compiled by Dee Finney

pyramid o fsecret societies



The Illuminati Hierarchy

petak, 17. rujna 2010.

The Illuminati have organized their society in an extremely hierarchical, or stratified levels. In fact, the upper level are known as:

Hierarchical levels

Illuminati have divided the U.S. into 7 geographical regions, each region has its own regional council, composed of 13 members, with an advisory board of 3 elders at all. These regions have interaction in order to finance, personnel, teaching, etc. Beneath each regional council, the municipal. This is a council of 13 members, of which the head sits on the Regional Council, and provides information about local groups under his leadership. The municipality will also have an advisory council of 3

Leadership of local councils in a large metropolitan area might look like:

* Head of the municipality (Regional Council report)
* Two agents (managers reporting on all the activities that are under its administration)
* Four administrators (oversee finances, administer, set up group activities)
* Six major trainers (over trainers in local groups, teach other trainers)
* Below the top leadership council, will be six people set as informers or intermediaries, who go to local group meetings, interact with local group leaders, and informed the Council leadership.

Anarchy levels:

Levels below the leadership council are known as anarchy level.
Below the mean level, the groups at the local level. It will look like this:

* Local "sister groups" (will vary in number, according to the size of a city or cities in the area).
* Large urban areas may have between ten twenty-seven group.
* Each sister group will be led by:

a) Great Priests and monks: this job is rotated every three years, so that different people within the group can assume leadership roles.
b) Each group will also have different members, with specific roles / positions in the group. These roles will be clarified in Section 2

One thing I want to emphasize is the fact that the Illuminati are today generational. There are members born in the group, which is highly organized, as described above. The appointment, which is explained above is common, with minor variations, with most major metropolitan regions in the United States. Centers with smaller populations will be associated with several cities in the region to create a local council leaders, and will be organized according to similar guidelines, and will be grouped together with several cities in the region to create a local council leadership.





The pyramids served many purposes. One purpose was that of initiation and ceremonial rites, both for humans and the magickal workings of the Gods. (aliens)There are many heiroglyphics that depict the Gods tuning their chakras with a rod like instrument. These energy centers were given to humanity by Father. These are known as the breath of life, breathed into us by God (Father Satan). There are more than seven chakras, although the seven are the main ones. The hook and the flail were part of the tuning tools. There is a mural on a wall at Abu Simbel. Horus is holding the rod to the back of Osiris's head, right at the point that is the primary doorway to the 8th chakra. They slide the hook up and down the rod to tune the chakra. Osiris is standing with an erection. Sexual energy is a paramount component in the rite of ressurection and immortality. Kundalini is sexual; the life force. Sexual energy is that of the life force, as it has the power to create life through another human being. Sexual energy runs up and down the spine during the tuning process.

The Egyptian Ankh symbolizes eternal life and that eternal life is linked to the breath. The Ankh is linked to both sexual energy and the breath. There is a third dimension of consciousness. We are on the second. There are many levels, like stair steps.

One of the major teachings was the overcoming of fear. Only when one surpasses all personal fears, can higher levels be accessed. Fear is the primary force that stops a person from advancing spiritually. Fears must first be overcome here on Earth. To reach this goal, the Egyptians built special temples along the Nile. There are 12, along with the great pyramid making 13. 1+3=4. All of the verses in the xtian bible referring to Father and the Demons given certain mathematical applications, come out as 13. 4 was Father's original number.

The temple at Kom Ombo represents the second chakra. This temple is dedicated to polarity, duality; the basis of sexuality and two Gods are associated with it- Sobek, the crocodile God and Horus. The Ancient Egyptians would create experiences in these temples that would push initiates past their fears to become stronger. Moving into the unknown. There was a water hole, full of crocodiles. The initiate, with only one breath would emerge under water, not knowing what to expect and the test was to come out of the water in another area than the way they went in. Initiates did not know that the crocodiles were fully fed. They had to remain calm and in control to navigate the water.

The sarcophagus in the King's chamber was used for the adepts as one of their final tests. The pyramids were built precisely along powerful Earth energy lines and used by the Gods for their ritual workings. One would lie in the sarcophagus in the corect position and a powerful beam would hit the 3rd eye chakra. Beneath the great pyramid are the Halls of Amenti, the womb of the Earth. The adept would begin a specific type of meditation (I will write on this later) and the experience would be so blissful, there were some who never returned. Part of the initiation was the conditioning of the student to remember to return to their bodies after the experience.

The final initiation is held in the King's chamber. This was a 4-5 minute ceremony that happened in the center of the room. An Ankh was drawn on the 3rd eye of the initiate.

Father created the Brotherhood of the Snake for humans to be able to advance to higher levels of spirituality. The Gods were the teachers. Most are now the ones we know as the Demons. Some of the Gods, such as Thoth and Isis escaped being labeled as Demons. Isis is really Astaroth, but not too many know this. They helped and taught humanity. There is much more to these teachings. I will be writing more later as this is long enough already.

-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

© copyright 2002



The Secret Societies have been present in the history of man for a very long time. It all started thousands and thousands of years ago with the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society that goes back all the way to the time of Garden of Eden and old Sumer.

Most secret societies have been created with a purpose to keep hidden, spiritual knowledge away from the masses, to be shared only by a selected few of the Power Elite, who have generationally ruled over mankind behind the scenes since ancient times.

George Carlin, the late comedian, described it very well when he talked about an Exclusive Club ruling over us, and we are not in it. Don't think for a second that people who have reached the top in society, whether it is in science, politics, music and art, Hollywood, banking or whatnot, have done so merely because they were smart, had talent and/or high intelligence. No, they had access to hidden information that common people don't have access to. Einstein, Ford, Carnegie, Clinton, Bush, Obama - the list goes on - they all had help from one secret society of another.

Secret societies are also called Brotherhoods for a reason. Once you become a member you swear allegiance to the Brotherhood and promise to serve them before ANYTHING else. This is very important to understand, because it means that the President of the United States swore an allegiance to serve the Brotherhood BEFORE he serves the country. With other words, the Brotherhood owns him and ultimately decides what he should or shouldn't do. You are in the hands of the higher rank members of the secret society you're signed up with, and this becomes more obvious the higher up their ladder you climb.

One very important purpose with a secret society is to help other members and have an exchange of secret information - if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. On a very high level, from where the powers-that-be operate, various esoteric and powerful information is exchanged so that these "special" people, almost always of the certain 13 Bloodlines, can reach the goals that they decide for themselves and others. So much for the "American Dream" where we all are supposed to have a chance to become rich and powerful in the land of opportunities if we put our minds to it. This, of course, is just an illusion and will not happen unless you are "one of them" and go to the "right schools". Every once in a while, some "common person" slips through the crack and actually becomes something big on his/her own, WITHOUT help from the Brotherhood, but this is very unusual. Even if so, you are not very likely to keep your success if you in any way step on the feet of the powers-that-be. If you do, they will destroy you or your wealth. If you are considered "harmless" they may let you get away with it just to "prove" that anyone can make it in the United States. The truth is that this person of the people who actually made it, did it despite the efforts from the Brotherhood to make it almost impossible.

This is how the world is, and has always been, set up. A few people in power have access to some very secret spiritual (and other kind of) knowledge which gives them the privilege to step a hundred miles ahead of us "common people", to make sure THEY keep the power, and they keep it within their bloodlines.

Usually, "common" people are welcome to apply for membership in secret societies and are sometimes accepted, but 98% or so are just "foot people", a face outwards toward the society and never reach the top, where the true secret knowledge is taught for the "worthy". Therefore, it's just smoke and mirrors for most members, and on the surface the secret societies serve as charity organizations, or help organizations to show the world that they are indeed benevolent and there is nothing to fear. It's a perfect front, but now that front is breaking more and more as the real truth about these societies comes out in the open.

Also important to mention is that there are benevolent secret societies as well, that were created as opposed to the Brotherhood controlled by the 13 Bloodlines. These "friendly" societies were created to keep THEIR intentions and knowledge away from the 13 Bloodlines, especially during times when oppression has been severe, like in the Dark Ages for example. These benevolent secret societies still exist, but are now more and more coming out in the open due to the necessity to do so. We live in a very special time, and some of these more friendly oriented societies will come out and teach mankind some very important spiritual lessons. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will soon know about them!

Research points in the direction that an "Alien Agenda" is on the Government's table as one among many other options to ring in a One World Government and a One World Dictator. They want to create an 'outside threat', a fake Alien Invasion, so that the countries of this world will be willing to unite as ONE, to fight the 'threat' from outer space. If this succeeds, the Illuminati Goal is completed. This is what we are getting prepared for in mass media right now, where they report more UFO sightings than perhaps ever before. Although there is evidence of ET societies visiting us on this planet, both benevolent and malevolent in nature, their agendas are not what I am talking about here. The UFOs people see are a mix of both government vehicles and alien ships, but if there is an alien threat being presented by the government (including holograms of spaceships in the sky) we are not talking about an alien invasion, but an attempt to scare the world population into uniting so they can ring in the final step of their World Order once and for all.

For your information, I have a whole UFOs and Alien section on my website, and I hope some of those article will help you with your own research.

(NOTE: If you, the reader, have a problem accepting the alien part of this agenda, feel free to exclude it from the picture for now, and please continue to read. You will most certainly find the evidence overwhelming on this website with- or without the alien involvement. The information speaks for itself).

The Christian viewpoint on this is that the Illuminati in fact are descending from the fallen angels and the Giants that walked the Earth. Those Giants, according to the Bible, [Genesis, Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4], were the hybrid offspring of those fallen angels, who together with Lucifer were "cast out of Heaven" and came down to Earth. The fallen angels then interbred with mortal women here on Earth, and their offspring were the Nephilim, the Giants that walked the Earth. Thus, they were the results of a divine/mortal sexual union. The Nephilim are, according to the Bible, believed to be the ascendants of famous rulers, outstanding leaders and mighty warriors who lived here before the Deluge. My own research has taught me that this is actually true, but has been misinterpreted. And interestingly, the offspring of these beings are still here, walking this Earth! As this website will show, these beings ARE the top of the Ruling Class!

The truth is; in the background, throughout all history, secret societies have been working without most people being aware of their importance and influence! The original Brotherhood of the Snake soon split up into cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other. Different powers of control developed, where they fought against each other internally (which still is the case today), out of sight from an ignorant population. They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood actually was doing. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history, like most people know, have been religious wars.

Out of the original Brotherhood, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian's, The Knights Templar, Ordo Templi Orientis, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones and more were created. Some people may object and say that Freemasonry, for example, is a charity organization and even a Christian society. Yes, that's what we're told and that is what most members of the secret society believe. The vast majority of people involved are good people, who are ignorant of what is practiced on the highest levels; unaware of that up there in highest places is worship of the dark forces, practiced in very dark rituals, including human sacrifice. Their God is Satan, Lord of This World (and perhaps this whole sector of the Universe), and their interaction and control are the keys to what is happening in the world of today.

There is a totally different struggle going on above people's heads than we are aware of, and this struggle affects our lives every day, and not in a good way, I may add. You can see the results all around you. Only because the human race is basically loving and caring, we still have decency in this world. But planet Earth has truly become much more negative than positive thanks to the powers-that-be and our own ignorance and inability to stop this from happening. Too many times we have looked the other way.

If you are a Freemason, 1° - 33°, and are reading this now, I strongly suggest you also read the article "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation" by Dr. Henry Makow, where he can tell you that being a Freemason is not the safest thing in the world. The top Masons on this planet are planning on terminating you together with most of the remaining population, until only about 500 million people remain. More about Depopulation Programs later in this article.

The Bavarian Illuminati

The Bavarian Illuminati is probably the most misunderstood secret society in modern history. Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811) founded this "new" secret society in the 1700s, but it was indeed not new at all; it's been around for thousands of years but under different names. During Weishaupt's lifetime, however, this organization was revealed in public. The Bavarian Illuminati in an earlier form created the Knights Templar and Freemasonry to safeguard ancient esoteric knowledge from coming into the hands of the Power Elite and was set up as an opposition to the powers-that-be.

The Freemasons, under the influence of the Bavarian Illuminati, started a new branch of Freemasonry - Freemasonry of the Scottish Rite with its 33 degrees (33°) of initiation where also the esoteric knowledge from the Knights Templar were intermixed. After had begun as a benevolent organization, it was soon infiltrated by the malevolent Brotherhood and eventually taken over by them. Today it is one of the most (if not the most) powerful secret society in the world, including members within high politics, religious leaders, businessmen and other for them useful individuals. As we speak, the head of Freemasonry worldwide is the Rothschild Banking Family.

The Illuminati had its own degrees aside from the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even persons who were initiated into the higher degrees of Freemasonry had no knowledge of the Illuminati grades - it was that secret. Weishaupt planned to take the power away from the malevolent Brotherhood and his main enemies were the Royal Bloodlines, and he made up distinct strategies to create a One World Government and a New World Order to counter the Power Elite. He had seen the oppression people lived under from the ruling Kings of the world and he wanted to put an end to it. Although stationed in Bavaria, Germany, the Bavarian Illuminati was a world-wide organization, working in secret with a secret membership clan.

At that time, the Bavarian Illuminati was a revolutionary organization and they are the ones behind the French Revolution, they helped with the Russian Revolution and was also the force behind the American Revolution in conspiracy with a still benevolent Freemasonry. Weishaupt was friends with both George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and other Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, America's third President, was a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. All these three revolutions had one thing is common - they ended the oppression of the ruling Kings! The Bavarian Illuminati wanted to re-establish the old Greek and Roman Republics as a much more humane political system.

As we all know, Vladimir Lenin made Russia into a Communist country. At the time, the Bavarian Illuminati supported this particular political system as an experiment, but it went out of hand once Stalin took over. And if we look at America today, the vision of our Founding Fathers is totally destroyed! There is nothing left of the original American Republic. The republic has become a "democracy", which was never the intention of the Founding Fathers, and on top of that, it's an illusionary democracy where the people actually don't have any power, although they are told they do. The real power is back with the Elite. Instead of having a King overtly ruling over us (which is exactly what the Founding Fathers had fought so hard to avoid, breaking loose from King George's of England oppressive reign) we now have Presidents "elected" from the most powerful Elite Bloodlines on the planet, and if we look at their ancestry, we notice they are of the same royal bloodlines as King George and Luis XIV of France. So we are back where we started, and everything the Founding Fathers fought for has been destroyed, and the American people in their ignorance and laziness let it happen. Hence the mess we are in. The Power Elite infiltrated Freemasonry and took over the country from the Freedom Fighters and we, the people let America decline...

The Bavarian Illuminati was a serious threat to the powers-that-be and due to the success of the resistance, the malevolent Brotherhood suffered a major setback. So they had to be destroyed! A plot against them was created and this is assumingly how it was done:

The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" were probably written by Lionel Rothschild and described in details how a certain Power Elite were planning to take over the world. Some people say these documents are a hoax, but they are not. It doesn't matter who actually wrote them, because if you read them you will see they are an amazingly accurate blueprint for the Power Elite Agenda, and everything in there has happened or is just about to happen! If a document shows you exactly what is happening, you can hardly call it a hoax.

However, the secrets leaked, intentionally or unintentionally! An emissary for the Rothschilds was allegedly struck by lightning when he rode over a field, carrying the Protocols, and they were found and revealed to the world. This was in the 1770's. Weishaupt and his Illuminati organization were falsely accused of having written them and plotted against manking, and Weishaupt and his co-conspirators had to flee and work underground, due to that their organization now was banned.

The Bavarian Illuminati, however, has survived to this day and is no longer a revolutionary organization, but is working on a spiritual level as well as a political, still in opposition to the Rothschilds and the powers-that-be. They even have a website where they are revealing, little by little, the truth about the malevolent Brotherhood, themselves and a possible future for mankind. Here is their website, and I assure you there is some interesting reading! I am not affiliated with them or any other organizations (I am working entirely on my own), but there is a lot of previously hidden and extremely important information on that website, which I strongly recommend you to take part of. You may or may not agree to their ideas of ringing in their own version of a New World Order, but in spite of what you think about them, they are opposed to the Power Elite and have always been.

Most researchers today call the malevolent Brotherhood "The Illuminati". You can see this term on numerous websites, in books and in videos and movies. This is unfortunate, because it's a mix-up, making us attack the wrong group. The malevolent Brotherhood never seriously call themselves "The Illuminati" when they refer to their network - the Brotherhood is a more accurate term to use. The Illuminati is, and has always been the "Bavarian Illuminati", who are opposed to the Evil Powers!

So how could his mix-up happen? Partly because the Bavarian Illuminati is totally misunderstood due to the attack it was under in the late 1700s. Most researchers are under the impression that the Bavarian Illuminati is equivalent to the Brotherhood, hence the most common term for the Power Network is now "The Illuminati". Then, of course, the malevolent Brotherhood has added fuel to this fire by officially sometimes referring to themselves as the Illuminati to further confuse the issue. They have also infiltrated the "truth movement" to spread disinformation about themselves and their opponents to make people confused and give up their investigations into the Power Elite. So be very careful when you do this kind of research. Don't take anything at face value without investigating it yourself and do your own research.

What can be established for certain is that there is a conspiracy against mankind that has been ongoing since ancient times and that the Shadow Government, the Power Elite, is for real and they are controlling the world from behind the scenes. The details, however, need to be carefully looked into to sort out what is true from what is disinformation. This axiom should be applied to this website as well. I will provide you with some truth, some evidence and proof, but also some speculations. A small part of the information herein may contradict itself and is almost certainly intentionally done by me to present more than one option where cases of uncertainty come into play. In addition, there may be contradictions due to pure oversight on my part, and if so I apologize. This is a very vast and complicated research and mistakes will be made. You are welcome to point them out if you find them. Go to my Contact Page to email me if you like.

Unfortunately, I have just recently come to the realization who the Bavarian Illuminati were/are. This website was created and named in 1998 when I thought the Bavarian Illuminati were part of the Power Elite as well, so it's a little too late to change the concept now once my website is well established. Therefore, I want to make very clear already now: when I talk about the Illuminati on this website, I am talking about the malevolent Brotherhood, not the Bavarian Illuminati, unless otherwise indicated!

Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table

Cecil RhodesAnother important agent for the malevolent Illuminati was Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th Century tried to build a One World Government with the British Empire on top. This agenda was sponsored by the Rothschild's and it was also Rhodes who created the Round Table, a secret society in itself, named after King Arthur's Round Table, where the Brotherhood Elite is gathering to plot up to this day.

World War I and II were both attempts to take over. After the Second World War people were so tired of all the killing that they welcomed the United Nations when it was founded. The official policy of the UN was to safeguard the peace, so nothing like WW II would ever happen again. But indeed the UN was another important front organization for the Illuminati, to unite the countries of the world into one.

Here is a typical example of how the Brotherhood works: they use a modus operandi we call "problem-reaction-solution". By starting two world wars they created a problem. This in turn created a reaction from the population, who wanted a solution to the wars. So the Illuminati created a solution to the problem they themselves created by founding the United Nations; one step closer to a One World Government. This eventually led to the EU project, which anyone with eyes to see, will understand goes right towards the direction of the biggest fascist state known to man, where each country gets less and less power and sovereignty, and Europe is put under the reign of a few, in a centralized government. And who are running EU? The Freemasons and the Illuminati. Do the pieces start coming together now? But unfortunately, this is just the beginning:

Next on the Agenda are the North American Union, (which is already being built as we speak, thanks to George W Bush who was furiously working on erasing the borders between the U.S., Mexico and Canada and merge them into one, also starting to build a Super Highway running through these three countries), the South American Union, The African Union and the Asian Union. Finally, all these "Unions", including the European Union, will merge into one big Union, which will be run by a One World Government.

By creating galloping inflation, the International Bankers (read the Illuminati) have succeeded in making us believe that the only solution is a One Currency in Europe - the EMU. When that project is safeguarded, the Central European Bank (Illuminati) has all the power over the economy in Europe and can lead us in whatever direction they want. Some politicians are just ignorant and power hungry, while others are aware of facts and work for, and with, the Illuminati. The ignorant majority of the people, being deceived, are the ones who will suffer the most. This is a betrayal beyond comprehension. And now the financial meltdown, which creates such fear and uncertainty amongst the populations of the world, that soon enough people will welcome a world currency as a solution to inflation and further financial crises.

The secret societies and the Illuminati believe in the power of symbols. The world is full of their magic- and black magic symbols. However, we are so used to seeing them everywhere that we don't even think about them. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols around, the more magic power to them. The insignia of the Illuminati and the New World Order is the "Pyramid with the All-Seeing- Eye", which you can study on the back of the U.S. One Dollar Bill (some years ago this symbol was also on a series of stamps released from the Vatican). The All-Seeing-Eye is the Eye of Horus, which is the same as the Eye of Lucifer, and goes back to the Egyptian era. The One Dollar Bill was designed by President Roosevelt's administration, and the below letter from 1951 tells us that the President had a lot to do with its' design:

"In 1934 when I was Sec. of Agriculture I was waiting in the outer office of Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull and as I waited I amused myself by picking up a State Department publication which was on a stand there entitled, "The History of the Seal of the United States." Turning to page 53 I noted the colored reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the New Deal of the Ages. Therefore I took the publication to President Roosevelt and suggested a coin be put out with the obverse and reverse sides of the Seal.

Roosevelt as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal was first struck with the representation of the "All Seeing Eye," a Masonic representation of The Great Architect of the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 but that it would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather than a coin and took the matter up with the Secretary of the Treasury.

When the first draft came back from the Treasury the obverse side was on the left of the bill as is heraldic practice. Roosevelt insisted that the order be reversed so that the phrase "of the United States" would be under the obverse side of the Seal... Roosevelt was a great stickler for details and loved playing with them, no matter whether it involved the architecture of a house, a post office, or a dollar bill."

Wallace's letter to Dal Lee
February 6, 1951

Other common symbols are the pentagram (five-pointed star), the hexagram (six-pointed star - The Star of David), the Swastika reversed (the way Hitler used it) and the pyramid in general.

Hexagram (click on the picture)


The Black Magicians

The secret societies, controlled by the Illuminati, have secret grades of initiations - a pyramid structure where people on one level of the pyramid do not know what the people on the level above them know. The Pyramid originally symbolizes illumination with the majority of initiates at the bottom and the road to illumination becomes narrower and narrower the higher up you reach until you pass through the illumination of the sun to ultimate illumination on the other side.

Throughout history (although the rules have been less strict recently in an effort to recruit more members), in Freemasonry you can't just become a member; you have to be recommended by at least two persons who are already members, and the applicant should be examined of his record before he is able to join. If only one person in the council says no to membership, the suggested person will not be initiated. Each person is very carefully examined to determine if the Brotherhood may have any use for him. That doesn't mean that they are selecting only "bad" people, quite the opposite:

Black Magic RitualOfficially most societies are charity organizations. This, and the propaganda they spread that organizations like the Freemasons are Christian in nature, is why most people join, although Freemasonry accepts people from all religions as long as you believe in a deity of some sort. With other words, you can't be an atheist. These societies are instead extremely esoteric with secret grades of initiations, where each member has sworn loyalty foremost to the Brotherhood. This means, like I mentioned earlier, that if this person has a certain position in society (let's say President of some country), his first loyalty is to the Brotherhood and second to his duty as President. So he has in fact double loyalties and whatever the Brotherhood decides for him to do, he has to obey, even if it goes against the survival of his country and its citizens!

A Brother in good standing should always be protected and cared for, as long as he is useful to the organization and follows its rules. If he fails or doesn't keep the secrets, he will be made a horrible example of (sometimes even killed). It is extremely important that the secrets are kept. If not, the Brotherhood loses its power over the people and the whole pyramid falls apart. The Illuminati does not want publicity unless it suits the Agenda; they are afraid that the public will kill them in fury when they find out about their horrible crimes.

Many Freemasons at the lower levels are actually very pleased to be members. It is a tight "belonging-feeling" and they will learn a few secrets of this universe, which are not taught in school, and they are often enthusiastic and fascinated. One Freemason said: "Beside my wife, Freemasonry is the most important thing in my life ..." His wife, by the way, must never know anything about what her husband is doing within the society, as it is supposed to be kept secret, and women most often are not allowed into the societies (however, there ARE a few societies especially for women, like the Freemasonic "Eastern Star"). One can then speculate in how come that women are treated as being of lesser value in the society than men, with lower wages for the same job etc. It's a man's world - it's the world of the male-dominated Secret Societies.

With the purpose to create a positive front, the Brotherhood is actually very eager to recruit good people (celebrities and people in positions where they are admired by the population in general are extremely valuable to recruit) to speak good of the organization and defend it when necessary. And the less those people know about the real agenda, the more truthful this person will sound in his defense of the organization. This also goes for religious cults of any sort, as they too are connected to the network of secret societies in one way or the other.

Satanic altarWith time, some of the members (but far from everyone) will enter higher and higher grades within the secret society they belong to, until they reach the upper, significant levels. But up there, a very careful selection takes place. The initiate in Freemasonry, for example, will be "tested" for loyalty and can make two choices. If he makes the choice a normal, good-hearted person would, the Worshipful Master of the Order and the council will tell him he made the right decision and has showed his loyalty. However, that person will never be admitted into the highest grades. He will always be met with excuses from the council why he can't continue. On the other hand, if the initiate makes the other choice, he is considered trustworthy enough to be admitted to continue up the grade chart. He now has access to the "secret libraries", where the wisdom from long gone ages are gathered, and he is allowed to take part of it and the powerful magic rituals, based on the Jewish Cabala. He will be more and more involved in Black Magic and prepared for the "Big secrets", which among others are the following:

1. The purpose with the society is to create a One World Government with them in charge over mankind. To be able to control the population, they need to reduce us from 6 billion to approximately 500 million. This is done by creating conflicts, wars, inventing diseases and viruses and now as of recent, orchestrating a War on Terror and a financial meltdown (2008). On the top of the Illuminati Pyramid worldwide are mainly 13 royal bloodlines, who go way back in time. However, as this website will show, there is another Hidden Hand, or Hidden Power that is even higher up than the 13 bloodlines. I will not touch that subject in this particular overview article, though. The reader needs to learn more before he/she is ready to read about the absolute top of the Hierarchy and who they really are...

2. The way to control the masses is through mind control and occult power, used with the intent to manipulate. This also means that the occult idea of reality will be planted into the society through Media, music, Hollywood and otherwise (currently happening on a daily basis).

3. The reward will be power and money, in exchange for selling the soul to the above forces (click here to find out how Black Magic is practiced, written by Manly P. Hall, a famous 33° Freemason). Magic deals with controlling energy and the one who can control energy the best will have the most power.

You've heard the expression "selling your soul to the Devil". Although a person who is selling his soul is not doing so to any entity called "the Devil" per se, he/she is selling his/her soul to very dark energies from which he will not be able to escape once he joined. More about this and how it works in practice will be explained in other places on this website. The only catch in the contract is that by using all this negative energy towards the rest of us, which is required from him, the person has to face the consequences eventually; it's just how the laws of this Universe work. He finally creates his own Hell if you will, although I disagree with the Christian explanation of Hell. The reason for this will be obvious as you continue researching this website.

4. The upper echelons of the Brotherhood are practicing Satanists and not Luciferians. Due to that Lucifer and Satan are two different entities, people often mix them up. At some level, members of the Brotherhood believe they are Luciferian, meaning "Light Bringers", when this is just another front in order to confuse and keep the actual secret: Satan is real, he is the Lord of This World and probably this sector of the Universe, and he is the real Grandmaster of the Brotherhood!

In 1922 Lucifer's Trust was created in London, but later changed its name to Luci's Trust, as the first name was too obvious. The Trust is non-governmental and officially recognized by the United Nations. It is also an extension of the Theosophical Society, another secret society which influenced Adolf Hitler in developing his doctrine about the Aryan Super Race. Luci's Trust is sponsored by among others the occultist Robert McNamara (just recently diseased), former minister of Defense in the USA, president of the World Bank, member of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Thomas Watson (IBM, former ambassador in Moscow). Luci's trust sponsors, among others, are the following front organizations: United Nations, Greenpeace Int., Greenpeace USA, Amnesty Int., UNICEF. Luci's Trust has its only "religious" chapel, the Temple of Understanding, where Black Magic is practiced, in the UN headquarter in New York[1]. Interesting is the fact that Luci's Trust openly declares that a secretive group of illuminated, New Age notables is now running the planet from behind the scenes.

Manly P Hall
Manly P. Hall & Albert Pike

Below is proof coming directly from the horse's mouth that Freemasonry is not a Christian organization, in spite of what their lower grade members think, and the higher grade members say. These quotes are taken from

a) the works of Manly P. Hall, who was perhaps the most famous and important Freemason (33°) of the 20th Century, and frequently read especially on the higher echelons of Freemasonry;

b) Albert Pike, the icon of Freemasonry, also he a 33°, who wrote the book "Morals and Dogma", and yet a few other significant sources:

Manly P. Hall:
"Man is a god in the making. And as the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 92)

"European mysticism was not dead at the time the United States of America was founded. The hand of the mysteries controlled in the establishment of the new government for the signature of the mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United states of America. Careful analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols chief among them, the so-called American Eagle. ... the American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalised phoenix..."

"Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for A PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR PURPOSE known only to the initiated few." (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI)

* * *

"Masonry makes no profession of Christianity.. but looks forward to the time when the labor of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple.. in which there shall be but one altar and one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the Veda, Shatra, Sade, Zeda-Avesta, Koran and the Holy Bible shall at who's shrine the Hindu, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the Jew and the Christian may kneel."
[ "The Kentucky Monitor" Fellowcraft Degree p. 95 ]

".... the literal meaning (of the Bible) is for the vulgar only."
[Albert Pike "Digest of Morals and Dogma," p. 166 ]

"What is True to the philosopher, would not be truth, nor have the effect of truth, to the peasant. The religion of many must necessarily be more incorrect than that of the refined and reflected few.. The truest religion would in many points , not be comprehended by the ignorant.. The doctrines of the Bible are often not clothed in the language of strict truth, but in that which was fittest to convey to a rude and ignorant people.. the doctrine."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma," 14th Degree, p. 224 ]

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god.. for the initiates this is not a Person, but a force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of liberty and free will."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma," Master Mason / 3rd Degree p. 102 ]

"Masonry is a search for light. That light. That search leads us back, as you see, to the Kabala. In that ancient and little understood (source book) the infinite will find the source of many doctrines; and (he) may in time come to understand the Hermetic philosophers, the Alchemists, all the Anti-papal Thinkers of the Middle Ages, and Emanuel Swedenborg."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma," 28th Degree p. 741 ]

"All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabala and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boeheme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others is borrowed from the Kabala; all Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma," 28th Degree p. 747 ]

"Though Masonry is identical with the ancient Mysteries, it is so only in this qualified sense: that it presents but an imperfect image of their brilliancy, the ruins of their grandeur .."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma Fellowcraft Degree p.22 ]

"Masonry, successor to the Mysteries (Babel, Mythras, Tummuz, Whicka,etc.) still follows the ancient manor of teaching."
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma Fellowcraft Degree p.22 ]

"These two divinities (Sun and Moon, Osiris and Isis, etc) were commonly symbolized by the generative parts of a man and a woman; to which in remote ages no idea of indecency was attached ; the Phallus (penis) and the Cteis (vagina), emblems of generation and production, and which, as such appeared in the Mysteries (I believe Masonry is the revival of these). The Indian Lingam was the union of both, as were the boat and mast and the point within the circle." (key Masonic symbols)
[ Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma," 24th Degree, p. 401 ]

"If your wife child, or friend should ask you anything about your invitation - as for instance, if your clothes were taken off, if you were blind folded, if you had a rope tied around you neck, etc, you must conceal.. hence of course you must deliberately lie about it. It is part of your obligation ..
" [ Ibid p. 74 ]

Question: "what makes you a Freemason ? Answer: My obligation."
[question and answer from the Entered Apprentice/First Degree]

".. binding myself under no less penalty that of having throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable length from the shore where the tide.."
[ from the oath of obligation Entered Apprentice/First Degree ]

".. binding myself under no less penalty than having my left Breast torn open, my heart plucked out, and given to the beasts of the field and fowls of the air as prey."
[from the oath of obligation , Fellowcraft/Second Degree]

".. binding myself under no less penalty that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken out and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven.."
[ from the oath of obligation, Master Mason / Third Degree ]

" .. in willful violation whereof may I incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to thru center with a three edged blade, my feet flayed and forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the red sea until the flaming Sun shall strike with a livid plague, and my Allah the god of Arab, Moslem and Mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same."
[ from the oath of obligation, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine ] ("Shriners")

"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons... and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him.. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but your keeping your obligations."
[ Ronayne, "Handbook of Masonry" p. 183 ]

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be without a compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
-Albert Pike, on a plan for world conquest, written in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871.

"..Thirty-third degree Freemason Albert Pike (1809-1891), the man destined to develop the Luciferian Doctrine for the Masonic hierarchy, could not accept the Lucifer and Satan were the same personality. While teaching his beliefs to a select few in the Supreme Council, Pike became the most powerful Mason in the world. Although an obscure general in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War, he was hardly inconspicuous in Freemasonry. From 1859 until his death in 1891, Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory at Washington, D.C., Grand Commander of the Supreme Council at Charleston, S.C., and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. He was an honorary member of almost every Supreme Council in the world, personally receiving 130 Masonic degrees. Pike also was one of the most physically and morally repulsive individuals in American history. Weighing well over three hundred pounds, his sexual proclivity was to sit naked astride a phallic throne in the woods, accompanied by a gang of prostitutes. To these orgies he would bring one or more wagon loads of food and liquor, most of which he would consume over a period of two days until he passed into a stupor. In his adopted state of Arkansas, Pike was well known as a practitioner of Satanism, Portraits of his later years show him wearing a symbol of the Baphomet around his neck."
-Scarlet and the Beast, John Daniel, vol 1

"Masonry gives rogues and evil-minded characters an opportunity of visiting upon their devoted victim, all the ills attending combined power, when exerted to accomplish destruction. It works unseen, at all silent hours, and secret times and places; and, like death when summoning his diseases, pounces upon its devoted subject, and lays him prostrate in the dust. Like the great enemy of man, it has shown its cloven foot, and put the public upon its guard against its secret machinations."

"Membership of secret societies such as freemasonry can raise suspicions of a lack of impartiality or objectivity. It is therefore important the public know the facts. I think it is the case that the freemasons said they are not a secret society but a society with secrets. I think it is widely accepted that one secret they should not be keeping is who their members are in the criminal justice system."
- Home Secretary Jack Straw, 1997 Home Affairs Committee England

"It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in general, in the Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the Cabalistic Sephiroth." (World renown witches, Janet and Stewart Farrar, authors of A Witches Bible Complete)
- Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Life and Times of A Modern Witch, Phoenix Publishing Company, p. 121

The reason good intended people stay members of such destructive organizations is probably because of its non-democratic structure and chain of commands. The lower-grade Brother is not entitled to know what is on the grade above and curiosity drives him into the mystic. Also, the discipline and secrecy is very strict and punishment can be severe if one fails to comply. In this manner the very few evil men at the top can control the many ignorant people below. It is probably that simple, and of course a basic form of mind control. Any religious cult works in the same manner and has a similar structure.

It was Socrates who came up with the idea of Democracy. Personally I am sure that democracy is not the best option for a society. It has always showed to fail, as it requires political involvement from the public, who is supposed to be the real power. Groups of people have shown to be easily manipulated and controlled throughout history and made to believe they live in a democracy when in fact the real power has covertly changed to the favor of the politicians (or rather those who pull the strings on the politicians). The true definition of democracy is when politicians are elected and employed by the people to achieve the needs and goals of common man. The true meaning of democracy seems to have been buried and forgotten in the modern society. That's what manipulation is all about. A better political system would probably be Meritocracy, which supports each person's personal abilities and strengthens them so each of us have a very fair chance to become what we want with help from the collective society.

The United Nations is nothing else but the World police for the Illuminati, founded to be able to step in and take military control over a country or a region which is countering the Agenda. Don't think it is a coincidence that the Temple of Understanding is positioned in the UN headquarters.

Socialism is the political system the Black Order uses to enslave the people on Earth. The red banner is the private symbol of their biggest sponsors - the Rothschild's - and is actually their family-banner. This family has since the 1700's worked on bringing about socialism. The banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) was the first member of this family who worked for, and financed it. Today the Rothschild's own the F-U Central bank, but few people know that many of the European Banks were founded by the Rothschild's and owned by them. Central banks is a basic thesis for the upcoming of socialism.

The Rothschild's have invested plenty of money into the Environmental Movement to counter the nuclear-power industry, which wanted to build up its own free energy through nuclear power. National independency and sovereignty are things the Illuminati are up against. And when the oil resources come to an end, the nuclear power will replace the oil, and therefore the Rothschild's have bought 80% of the world assets of Uranium. This way they will have world control over energy, which means it will never be free ...

The Anti-Christ

As a part of the plan is the uprising of a new Anti-Christ. He is supposed to come as a "man of peace", but will show to be a false Messiah, and when he has convinced the peoples of different religions around the world that he is the one they have been waiting for, he will turn into being an oppressive dictator - the Anti-Christ in the Bible.

The following is another quote from Manly P. Hall, 33° Freemason; one of the greatest authorities on secret societies in general, and Freemasonry in particular:

'There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny..

The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers.

This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.'

Manly P. Hall 33° Mason, The Secret Destiny of America[2]

The Bilderbergers

One of the most powerful front groups of the Illuminati, which also works as a secret society in itself, is the Bilderberg Group. This is a group which was created in the beginning of the 50's by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (former SS-officer) and the Polish socialist Joseph Retinger, one of the founders of the European movement. These two persons decided meetings on a regular basis for the European foreign-ministers.

Their first meeting occurred in Hôtel Bilderberg in the Dutch Oosterbreck between the 29-31 of May 1954, thus the name of the group.

The first Bilderberg conference in Oosterbreck, 1954

The core of the group consists of an Elite of people, counted to 39, called the Steering Committee. They are not elected and was originally led by Prince Bernhard, a close friend to the British Crown.

Since 1954, meetings have been arranged at least once a year on different locations each time - very secret. The members are around 120 persons from the high finance circles of Western Europe, the US and Canada. Although the meetings are very hidden and nothing, or very little leaks to the international media (which is natural, as most of the Media Moguls are Bilderbergers; so much for free press).

Invited are also political leaders from different countries. Their flight-tickets are paid by the Committee, and there is free food and drinks etc. The purpose of the group is a World Government by the year 2012 and a global army through the UN. The take-over is partly planned to involve computers.

The Bilderberg Group is also called the "invisible world government". Because of the character of the meetings it is clearly bribery on the behalf of the politicians who are taking part. Here they are suggested to betray their own countries by selling out their sovereign states to the EU and American Union against the Constitutions of the countries they represent, thus deceiving their own people ... This is what many of our elected politicians secretly are doing behind our backs - it is Treason at the best.

Information has occasionally leaked after these meetings. Insiders have reported what has been decided behind people's backs to destroy their countries. The credibility of these leaks are high due to that the information we have managed to receive in secret has more often than not showed to be accurate, because the events planned by the Bilderbergers have later happened, and the Media, which was present at the meetings, said nothing to warn us of coming events.

The Trilateral Commission

David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski,
also known as "ZBig" among insiders.

The Trilateral Commission (click here for membership list), a semi-secret society, officially founded in June 1973[3] by David Rockefeller (Illuminati) and Zbigniew Brzezinski, "ZBig", (Illuminati and Barack Obama's sponsor and advisor), was created because the already established organizations, like the UN, were too slow in establishing a World Government. This commission consists of the industrial and commercial giants of the "trilateral nations"; USA, Japan and Western Europe. The members are all of the Elite, coming from different branches of Freemasonry world-wide to give the Bilderbergers a broader political basis. The 200 members are permanent and in this case different from the Bilderbergers, who are invited, except for the Steering Committee.

The Trilateral Commission controls through the CFR members (see below) the whole U.S. economy, politics, military, oil, energy and media lobbies. The members are chairmen of different companies, bankers, real estate agents, economists, scientists, lawyers, publishers, politicians, union leaders, presidents of Foundations and newspaper columnists.

If you still don't believe that these people want a World Government and destroy America and sovereignty in general, please read David Rockefeller's Biography, Memoirs [2002]. In this book he says, among a lot of other interesting things:

The cover of David Rockefeller's book: Memoirs [2002]

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it [my emphasis]."

The Council on Foreign Relation (CFR)

 cfr logo

Note the symbol of the CFR  is the false Christ [aka Anti-christ]
riding the first horse [white] of the apocalypse found in the
book of Revelation. The figure is even depicted giving the
Roman Salute' which was later copie
by the Nazis.

Notable members of the CFR now running for president include Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.

This semi-secret organization was established in 1971 and the members of this secret society are exclusively Americans and Canadians. Today the CFR holds a tight control over the countries of the Western World, with help from sister-organizations and its mother-organization in Britain, the "Royal Institute of International Affairs" (RIIA), with Queen Elisabeth II at the top, her being one of the top Illuminatus on Earth. The CFR is in its turn controlled by the Rockefellers and also works for a Global Government. The inner core is the dark Order of Skull & Bones, where George HW Bush and George W Bush. are members, as well as John Kerry, the two latter both admitting to it in public interviews. Just click on their names, respectively, and watch the video clips for proof.


Baddeley, Brian: Lucifer Rising

Bramley, William: The Gods of Eden

Coleman, John: Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300

Cooper, William: Behold a pale horse

Helsing, Jan van: Secret societies and Their Influence in the 20th Century

Icke, David: And the truth shall set you free; The Biggest Secret

Perloff, James: The Shadows of Power

Sitchin, Zacharia: The Twelfth Planet

Springmeier, Fritz: Bloodlines of the Illuminati

Sutton, Antony C.: America's Secret Establishment

Different documents, magazines, books, and the Internet

Interviews with Mind Control Survivors and former occultists.

videos - 

Bilderberg Club Plan

2012 secret agenda

Secret Societies - Skull and Bones


Catholic Knights - Catholic Knights of America is a fraternal benefit society for Catholics.

Druids - This is the United Ancient Order of Druids. It was founded in London in 1781. Pure paganism, they are founded on reason and sound morality. They imply that their religion is older and superior to Christianity. The greatest of all Druid teachers was Merlin. His Seven Precepts are considered the moral way to live a life: (1) Labor diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power; (2) When in authority decide reasonably, for thine authority may cease; (3) Bear with fortitude the ills of life, remembering that no mortal sorrow is perpetual; (4) Love virtue-for it bringeth peace; (5) Abhor vice-for it bringeth evil upon it; (6) Obey those in authority in all just things, that virtue may be exalted; and (7) Cultivate the social virtues, so shalt thou be beloved by all men.
Elks (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks) - The Elks would probably never have existed if the New York state legislature did not pass a law in 1866 which closed all the saloons on Sunday. A group of sociable actors met on Sundays in their "drinking society" which they called the Jolly Cork. They later changed their name. The order was founded on February 16, 1868. There is some Masonic influence. The BPOE used to be limited to white male citizens of the U.S. who believe in the existence of God.

Foresters - Over the years, the Foresters had split into several branches: The Independent Order of Foresters, Catholic Order of Foresters, and Ancient Order of Foresters. The Ancient Order of Foresters claims to have begun in 1798, but historical records show its beginning as 1813. For its secret ritual, the Foresters used the legends of Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Little John, and the Merrie Men.

Freemasonry -




Freemasonry is the largest international secret society. Legendary Masonry goes back to the building of King Solomon's temple when Hiram Abiff, a mason, is said to have chosen death rather than reveal the secret Masonic word. The realistic beginnings of modern Freemasonry can be found in the crafts of working masons in medieval times. They adapted a system of signs and passwords which served the purpose of a union card. Twelve American Presidents have been Freemasons: Washington, Jackson, Monroe, Polk, A. Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, F.D.R., and Truman. Others believed to be, or have been Freemasons: Ben Franklin, Charles Lindbergh, John Pershing, Robert J. Dole, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Mark Twain, and Cy Young.
Grotto - This is the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm. Master Masons may join this organization. It imitates the Shrine. The ritual is supposedly founded on a very ancient Persian manuscript that was discovered in a secret vault in one of the sacred temples of Teheran, the City of Mystery.

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - This order formed in England at the end of the 19th century. Members believed it was possible to control the forces of nature with magic. Yeats, the poet, and Aleister Crowley were members. Crowley supposedly accomplished the ability to become invisible. Israel Regardie was one of the most important figures in the Golden Dawn. He published many of the rituals and magical material. It is the synthesis of mythical and magical ideas that were adapted from numerous sources such as: Fama Fraternitatis, Egyptian Book of the Dead, Cornelius Agrippa, Tycho Brahe, and John Dee. It was conceived to be composed of three degrees, each of which corresponds to an entire order. The First Degree and Order is the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Second Degree and Order is the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis. Aleister Crowley was an early adept in the Second Degree. The Third is the Ordo Argentei Astri.

Hibernians (Ancient Order of Hibernians) - The AOH was organized in the United States on May 4, 1836 in New York City. The founding of the AOH has been placed as early as 1565 in Ireland. However, the latter date has not been substantiated. The AOH has been a Catholic organization which provides benefits (e.g., relief, burial, sick) to their members. John F. Kennedy became a member in 1947.

Illuminati - The Illuminati was first seen in the 15th century by occultists proclaiming to have wisdom from a higher source. Illuminati means, "Intellectually inspired." The secret society became strong in 18th century Germany. It adopted many different grades of Freemasonry. It claimed to be a blend of philanthropy and mysticism. Goethe was a member of the Bavarian Illuminati. They placed the fear of Masons and Jews within the extreme right wing political camps. Conspiracies were spun about the forces of order, bureaucracy, and repression. People soon realized that espionage was their main focus, then the French Revolution arrived and changed the country. The only people who mention the Illuminati anymore is the John Birch Society.

Job's Daughters - Teenage girls who are related to Master Masons can apply for membership in Job's Daughters. Mrs. Ethel T. W. Mick was the founder. The emblems of the Order are the white dove, urn of incense, lilies of the valley, and horn of plenty.

Knights of the Golden Eagle - Founded by John E. Burbage of Baltimore, Maryland in 1873. There were three degrees: Pilgrim, Knight, and Crusader. Combination of secret society and religious movement (Evangelical Protestant). The order offered sick and funeral benefits. The individual who shot President McKinley was supposedly a member of the Cleveland Lodge.

Knights of Columbus - This is the world's largest organization of Catholic men and their families. It was founded in 1882. They looked to the Masonic Lodge for its model. They use passwords, signs, and grips. They take pride in providing insurance policies to members. There are currently about 11,000 councils internationally.
Knights of Malta - Introduced into the U.S.A. in 1870. This order welcomed all Protestants and were aggressively anti-Catholic. The Knights of Malta is not the same as the Order of Knights of Malta which forms one of the degrees of the York rite of Freemasonry.

Knights of Pythias - The Order of Knights of Pythias was founded in 1864. They claim to promote friendship among men and to help relieve people's suffering. It bases its rituals on the story of Damon and Pythias. It borrowed elements from the Masons and Red Men. Today there are about 2000 lodges in the USA and Canada. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was initiated into the Knights of Pythias in 1936 in a special ceremony in the diplomatic reception room of the white house.

Knights Templar - Originally, these people were members of a religious military order founded by the Crusaders in Jerusalem about 1118. Also known as The Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. They wore a white tunic with a red cross on the front (sounds familiar). They were not allowed any association with women and were also Roman Catholic. Some believe that the Templars, at one time, possessed the Shroud of Turin. In 1314, the Master of the Temple of Solomon (Jacques de Molay) was executed. Some feel that the Templars disbanded at this time while others believe they went to Scotland and began the first of the Ancient Scottish Rite of Masons. Today they are a part of the Masonic order. The Knights Templar is equal to the 32nd degree Mason and gives them the opportunity to join the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.

Ku Klux Klan - The society was organized at Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee, in June, 1866. It was originally designed as a diversion for young men, to help relieve the dulness immediately following the Civil War. It had been reported that the decision for a name occurred during the society's second meeting. The founder's wished to use the name "Kukloi" from the Greek word kuklos, meaning a band or circle. Someone else in the group suggested Ku Klux, and Klan was added to complete the alliteration.
Modern Woodmen of America - Joseph Root began the Modern Woodmen around 1883. It was primarily an insurance society with certain lodge features. Root had been associated with the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and others. His intentions of this new order was to bring together Jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants, and agnostics and atheists.

Moose (Loyal Order of Moose) - The Moose Lodge was founded in 1888. Around the beginning of the 20th century, the Moose found themselves in a membership slump. The order was in dire straights until James J. Davis began working for the Moose and enrolling thousands of new members. He was responsible for pulling the Moose out of a major membership slump. The Moose Lodge was responsible for providing sick benefits and a small death benefit to its members. There was even a city for dependents of deceased Moose and for the aged called Mooseheart, which was in Illinois. Mooseheart is still in existance.

National Ancient Order of Hibernians - The Ancient Order of Hibernians was organized on May 4, 1836 in New York City. However, its founding has been placed as early as 1565 in Ireland. In 16th century Ireland, the Catholic priest was a hunted man. To protect the priesthood and preserve the practice of their religion, certain Irishmen formed themselves into groups of Ribbonmen, the forerunners of the Hibernians. Members were required to be of Irish birth or descent. They had their secrecy and passwords. JFK joined the Order in 1947.
National Grange (Order of the Patrons of Husbandry) - The founder of the Grange, Oliver Hudson Kelley, was asked by President Andrew Johnson to tour the South to see what steps could be taken to rehabilitate the war devastated rural areas. Kelley, a Freemason himself, proposed that a new secret society dedicated to the advancement of rural life would help serve this purpose. The Order was founded in Fredonia, New York, in 1867. The Masonic fraternity was its model, but it was open to both men and women. From the beginning, meetings of the Granges were not only ritualistic but educational. In some respects, the Grange resembles a typical secret society.
Odd Fellows - This is the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The first recorded Lodge of Odd Fellows began in England in 1745. Historically, this organization was started to help fellow members find employment when out of work. They were known as the poor man's Masonry. The initiate must believe in the Supreme Being.
Order of Owls - This order was founded in 1904 by John W. Talbot in South Bend, Indiana. Their main purpose was "To assist each other in business, to help each other in obtaining employment, to assist the widows and orphans of our brothers, to give mutual aid to our brothers in any way that they may need, and assemble for mutual pleasure and entertainment." The Owls did not have any religiousness. Their local lodge was called a "nest" and they have the usual secret ritual, grips, and passwords. Their national headquarters was in Hartford, Connecticut.

P.E.O. Sisterhood - There is an unusual degree of secrecy regarding the P.E.O., their name, and rituals. It is not for certain, but their initials are thought to stand for Protect Each Other. The P.E.O. Sisterhood is considered a woman's secret society with it's main purposes as social and educational. It was was founded in 1869 in Iowa.

Red Men (Improved Order of Red Men) - This order claimed to be the oldest secret society of purely American origin. However, it was actually founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1834. A Society of Red Men was founded in 1813, but the Improved Order of Red Men sought to distance itself from the Society of Red Men due to its known love of the "fire water." Indian nomenclature was established in the Improved Order. Local tribes met in wigwams and initiated palefaces into their secrets upon payment of wampum. The Improved order was modeled after the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and used the legend of Hiram Abiff (of Masonic legend) - which became its third degree.

Rosicrucians-The Rosicrucians state that their order began in 14th century Europe. It was during this time that Christian Rosencreuz, after traveling in Asia and Africa, attained many secrets. Rosencreuz was credited for starting the organization (Rose Croix or Rosie Cross). The Rosicrucians remained extremely secretive until the 17th century when two books were published: Fama Fraternitatus laudabilis Ordinis Rosaecrusis (The Report of the Laudable Fraternity of Rosicrucians) and Confessio Fraternitatis (The Confession of the Fraternity). Sir Francis Bacon is considered to be Imperator of the Rosicrucians during the late 16th and early 17 century. Sir Isaac Newton is also said to have been a Rosicrucian. The Rosicrucians are devoted to the pursuit of esoteric wisdom. They combine elements of Egyptian Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Jewish Cabalism, and other occult beliefs and practices. There is the Rosicrucian Fellowship and AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis).
Shrine-The Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine limits membership to Masons who have achieved the 32nd degree of the Scottish rite or the Knights Templar of the York rite but is not associated with Freemasonry. The shrine was invented as a fun drinking society in 1870. Later, the Shriners decided to install a humanitarian aspect to their organization. In 1920, it was proposed that they would establish a hospital to care for crippled children. Shriners are also recognized for wearing the red fez.
United Order of the Golden Cross- The order was founded by Dr. J. H. Morgan in New England in 1876. It consisted of men and women who agreed to abstain from alcoholic beverages. It was organized by Freemasons who wanted to form an economical and safe method of providing life insurance to its members. Its strength lied in New England but was also located in New York, District of Columbia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana. It claimed to be one (if not the first) of the societies to admit women on an equal rank as men.
Woodmen (Modern Woodmen of America) - This order was founded in 1883. The chief symbols were the beetle, ax, and wedge. Local lodges were called Camps and members were known as Neighbors.

Knights of the Golden Circle, the Bohemian Club, the Bilderberg group, the Priory of Zion (or Sion), the Round Table Groups, the Council On Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones, the council of 300 and the Carbonari.

 "TCO" The Chosen Ones, this was created to empower the week and help fight against all the bad in the world. Supplies relief from poverty through education, helps in gathering all to put an end to violence on the planet and to ensure that all members of "PASS" will always have a stance in the fight of making a peace loving planet here on Mother Earth

the baphomet and the new world order



The Baphomet is not a masonic symbol, nor is it worshiped by freemasons. It has no traditional relation to the pentagram, nor the Goat of Mendes, nor Pan, nor the Green Man. The name seems to have first appeared in twelfth century France and its image first appeared in 1855. Then Anton Szandor LaVey and his atheistic Church of Satan adopted it in 1966. But it all starts with the Roman Catholic Inquisition and the Knights Templar. 16

Established in 1118 by Hugh de Payen and André de Montbard 2, the Knights Templar — from September 13, 1128, properly styled Pauperes commilitis Christi et Templi Salomonis — are forever linked to the history of the Baphomet. But of 231 knights examined by the pope’s Commissioners in Paris, only 12 admitted, under torture, to knowing anything about the icon, as against 183 who confessed that they renounced Christ and 180 who confessed to defiling the cross in various ways.3
The term’s identification with Mahomet appears to be derived from its usage in Provence. This had been the centre of the Cathar Church in France, until the Albigensian Crusade of 1209-1229 killed its protectors and the nascent Inquisition killed or silenced any survivors. Montague Summers4 suggested, without proof, that the name was a combination of two Greek words (baphe and metis) and meant 'absorption into wisdom.'15
It should be noted that the term Baphomet is not to be found in King Philippe’s grounds for arrest, issued September 14th, 1307, the 127 articles of accusation drawn up on August 12th, 1308, nor in any of the papal bulls issued by Pope Clement V. The articles of accusation refer to the adoration of idols: a cat or head, sometimes having three faces. The descriptions revealed during the trials varied but generally were of a "head with one face or two faces, sometimes bearded and sometimes not, made of silver or of wood, a picture of a man or of a woman, an embalmed head that glowed in the dark or a demon."5 The trials say little of the actual head, but there are some textual accounts of it. Guillame de Arbley who was the preceptor of the Templar house at Soissy in the diocese of Meaux testified on October 22, 1307 that he had seen the bearded head twice, which he claimed was gilded and made of silver and wood.6
Although modern writers will occasionally refer to the Templars' use of the pentagram, or five-pointed star, they fail to provide examples. The seals of the Masters generally depicted crosses, castles, fish, lambs, lions and the like. The plans of their castles and strongholds — those few they constructed — in Europe were dependent on topography and sightlines, not sacred geometry.14
Éliphas Lévi
What does this have to do with Freemasonry, or more particularly, anti-masonry? The presumed link is the pentagram. Over six hundred years after the suppression of the Knights Templar, one Éliphas Lévi took it upon himself to determine the value of the pentagram and equate it with the Baphomet. He termed the Baphomet, "the Goat of Mendes" and included a fanciful illustration of it as a frontispiece to his Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic in 1861.7 Although his frontispiece illustration depicts a one-point-up pentagram, he is also credited with being the first to arbitrate that the one-point-down image represented the Baphomet.8 No known graphical illustration associating the pentagram with evil appears before this. Michael Howard claims that Lévi based the illustration on a gargoyle that appears on a building owned by the Templars; the Commandry of Saint Bris le Vineux.9 The Catholic Inquisition of the early 1300s does not appear to have made a connection between the Templars' alleged worship of the Baphomet and the pentagram. Goldberg’s Sacred fire : the story of sex in religion depicts an image that could act as a link between the Templars and Lévi. But there is no mention in the text and no source is cited.10
Abel Clarin de la Rive, 1894 [
The next similar depiction appears in 1894 when self-confessed fraud Leo Taxil incorporated a similar figure into his attacks on Freemasonry.11 These three images, and subsequent imitations,19 constitute the complete catalogue of images purporting to represent the Baphomet. They have no historical precedent. They have no existence other than in the imaginations of their authors. And the point cannot be made too strongly — they have nothing to do with Freemasonry.
It is a literary and historical curiosity that masonic author, Albert Pike quoted extensively, and apparently uncritically, from the writings of Éliphas Lévi. He writes: "Hierogliphically to express this law of prudence, they gave their mercury, personified in Egypt as Hermanubis, a dog’s head; and to their Sulpher, represented by the Baphomet of the Temple, that goat’s head which brought into such disrepute the occult Mediaeval associations." "The Gnostics held that it composed the igneous body of the Holy Spirit ; and it was adored in the secret rites of the Sabbat or the Temple, under the hieroglyphic figure of Baphomet or the hermaphroditic goat of Mendes." 18 It is clear that Pike’s authority was Lévi, who had no authority.
Placing the image of a goat face inside a five-pointed star appears to be the inspiration of Paul Jagot, in his Science Occulte et Magie Pratique (Paris : Editions Drouin, 1924, p. 172). It incorporated an open star, not a pentagram, and Jagot provided no citation.
The image next appeared in The Handbook of Magic & Witchcraft by Charles W. Olliver (London : Rider & Co., 1928, p. 47). As reproduced at the top left of this webpage, the head is now contained in a pentagram, with the addition of the words "Samael" and "Lilith". Olliver also failed to provide citation.
In 1931 Oswald Wirth included the goat head and pentagram in his La Franc-Maçonnerie Rendue Intelligible à ces Adeptes, Deuxième Partie: "Le Compagnon," (Paris: Derry-Livres, 1931, p. 60). Again, the image was uncited.
Maurice Bessy provided an illustration of the goat head and pentagram inside two circles, with the word "Leviathan" written between the lines in Hebrew, in his A Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural (London :1964, p. 198). He also provided no source.
Only in the later twentieth century, with the creation of the American Church of Satan, did the inverted pentagram, with or without the goat head, become a popular symbol for Satan. Their source appears to be Oswald Wirth and Maurice Bessy, neither of whom identified it with the Baphomet.




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