compiled by Dee Finney
Nathan Bauer's Grandmother


 Nathan Hale 

Nathan Bauer

Both Nathan's died at the same age - 21. 
Nathan Hale was hung, Nathan Bauer was murdered.

DREAM: I was Nathan in a past life - see  'tree-of-life-karma.htm  I had this dream the night before my grandson Nathan was killed on the streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Nathan was murdered on August 18, 2007

8-18-07 - Meditation on Nathan.

I saw Vicki from One Life to Live TV show . She came and took away a stack of old newspapers.

I heard someone say, "What we took away today, will be replaced today."  (See dream of August 31, 2007 below.

I then saw a Father and son putting white lights on a shiny olive green pickup track.  The lights were all across the hood and on the corners of the truck bed.

I then saw my son Tom (Nathan's father)  walk through the room. Then I saw a stack of small envelopes with bills in them and I knew they were all paid.

NOTE: There were two insurance policies totaling $25,000 covering all of Nathan's outstanding bills and the final costs of the funeral.

As of the middle of October, the bills still continue to come in.  His mother had to send a death certificate to all the places that Nathan had bills outstanding to prove that he was no longer responsible for the debts.  It is a long process.


From the research I'm doing about the symbols from the dream I had, Nathan was the son of a Chieftain in a past-life and was destined to become the next Chief - which he might have been, but I woke up too soon to find out.
From the dream, the Chief vowed to kill his son because his yellow head feathers were accidentally cut - and from the dream, it showed that he would have followed him from lifetime to lifetime because that was Nathan's karma that wasn't finished yet.
It would stand to reason that this other guy who killed Nathan was Nathan's father in a past life completing his vow.
Of course, nobody will ever know that in this lifetime.
Just too sad.




The plan was to go to Nathan's funeral and be there by 6 p.m.

It was still only afternoon and I had to go to the library with a little girl and take my Mom shopping first.

the library errand wasn't too hard. I was able to take the girl up to the counter and return her book, get a new library card in only a few moments.

Take my Mom to the grocery store was another matter. She needed some items from the drug store also but she didn't want to buy thinks like toothpaste in a grocery store. She demanded that I take her to Walgreen's too for those items. No amount of coaxing would make her change her mind even though she knew she was going to make me late for the funeral.

While she shopping, I went up some stairs to the ladies room to make sure my hair was combed nicely. I borrows a comb from the drug store to comb my hair. I looked in the mirror and my hair was shoulder length and wavy - very thick and lustrous like you see on TV.  I was so pleased with how it looked, I put the comb in my pocket.

When we got out of there, I took my Mom home and then stopped at a school because I was taking a young boy about 10 years old to the funeral with me.

It was now 6 p.m. and I was late, but it wasn't all that far. I could make it by 6:15 p.m.

The little boy had homework to do. I told him he could do it on the way because I was driving so he put his papers in a thick manilla envelope.

When we left the building, we went out the west entrance because my car was sparked in the west parking lot.

Just as we left the building, it started to rain and the boy put his homework envelope over his head ot keep his hair dry, but I knew the homework would get wet.

It only rained for a few seconds, then went down to a slight drizzle.

I looked up and there was a tall tree standing there in the middle of the parking lot, it was in full bloom with flowers that looked like huge roses.

It was the rose tree that was dripping the water like it was crying.

We walking around the tree, walking out into the street.

I don't know why we didn't take my car, but I saw a huge blue bus coming - as large as a greyhound bus.  When we got on the bus, I asked th driver if there was another bus that went west that we could transfer to.

It turned out that the bus driver was my boyfriend, really good looking - a little on the chubby side, but handsome as a movie star.

I asked him if there was a bus that went west and he said there was at the next intersection.



8-30-07 - I was listening to the radio with my eyes closed and suddenly had a vision of a photograph of Nathan's white car on the flatbed truck.

  The people at the car place where the car was stored - trashed the car.

A few minutes later, I had a vision of the words VENTURE INWARD.

I didn't dream or see anything after that though I tried.

Venture Inward is a book written by Edgar Cayce about meditation.


8-30-07 - MEDITATION - about Nathan!

I called my guide and Nathan.

I saw Nathan about age 9 or 10.  He kissed his hand and then blew the kiss to me. 

I then saw a handwritten note.  It said, "This is really from Tom!

Nathan says, "Hi!"  There were many words but it went too fast to read them.

I saw a couple other things but here were black blobs over parts of it and I couldn't tell what it was.

Then I saw a bright red bicycle - like a speed bike with a black seat up high. The red part of the bike was silver studded about every 2 inches. There was something else written about Nathan but I couldn't remember it.

8-31-07 - DREAM/VISION  I saw a woman dressed all in black, pushing a black wicker baby carriage down the street coming in my direction. She was dressed in clothes from at least 2 centuries ago - a large broad-brimmed hat with lace on the edge.  Her dress was fitted on top - long sleeves with black lace on the wrist and it was long enough to almost touch the ground. She was black boots like women of the 1870's etc.

I had this feeling this was about reincarnation.

This morning, 17 April 2008, I read an e-mail forwarded by Dee about Nathan's murder trial.

JS Online: Self-defense cited in east-side stabbing

Jury picks lesser charge in stabbing

Jury concludes: April 19, 2008

It struck me that the name, Christopher Solomon, is obviously highly symbolic in several ways.

I decided to find the number of days in Nathan's life, It figured as 7591 days, when the last day is not included. I then included the last day to arrive at 7592 days --


Duration calculation results
From and including: Wednesday, November 5, 1986
To and including: Saturday, August 18, 2007

It is 7592 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

Or 20 years, 9 months, 14 days including the end date

I then found the prime factors, by using this link --

Prime Factor Calculator

7592 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 13 x 73

The number 13 is major in several ways, such as --

Jesus with the 12 Disciples
The 12 Tribes with the Tabernacle in the center (Numbers 2)
The Round Table with 12 knights with the Grail Cup in the center
The New Jerusalem with the 12 Gates, Angels and Pearls, with the Tree of Life in the center
    (Rev. 21)
Playing cards (regular deck 4 x 13 = 52 and Tarot 6 x 13 = 78)
The Mayan time cycle (13 x 144000 days)
The symbol for the Heart Chakra, with 12 petals on the outside, and a Star of David
     (Solomon's Seal) inside
USA symbols (13 original states, 13 stripes on the flag, and various symbols on the National Seal)

Nathan Hale, of course, lived during the time of the establishment of our country. He died on September 22, 1776. That number is twice 888, another number associated with Jesus. The date can be calculated as --

9 x 22 x 1776 = 351648, which works out to be 66.6 miles in feet.

Nathan Hale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So I divided the number of days of Nathan's life to find --

7592 = 13 x 584

I recognized this number as the Venus cycle of 584 days. I found this coincidental, because I did some research that included Venus several days ago on April 8th, because of Bryon's dream of four planets, one of which was apparently Venus. Some years ago, I found a very good page about Venus that showed how it traces a five-pointed star in its movement in relation to our position. I found it again --

Venus Morning Star, Venus Evening Star - Introduction - Michael R. Meyer

Venus, of course, is related to Jesus as the Morning Star. Strangely, Lucifer, the Light Bearer, is also said to be related to the Morning Star. The corresponding Aztec champion related to the Morning Star is Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent. He has a dark twin, Xolotl.

My sense is that there a duality indicated, as the dark twin is in the West (the direction of spiritual death), and the bright twin is in the East (new birth). So, they correspond to The Evening Star and the Morning Star.

Lucifer, of course, became Satan according to Christian teachings.  Perhaps in the state of being Lucifer, he is not actually the same, and not "negative."

A bigger coincidence relates to an event on April 15th, when I went for jury duty. During the long wait, I started to read the book I had taken, "Apokalypso, Prophecies of the End of Time," by Thomas Jude (T.J.) Germinario. He is a great interpreter and also has a web site
(   http// ). I already read the book some years ago, but I felt that I might find something more.

I had some bookmarks in the book, and noticed one that had the label "888." That number had been coincidental recently, including the fact that the upcoming Olympics in China will be on
8-8-08, with the opening ceremony commencing at 08:08:08 PM local time.

2008 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

T.J. writes of 888 on page 321. Here is an excerpt --


" . . . Jesus is the Octave: He is the eighth in the line of the Hebrew prophets; his incarnation, as prophesied occurs in the eighth "Great Month"; the gematria of his name is 888. The eighth simultaneously completes the lower Octave and inaugurates the next higher -- exactly as the Messiah is both the final event of Time and the first event of the new Aeon.

"As we have seen, the Cainites encoded these secrets on the dual pillars, the prototypes of those that stood outside the Sanctuary of Solomon's Temple . . . as if waiting for the opportunity to enter."

" . . . we have observed that the Son of Man is incarnated in the eight 'Great Month' and that He returns to reign in the thirteenth."

[End of excerpt]

Dee also has a page on 888 -

Other Pages about 888 on this site.

T.J. goes on to relate this to the Golden Mean, the Fabonacci Series. The fraction 2/3 in the series is about .666, whereas 8/13 equates to a little over 0.615. He suggests the 0.615 indicates movement toward 616. The series of ratios converge toward the Golden Mean in one direction, and toward .666 in the other.

The number 616 is said to be the number given in Revelation in certain early Bibles, instead of 666.

616 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

T.J. continues --


"Considering the planetary orbits of the Earth and Venus, we discover the amazing coincidence that they exactly synchronize with each other in the PHI proportion 8:13. Every eight terrestrial years, Venus completes exactly thirteen orbits around the Sun. Furthermore, as we move "outward" form 8:13 in our series of PHI ratios, we next encounter 5:8, which happens to be the ratio of the Earth's orbital period to the interval of its inferior conjunctions with Venus. Finally, the locations of these conjunctions trace a pentagram on the ecliptic plane every eight years."
[End of excerpt]

This morning I found the actual orbital times of Venus and the Earth --


Venus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Venus (pronounced /'vin?s/) is the second-closest planet to the Sun, orbiting it every
224.7 Earth days.

Orbital period 224.70069 day
0.6151970 yr

Synodic period 583.92 days

Taking the above figure --

583.92 x 13 = 7590.96

This, of course, is much closer to 7591 days, which would be the days in Nathan's life,
not counting the final, short, day.


Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Earth (pronounced /'???/)[6] is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the
terrestrial planets in the Solar System in both diameter and mass. It is also referred to as
the Earth, Planet Earth, the World, and Terra.[7]

Orbital period 365.256366 days
1.0000175 yr


This morning, Dee asked me to find the number of days between Nathan's death and the beginning of the trial --

Calculate duration between two dates

Duration calculation results
From and including: Saturday, August 18, 2007
To, but not including : Monday, April 14, 2008

It is 240 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

Or 7 months, 27 days excluding the end date


The number 240 number has special significance to me in several ways. It corresponds to the degrees on one corner (lower left) of an equilateral triangle.

Equilateral triangle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About 17 years ago, I learned that, on the piano keyboard there are 8 white keys and 5 black keys in an octave, for the total of 13. Some say this suggest the PHI ratio.

Years later I wrote an article about music numbers, which included a big triangle that seemed to be a bit out of balance. The "normal" 240-degree angle was off by six degrees at 234-degrees. Following my nose, I found some connections that seemed significant.

This large diagram is included as a link in the article --

Note the angles between XB and BZ are at 234 degrees. The article is here --

The Crop Circle Music Wheel

Note that the number 13 comes up a lot, such as 13 x 18 = 234 and Revelation 13:18, where the number 666 is found. The number 240 is also mentioned.

My study over the years supports the idea that our earthly experience is similar to a stage play or film, where the events are planned. Symbols, including numbers, are often included, suggesting deeper meaning. The "actors" that appear in our lives are entities we know on higher levels. Our enemy here can be our best friend on the other side.

From the above, my interpretation is that Nathan's "script" called for a short life, with symbols and numbers indicating that it is his final incarnation on the earth plane, which happens when one reaches the Heart Chakra.

Part of this idea comes form Black Elk's Great Vision, where he "stabbed the blue man's heart."

Black Elk Speaks : The Great Vision

Also see --

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One


Dees and Joe's pages on 616 -

666 vs 616

There is reason to suspect that the number 616 was not what St John intended. It is the number of the Greek phrase "Caesar God". Very likely, people in St ...


The number 616 has been in the news recently, as it may have been the original ... 666 (or 616) is commonly known as the Number of the Beast in Book of ...

11:11 - The Audio - Interview of Joseph Mason

As noted above, some early texts of the Book of Revelation use 616 instead, which would represent the alternative Hebrew spelling . . . [skip] . ...