Thos.R.  Henry Estate-     the Plaintiff, in the above entitled case, maketh oath
that the matters and statements contained in the foregoing petition of his own knowledge are true,
and those not of his own knowledge, he believes to be true.

T. R. Henry

1878, 31 July

Sworn - 31 Day of July, 1878

C. M. Pace -
Clerk Superior Court

Thos. R. Henry - Administrator


Noah Henry Estate

Heirs at law for

Joseph Henry _____
Heirs at Law

Petition to Sell Land for Assets

S. V. Perkins
  Plaintiff Attorney

PETITION FOR DOWER - (Printed and for sale by Jno. Nichols & Co., Raleigh, N.C. )

Henderson County - In the Superior Court

Rachel Henry
    Widow, &c

Noah Henry, Ephriam Henry, Robt Orr & Wife
Margaret B. A. Aikens & wife Rachel Aikens, Elbert Henry
_____ Heirs at Law of Joseph Henry


Heirs-at-Law, &c

To the Honorable, the Superior Court for said County:

The Petition of Rachel Henry, widow of Joseph Henry, deceased, respectfully showeth that her late husband died intestate
in Henderson County, during the month of November last, lelaving him surviving being NO children, bros., nephews,  nieces,
Noah Henry, Ephraim Henry, Robt. Orr and wife Margaret, B _  Akins & wife Rachel, Jane Henry Cornelius & June Henry,
W. J. Henry & Charlotte Henry, Patrick Henry, Sophia Henry & William Henry & last - miner children of William Henry,
Elbert Henry, E.D. Graham, Joseph Henry, Jr., Jas Henry, Alex Henry, Jr. who are his only Heirs at Law, and
of whom the said Charlotte, Sophia, Patrick and William Henry are infants under twenty-one years of age, and without
any guardian. Your petitioner further showeth , that her said husband during his coverture with the petitioner was seized
in FEE SIMPLE and possessedd of the following real estate, to wit:

1st: Home tract on French Broad River ____________________ consisting about 200 acres.
2.   The Bridge Creek        adjoining lands of            containing about 800 acres
3.   Tract
                 E side of French Broad River adjoining lands of Jas Ha     containg about 100 acres more or less.
4th   Tract an Entry of         Mountain land in parnership with     adjoining the mountain Cantrell that due and not known

The William Henry  tract of land     to the    Dower

6 An interest in the tract of land in which Archibald Aikins now lives - all in Henderson County

Your petitioner desires to have her dower in said lands allotted to her, AND TO THAT END, she prays, your Honor,
to issue a writ to the Sheriff, commanding him to summon five, (unless on the of the parties demands a greater number
and the not more than twelve,) freeholders, connected with the parties neither by consanguinity or affinity, entirely
disinterested and qualified to act as jurors, TO VIEW THE SAID LAND, AND TO ALLOT TO HER ONE-THIRD
PART THEREOF, including the dwelling-house, and all out-houses, buildings and improvements appertaining thereto,
for the term of her natural life, and to report their proceedings in due form of law.

May it please your Honor, to issue a Subpoena with Cop of this Petition to the said defendant and Heirs at Law, and
to appoint a proper guardian AD LITEM for the infant defendats, Charlotte Henry, Sophia Henry, Patrick Henry,
and William Henry requiring them to appear before you within twenty days from the service of this process, and
show cause if any they can, why the prayer of your petitioner shall not be granted.

And your Petitioner will ever pray, &c.

Dated this (30) Thirtieth day of June, 1878.

S. V. Perkens
Attorney for Petitioner

(NOTE. - See Laws of 1868-9, chapter 83, Sections 33, 40 and 42.)

DESCRIPTION from an 1877 legal document:  Land described according to the following meets and bounds to wit:

All the Home tract on the South Side of French Broad River bounded as follows: Begining at a Spanish Oake on the Banke of
the Bigg Branch.

William Osborn Beginning corner - runs with the same South two degrees west 160 poles to a Red oake then Southe fifteen
degrees east two hundred twenty Poles to a Stake an thence north Seventy five degrees east eighty poles to a stake thence
south one hundred poles to a stake thence south seventy five degrees west one hundred and sixty poles to a stake thence
north two hundred thirty seven poles to a stake thence west to a stake in the forke of the Bigg Branche near the head of E. Henry
Corner thence near a north course crossing one forke of said Branch to a white Oake thence a north-westerly course crossing
a head of a shoal to a turkey oake to the head of a cove thence a north-easterly course to a Spanish oake to the head of a
cove thence a north-easterly course to a Spanish oake on to/of a ridge then down the holler to a black oake near the head
of the meeting house Branch thence down and with the meanders of the Branch to a maple on the Banke of the Branche,
then west to a stake in Orrs Time, thence north, with the Branche to the River, then with the meanders of the river to the
mouth of the Bigg branche then with the meanders of the Branch to the Beginning corner.