by Bryon

Message from Heaven 3/23/98

It was a dark night. Father was driving the boat. We were going up a river. Father had something to show me. He said a flying-saucer had been sighted up the river. There was something important their he had to show me.

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights. I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly. Father could see clearly and knew player he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill. As we came near and I could see more clearly something  happened. I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man. I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory. On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft. I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped. I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft. The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer. I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it. There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil. On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books. I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it. I had a pencil in my hand. I was trying to figure out the meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page. I lifted the page to see the next month. I was shocked see their were no more days. There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building. This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that. Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot. People were getting out and going to the building. A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth. I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one." One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note. Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line. I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people. I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this. She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.


This dream contains a special message from heaven.

Father = God

this boat = Fathers business

U.F.O. = sign from above/heaven the message itself represents literal symbol

Observatory = simply saying "observe this"

U.F.O. made several circles around the observatory. Circles = cycles.

These are frequently things that are repeated at certain times.

Trying to learn meaning = literal

No more days on calendar = end of ages

12-12 = My birthday is the 12 month on the 12 day. Other things may also apply to the numbers we have seen in this dream. There was something between the 12 and the second 12 on the paper. It may have been a symbol like a * or a + or - or / or something. This was the reason I was trying to calculate the meaning of the numbers in the dream. The same thing happened after I awakened. I am still pondering the meaning of the dates and I realize my birthday is also relevant. As with many dream symbols it may also correspond with another event.

Be with your family = physical family or spiritual family? I had this dream just before we went to a birthday party with relatives. I think it may be possible the dream was simply speaking of the birthday event. But why would it use such symbols as father the boat the observatory and especially the U.F.O.?


Interpretation by Joseph Mason



This is a BIG BIG BIG dream! The "11:11 Doorway" concepts have been HUGE in my questing path for about eight years. Around 1994, I received  a newsletter with a big "12:12" on the front. Roberta Osanna, the editor of  The Dream Network Journal sent it to me.

I did not attribute much validity to it, but your dream seems to support the idea that there IS something to it. But, I know there is also something to the 11:11 material too.

The "problem" is, in my view, that these concepts come from channeling, or something similar. I do not trust the validity of such things, yet dreams, coincidences, and other things seem to have similar messages. My quest and study has led me to the theory that the channelers are picking up valid messages, but their own consciousness puts "overlays" on them. The messages, as with dreams, have symbols and metaphors that can be interpreted in many ways or taken literally.

My study of these things involves comparisons of the various sources in an attempt to find the more "true" meanings. The most convincing "evidence" to me are dreams such as this one of yours. "Coincidences" or synchronicities, that is, actual events that happen, can also be convincing, if they are obviously far beyond chance. When a crop circle formation, or UFO/ET event clearly seems related, that is convincing too. I come to certain interpretations by following dreams and coincidences, as if they are guideposts. It seems to work, that is, material comes later that seems confirming.

For example, Solar, who started the "11:11 Doorway" ideas, and wrote the book about it, said it is a dimensional doorway that opened in the belt stars of Orion in 1992, and will remain open for 20 years. Certain "Lightworkers" will go through the Doorway to a place where there is a "Greater Sun," not the old one that we know. My experiences with it led me to Revelation 11:11, and the meaning clearly seemed to be a leap to the heart chakra level of consciousness evolution by mankind.

Interestingly, I sent my story to Solara, and she said it did not disagree with her teachings.

It is difficult to know what 12-12 or 12:12 means, but my guess is that it is related to the same idea. The heart chakra is symbolised by a lotus flower with 12 petals, with a Star of David inside. In Revelation 12, The woman With Child comes down, wearing a crown of 12 stars. Rev. 12:12 speaks of the devil coming down to earth because he knows that his time is short. Interestingly, I was preparing to send out a dream that seems related to this, and received an e-mail from the dreamer today. The man awoke from the dream at exactly 11:11 p.m.

The 3 1/2 days mentioned in Rev. 11:11 seem to be related in other ways in the Bible. Rev. 12 has it twice. I'll paste in my whole list:


1. Rev. 11:9 and 11:11 - 3 and 1/2 days.

2. Rev. 11:2 and 13.5 - 42 months, 3 and 1/2 years.

3. Rev. 11:3 and 12:6 - 1260 days - 3 and 1/2 revolutions on a 360 degree circle, or the Zodiac, or 3 and 1/2 years on the Jewish calendar, which had 30-day months.

4. Daniel 12:7 and Rev. 12:14 - "a time, two times, and half a time" -

1 + 2 + 1/2 = 3 and 1/2.

5. James 5:17 and Luke 4:25 - telling the story in 1 Kings about Elijah's prayer that it not rain, and it did not rain for 3 years six months. Then he prayed again, this time for rain, and Heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit.

6. Daniel 9:27 - "And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator."


Another possibility is that it is related to the 144,000 in Rev. 7:4-8 and Rev. 14:1. They are 12,000 people from each of the 12 Tribes. There are many interpretations about the meaning. My guess is that Blavatsky was right, the 12 Tribes are also related to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. That would include anyone born under those signs, which could include everyone. The number itself may be symbolic. Carl Munck and others have done a lot of research into ancient numbers. There is a form of Gematria that basically uses multiples of 36. So, you have 36, 72, 108, 144, etc.

The 1260 days in the Bible are also part of it. All these numbers are divisible by nine and add to nine or a multiple. Carl shows overwhelming evidence that they were used to exactly position the ancient sites around the world. There was a code system with it, where "Alpha" or word meanings are given to the numbers. 144 means "Light." Two German researchers have shown that the numbers are also appearing in the crop circle formations in their measurements, angles, and such.

Yet another possibility is that it is related to The New Jerusalem Plan, a geometrical concept based on St. John's description in Revelation. I had quite a "coincidence" about it, because I dreamed about the shape before knowing about it. It has 12 circles in a ring, inside of which is four overlapping triangles, forming a 12 pointed star. Some symbols of the Zodiac are similar, with the triangles labeled, "fire, air, water, and earth." Each triangle points to three Zodiac signs. This is what Blavatsky means when she says such things as, "Cain presides over the earthy trigon." (related to Taurus, the bull).

Not long after I got on-line, I found the Spirit Web site. Solar has some material there. I also found some "12:12" information, and a writing by Solara which claimed the 12:12 was not the real thing. Here are some of the links, with a few pastes:


12:12 Gateway to Freedom

On December 12th 1994 144,000 dedicated souls will co-create the miracle of evolution.


Here's a few pastes from the page:


The Ascended Host call 12:12 the "Gateway to Freedom" and joyfully speak of it as the independence day on this planet. As anchors of this energy worldwide, we are in essence completing ourselves and preparing the way for others. In the spirit of true freedom, Earth graduates and officially enters the Golden Age.

On our way, we will receive the gifts of wholeness and the biological keys to mastery and ascension.

Private 12:12 Ceremonies in the Great Pyramid

Founders of "Ascension Celebrations", the "Conclave of Michael",

"Alchemies for Immortality", & 12:12 events internationally.

Therefore as the cells of our bodies anchor these new 12:12 frequencies on December 12th, the chains of limitation will fall away. Physical immortality becomes not only a possibility, but death will soon become the exception to the rule.

The new energies anchored on 12:12 will make this possible. If 144,000 people (the sacred number needed to cause the "hundredth monkey" effect) commit to personal mastery, then it will cause a trickle-down effect to the rest of humanity.

Another powerful option is to be in the sacred land of Egypt. Egypt has long been considered the "temple of the world". As Egypt goes, so goes the rest of the world. This is why the Ascended Masters have asked that at least 1,000 light-beings be in Egypt at the Great Pyramid to personally receive the new frequency. The Great pyramid acts as an antenna for all archetypical energies as they enter the planet. The frequencies then in turn ripple out to the other main vortexes of the world. To be at the Great Pyramid on 12:12 will be like being at the headgates of a river, or a dam when the water is released. Those of us there will never be the same!

Therefore, with love and enthusiasm we invite you to join us on a magical trip along the Nile, to reenact ancient initiations at all the chakra temples, finishing at the Great Pyramid to welcome the energies on 12:12. We invite you to "return to Egypt" and embrace the powerful initiate priest/priestess that has lived many lives in the temples of that mystical land and to take part in this evolutionary leap for humanity.

[end of pastes]


Here's a link and pastes from Solar's opinion about the 12:12:


Solara's Opinion on 12:12

The unfortunate choice of calling this new activation the "12:12" has caused much unnecessary confusion. Interestingly enough, another group in Australia tried a 12:12 activation last year which didn't work.)

The "12:12" activation is not the next step after the 11:11, rather it is an entirely separate event belonging to a different level of ascension.

The "12:12" literature states that this marks the birth of Egypt as the new spiritual center of the planet. No wonder people are getting confused! Sadly this confusion distorts, misinforms, and deprives people of the amazing opportunity we have right before us to truly graduate from duality. We have worked so hard to get the Doorway of the 11:11 open, let's not neglect our journey through it!

[end of pastes]


Solara has other material at:

Spirit Web - Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins and ETs


The Doorway of the 11:11

I found your interpretations quite on the mark. If it were my dream, I would add these possibilities - dark night - lack of enlightenment/knowledge in the time cycle. Boat on the water/river= Age of Pisces, as with Noah. The "Titanic" phenom is related. Also, water = the unconscious or spirit/dream reality. Also, the rhyme, "Three, six, nine, the truth takes time . . . and we all went to heaven in a little row boat."

observatory = Yes, "to observe." Great one! It can also be our perception of reality, which ancient people depicted. The circle of the horizon, with the sky-canopy. It is shown in the shape of the observatory.

yourself, your father and another man = the Triple Male Trinity.

third pass (perhaps) = Yes, cycles, and could be similar to the 3 1/2.

I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft =WE have to do the investigative work to find the answers. Father God and the Holy Spirit help and confirm, but it is not just handed without effort.

rolled up mailer with small piece of paper inside = It reminds me of the scrolls or seals of Revelation.

in a study with desk and books = Similar to above - WE must do the work.

After receiving the symbols/messages, we must study and think to find the right interpretations.

clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad = "Legal" may refer to the idea of the final judgment. In some dreams, it seems to be shown by lawyers, judges, or courthouses. Dee just had one of those dreams.


no more days = Yes, the end of time, which may be a metaphor. I wrote an article that seems related:

The Strange Attractor Crop Formation and the End of Time

These ideas are coming from people who have researched the Mayan calendar, the most accurate one. They say it simply "ends" in 2012. We have a whole page about it:


There is a lot of speculation about this. Some say it will end

December 21st, 2012. That's not far from 12-12-2012, or it could be written 12-12, as we might write 12-97 to indicate December 1997.

This article gives the background on the subject:

in my car = Vehicles can be big symbols, as we discussed before ("Charger").

A complex string of dreams and coincidences led me to believe there is a "Merkaba" vehicle involved in the changes. It is the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation, or "Ezekiel's Wagon." Merkaba means four-wheeled chariot. It is apparently an invisible energy. The solar eclipse in 1999 will happen when there is a Grand Cross alignment of the planets, pointing to the Zodiac signs that correspond to the Four Living creatures. It will strike England at Cornwall, near ancient Carleon, the Circle of Lions, at 11:07 a.m. The sun will peak out from the moon's shadow at exactly 11:11 a.m. See:

This started with me in late 1993, when a voice said in my dream, "The Merkaba will not come for another five years." I did not know the meaning, but it now seems related to the symbolism of the 1999 eclipse.

hospital = healing in a grand and spiritual way.

Many vehicles pulling into the parking lot and ticket booth = Perhaps others who have "awakened" to the messages about the changes. But, other hints in the dream may suggest taking the ticket is the "wrong" choice. This would be supported by Jan's great dream:

(it follows Dee's dreams at the top of the page)

held note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one, and only one woman has one = This may represent finding others who have found the same symbol meanings. This reminds me of the man and woman who came together in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," by following a symbol quest. More likely, it is showing the duality of the self coming together. This is HUGE in the great change symbols.

open doorway and following her = This fits very well with the "Doorway" symbolism involved in the 11:11 and 12:12 channeled material. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says that one must make the male and female into a single one to enter the Father's Domain. There may be a connection between the "Triple Male Trinity" symbolism mentioned above, and the woman at the end. These symbols are big now. Jung called it the 3 + 1 quaternity, with three males and a female. I believe it is the same as the ideas expressed by Blavatsky. The first Trinity is male, female, and child, who is androgyne, or Father, Mother and androgyne Son. Next comes the Triple Male. Each male has a feminine consort, who are usually combined into a single feminine figure, such as Isis or Ishtar. In the Christian Trinity is should be the Virgin Mary. She is also the Woman With Child in Revelation 12. This makes "The Perfect Four."

The woman leading, in my theory, represents the dreaming/spiritual/intuitional side. It's part of the "Lion" symbolism, where the female gathers the food (for thought).

she was going to try to find out = This would represent very great help from the other side in finding the answers.

This last part confuses me a bit. I would think that finding the symbol or message meanings would come prior to going through the doorway. The dream seems to suggest that finding the symbol/message and then the woman with the matching one allows one to go through the door into another area, yet you still do not know the meaning. So, it seems to be a stage in a process. Solara does mention that there are more doorways, and that fewer people go beyond the first.

One more thing of interest. Joseph Campbell mentioned that the word "symbol" means "putting two things together." I had a little funny sync with this back in late 1990. Having just one half of the symbol, is like trying to make a sound with only one cymbal, as in the musical instrument. It's like trying to clap with only one hand.

Thanks for sharing you great dream, Byron. Dee said she will put it up at our site. I'm not sure how much of it I got "right," but I AM convinced it is a very important dream about the great earth changes.

Best wishes, and dream on PLEASE! -

Joe Mason


[the rest of your dream]

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights. I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly. Father could see clearly and knew where he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill. As we came near and I could see more clearly something happened. I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man. I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory. On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft. I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped. I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft. The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer. I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it. There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil. On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books. I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it. I had a pencil in my hand. I was trying to figure out the meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page. I lifted the page to see the next month. I was shocked see their were no more days. There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building. This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that. Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot. People were getting out and going to the building. A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth. I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one."

One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note. Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line. I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people. I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this. She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.


If you would like to ask questions or comments about this dream, please e-mail


9-4-98 - DREAMS FROM 1992 - Free Wilson

I just added a newly written, one...from about ten years back.

Oh....the wonders of some of the heaven scenes, that i have seen, while being taken in higher vibrational worlds.

I have had these "dreams'...most of my adult life. Here is a favorite...about 1992.

The vision began. I was aware that I stood in a great open landscaped lawn. I could see sidewalks and neat green grass, everywhere. What mostly impressed me, right at that first moment of arrival, was the sky and the feeling of a Great Open Space...without bounds. The light of the sky, I have never seen on earth...a brilliant but soft blue...where I would assume there would be no shadows cast by that light!

Off in the distance...maybe about 2000 feet away, was a huge building..a one story building with lots of glass. It look a lot like a shopping mall!!.

Through the glass, I could see that the place was thronged with people...hundreds and hundreds of people....some were outdoors, and I managed to ask one of them, what this building was.

"The Veteran's reuniting center"...he says...and he leaves. ? ? ? {{I do not know to this day what this building is! "IS"..because it is up there, the heavens. I have a guess: it is one of the places where the newly arrived souls can meet their friends and relatives......all being veterans of the earth!}}

So I stand a moment, watching all the people come and go.

Then, I turn around and notice a very high hill, that was behind me. A hill like of a mesa..maybe 400 foot high and flat at the top. On this top was a VERY big sprawling mansion of maybe ten stories. I could see old brick and victorian trimmings! Over the whole mansion and the hill, was a white cloud: this cloud, in fact covered the roof of this building.

I could sort of tell, that this here cloud NEVER moved away!!....much like one of those clouds over a western mountain. But I was immediately struck by the constant beams of golden light that beamed out from this cloud. I could see about six or seven of spotlights embedded inside this cloud...and beaming out all over this land, below.

I quickly found someone to ask..of this building. "That cloud never moves. The house is ..{{we are talking of a house a half a mile across!!}}

Where the masters live..who oversee the healing centers and the reuniting center. Many of the staff live there too. It is also a teaching center, for the staff. The beams are the power of the Lord, that upholds this place".

A moment later..I noted,...hidden in the base of the hill, there was a large building.

As I approached it.. I could see that it looked like most of it was underground: embedded in the hill. It's four story presence...had the feel of a "hospital"! Inside...I talked to white-dressed women...Nurses, I would guess. Yes, it was indeed a hospital..but not for earthly ailments. This building was set up to heal incoming sick souls...from earth..who were so unprepared for heaven, that they could not remain awake or functioning, heaven. Also for people that were torn out of their bodies, too too early, before their time to in a disaster, that would kill thousands.

These souls would remain here, till healed: then they could perhaps go and confront the veteran's center!

One of the nurses showed to me that there we NO Patients in the hospital!! This whole building was being prepared..for some great Need..sometime in the future, when perhaps a great mass of souls will arrive at once...all needing of a great healing.

{{I, being the recipient of numerous end time disaster visions ..I do believe that this building is being set up Just for this. If the Lord permits these disasters...the healing centers will be in place!}}


This brings to mind yet another vision...where I stood on the roof....a large open strolling area for the patients, of yet another healing center: with similar translucently blue sky.

Off in the distance..I could see a very tall tower..all of a golden color. A tall tower with a large building at its base. As I asked around....I was told the this building was a temple of prayer. ..a place where prayers from earth and here...are sent..and routed to God. They are examined as to need and timing....all prayers get answered and no prayer falls between the cracks and gets lost!

So visions of heaven, for today!! Feel free to share this.

Freestone..............aug,20. 1998



From: Freestone Wilson <>

Why I like visions of my own and to read of other people's visions and Out of body experiences.

I note, over the years..that I have a kind of path where I can Understand Spirit best..for ME...where I can see and experience..first hand or second hand, via other's experiences... "Real" Experiences. many of the posts on other newsgroups are so so Philosophical-abstract ...that I can not see them..see the ideas put the ideas are so abstract and distant from my life!. I like to read of other people's obe's to SEE what heaven looks like.....for instance! ---and not of some "philosopher"..who never has experienced for himself..what he is writing about; basing his ideas upon only the writings of other people' ideas....that they may have gotten from YET other people's ideas!!

Oh that jet contrail looks so pretty..up there at 50,000 feet---but it has little to do with my life.... I think and perceive my thoughts in PICTURES..only...thus all that new age just ike that jet contrail....."on the third plane of deveshan..the buddha body is tranquil and non-attached to maya" ME...eating a cup of coffee with a FORK!!

But visions and obe's and Experiences of heaven...I can sink my teeth into these... as I can experience second hand....through other people's experiences...what the realms of spirit are like in the after death worlds...... and learn, to live THIS world!!


A number of years ago...I had a OBE..where I went to a room. there, I sat at a table and there was a woman present, also. we sat around this table and she did all of the talking. for hours and hours she talked. about her life.

AND...I could she her pictures!! I could see, like projected on the a great TV screen..picture and scenes of her life...her to summarized form. she described her death. and the Auto biography did not stop there!!

She described , then, what happened AFTERWARD!! --she found herself in a dark place..eventually she was living in a city called "DIS" the spirit worlds; NOT a nice place!! There..she was taught how her not so morally ethically good life on earth had led her TO this place and how all the actions done unto this Dis-city..were the OUTCOMES of her life on earth, before she died...she realized how Cause and Effect were playing out and how Spirit is giving to her..a learn from her earth-life..and grow in Soul\Spirit, working out her negative "brought with her into heaven"..conditions; there, in Dis. She learned how every Dis city condition that she experienced..was the outcome of her life back on earth....and she learned how all the seemingly random encounters and choices..of her earthly life..were like of a sculpture artist chipping away at a block of carve a face..where her Face was the result of "10,000" chippings, and every life-experience was "ONE Chip"..of the chisel, upon that Marble.

And now she brought her Face with her, upon dying...this Face WAS hers, and was her very life itself! and she had to Live With Dis!---her first real Home in heaven. this room...she and I were in the level one level up, from Dis..where conditions are better..and most of her negative conditions were Transformed into good, through applications of learnings and Graces and forgivenesses and letting go...on her part...with the help of Teachers and Guides.

She told me, she is told that she will go onward to even better conditions..better and higher heavens..yet to come..and even maybe to have a chance to come back to earth (reincarnate), to apply what she has learned, in spirit!

{{"DIS" the Name of the city where the demons have their the Inferno..."Dante's Inferno"}}


THIS worth a thousand books of dry dusty to showing me How To Live My Life, here on earth..NOW!! How I Best get Ready, myself, to go Live somewhere of my own "choice" my Face WILL choose to where I will end up my very first heave, after I die.....I better Chip Away at my earthly marble the best way the Light and Love of Spirit.

What a wonderful obe!!

I have been blessed with hundreds more...!!!!!...over the years. maybe I can tell a few of them, time goes on...... I have a few of these experiences and a few of my speculations derived from these experiences..on file. If anyone wants to see some of them...just e-mail me... and I will try to send them.

Thank you....freestone




From: Freestone Wilson

Date: 1996/11/97

I want to share one of my greatest OBE journeys to heaven, here. it has the feeling and intensity, of a Near death experience!!!! I will post it, feel free to pass it on, and to share or quote it!

My E-mail address is.... .....please write to me, if you have any comments or ideas!

From visions like this...I have Great hope, for the human race, and for our personal futures---things are MUCH better then they seem!!

During the 1980's,.... I had this Vision. I would call it a "near-Death experience"or "out of body", experience!!....because Spirit took me to a realm of heaven itself-first person!!! I was there....for real! I saw what the "natives", who live there, see! This is spoken of, in the Bible--- PAUL, says..."someone was taken by spirit, out of the body, and taken to the THIRD heaven" -- 2nd Corinthians 12 vs. 1-4.

I seemed to follow a particular person, followed his progress, in heaven, immediately at-and after he died! I was right by his IF I WERE that person.....experiencing an "auto-biography" of his months of living there.

So---I will use the "first person I", if I WERE that person, in order to simplify things!


---I awake, in a daze..there is confusion about me. I am lying in a bed of some sort and a couple of attendant-type people are trying to hustle me from my bed and up onto the floor---from the bed where I was evidently sleeping. they throw my clothes over me and push me out into the hall and then out of the building. I dimly was aware that I was lying in that bed for some time...maybe weeks..maybe months! They bring others out too---all in a daze, also...we muddle in the front yard, in the parking lot. I now could see an approaching BUS come up, from the street---it pulls up, with people on it, already, coming from some other place---it comes from somewhere???.

Five or six of us are pushed onto this bus. It starts up and moves on down the road---I get a window seat---I sit there VERY dazed... for some reason, that I can not tell...I am very dazed! I just watch the scenery pass by now the bus is moving. There really IS no scenery!---all I see is a dark, cloudy, dimly-lit city.

Soon, however, the bus begins a slow slow climb up a very steep hill---the air turns instantly to FOG! All I see, is fog, outside: the bus must have climbed up that hill, into clouds!---then I fall back to sleep...and sleep, for awhile.

.----I awake with a vivid jolting start!...the bus is AT the top of the hill---and the sky is a VERY VERY vivid blue...light piercingly blue...and the grassy fields look as a very green golf course..lush and green. The place has a look of an English countryside

I look outside of the see a gate across the road..a fence on both sides. This gate then opens up by itself, to let the bus through....the bus goes on, a bit, along a road---lined with a very "putting green" green short grass. the whole scene looks like an English meadow, on a "best day of the summer"! The sky even seems more vivid then before, outside of this gate. Everything looks as like "the just after a cool refreshing rain, after a hot day!"---I see a large, but low slung building, off in the distance; the bus stops in front of it, and we all are herded out....onto the parking lot....we are greeted, by some person.....I recall someone taking me by the arm and directing me into the building and to a room---my room-to-be! room, for the stay. I am then told, "the rules"---this place is called "THE YOUNGER CENTER---one grows physically, bodily, younger here" guide says. I must have given my guide a startled look...he repeats-----"that people , as they take full advantage of all the wonderful SOUL-GROWING programs, here---they grow younger in age!!!.... They actually look younger in physical appearance and actually GROW younger in years---the clock is turned back, truly"!! (Later, i met a man who looked to be in his 30's...he said that he was 80!)

///------Somewhere, about at this time...I became aware that I had DIED, back down there, in that nursing home...and that now I was in heaven and that I would now  live forever!!----that I was taken on a bus, to heaven...../////

I learned that this "Younger Center" a sort of "remedial -summer -school -before -one -enters- college". Most of us, while living on earth, never have the time or inclination to develop our Soul's power of creativity---the seeds lie dormant! We do not seem to have the time..for importantly----the ability to IMAGINE..our powers of imagination: the creativity of the MIND. And, also....FEELINGS...the creativity of the loving heart!!

This "Younger Center" a place to try to "make up for things..missed, on earth, before we flesh out our half developed order to get us ready, to go on into the REAL heavens!!

---I sensed that there are Many of these Centers..on the fringes of the entry-ways to heaven.

I could see that there were much activity, going on about me. Soon, I met with Counselors who showed me the GREAT number of things to do, here. People here, searched out, in their lives-on-earth-before-they-died, each and every "seed" of some creative act or expression, that they never got around to develop and grow into manifestation. thus, I did some Directed introspection, of my life...and found numerous places in it, where I never got around to actually live out something....something of the soul...too busy, or too too wrapped up in what most "practical" people call "living"!

I went to many classes. I cannot remember them---but they all helped to "flesh out" my Soul. the MOST very important thing, that I saw, in this learning ,was-----the seeds of creativity had to be planted in the heart, whilst one was still on earth---everything that one became INTERESTED IN, is such a seed!!---while one is still living on earth. Thus, I saw that I could have, while still living back there...could have followed up my every little idea and interests, upon anything which touched my least many things DID touch my Soul, even if I did not have the time or the inclination, to nurture and grow these seeds of Soul-creativity!

But, here at this "YOUNGER CENTER" (as they called it, here) is NOT TOO LATE!!! In fact they tell me, here...that I MUST sprout all these creativity-seeds...before I can progress onward, into the further, higher, heavens. I took many many classes....poetry. art. ceramics...I Remember not what....and, I could actually SEE my face and body grow PHYSICALLY younger!!! My old-man-face..grew to look 50...then 40...then even in my 20's!!! I was now feeling and looking like I was in my late 20's!! [maybe that is why creative old people look young, for their years!!!---back here on earth!!!!]

One day, the instructors took me on a "field trip"---I was taken out into the parking lot...and I and several others got into a "golf cart"...the driver took it off down the road, BACK toward the gate that the bus came originally in, through...but this cart suddenly took to the air--flying, six feet off the ground!---and the gate opened by itself, and we went through---I could see a limitless view of clouds---like as if I were on top of a high mountain-cliff; the valley filled with clouds. we flew down into the clouds. soon, the cart emerged from out of the bottom of the clouds---much like a plane would fly down through a thin layer of clouds--descending to earth---as we now WERE descending. (We were, in fact, going back down to the earth-sphere..on an errand)

However,,,the sky was black with NIGHT, when the cart emerged from the cloud underside!! It was night-time, on earth...and way down below us, I could see a rain swept road. there was an accident---I could see the wrecked cars, the red lights of police and ambulances. the cart pulled right up to this messy one, there, apparently, could see us . I could see a sheet-draped body, lying on the ground---someone was killed, in this  accident. BUT beside the sheet, there was a young lady standing. she stood there in a VERY DAZED STATE!!---- [[Her body was made up of the soul-body-stuff of the killed girl, under the sheet!!!]]----I even SAW...that this cart and even ME...moved right through the police car, fire trucks, and crews as if they were GHOSTS!!! -----but the GIRL was as solid as the cart!! we picked her up, and put her into the back of it...and we flew back up into the black cloud rain sky---only to shortly emerge back into the very bright blue sky, of heaven---and, yes, back through the automatic gate...back to the parking lot...where some attendants carried her inside....yet another soul fetched to HEAVEN!!

She was brought to the Center, much like I was; except by a different means.

[[ I recall OTHER visions of these heavens, over the years...I have seen/been shown another vast center of HEALING, of healing of the very soul, of incoming new arrivees..who ,on earth, could not live a spirit-filled life, and thus DAMAGED their souls.-------from the roof of this healing center, I saw a huge temple. they told me it is the (a)  "temple of prayer", where prayers from earth, are read by the angels and angelic be sent on to God..NO PRAYER FALLS BETWEEN THE CRACKS AND GETS LOST OR IGNORED!!

(In another vision, I saw)-----a vast one mile sized building called, they told me, "the Veteran's reuniting center"...(I think)...where the people who just arrived, after dying..can find and meet their relatives/friends, who died before them....but this building could ALSO be a center for veteran's of earth's wars!!-----I saw a whole group of spirits progress onto a higher heaven....I saw a "town" constructed by Spirit, just to receive the new arrived they could be made comfortable.]]

Now...very shortly after this rescue mission, someone came to my room, to tell me that I and several others were now GRADUATES of this lower heavenly world...and that the new assignment is now given to us--- to progress onward, the next level, of heaven[[like "the next level of development]]---a man came up to us and took us into the front yard. I could see he had all kinds of papers and forms!! We are to be posted and sent to "BHRARTA LAND"!!

[[I recall, that this is the name for the spiritual "lands-of-heaven"--that is of ancient INDIA!! This is the heaven of India]]...We are led to a place in front of a small hill, under a flawless blue sky..other helpers gathered near this hill, and begun to sing some  HYMNS!!!...nothing occurred!!---just the hymns, and the PEACEFUL countryside, the helpers, and maybe 3 or 5 of us-who-are-to-go. It looked like a group of twenty people, in chairs...all of us...looking at a mound of grass-covered dirt..singing hymns!!...under that flawless blue sky.

....ALL OF A SUDDEN-------- -a small pinprick of light, flashed just at the top, 6 feet above the top, of the ten foot hill....this point began to grow---much like a TV set turned off; BUT IN REVERSE!!!...soon, the ball of light was several feet in diameter, and it grew into a BRIGHT-LIT CLOUD--lit up from within...and then this cloud resolved into a ten foot diameter wide, opening, in a SOMEWHERE!!!....[[a hole in space, this is...a hole into a higher dimension!!]].....out of this door, came several attendants---leaders and helpers. these helpers I found to be SHOCKING(!!!)---FOR THEY WERE DRESSED IN VERY ANCIENT radically different from anything of THIS time and age...that I can see, that in NO WAY could have I got this dream, from material present in my own subconscious memory]] This door LOOKED to open into a very long tunnel of light...a corridor to India-land!!...a tunnel, like in the "2001" movie!!!....this amazing dream ended, as I was pushed into this tunnel---and pushed so ..that I was moving at a very high speed...BUT, I could see, on my right, a FOREST of trees!!..I flew past them....I tried to make sure that I did not TOUCH even a SINGLE leaf!!!

{{{ I learned later, that this forest is one's "FOREST OF MEMORY"---each tree, each leaf, a PERSONAL memory-of-earth, a memory that HAS to be let go of, in order for one to go on to the next higher realm of heaven.----- by this, I mean "detach", not "forget"! }}}}

At that point, the vision ended, ---I flew off at high speed, to India-land...but there WAS a hint given me, at the very last moment of the vision-awareness...that the "younger center"...and the tunnel to India-land---were CREATED..and some VERY high spirits---from the CELESTIAL level of the heavens.

I actually SENSED a presence of a GREAT SPIRIT FORM...over the top of this whole tunnel, directing it....maybe an Archangel...taking orders from God, himself!!.

[ I gather from this, that all of the lower heavens are created and maintained, by high spirits and Angels and Emissaries of the Lord, himself-----for the support of countless souls.)

( I would also imagine that our earthly realm is, too, influenced and maintained, by the a kind of "School"--for Souls. Here...we can learn the basics of how to create. Someday...we will Grow to become "co-creators with God...our lives here on earth , are thus likewise SUPPORTED and upheld, by Guides--Angels--and other God-enfranchised beings).

The human race.........and YOU, READER OF THIS VISION, are in Very Good Hands!!!!

-------------- --------------------- --------------------------

THIS vision of heaven shows me how important CREATIVITY is---whether in "art", or in the greater ART, of living, day by day...for creativeness grows one's Soul.

From this vision...I see--------that the more creative we are, now, here on earth..the Further along we will be, upon our arrival, in heaven. and..I WILL arrive there, in heaven, upon our earthly death, with more seeds of creative acts...implanted into our Souls, if we open our lives to creative acts, now.

The Inference is clear!!....Since Spirit is the Great Creator.....Any creative act, that we of a partaking of a part, of this Spirit. "ye shall become as Gods"---the Bible says.

God Himself, thus, is a part of every work of art!!!

Thus...I SALUTE all of you all...the Creative people, who say "yes", to life and its possibilities for Soul-Self expression. you are already part way there, in your growing of your Soul.


Be creative. make Art, your life! do, think, feel--with IMAGINATION and with SPIRIT. may Spirit infuse everything that you think..feel!!

So...go out and......



==============From: Freestone Wilson <>