99.13.1 Fermat, Modular Forms (Jerry Iuliano) 

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From MetPhys@aol.com
Subj: Fermat (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/22/01


Your quote is interesting:

"I am still working on a simplified version of the modular forms that appear in equations of the Fermat Last Theorem form. A rabbi from Jerusalem wanted to know where I derived the 288^(1/Pi) form as an expression of the fine-structure constant (the amplitude for an electron to emit or absorb a single photon) since it relates to the ancient Kabbalic number of "sparks" emitted from the "broken vessels". The only answer I could come up with is the link to the double periodic form of solution nodes to the Fermat form".

I concluded the following:

Source: http://www.inner.org/responsa/leter1/resp33.htm

Does this make sense to you?

"2 times n squared: 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, 72, 98, 128, 162, 200, 242, 288" (electrons per level, I believe), where "288 corresponds to the fallen sparks which we must redeem."...

Taking the series and halving it to 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 etc., we find the Triple Proportion of Adrastus (atomic shells proportioned to the rule of single squares), so we see a doubling / halving that may imply, to me only, that 2 = 1. This conclusion comes from knowledge of many subjects and is intuitive. It may not be readily apparent to you but it fits with me.

The reason I say this is:

Doubling / halving should be telling us that the cooper-pairing (an elliptic superconducting doublet in a mobius path) is 1 electron in reality. Now we see that if 2 = 1, we can apply this to Fermats Last Theorem to solve for p>2.

6/22/01 It just occurred to me that if 144 represents 1 electron, 288 should represent 2 superconducting-cooper-pair-double electrons.



From: Jerry Iulaino
Subj: Fermat (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/22/01


The discoveries I made concerning the Fermat Last Theorem form is one of forcing the equation to modulate. This was accomplished after about three years of work by brute force, my favorite kind of mathematics. The graph that was produced showing the pattern of forced modulation is an extremely complicated mathematical form that strangely was completely chaotic at dimensioning that is less than dimension 11 but at dimensioning greater than dimension 11 it strangely formed a predictable pattern that is ruled by the numbers 2807 and 1579. The setup of the Fermat form looks like this:


where subclass form can be demonstrated as :


where X=(32*N)+9

where n=(9*N)+3

These functions are doubly periodic ala a torus structure. This torus structure has 10000 dimensions in one complete cycle. To get to these derivatives took another 2 years. What is N? N is ruled by the Fermat Last Theorem eigenvalues 2807 and 1579. That does not mean that N is 2807 or 1579 it just means the cycle to determine solution nodes are ruled by these two numbers 1579 and 2807 and these two numbers only. Aren't these numbers strange? What on earth are they? That is when I discovered their link to fine structure since they are related to the transcendental numbers e (natural log 2.708281828... and Pi 3.14159265...) through this form:


N is actually applied through this result...(57*N)+9358..=solution nodes used in the subclass form.

In the next set of e-mails I will try to mathematically explain the derivation of the 57*n+9358... form since this was the critical discovery I discovered concerning Fermat Last Theorem solution nodes. I will send to you the actual mathematics that led to this discovery. It seems complicated but it actually uses fifth grade level mathematics.



From: MetPhys@aol.com
Subj: Fermat, (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/22/01


Number 1579 is found in Fibonacci line number 144.
Number 2807 is found in Fibonacci line numbers 248 and 381.

Also referenced in this link are the numbers 288 and 2808. Knowing the valid rules of number in these cases, we see that insertion of a 0 transforms 288 into 2808. 2807 can also considered close enough to 2808 or 288. Mirrored reversals of number such as 882 is also valid.

Ref. page: http://hometown.aol.com/MetPhys/106primes.html



From Jerry Iuliano
Date: 6/22/01


The new attack that I made on the problem of finding solutions to the Fermat Last Theorem (FLT) form did not seem for some reason or other have been attempted in the history of the problem. Almost all attempts have been through the symbolic forms of mathematics with no curiosity into FORCING the equation to perform modularly. To this day I don't know why this route was not tried, it is so simple. The equation itself has four variables: X.,Y,Z and n used in this form:


Now what I thought one should do is to try and simplify the equation to two variables ,an expression for the coefficients (X,Y and Z) and an expression for the exponents (n). By setting up a matrix of integer substitutions for X,Y ,Z and n, I was able to derive a pattern of modular forms that approximated the integers needed to make the thing work. (no mean task ...took several years). This sub-class form looked like this:


Notice that now one has the two variable form X and N. X and N have exact equations that set up the forms to produce modularity.

X=(32*n)+9 and N=(9*n)+3

I will show the mathematics of these forms later (right now this is just an outline).

Notice now that there is only one variable n. Now as one substitutes integers values for n and plug them into the equations not all values of n do the trick of solving the problem. However the n numbers do modulate with a defined frequency that ALMOST solves the problem and this frequency is ruled by two exact numbers 1579 and 2807. Now imagine a torus structure that has 10000 grid points placed on its surface. These points represent 10,000 distinct n dimensions of 1,2,3...9998,9999,10000. The torus structure is representing a double-periodic structure, that is it modulates or cycles in two dimensions of the plane or surface of torus. The grid points are set up in an exact pattern of 10 rows of 1000 or 1000*10=10000 total surface area. Each one of the rows of 1000 are defined by a specific pattern of integers that represent n dimensions. The strange thing about the surface is that to even get on the structure one has to begin with dimension 11. The trick is to find out which n numbers from 1 to 10000 solve the Fermat form. For some reason (so far unexplainable) there are two sets of values that "stack" each other in double modularity). These are represented by the numbers 17 and 18. That is starting from dimension 11 and adding a series of alternating 17's and 18's one gets:


99 is the first integer that works in the Fermat subclass form:


This equation ALMOST solves the equation, in fact it is the only integer in its neighborhood that does, but it is not the only one that does. Confused? It gets worse.


134 is also a solution node which can be substituted in the subclass form. Note the doubling of the 18's. This is derived from the math part not shown. This pattern continues to 1000 with there being exactly 57; 18's and 17's expressing the row of 1000. This is the meaning of the equation (57*n)+9358 or where all the 18's and 17's come from. The 57 equation also has a derivative form and this is where 37 comes in. (37*n)+1)/2 is the root equation of the subclass forms. (equations later.)



From MetPhys@aol.com
Date: 6/23/01


In response to your beginning quote:

"The new attack that I made on the problem of finding solutions to the Fermat Last Theorem (FLT) form".......

Jerry, the numbers 37 and 57 that you found, I assume, represent atomic numbers for two elements studied by Leahy and yourself, is that correct?

The first thing I thought of concerning this mapping of a torus, is that it is applicable to the mapping of an electron cloud and I keep these two questions in my mind:


I have a few ideas but will not elaborate. Please tell me more about your modular forms and any other conclusions you may have arrived at...I'll be sure to post what you wish me to.



From MetPhys@aol.com
Subj: Fermat, (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/24/01


Your quote,

"Now imagine a torus structure that has 10000 grid points placed on its surface. These points represent 10,000 distinct n dimensions of 1,2,3...9998,9999,10000. The torus structure is representing a double-periodic structure, that is it modulates or cycles in two dimensions of the plane or surface of torus. The grid points are set up in an exact pattern of 10 rows of 1000 or 1000*10=10000 total surface area. Each one of the rows of 1000 are defined by a specific pattern of integers that represent n dimensions. The strange thing about the surface is that to even get on the structure one has to begin with dimension 11. The trick is to find out which n numbers from 1 to 10000 solve the Fermat form".

Response: Knowing so little about modular forms, I am taking a chance here, that this suggestion is off into left field...

As I see it, you have used 10,000 n dimension grid points on the surface of a torus, that we "may" agree upon as being a 4th dimensional structure, at least I think so.

My suggestion, based upon the "functions (which) are doubly periodic", as you mentioned in your last email, and based upon the 360 degree grid divisions of Michael's Archaeo-sky matrix calculations, I would suggest intuitively, that to create a modular form of,

360 grid points, or more properly 720 grid points (7 rows and 20 (Mayan vegesimal over 10 decimal) grid points per row requiring 8 (octave) dimensions to get on the structure), taking this doubling to mean the torus has a "50% increase in area over the sphere" as you mentioned in your past mail,

you may find the results of this new modular form to mirror the mathematics of Michael's Archaeo-sky Matrix with your number calculations falling naturally into the correct patterns and resonant ratio.

The premise is this:

If the spherical system of the Archaeo-sky Matrix works upon sky / planet locations, it will also work in a modular form of appropriate number division, mapping a spherical system.

Let me know if I am incorrect here as I always like to learn.



From JerryIuliano@aol.com
Subj: Fermat, (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/24/01

The most important and ONLY feature I get out the of the sky-matrix material is the "collective unconscious" Sumerian number of the circle....36. All the the other mathematical derived formulas are not accurate enough for the feet scale to arc of angle latitude / longitude as an exactly measured reference to significant phenomena. 36 is the "stable" matrix ; 37 is the "un-stable" matrix. The four fundamental forces of Nature are derived directly from the product of these two elements. In the metrology of physics there is the mystery of the so called "smallest" number, known as the measuring element for the nuclear force (gluons ). It is derived from the force coupling constant known as Fermi Coupling Charge written as G(w)=.00001166399.. or the weak force:


Where h=Plancks constant and c= speed of light metric.

Knowing that 37*36=1332 unstable * stable=stable(dynamic).

By using the ratio of the greatest structure on earth -Cheops pyramid - with the stable -unstable symbolism of the "collective unconscious" (144/37) the four forces of Nature can be expressed in four easy steps:

All forms deriving from black hole singularity represented by Planck mass... M(p)=2.1766..*(10^-8) kilograms

(1).....Starting from Cheops pyramid constructs: height =486.256 (used 486.2560047): base leg=763.81 (reference Petrie-Churchward)

FINE-STRUCTURE CONSTANT=137.036000986(Kinoshita...137.035999935)


this formula showing the stable(dynamic form)..37 connection to fine structure or the amplitude for dynamic life to exist or the allowances made to exist. Going directly to Christian/Egyptian/Druid form through the average of the "stable (36)"-"unstable (37)" the full brunt of mathematical mysticism hits one head-on through the reality of the fine-structure constant:

(137.036000986^(1/2))*37*18= 10^(143.999988/37)

Again the stable dynamic 37 is the key player used also in the average of the products of... 36*37/2=666=37*18. Of course the famous beast number 666 is a deeply mystic number wending its way clear back to Sumeria via the Egyptians and others. The strong nuclear force...14... makes a quick appearance here as derivative of the Fermat solution form e^(Pi+7.99999981)=Q... using the fine-structure form:


The Planck mass M(p) using Christian/Egyptian/Druid... 37*18..through the Fermat form:

1/[(e^(Pi+7.99999981))*666]=M(p)=2.71667528*(10^-8) kilograms

Introduction of the Hebrewonic form or the Kabbalic "288 sparks" from "broken vessels" :

(288^(2/Pi))/(10^2)=COS 137.036000986

(288^(2/Pi))/(10^2)=COS [(e^(Pi+7.99999981)*(1/57+1/37)]^2

Notice here the strong appearance of the Fermat forms 57, 37 and e^(Pi+8)

The gravitational force G(n) yields easily through the Fermat form and the Christian/Egyptian/Druid stable-unstable form 37*36/2=37*18:

Letting Q = (e^(Pi+8.00008064))*666

then it can be shown:h=Plancks constant, c=speed of light

h*c*Q/2/Pi = G(n)=6.6739*(10^-11)...(University of Washington ...2000)

For the final force, Fermi-coupling charge G(n), the full expression of the simplicity of dynamics of the unbelievable primitive number forms all derived from the most sacred of numbers 36 can be shown through this demonstration:

Fermi-coupling charge = G(w) =.00001166399... (NIST..1998)


This equation has the Gioggi constant (1922) buried in it through the Fermat form. Gioggi constant= 10^7=4*Pi*E*(c^2)

Which means substituting the Gioggi constant one gets:

143.999988/1.23456789/4/Pi/E/(c^2)=.00001166399..=G(w)=weak force

E=electric constant=8.8541878*(10^-12)

c=speed of light=299792458

h=Plancks constant=6.62606876*(10^-34)

This is a very simplified version of the TOE. The use of the Fermat forms is key in understanding this phenomenon as is the sacred number 36 which is extremely important. I believe Plato was the first to have contemplated 36.



From MetPhys@aol.com
Subj: Fermat, (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/25/01


I've read of past research, wherein modular forms were used with magic squares, producing unusual results.

Since I am interested in integrating magic squares with quantum physics and toroids, I would ask, "If you know of any links to research of this nature would you please let me know"?



The Debate Begins!

From Michael Morton:
Subj: Fermat, (Modular Forms)
Date: 6/29/01

Mr.Iuliano .... How can you possibly say that the "ASM" (Archaeo-sky-Matrix) which I have discovered ... is "not accurate enough" ???!!!!???? It is absolutely, obviously absurd, and quite insulting to me and to the work I have done .. for you to say this.

The "ASM" is dealing with a_macro_level .. all the way down to inches .. regular feet and inches. The "ASM" is dealing with observed arc-distances, actual ecliptic latitudes and ecliptic longitudes .. of prominent stars in the sky, as observed from Earth, down to a small fraction of the arc-second !! PLUS ... these SKY observations are all_synchronized-and-projected_to .. January 1, 2000 .. specifically !!! This is from an INDEPENDENT database !!!

[ http://users.cwnet.com/~sidereal/mag/astfixst.htm ].

Plus ... the ecliptic prime meridian marker is ALNITAK, in Orion's belt .. and is directly mathematically-correlating, redundantly, with the location of The Great Pyramid of Giza. That's just for starters !!!

Then, you've got all those major monuments, pyramids, stone circles, dolmens, mounds, etc. .. precisely correlating .. down to a very small fraction of the arc-second .. a matter of a few inches ... to the Jan.1, 2000 sky positions !!!

This is all empirically observed !!!

And this is all mathematically exact and PRECISE .. at a GALACTIC scale (at least !!!) macro-level ... all the way down to regular British inches. I have even figured-out the true length of The Royal Cubit !! Have you noticed that ??!!! Galactic Center and SOLAR APEX locations .. as of Jan.1, 2000 .. are_integral_to this "ASM". My figures prove it.


You, Mr. Iuliano, are very wrapped-up in the atomic-particles level ... protons, electrons, etc., etc. ... and so you are apparently 'not seeing the forest, for the trees'.

I propose to you, Mr. Iuliano ... that this "Matrix" .. is_BOTH_Macro and Micro. Eh ??!!!

I do not have a physics background, or an "atomic-particles" background. So at this point, I can't "verify" that you are correct with some of your figures regarding "Planck's constant", the "Fermi" number, etc. .. because I'm not familiar with that. But I am approaching your theory and your figures in good faith, nonetheless.

But the speed-of-light .. the Bruce Cathie speed-of-light .. 162000 nautical miles per second .. and Cathie's 144000 nautical miles per 'grid-second' .. I do understand. And; I HAVE precisely integrated the 144/162 into the "ASM" .. and also the (144 + 162).

YOU are still using figures for The Great Pyramid's height and perimeter ... that are NOT resonant with the "ASM".

Your height for The Great Pyramid is "OFF" by 5 to 6 feet. And yet_you_say "my" figures aren't "accurate enough" ???!!!!

Yes .. I have acknowledged that your "ratio" is showing 2Pi for the perimeter / height of The Great Pyramid. But it is_you_who are saying that "my" figures aren't "accurate enough" .. while_you_keep insisting on a particular height and base-length for The Great Pyramid which is WAY out-of-line with the "ASM" figures.

Your "Micro-level" theory looks good to me, in general .. as far as I can tell. But you are both ignoring, and denying, the "ASM" and its truly great significance.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton


From Jerry Iulinao:
Subj: Milamo's Data
Date: 6/29/01


"YOU are still using figures for The Great Pyramid's height and perimeter ... that are NOT resonant with the "ASM""......Milamo's reference's for his height and base leg of the Cheops is CONTRIVED , of his own making, in other words his only reference to the data is his OWN data. One can't use ones own data as independent references. This is a circular argument, creating ones own data as an independent reference. Absurd and incorrect.

"Your height for The Great Pyramid is "OFF" by 5 to 6 feet. And yet_you_say "my" figures aren't "accurate enough" ???!!!!."..... My references for the data of the measurements of the Cheops pyramid constructs were taken from independent sources, Churchward and Petrie, who were themselves independent of each other separated by two decades. My values concur with the Petrie data to 3 inches of accuracy and to the Churchward data (486.256...Churchward measurement used in the TOE equations 486.2560047). The ASM result for Cheops were manufactured and used as proof of the affect without independent concurrence. Something you can't do as reference to legitimate data.

Yes .. I have acknowledged that your "ratio" is showing 2Pi for the perimeter / height of The Great Pyramid. But it is_you_who are saying that "my" figures aren't "accurate enough" .. while_you_keep insisting on a particular height and base-length for The Great Pyramid which is WAY out-of-line with the "ASM" figures...... I didn't make them out of line with your results, the independent researchers Churchward and Petrie did that for me. I can only assume these researchers actually investigated and climbed around on the pyramid to get their measured data, something I haven't had the privilege to do or I doubt that you have done. So which data is correct? A messy set of nonsensical equations that links everything under the sun to some sort of grand conspiracy of construction here on earth as well as on Mars. I don't think so. You are claiming a venue of such predestination that even the Creator himself would be in awe of the works that you are presupposing to exist with such weak and bogus mathematics. I guess it all reached a breaking point when NASA sent the detailed picture of the Mars face as a natural feature of the terrain but all ASM adherents pushed the data away or said that NASA itself blew up the face with a nuclear bomb. Unbelievable that people would believe this crap but then your ASM system has many followers. A democracy of believers does not make an idea any more true or real as it pertains to Nature, the numbers only comfort them in their mass delusions.

J. Iuliano


From MetPhys@aol.com:
Subj: Milamo's Data
Date: 6/29/01


Can you get your Acrobat Reader up and running? I found some pdf documents with computations linking the atomic mass numbers / fine structure constant to Mayan numbers, using fractal whole numbers. You will then be able to discuss the ancient reckoning system and atomic constants with Jerry, using the numbers that we are used to seeing, as they turn up within these documents.



99.13.2 B. Greens Work (Jerry Iuliano) 

From: MetPhys@aol.com
Subj: B. Greens Work

Hi Jerry,

Brain Greens work is an easy read.

I noticed in your last mail that you like to simplify. Below are several pages I especially selected for you that I think you will find interesting. He simplifies as best as any I have read.

Interesting pages:

137 fine structure constant

Electro-Proton Ratio and Fine Structure

EM and Grav History of Universe

Fundamental Constants (Simplified)

Particle Mass

Logical Principles

Misc. Obsv. and Calc.

Theory of Pi

The Relationship Between e/pi


In a message dated 6/21/2001 9:08:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time, Jerry Iuliano writes:


This is a perfect example of a language trying to explain a scientific effect. Although it sounds very poetic isotropic tension and all that it still does not explain why the fine structure is exactly 137.036...


(Note: My question was a few days premature as I just found your other web posts concerning Brian Green's math).

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