99.94.1 Electro-gravity Equation (Iuliano) 

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From: JerryIuliano@aol.com
Date: Thu, 2 June 2005
To: terrypp@aemail4u.com
Subject: Electro-gravity Equation


An interesting discovery concerning the electro-gravity equation:

log(logG + 12 ) = emev ^ 2

G = gravitational constant = 6.674201104 * ( 10 ^ - 11 ) m^3/kg/s^2
emev = electron energy = .510998918mev m^2/s^2

...if you convert to a Hausdorff dimensional, the real/complex number i to the i'th power shows up and becomes a function of the electro-gravity equation...shown below the four derivative equalities:

e = natural log e = 2.718281828..
IN = reciprocal 2.718281828... = 1

ING = (( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 ) * IN10

logG = ( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12
log e = (( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 ) / ING

ING / IN10 = ( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 = logG

...interesting to note that the natural log e or it's reciprocal form....IN... attaches only to the gravitational constant....G...while the electron attaches only to base 10....10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 ) ... note here the dual task of the tetrakys (10), used both as base 10 log and as reciprocal log e....IN10...From the last equation form...logG...when placed in a Hausdorff dimensional, isolates the pure integer 12 , which is the root of everything:

12 ^ 2 = 144
(12 ^ 2) * 2 = 288
((12 ^ 2) * 2) ^ 2 = 82944

( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - ( ING / IN10 ) = 12

...which lends to the electro-gravity expression:

emev ^ ( ING / INemev ) = 10 ^ (( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 ) = Gn

Gn ^ ( INemev / ING ) = sqrt ( log(logG + 12 )) = emev

...since natural log e...2.718281828... can be shown as:

e = 10 ^ ((( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 ) / ING

...the form ...i ^ i ... can be shown as:

e ^ ( - Pi / 2 ) = i ^ i = .207879576

...which can be substituted into the electro-gravity equation:

i ^ i = 10 ^ ( - Pi * (( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - 12 ) / 2 / ING
emev ^ 2 = log((log( i ^ i ) * ING * 2 / - Pi ) + 12 )

...the next equations show that the two fundamental force forms exist in two different bases, base 10 for the electron...emev... ( reality ) and natural log base e for the force field...G...that surrounds the electronic field:

( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - logG = 12....both base 10
( 10 ^ ( emev ^ 2 )) - ( ING / IN10 ) = 12 ....base 10 (emev) and base e(G)(10)

...the importance of the integer 10 in both equations cannot be understated here, linking both the electric field energy ( base 10 ) and the self evolving generated gravitational field ( base e ). What does this mean? The gravitational field exists in a different base number system than the electronic realty field ? How strange is that!!


(http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html) (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html) Constants Topics: _Values_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html) _Energy Equivalents_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/energy.html) _Searchable Bibliography_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/Citations/Search.html) _Background_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/background.html)


_Constants Bibliography_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html)


_Constants, Units & Uncertainty home page_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html) Newtonian constant of gravitation Value 6.6742 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 Standard uncertainty 0.0010 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 Relative standard uncertainty 1.5 x 10-4 Concise form 6.6742(10) x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 Click _here_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/CCValue?bg|ShowFirst=Browse) for correlation coefficient of this constant with other constants _Source: 2002 CODATA_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html) _ recommended values_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html) _Definition of uncertainty_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Info/Constants/definitions.html) _Correlation coefficient with any other constant_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/CCValue?bg|ShowFirst=Browse) (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html) (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html) Constants Topics: _Values_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/index.html) _Energy Equivalents_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/energy.html) _Searchable Bibliography_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/Citations/Search.html) _Background_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/background.html)


_Constants Bibliography_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html)


_Constants, Units & Uncertainty home page_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html) Click symbol for equation electron mass energy equivalent in MeV

(http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?eqmec2mev|search_for=electron+mev) Value 0.510 998 918 MeV Standard uncertainty 0.000 000 044 MeV Relative standard uncertainty 8.6 x 10-8 Concise form 0.510 998 918(44) MeV Click _here_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/CCValue?mec2mev|ShowFirst=Browse) for correlation coefficient of this constant with other constants _Source: 2002 CODATA_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html) _ recommended values_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Constants/bibliography.html) _Definition of uncertainty_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Info/Constants/definitions.html) _Correlation coefficient with any other constant_ (http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/CCValue?mec2mev|ShowFirst=Browse)


99.93.2 Reflective Math4 (Skhane) 

From: d.skhane@ntlworld.com
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2005
To: terrypp@aemail4u.com
Subject: Reflective Math3: Plato's World Series


To all concerned, the subsequent be merely a hypothesis

To attain various Greek Roman Egyptian units of measure regarding the Earth, there are various methods to employ.

There are 46656 cubic inches in one cubic yard there are 6080 feet in the British admiralty Nautical mile. The floor-line length {sloping} of the Grand Gallery 'entombed' within the Great Pyramid of Giza {henceforth denoted as GP} is 1881 feet. The FP likewise benefits, {the FP being Plato's ratio 256:243 within Timaeus 34'38 denoting: Fraction of Plato}}

46656 / 6080 = 7.673684210526 this x 1881 = 14434.2 this x The FP = 15206.4.This in itself being 10000 Greek cubits. Likewise 123456 minus 46656 {cubic inches in one cubic yard} = 76800 this being 100 x 768 the 6th term of PWS {Plato's World Series-Timaeus 31-37}} the 76800 is 120 x 640 acres in one square mile

A Year and Earth Equatorial approximation may be obtained utilizing the Golden Mean along with Pi in addition to utilizing one tenth of 1881 {Grand Gallery} as such

188.1 / the Golden Mean then multiplied by Pi = 365.2170363842 this multiplied by 68.181818 = 24901.161571654, the 68.181818 being 360000 / 5280

Alternatively: 18454 / 30000 then multiplied by 432432 = 266003.3376 this / 2288 = 116.2602 which x Pi = 365.242190224 which x 360000 then / 5280 = 24902.87660624

The 432432 being 756 {Great Pyramid base side length in feet} multiplied by 572 {the 'missing' capstone side length in inches} disregard feet, inches etc I employ merely the numbers. For those who seek 111 or akin, then 432432 /111111 = 3.891891 this x 777 = 3024 the GP base perimeter, likewise the 3.891891 x 666 = 2592 which is 0.4909090 x 5280

The 0.4909090 x 3.5 = 1.7181818 the assumed Egyptian cubit that x 1760 = 3024 {1760 yards in one mile}

The 18454 / the GP height of 480 then multiplied by the GP perimeter of 3024 = 116260.2 that is 1000 x the above 116.2602 {GP denotes Great Pyramid}

The 116.2602 / 1116 then multiplied by 8064 = 840.073703225806, which / 2.3 = 365.249436185 which x 360000 then / 5280 = 24903.37064898 {the opening words of the Torah: Bereshit Bara. In the beginning {god} created has the Gematria value 1116}

In other words 26786350.08 / 230400 {480 x 480} = 116.2602, which multiplied, by Pi obtains a respectable year of 365.242190224 which x 360000 then / 5280 obtains a decent Earth Equatorial circumference of 24902.8766062 The 26786350.08 is merely a blend of the various factors utilized above

The Nautical mile being 1 / 60th of a degree of longitude along the equator The U.S.A. holds to the International mile of 6076.1033 feet, while the U.K maintains 6080 feet,

Numerous seek the precise figure of 365.2422 {that x 68.181818 = 24902.877272727} within the GP

{A} 24349480 / 480 then x 3024 = 153401724 which / 420000 = 365.2422

{B} 24349480 / 432432 / 2288 then multiplied by 14841.06624 = 365.2422

The 24349480 / 3.232323 {6080 /1881} then / 1.125 = 6696107 which / 18333.33333 = 365.2422

The 18333.33333 x 0.288 = 5280, feet in one mile, the mathematical properties of the 0.288 are numerous, one example only being: 0.288 x 10500 = 3024, the GP perimeter

Then divide the GP volume of 91445760 by the 14841.06624 {in B} above} to obtain 6161.6704973348 which x 0.312415277777 = 1925 Gematria value: Simon Peter, the 0.312415277777 x 25920 = 8097.804 which into the 14841.06624 {in {B} above} = 1.83272727 which x 4400 = 8064, the 8064 /704 = 11.454545 this is 10 Egyptian feet {See Norma's Gods Diamond re: 704}

The 8064 being 2.666666 times 3024 the 2.666666 being twice 1.333333 {Music 4:3}

The 1881 x 6080 x 30 = 343094400 this / 299008 / Pi = 365.2421989 this x 68.181818 {360000 / 5280} = 24902.877199005

The 299008 being 512 x 584, the 512 being the 4th term of PWS {Timaeus 34-38}, the 584 being the Synodic revolution of Venus by Mayan assessment, the 584 x 2.5 = 1460 relating to the Sothic Cycle, yet 1460 x 1.5 = 2190 the Gematria value of Son of Man. Likewise 1881 x 6080 / 2190 / Pi / Solar Year {as depicted above} = 4.55111111 which x 2278.125 = 10368 the termination number of Plato's World Soul series, the 2278.125 x the FP = 2400 that x 0.81666666 x 46656 = 91445760 the GP volume, the 0.81666666 x 420 = 343 this being: 7 x 7 x 7, etceteras. Likewise Albrecht Durer's engraving : Meloncolia of 1514 has, in the top right hand corner, a ostensible 'magic square' containing the numerals one to sixteen, the bottom row second and third numerals being:

15 and 14 {the year 1514} the multiplication of one through to sixteen obtains: 20922789888000 this is {amongst other properties} 228800 x 91445760 there we observe the capstone perimeter times 100 and the GP volume of 91445760 cubic feet which incidentally is 46656 x 1960 and 1960 Ö3024 = 0.6481481481, this x 86400 {seconds in 24 hours} = 56000, etceteras



In a message dated 5/30/2005 12:02:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, norma27@fastmail.fm writes:

<< Subj: Feather of Truth & May 30Ê

Gary's mention of 171 sum for Feather of Truth sparked this UHA since 171 is peak of diamond sum for today's date:

+.......192 ( 13 cubed - 2005 )
+...84.....108 ( Sunday...Accomplished )
-..42.....66 ( 2 x 33...Bird )
*......168 >> (snip)

192 is a gematria cue for Mary.
Mary begins with letter M....number 13. >> (snip)


Hello Norma and all,

Your 168 here is a coincidence, as I noted this earlier today, based on previous posts:

Metamorphosis 13 5 20 1 13 15 18 16 8 15 19 9 16 = 168
(7 x 24 seven days) = 2520 / 15

Liz mentioned "The Mothman Prophecies" and "hummingbird moths"on the 29th

Mothman 13 15 20 8 13 1 14 = 84

168 + 84 = 252

The dark side metamorphosis is one half of metamorphosis.

The numbers connect with cycle of time numbers that relate to 7 and the midpoint of 3.5. Examples are the 42 months of Revelation 11:2 (42 x 30 = 1260) and the 1260 days of Revelation 11:3, or the 3.5 days of Revelation 11:9-11. Another is the seven prophetic years of insanity from the Book of Daniel (7 x 360 = 2520 years). Yet another is the half of a week in Daniel 9:27.

"The Mothman Prophecies" movie featured the numbers 36 and 37. The first is the basic Gematrian multiple, that relates to double five-pointed stars inside a circles, dividing it into ten parts of 36 degrees each. The number 37 is the "triplet" producer, when multiplied by the 3, 6, 9 skip sequence.

36 x 37 = 1332, twice 666

"Silence of the Lambs" featured the Death's Head Moth, which has a skull on its back. The story is full of symbolism. The moth seems to be the opposite pole to the butterfly in terms of symbols. It is a metamorphosis to the dark side. It seems that Darth Vader (dark father) of the Star Wars Empire, is another example.

Your M's (13) popped up in coincidence years ago, as M & M candy, and 3M tape. Dee said she dreamed of 3M. Solara's 11:11 Doorway, opened in the Belt of Orion. She claimed these three belt stars are three M's - Melchizedek, Metatron, and Mikael. They are shown in a diagram of a triangle, and labeled, Wisdom, Love, and Power. The heading is, "The Three M Activation."

This may seem like a New Age joke, but there are very substantial reasons for thinking it does mean something, even if symbolic only.

Dee recently wrote about another 3M's, the three Marys:


She quotes from, "Apokalypso: Prophecies of the End of Time" by Thomas Jude Germinario. The three Marys are Mary Magdalene, Mary Jacobe, and Mary Salome. Legend has it that they arrived in a sail-less and rudder-less boat on the shores of southern France. With them, was another M, Martha, and the twelve-year old dark-skinned, Sara, also called Sara Kali.

Thomas points out that the five women relate to the symbolism of the pentagram. He also makes the point that is does not make a wit of difference if the story is true or not. It still has spiritual meaning. Also see:


Regards to all,




Regarding the Menhirs if Carnac, I have formulated this wee snippet to demonstrate the interconnectivity, as per usual, numerous combinations remain I shall persist delving into my previous work, otherwise I shall begin afresh

Carnac, France, sheltered in the Quiberion Bay enjoys an area containing

1029 Menhirs in 10 lines

1099 Menhirs in 11 lines

594 Menhirs in 13 lines

I believe these Menhirs may contain the following data

{A} there are 4840 square yards in one acre, thus 4840 / 200 = 24.2

{B} 1029 x 24.2 = 24901.8 a reasonable approximation of Earths Equatorial circumference in miles

The 24901.8 / 68.1818 = 365.2264 {exactly} a tolerable year, {360000 / 5280 = 68.1818}

{C} 1099 x 24.2 = 26595.8 thin minus the 24901.8 = 1694 via deducting 1029 from this factor we procure: 665 Gematria value: Weapons of God {otherwise} Divine Wrath

Likewise 16 + 94 = 110 + 594 {Menhirs} = 704

Moreover: 16 x 94 = 1504 this minus 1029 = 475 that + 190 = 665

The 190 x 9.9 = 1881, the 190 x 32 = 6080, the 6080 / 665 = 9.142857142857 and this x 529.375 = 4840

The 529.375 multiplied by the FP {256:243} then by 7776 = 4336640 and this is 896 x 4840

The 896 / 594 {Menhirs} = 1.5084175084175 and this divided by 3.232323 {6080:1881} = 0.46666666 that 15 = 7

{D} 594 x 24.2 = 14374.8 this deducted from the initial 24901.8 = 10527 this minus 1099 {Menhirs} = 9428 minus 594 {Menhirs} = 8834 minus 594 {Menhirs} minus 4840 {square yards} = 3400

Then 3400 minus 678 = 2722 this is 1029 + 1099 + 594 {I have illustrated the 2722 prior Norma} I have hurried this article somewhat, accordingly please pardon the awry {isn't it always'} format




Hello Joe, Norma et al

Did you likewise observe the pattern within your

Quetzalcoatl 17 + 21 + 5 + 20 + 26 + 1 + 12 + 3 + 15 + 1 + 20 + 12 = 153
That: 1.7 x 2.1 x 5 x 2 x 2.6 x 1.2 = 111.384 then 111 + 384 = 495 + 594 = 1089 that x 9 = 9801

Otherwise: 111 x 384 = 42624 and 42 + 624 = 666, the 624 being twice 312 pertaining to the Maya Third Sun, and that 312 x 4380 = 1366560 the Maya 'Super' number. To regain the 153 the following is of benefit: 1 x 366 x 560 = 204960 then 204 + 960 = 1164 this minus 1001 minus 10 = 153

Alternatively: 204 x 960 = 195840 this divided by 153 = 1280

Alternatively: 195 + 840 = 1035 that minus 1001 = 34 that x 4.5 = 153 or 1035 minus 153 minus 153 = 729 this is the square root of 531441 a Comma of Pythagoras component {531441:524288}

Likewise that the British Admiralty Nautical mile is 6080 feet, then 6080 minus 4380 = 1700 = 1000 x the commencing 1.7

Likewise: 4 x 380 = 1520 that x 4 = 6080, the Gematria of Mary {Mare = Ocean} = 192 as is 152 {152 + 1 = 153}

Then: 704 minus 192 = 512 minus 152 = 360

Returning to the multiplication above, at the 111.384 stage therefore continues the multiplication

111.384 x 3 x 1.5 x 2 x 1.2 = 1202.9472 thus: 9472 minus 1202 = 8270 then 8 x 270 = 2160

The 2160 / 17 then multiplied by 153 = 19440 {0.75 x 25920} likewise: 82 + 70 = 152 {152 + 1 = 153}

Apologies regarding the somewhat undecipherable math, I oft times go off on a tangent whilst working on number



From: CodeUFO@aol.com [mailto:CodeUFO@aol.com]
Sent: 30 May 2005 07:50
To: JMason4557@aol.com; norma27@fastmail.fm; rgrace@aemail4u.com; greenlysard@gmail.com; Wdestiny44@aol.com; CodeUFO@aol.com; K8AVL@webtv.net; jraso@videotron.ca; Milamo@aol.com; plato@matnet.com; susoni@sbcglobal.net; Dee777@aol.com; william.downie@btopenworld.com; c-miller@dircon.co.uk; d.skhane@ntlworld.com
Subject: THE HUMMINGBIRD = 151

Just noodling around with Norma's dream and some of Joe Mason's comments and found some possibly related phrase/number stuff.


Re: Norma's dream of 5:55

WING BEAT = 81 = SQUARE = 162/2

Norma said:

<< The blanket corners were unfinished, a decorative design to be added later; therefore the corners were open, as half circles. >>


Of course the "blanket" in Norma's dream was a "baby blanket", but the idea of a blanket reminded me of the shroud of Christ.



Joe wrote:

<< I am wondering if the white hummingbird might show a purification of the blue one. >>

A few things turned up related to that:


Joe wrote:

<< To the ancient Egyptians, a feather represented "truth," because it can be so easily blown away. It was associated with Maat and the moral order of the Universe. >>


In any case it sure was an interesting dream, Norma. Even if you didn't know what the symbolism meant, it must have been emotionally powerful.



Joe inquired whether I had further information regarding the number 616 that I detailed within an email posted to Norma {also naturally the group} the following may be of assist, nonetheless it is far from neither comprehensive nor edited

There are a multitude of options I consider the uncomplicated approach is as follows {as if my Modus Operandi is not complicated enough'}

{A} the lunar number being 1080 then 1080 minus 616 = 464 this minus 312 = 152

The 312 pertains to the Maya Third Sun, the 152 Gematria value: Mary {as is 192}

The floor line length of the Grand Gallery {sloping} 'entombed' within the Great Pyramid is 1881 feet { I am not fond of labeling my statistics as feet, inches or whatsoever, I would sooner state Units, but there we are} and 152 x 40 = 6080

The British Admiralty Nautical mile is 6080 feet {again I would sooner state Units}

Likewise: 6080 / 192 = 31.666666 this x 59.4 = 1881

I recently posted an email as to the Menhirs in Carnac, France, hence see the above 59.4

{B} 6080 / 1881 = 3.232323 this x 616 = 1991.111111 the ratio 256:243 is identified as the musical Pythagorean limma, I denote this as FP {Fraction of Plato} given that Plato mentions this ratio within his dialogues {Timaeus 31_37}

The 1991.111111 / the FP = 1890 that x 1.6 = 3024 the Great Pyramid base perimeter

I have attempted to state, quite clearly, to those who disagree with 3024 that we were intended to perceive simple numerals foremost; subsequently via delving ever deeper the complex numerals would be procured, in my mind at least

Likewise the roofline length of the Grand Gallery {sloping} is 1836 feet

{C} 1836 / 616 = 2.9805194805194 that x 1225 = 3651.1363636 this is 115.29904306220095 x the above 31.6666666

The 115.29904306220095 x 6080 = 701018.181818

The Great Pyramid base side length of 756 supposedly contains 440 Egyptian cubits of 1.7181818, this may be obtained via dividing 3024 by 1760 yards in one mile, yes I discern I am mixing feet, miles, seconds etc, and nonetheless, in reality I am merely employing the numbers

Thus: 3024 / 1760 = 1.7181818 this x 408000 x 701018.181818

The Gematria value: God's creation {otherwise} divine circle, etc is 1224

Therefore: 408000 is 333.33333 x 1224

Therefore: 408000 is 222.22222 x 1836 {1224 x 1.5 = 1836}

Therefore: 408000 is 333.06122448979591836734 x 1225, heed the numerals 1224 and 1836 within the digits {1225 Gematria value: founder of the city, etc}

Therefore 333.06122448979591836734 x 2104.77272 = 701018.181818

Therefore: 2104.7727272 is 1225 x 1.7181818

As there is no way on this Earth to illustrate all the connections without posting file attachments I will conclude here with this example specifically for Joe

{D} Plato's area of Atlantis is {minus the central shrine} 4561920000 square feet this is 616 x 7405714.285714285714 this / 25920 = 285.714285714285 that x 0.35 = 100

An ancient approximation of Earth's mean circumference in feet is 131383296 this / the 285.714285714285 = 459841.536 this / 616 = 746.496 this x 176000 = 131383296

Alternatively the 746.496 is 736.363636 x 1.01376 the longer Greek foot

Likewise the 459841.536 is 3168 x 145.152 this is 100 x 1.45152 the shorter value of the Roman cubit {1451520 is 480 x 3024}

The 736.363636 x 616 = 453600 this is 17.5 x 25920 otherwise 5.25 x 86400 etc

There I will finish this wee snippet, given that there is no technique to demonstrate the unquestionable connectivity betwixt ALL number in one fell swoop; I trust this is of assist Joe



Hello all

Joe, regarding 616 and 666 the following may assist

{A} 616 x 666 = 410256 then: 410 + 256 = 666

{B} 410 / 256 = 1.6015625 this x 666 x 1024 = 1092240 this is 2664 x 410

Then: 2 + 664 = 666 or 2664 / 666 = 4

{C} 616 / 666 = 0.924924 obviously the 924 is repeating, therefore 0.924924 x 999 = 924

{D} I have illustrated in previous postings the ratio: 6080 / 1881 = 3.232323, therefore 3.232323 minus 0.924924 = 2.307398307398 and this x 9999 = 23071.675675 this x 666 = 15365736

{E} Joe, you mentioned in a previous posting: 378 and 82944

{F} 15365736 divided by the commencing 410256 = 37.4540189540189 this x 378 x 666 = 9428974.363636 this / 82944 = 113.678799715909090 that x 1881 = 213829.822265625 this / 6080 then multiplied by the FP {256:243} = 37.0508680555555

The 37.0508680555555 x 86400 = 3201195 this is x 1.02666666 = 3286560.2 this is 142.45 x the above 23071.675675

The 142.45 multiplied by a mean approximation of Earths circumference in miles 24883.2 obtains 3544611.84 which is 82944 x 42.735

The 42.735 multiplied by the FP = 45.02123456790123456790 and this x 9112.5 regains the commencing 410256 {616 x 666}

The Gematria value of Simon Peter {1925} may be discerned within the above 9112.5 therefore this divided by 1925 = 4.7337662337662 this multiplied by 154 = 729 this is the square root 531441 of a Comma of Pythagoras component {531441:524288}

The 154 x 4 = 616

Joe, I have mentioned to the group in previous postings that it is unattainable to illustrate the complex nonetheless beautiful simplicity of number, perchance you require supplementary data, and I will willingly post a file attachment if so required, otherwise within an email such as this I am restricted in scope, nonetheless, I trust this is of assist

Best regards



From: JMason4557@aol.com [mailto:JMason4557@aol.com]
Sent: 31 May 2005 14:00
To: norma27@fastmail.fm
Cc: URliforc2@aol.com; greenlysard@gmail.com; rgrace@aemail4u.com; Wdestiny44@aol.com; CodeUFO@aol.com; K8AVL@webtv.net; jraso@videotron.ca; Milamo@aol.com; plato@matnet.com; susoni@sbcglobal.net; Dee777@aol.com; william.downie@btopenworld.com; c-miller@dircon.co.uk; d.skhane@ntlworld.com
Subject: Whoops! Metamorphosis = 171

Hi Everyone.

Gary informed me that I made a mistake in calculating Metamorphosis. I put a 16 for the letter 's' instead of a 19. So, it should have been 171.

I guess I should not do this work when tired!

171 is also an interesting number.

171 = 9 x 19
9 squared + (9 x 19) = 252 (time cycle)
1260 - 171 = 1089
360 - 171 = 189
360 + 171 = 531 (531 + mirror 135 = 666)


Joe Mason


Hello Joe

Regarding your number 82944 the following may assist

{A} 82944 is 8 x 10368 the ending numeral of PWS {Plato's World Series} furthermore 10368 is 5000 x 2.0736 a believed sacred cubit attributed to Sir. Isaac Newton

{B} 82944 / 20736 then multiplied by 365 = 1460 the Sothic cycle, 365 Gematria value: Abraxas, Mithras, Neilos {Nile}

{C} 82944 is 3.2 x 25920 and 3.2 x 1460 = 4672 that / 8 = 584 the Maya Venus numeral

To obtain virtually all the ancient units of measure the following maneuver is beneficial. The Gematria value Son of Man is 2190 {2190 is 6 x 365 otherwise 3.75 x 584}

Therefore: 82944 / 2190 = 37.873972602739726027 and this x 365 =13824 this may be either 13636.363636 x 1.01376 the longer Greek foot, otherwise 13605.442176870748 x 1.002272727 the Greek foot

The 13605.442176870748 x 1.524096 = 20736, the 1.524096 / 1.002272727 = 1.52064 this is a Greek cubit

{D} Albrecht Durer's Melancholia as you unquestionably recognize contains an ostensible magic square with the numbers from one to sixteen seemingly in a random pattern, the multiplication of one through to sixteen obtains 20922789888000 this number has a multitude of possibilities, however in this instance: 20922789888000 is 252252000 x 82944

Alternatively the Great Pyramid 'missing' capstones base perimeter is 2288 inches the volume of the Great Pyramid is 91445760 cubic feet, therefore: 20922789888000 is 228800 x 91445760

{E} Alternatively: 2 x 9 x 2 x 2 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 18579456 and this x 4.921875 = 91445760

The 4.921875 x 256 = 1260, or 4.921875 x the FP = 5.185185 this is 4.375 x 1.185185 {music 32:27}

Then 2288 / 4.375 = 522.9714285714285 that x 158.6013986013938 = 82944

The 158.601398601398 x 117145.6 = 18579456

The 117145.6 is 51.2 x 2288 and 51.2 x 202.5 = 10368 {202.5 x 1.777777 = 360}

From {C} above within the factor: 37.87397260273972602 there is a rearranged 20736 therefore 37.87397260273972602 x 547.5 = 20736

The 547.5 x 2496 = 1366560 the Maya 'super' number and the 2496 is 8 x 312 pertaining to the Maya Third Sun, alternatively the 2496 is 1.090909 x 2288 {capstone}

Subsequently 1.090909 x 33 = 36, otherwise 1.090909 x 656.25 = 715.909090 the Egyptian furlong

Then: 656.25 x 8.04571428571428 = 5280 the mile, the 8.04571428571428 / 1.01376 = 7.936507936507 that x 1.26 = 10

I consider it best to finish at this point Joe, given that I am disappearing on a tangent yet again, as is the case whilst I work on number I'm afraid. I shall look to unearth essays of mine that deal with pure numerals, without too much play on the Great Pyramid and other superlative testaments strategically sited the World over





Your 51 x 36 = 1836 the roofline length of the Grand Gallery "entombed" within the Great Pyramid of Giza, Robert will recognize 1836 as the atomic mass of a proton. Likewise insert 51 into 1836 as such: 185136 deduct from this the amount of cubic inches in one cubic yard 46656 to obtain: 138480 this is 1.602777777 x 86400 seconds in 24 hours, then 51 x 1.602777777 x 25920 {Precession cycle} = 2118744 this is 1154 x 1836

The 1154 x 120 = 138480 {above}, then 11 x 54 = 594 the Menhirs in Carnac France and 594 x 139.636363 = 82944 Joe's "number" The 139.636363 x 2.75 = 384 your second number of Gods Diamond model

The 2.75 x 3.636363 = 10


-----Original Message-----

From: Norma [mailto:norma27@fastmail.fm] Sent: 01 June 2005 14:55
To: Robert Grace; Liz Forrest; Sharon; Gary; Ra Sun; Johanna; Michael Morton; Mark; Lynda; Joe Mason; Dee; William Downie; C Miller; Rita; Derek
Subject: Wednesday June 1 = 151, or 50/1/05

...either way, it is a palindrome or bookend type day. June = 50...Pink, of the dream baby blanket colors. 50 + 1 = 51....Great, Full 100 = Wednesday 151 total.

Years ago in my Tampa home ( Tampa=51 )I cast a 100 card Tarot deck circle. ( June as 50 = Circle ) 100 cards is the full 78 card deck + the 22 Major arcana in their REVERSE order...from 0 The Fool, all 21 major arcana, the 56 minor arcana, and the reverse order majors starting with The World ( #21 ) and finally to 0 The Fool. This can be understood as a palindrome, or even a mobius loop. I used the traditional deck, not the new English order with its added 5 cards. June 15 = 65....White, Center, Blanket..of the white hummingbird, Center of baby Blanket. ( 65 is 5 x 13, the 13 theme of 2005, and of May as 39 / 3 x 13. )

Norma Universal
Harmonics norma27@fastmail.fm


Hello Robert

This may be of minor interest, If an Earth Equatorial circumference of 24906.45056056056 is employed then this divided by the Maya 'Super' number 1366560 then multiplied by 20040 = creates a year of: 365.24211833628500295166961833628

This in itself x 68.1818 {360000 / 5280} = 24902.871704746704746

Whereas the above 24906.45056056056 divided by 68.1818 = 365.2946082215548 882215548 8822159

I have no desire to seem the harbinger of doom, nonetheless make of the figures whatever you sense true



From: Grace Roberts [mailto:rgrace@aemail4u.com]
Sent: 02 June 2005 18:17
To: Norma; Robert Grace; Liz Forrest; Sharon; Gary; Ra Sun; Johanna; Mark; Lynda; Joe Mason; Dee; William Downie; C Miller; Rita; Derek
Subject: Re: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05

To Every One,

Several of us have heard it said that the classic 2012 end/beginning date may very well be 2004...an offset of 8 years (an octave of years). Then again, 2004 mayÊbe (is)Êthe year of the "strange massive light burst" and it may take 8 years for it to register with us?



--- "Norma" wrote:

From: "Norma"
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:47:20 -0700
To: "Robert Grace" , "Liz Forrest" , "Sharon" , "Gary" , "Ra Sun" , "Johanna" , "Michael Morton" , "Mark" , "Lynda" , "Joe Mason" , "Dee" , "William Downie" , "C Miller" , "Rita" , "Derek"
Subject: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05

This is the retyped link to DNA article:


This discovery with its suggested ET design of our DNA, also suggests activation of this DNA by a specific light signal in the cosmos. A strange massive light burst was detected last year by astronomers. This could very well be the meaning for Tarot card image Judgment, with an angel sounding a trumpet and humans rising from open stone coffins. This card is new English version #24...and 24 is contracted 2004, the leap year of 366 days, or 2 x 183...183 = Transformation, new name of Tarot #13 Death 24 = ACT...3 of the 4 DNA bases. 24 is letter X, the crossover letter.

Recall the significance of 2005 with its 13 cubed near sum of 2197. 21 as letter U is the 4th or missing DNA base--ACTU. 97 = Through, Serpent. Serpent is the helix shape of our DNA.

That all these bits of DNA information appear in the past 2 years is no coincidence, to my way of thinking. This 13 theme of Transformation is strongly in my awareness this year, more so than last year with its 24 significance.

Universal Harmonics



Likewise reverse the Maya "super" number 1366560 to read as 656631, then: 1366560 minus 656631 = 709929 then 709 + 929 = 1638 which is 126 x 13 {126 is 2 x 63} alternatively: 1366560 + 656631 = 2023191 subsequently: 2 + 023 +191 = 216

Equally: 1366560 / 1638 = 834.285714285714 this is 1.428571428571 x 584 The Maya Venus numeral, furthermore the 1.428571428571 x 7 = 10 the Ancients number of perfection

Likewise the 834.285714285714 x 2.625 = 2190 Gematria value Son of Man, in that case 2190 x 624 = 1366560, the 624 being twice 312 the Maya Third Sun

Then 13 / 2.625 = 4.952380952380 and this x 42 = 208 your 3rd Gods Diamond numeral reading downwards on the right hand side from 704 Alternatively 208 is the 6th numeral from the apex, moreover, as is obvious, we now have 6 {6th} and 3 {3rd}. Within the digits of the last factor4.952380952380, clearly discernable is 5238 this is 3 x 1746 Gematria value: Jerusalem, the City of God.


666 + 1080 = 1746, likewise: 882 + 864 = 1746, the number of fusion, if we therefore fuse 1746 we procure 17 + 46 = 63, there I shall finish Norma as there are a multitude of interconnections concerning ALL the above numerals, whether they be stand alone numerals otherwise contained within the digits.

I know not the bona fide communication percolating our collective psyche in this eventful period; nonetheless the proverbial "something" is most unquestionably stirring


-----Original Message-----

From: Norma [mailto:norma27@fastmail.fm]
Sent: 02 June 2005 20:00
To: D.Skhane; Robert Grace
Cc: 'Robert Grace'; 'Liz Forrest'; 'Sharon'; 'Gary'; 'Ra Sun'; 'Johanna'; 'Mark'; 'Lynda'; 'Joe Mason'; 'Dee'; 'William Downie'; 'C Miller'; 'Rita'
Subject: Resonce again, Derek

I have just completed an article of the 13 theme for 2005, the 6 dates of 13 squared which occur this year, and my recent dream symbols which tie all this together. Derek, most of the numbers you have here are gematria in that article....coming to your email boxes soon.

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 18:55:44 +0100, "D.Skhane" said:

Hello all,

If an Earth Equatorial circumference of 24906.45056056056 is employed then this divided by the Maya "Super" number 1366560 then multiplied by 20040 = creates a year of: 365.24211833628500295166961833628

This in itself x 68.1818 {360000 / 5280} = 24902.871704746704746

Whereas the above 24906.45056056056 divided by 68.1818 = 365.2946082215548 882215548 8822159

I have no desire to seem the harbinger of doom, yet make of the figures whatever feels right


From: Grace Roberts [mailto:rgrace@aemail4u.com]
Sent: 02 June 2005 18:17
To: Norma; Robert Grace; Liz Forrest; Sharon; Gary; Ra Sun; Johanna; Mark; Lynda; Joe Mason; Dee; William Downie; C Miller; Rita; Derek
Subject: Re: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05

To Every One,

Several of us have heard it said that the classic 2012 end/beginning date may very well be 2004...an offset of 8 years (an octave of years). Then again, 2004 may be (is) the year of the "strange massive light burst" and it may take 8 years for it to register with us?


--- "Norma" wrote:

From: "Norma"
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:47:20 -0700
To: "Robert Grace" , Liz Forrest" , "Sharon" , "Gary" , "Ra Sun" , "Johanna" , "Michael Morton" , "Mark" , "Lynda" , "Joe Mason" , "Dee" , "William Downie" , "C Miller" , "Rita" , "Derek"
Subject: "junk" DNA finding & the 13 theme of '04 & '05

This is the retyped link to DNA article:


This discovery with its suggested ET design of our DNA, also suggests activation of this DNA by a specific light signal in the cosmos. A strange massive light burst was detected last year by astronomers. This could very well be the meaning for Tarot card image Judgement, with an angel sounding a trumpet and humans rising from open stone coffins. This card is new English version #24...and 24 is contracted 2004, the leap year of 366 days, or 2 x 183...183 = Transformation, new name of Tarot #13 Death. 24 = ACT...3 of the 4 DNA bases. 24 is letter X, the crossover letter.

Recall the significance of 2005 with its 13 cubed near sum of 2197. 21 as letter U is the 4th or missing DNA base--ACTU. 97 = Through, Serpent. Serpent is the helix shape of our DNA.

That all these bits of DNA information appear in the past 2 years is no coincidence, to my way of thinking. This 13 theme of Transformation is strongly in my awareness this year, more so than last year with its 24 significance.

Universal Harmonics

Page 94

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© Copyright. Robert Grace. 2005