From: Bill Kingsbury <>

Forwarded with no endorsement implied-- for education, research and discussion.

eco-logic, Sunday, December 05, 1999

U.N. Millennium Assembly celebrates arrival of global governance

By Henry Lamb

A decade of preparation will culminate in the year 2000, in a massive celebration and series of events, carefully designed to change the world forever. The United Nations' Millennium Forum, Assembly, and Summit have been planned to set the world on a course of global governance under the authority of the United Nations.

The new scheme of global governance will empower, and fund, the United Nations to be the supreme governmental authority on the planet. Selected NGOs (non-government organizations), called civil society, will take their place as both representatives of the people, and implementors of U.N. policies. More than 130 international organizations, called IGOs (inter-governmental organizations), will be consolidated as direct administrative agencies of the new U.N. system. National governments will become administrative units, reporting through the appropriate IGOs, to the supreme authority of the U.N.

As the rash of U.N. conferences unfolded during the last decade, few people realized that they were a part of a long range plan to establish global governance:

1.World Children's Summit, held in New York in 1990

2.United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992;

3.World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993;

4.International Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in 1994;

5.World Summit for Social Development (the Social Summit), held in Copenhagen in 1995;

6.Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995;  

7.Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), held in Istanbul in 1996;

8.World Food Summit, held in Rome in 1996;

9. International Criminal Court, held in Rome in 1998.

Each of these conferences produced a policy document, declaration, or treaties, that now serve as the basis of international law to be enforced through global governance.

The less publicized Commission on Global Governance, established in 1993, created the framework document to integrate the international law into global governance. The Commission's 1995 final 410-page report, Our Global Neighborhood, set forth the additional steps that needed to be taken to fully empower the United Nations to operate as the supreme global governmental authority.

Among the Commission's recommendations was the creation of a "People's Assembly," and the creation of the documents necessary to achieve global governance by the year 2000. All the documents are now prepared, or are in the final stages of preparation, and the plans are all in place to make the 2000 Millennium events at the U.N. the launching pad for global governance in the 21st century.

Few people in America are even aware that the U.N. has six regional commissions that have been holding hearings around the world during the last few years, gathering information about, and fanning the fires in support of global governance. The final regional hearing will be held in Chicago in January 2000.

Simultaneously, civil society (NGOs accredited by the U.N.) have also been preparing to create the "People's Assembly." To prepare for the home stretch, a World NGO Conference is scheduled for December 8-12, 1999 in Montreal, Canada. The NGO process began at the U.N. University in Tokyo in 1996, shortly after the publication of Our Global Neighborhood. The process is moving toward the "Millennium Forum," scheduled for May 22-26, 2000, in New York, which will be the first meeting of the People's Assembly.

The Forum will be followed in September by the U.N Millennium Assembly, which will consist primarily of the Millennium Summit, the largest gathering of the heads of state in the history of the world. The purpose of the summit is to consider, and possibly adopt, the documents necessary to implement global governance as envisioned and planned by the United Nations.

The Millennium events were authorized by the U.N. General Assembly in resolution 53/202, December 17, 1998. There was little publicity; no one noticed. Under the guise of "United Nations Reform," the agenda for the Millennium events was developed and revealed in the Secretary General's report to the 54th General Assembly, May 10, 1999. Major themes identified in the report are:

1. The role and function of the United Nations in the 21st century;

2. Towards a global society: the tasks for the U.N. in the 21st century;

3. Challenges to multilateralism;  

4. International cooperation;

5. The role of the U.N. in peace and global sustainable development.

Among the specific proposals to be considered are:  

1. Conventional and nuclear disarmament;

2. Sustainable development;

3. Globalization;

4. Structural changes and enhancement of the U.N. system;

5. Regionalism and multilateralism;

6. The relationship of the U.N. and civil society;

7. The role of the U.N. in the 21st century.

At these Millennium events of the U.N., virtually all of the recommendations of the Commission on Global Governance will be incorporated one way or the other. Some of the Commission's recommendations have already been adopted. For example, the International Criminal Court was established in 1998 at a U.N. conference in Rome. Another important recommendation of the Commission has been adopted by fiat: eradication of the national sovereignty barrier to U.N. action. Before Kosovo, the U.N. could not act inside the borders of a sovereign nation without an invitation by that nation.

At the 54th General Assembly, both the Secretary-General and the President of the United States said that national sovereignty would no longer prevent the United Nations from taking action to protect the "security of the people" inside any nation. The term "security of the people" signals a major shift in the philosophy of the U.N.

And it has already occurred. Security of the people is not threatened only by armed conflict. The production of greenhouse gas that threatens global climate is seen by many U.N. delegates to threaten the security of the people. Many U.N. delegates, and most of civil society, are eager for the U.N. to be empowered to take action against such threats to the "security of the people."

The recommendations of the Commission which have not yet been implemented are all contained in a civil society document called the Charter for Global Democracy that is in the final stages of preparation for submission to the Millennium Assembly and Summit. This document contains 12 principles for strengthening and enhancing the U.N.

1. consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the United Nations;

2. regulation by the U.N. of all transnational corporations and financial institutions;

3. independent source of revenue for the U.N. such as the "Tobin tax" and taxes on aircraft and shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons;

4. eliminate the veto power and permanent member status on the Security Council;

5. authorize a standing U.N. army;

6. require U.N. registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies "as part of a multilateral global security system" under the authority of the United Nations;

7. Require individual and national compliance with all U.N. "Human Rights" treaties;

8. Activate the International Criminal Court, make the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations, and give individuals the right to petition the courts to remedy social injustice.

9. Create a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by insuring sustainable development;  

10. Create a new International Environmental Court.

11. Adopt a declaration that climate change is an essential global security interest that requires the creation of a "high-level action team" to allocate carbon emission based on equal per-capita rights;

12. Cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for "equitable sharing of global resources," as allocated by the United Nations.

This transformation of the United Nations will not suddenly be the law of the planet upon adjournment of the Millennium Summit. It will take a while to complete the restructuring and bring the full program into reality. The Millennium Assembly and Summit are designed to achieve "consensus" among the heads of state there assembled, that the future of the world depends upon the U.N. moving in this direction. Such a consensus will authorize the U.N. to do whatever it needs to do to implement the principles outlined above.

The person in charge of restructuring the U.N. is Maurice Strong (M), Executive Coordinator of U.N. Reform. Strong was the Secretary-General of Earth Summit I, in 1972, Earth Summit II, in Rio in 1992, served on virtually every important commission and conference throughout the 1980s and 1990s, including the Commission on Global Governance, from which he moved to his current position at the U.N.

Expect to see these events unfold throughout 2000, presented as unprecedented global cooperation, and the "coming of age" of a new global society. Do not expect the media to report on steps already taking place to empower the U.N. to collect global taxes, nor the restructuring of the Security Council, or the treaty to give the U.N. the power to control the "manufacture, sale and distribution" of all fire arms, as recommended by the Commission on Global Governance.

The world is at the threshold of world government. Most of the people of the world do not know it, yet they will be its subjects. There is very little reason to think that these efforts will not be successful. There is virtually no organized resistance, and the resistance that has been identified is ridiculed, and even labeled by the FBI and the Department of Justice as potential terrorists. Only a handful of Congressmen know about the events here described, and some of those who do know are advocates of the global governance.

The only power on earth strong enough to stop this tidal wave of world government is the United States of America. Should America say no -- with authority -- the entire plan could crumble.

The Clinton/Gore administration, however, is among the strongest advocates for global governance. Congress, as it is presently constituted, has showed some resistance, but when push came to shove over the U.N. dues question, Congress crumbled.

The timing of the Millennium events insures that Clinton appointees will represent the U.S. in the decisions taken by the U.N. As they have done throughout this decade, they can be expected to support the U.N. plan. World government can be stopped only if the 2000 elections produce an administration and a Congress that remembers the U.S. Constitution, and respects the blood that has been spilled to defend it.

Copyright (C) 1999, All rights reserved

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