. is a_decimal harmonic_of the Grid POINT Value of .. the_center_of The White House in Washington, D.C.

Volume of a Sphere ..

(4Pi /3) X (radius Cubed) .. = 4.188790205 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 787873.524 Cubic arc-degrees.

White House Grid LAT .. 38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 51.4796425 (sec) North .. = 103680 North.

White House Grid LONG .. 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza .. = 13159.47253 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].

White House Grid POINT Value .. (103680 / 13159.47253) = 7.87873524

Yes .. decimal harmonic of Volume of a Sphere !! (Assuming the 360 system). And I_encourage_anyone to check my work .. on the official USGS Topographical Map 7.5-Series Quad, scale of 1 : 24000.

Then, about a year-and-a-half ago .. in early 2000 .. or maybe it was late 1999 .. I found_another_decimal harmonic .. this time at Cydonia on Mars ..

"The Fortress" Grid Lat .. 41 (deg) X 07 (min) X 27.45203916 (sec) North .. = 7878.73524 North.

"The Fortress" Grid LONG .. 14.59025044 (min) W.CYDONIA. [ W.NASA 09 deg 46 min 36.2150264 sec ].

Grid POINT Value "The Fortress" .. 7878.73524 / 14.59025044 = 540.

(Morton, 2000, Internet).

The Jefferson Memorial and The White House have the identical longitude, so their Grid LONGs are both .. 13159.47253 W.Giza.

I'll now divide that figure by the Grid LONG of "The Fortress" at Cydonia on Mars ..

13159.47253 / 14.59025044 = (Pi Cubed) X 29.08882087

"Pi Cubed" .. is the Grid POINT Value of Jan.1, 2000 MINTAKA .. the Orion belt-star .. in the ASM. { 31.00627668 }.

"29.08882087" .. is a decimal harmonic of .. the Grid POINT Value of .. Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland .. its center !!! { 2.908882087 }.

(Morton, 2000, Internet).

Rosslyn Chapel's Grid LONG ? ... 34 (deg) X 17 (min) X 32.18644638 (sec) W.Giza .. = 18603.76601 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 03 deg 09 min 31.38644638 sec ].

Rosslyn Chapel Grid LAT .. 55 (deg) X 51 (min) X 19.29274927 (sec) North .. = 54116.16169 North.

Rosslyn Chapel Grid POINT Value .. 54116.16169 / 18603.76601 = 2.908882087

(Morton, 2000, Internet).

"54116.16169" .. is a decimal harmonic of .. the Grid POINT Value of The Washington Monument, in Washington, D.C. (5.411616169 }.

(Morton, 1998, Internet).

Now notice this equation I found ..

(18603.76601 / Pi) = (471.238898 / 0.07957747155)

Recall, from earlier in this article ..

"471.238898" .. the original apex-height of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza, in "regular" feet .. and a decimal harmonic of .. "4.71238898" .. the_ratio_of the Volumes of the Sphere and the Torus !!

AND .. 4.71238898 "regular" feet .. is the standard width of the railroad track in the current Earth-human culture.

AND .. in terms of "regular" inches .. 4.71238898 X 12 = 56.54866776 .. (18 X Pi) .. is the_number_of .. the Grid POINT Value of .. "Cydonia City Square Center" on Mars !!

Now .. I will multiply the Grid POINT Values of 'circa 2000' "City Square Center" .. times .. "The Face" at Cydonia ...

(56.54866776 X 656.56127) = 37127.66512

"37127.66512" .. is a decimal harmonic of .. the Volume of a Torus .. assuming the 360 system !!!

(2Pi X Pi) X (radius Cubed) .. = 19.7392088 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 3712766.512

AND .. The "Circle of Churches" in the South of France, in my opinion, has a precisely-intended diameter of .. 371276.6512_regular_inches .. equivalent to .. 18000 Royal Cubits .. because .. (20.62648063 X 18000) = 371276.6512


-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001


P.S. Feel free to copy, forward, quote .. to get the information out to "The People" as soon as possible. Thanks -- M.L.Morton


99.10.2 City Square & Torus (Vol/Area) (Jerry Iuliano) 


Letting loop radius =R=57.000000017543..

Letting tube radius =37

Torus volumne = 2*(Pi^2)*R*(r^2)=1540309.68093= tv

Then cosine(COS)(tv)=8.07583331*(10^-1)= m

Such that:

(82944^m)/10=938.271997= proton energy Mev/(c^2)


m^Pi=.510999469= electron energy Mev/(c^2)

where the interaction of the negative electron on the positive proton is ruled by the action of the fine-structure constant (Kinoshita 1998...137.035999935)

(82944^(1/Pi))/(10^2)= COS 137.036000986...

Since male energy is a function of the Abrahamic number 82944 with cosine of volumne ( or volumne transformed to a wave form) as exponent means that the electron (m^Pi=.510999469=electron) through this angle-charge reciprocates into a physical angle-volumne that uses Pi as cyclic:


Substituting a single unit by the male determinant 82944 automatically creates the coupling constant that allows chemical electron shell transforms:

82944^(1/Pi)=(10^2)* COS 137.036000986...

The torus volumne constructs 17= tube radius and 37 = loop radius (DG Leahy triple logic cube parameters) represents the weight of the black hole singularity Planck mass M(p) in kilograms:

[[(2*(Pi^2)*(17^2)*37)^(1/2)]^-1]/(10^5)=2.17663769*(10^-8) =M(p)=Planck mass

As in the 37,57 torus volumne construct, this volumne transforms into a waveform function that uses 82944 as transition constant:

Letting r = 17

Letting R = 37.000000015


COS(2*(Pi^2)*(17^2)*37.000000015)= n= 9.50554*(10^-1)

Such that:

[(((82944^n)^(1/2))]/(10^10)= 2.17663379*(10^-8)=Planck mass= M(p)


A direct comparison between the two tori volumnes:

2*(Pi^2)*(17^2)*37 and 2*(Pi^2)*(37^2)*57

creates the fine-structure constant:


An amazing property of the torus forms is the transformation of volumne to Planck mass through the pure form of fine-structure: 137.035999935^-1= a(em)


or to transform the r=17,R=37 torus volumne into the r=37,R=57 form:


These last formulas represent the scalar transition of the Planck mass M(p) from singular density (black hole) to the physical reality of the first energies: proton, electron and neutron. This quantum jump in volumnes of tori structures of the two forms (17,37 and 37,57) is totally governed by the same values that govern the amplitude for an electron to emit or absorb a photon, the fine-structure constant..a(em)=137.036000986^-1... so the steps involved in transition are:

(1)... The creation of the Planck energy out of torus constructs 17=r and 37=R, the singularity Planck mass in kilograms:

[[(2*(Pi^2)*(17^2)*37)^(1/2)]^-1]/(10^5)=2.17663369*(10^-8) kg

(2)...The transitional form 82944 that mathematically converts torus volumnes to wave-forms(cosine):


(3)...The creation of the fine-structure constant as a function of the Pi-th root of 82944 (transition constant):

[82944^(1/Pi)]/(10^2)= COS 137.036000986...

(4)... Using the generated fine-structure constant as the amplitude for the tori volumnes to emit or absorb each other, (quantum jump of torus volumnes from (17,37) to (37,57) forms:



(5)... The transformation of torus volumne to wave-form(cosine):


Using transition constant 82944 to create proton energy:

(82944^m)/10=938.271997 Mev/(c^2)

(6)... The wave-form of torus volumne in Pi-th root form that creates the electron in units of Mev/(c^2)

.510999469^(1/Pi) = m = wave form

82944^(1/Pi)=(10^2)* COS 137.036000986..= particle form



(Note: Jerry and Michael are verifying here, for me, that Jerry's "same values" apply fractally across the board, as well as Michael's "specific, precise, obviously-intentional correlations and cross-referencing involved with both the Torus and the Sphere", verifying that these "same values" are applicable to star / planet position, planet surface location and atomic transforms, all plainly saying, as I have concluded, that all structure, are expanding / contracting tori.)

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© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2001