International IOU Conference On
a Global February
11 – 12, 2006 THEME
253-854-5255 FAX:
Diane M. Rousseau
The world is changing; education no
longer must be confined to studying the many fields of conventional
knowledge. Time now
demands a global sharing of the wealth of knowledge along with other
Universities to create an integrated system of formal education which
also assists in daily living. Further
expansion demands incorporating time honored academic programs along
with practical means of sustaining human life, as well as
acknowledging the unlimited potential of the human mind.
In “rethinking education”, the source of the mind or that
which “thinks” must be considered.
Education must prepare an individual not only with higher
education and a means for a productive life; but
a way to live as an integrated being, one who is self sufficient, self
sustaining and sees life as totality from the experience of unity from
within. Innovative
education gives a new perspective to knowledge, expanding upon
traditional practices into an unlimited field of possibilities for
growth potential; totality focused education allows the individual to
take their place in society and prepare for a life lived where they
are self reliant and whole within their own being.
New Advanced
Education Systems should include the following as fundamental
studies for a complete curriculum:
Health Management, Spiritual Sciences and Spirituality Meditation Meditation
opens the student to full brain coherence; this practice brings
integration of both hemispheres of the brain.
The left or logical linear side communicates with the right
abstract creative intelligence side.
The educator takes into consideration the thought process of
the student which surpasses traditional student capabilities due to
dealing with the entire brain’s potential, and understanding that
the power of the mind is energy, conservation and focus become
critical to advancement. Acceleration
in studies and superior cognition of any subject can be taken into
consideration in terms of the student’s advancement due to the
benefits of daily meditation. This
enhances the traditional methods of education in an innovative and
dynamic way, speeding up the process of learning which also includes
new levels of achievement. The
daily practice of meditation gives one greater concentration and
cognitive ability in daily life, enhancing all endeavors by helping to
eliminate thoughts which are not constructive and are distracting to
the thinker. This
data has been scientifically proven with hundreds of studies from over
200 universities worldwide since the late 1960s.
This knowledge is being constantly updated, proving the vast
capabilities of the human mind. Older
systems of education do not enhance or include the student’s ability
to go past the traditional means of gaining new knowledge.
With a meditation program, today’s educational systems can
now stimulate the students own ability due to advanced creative
thought, which cognizes an even greater understanding of the subject.
Innovative education, which includes the student as a meditator,
gives an unlimited approach and greater potential for expanding the
avenues of teaching.
The way a person pays attention to
any thought, feeling, or action, directly affects the minds
psychological and emotional well-being, and the body’s state of
wellness. The brain’s
potential, thought of in terms of energy, can be seen as having more
purely focused energy on any given subject due to meditation.
In a study done by The Attention
Foundation of Health and Well-Being in the years between 1975 and
1980, brain wave patterns show that the most prevalent, most habitual,
and most general “reinforced thoughts” or “attention” mode in
society is narrow focused attention.
In other words, most people have narrowly focused views and do
not know how to break the old crystallization patterns set up by the
mind. Concentration is
hampered and the mind becomes easily distracted.
Meditation breaks up these old thought patterns and frees the
mind for greater energy and enhanced function by taking one to the source of thought;
the pure peaceful awareness of infinite energy and happiness.
Recent studies show that a program of
daily meditation creates a broader view of thinking, and a greater
sense of well being with practical positive thought processes.
Viewing the student in terms of a wholistic approach takes into
consideration the value that self awareness can have on the learning
potential. “Rethinking
Education” as an innovative and dynamic means to greater achievement
and success needs to utilize the minds capacity and energy, taking the
students and bringing them to higher way of thinking and living.
Meditation, as taught by the Ancient Rishis, should be a
prerequisite for admission into expanded higher education.
This ancient form of meditation does not conflict with any
faith, religion, or belief system. Meditation
transcends all boundaries and expands the person with the awareness of
their own inner nature, capturing and harnessing the infinite energy
potential of the mind.
In the late
1950s, while establishing the Spiritual Regeneration Movement (SRM)
worldwide for the benefit of humanity, and raising consciousness
through TM Meditation, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gave lectures in
Looking at
this beautiful example given by Maharishi, we can see that the mind
must harness the energy of the thoughts. This format of meditation
must be the new basis for advanced education which includes the
expansion of consciousness. The
mind has unlimited potential due to the daily practice of meditation,
and combining tailored academic studies for higher education will
enhance the individual’s acceleration in advanced studies.
The Educators, through meditation, unfold their own unlimited
access to knowledge; expanding their own conscious awareness, and
bring forward a creative and dynamic means in the educating process
and further into the discovery of their own unlimited inner nature.
Through their own expansion of consciousness, Educators will develop
and use advanced creative thought to change the current parameters of
education and student testing.
This awareness enhances all
aspects of life and deepens the personal belief system or faith as the
individuals conscious understanding expands to take in a greater and
unlimited view of ones potential and spirituality. Introducing
formal classes on meditation with advanced classes on understanding
the use of the mind, and combining knowledge for a mind, body, and
energy connection, would change traditional education.
In terms of knowledge of the self, an individuals chosen
subject and potential would be understood as being unlimited due to
the expansion of consciousness. The
“self or that which thinks” uses the mind as a biological computer
to interface with the outside world.
Meditation is the “key” which unlocks the infinite
potential that resides within each individual.
The mind is a tool to be used with the understanding that
knowledge should contribute to the welfare of the individual on all
levels. In
the graph below, two alternatives are shown; the one on the left
illustrates the thought process of a daily meditator, and the one on
the right shows a non-meditator who does not have the advantage that
meditation gives for greater growth, concentration and unlimited
potential. Graph
of Meditation and Consciousness
Mind Infusion Mind (Clarity, energy, peacefulness) (Surface thinking, limited energy)
Random Thoughts and Actions
(One Pointed attention)
↓ X
Lack of Integration
(Left or right brain dominance)
The symbol above showing Transformation,
uses a circle in the center to represents the Soul (Divine Spirit) or
Self, the diamond, the integrated consciousness of the higher mind
balanced in the human consciousness of right and left brain coherence,
and the square, the foundation of a balanced life lived in unity.
Looking closer, we see an illustration of the many (shown by
the outer points) and the one (the center or source); symbolic of a
life lived in inner and outer unity.
Stagnation results from an uncultivated mind, unable to
transcend and infuse superior energy, which results in crystallized
thoughts, lack of attention, and either right or left brain dominance
resulting in lack of balance.
Consciousness and evolution
is the destiny of all beings, all beings grow and evolve, and subtle
energies transform ones nature. The
essence of this energy is consciousness, and by conscious intent, one
can live life in a way which supports nature and is also productive on
spiritual, physical, and evolutionary levels, which includes respect
for all of nature while appreciating the diversity of all the many
forms of life. Health
addition to Meditation and advanced Meditation studies, education
should also include personal health management, including the basic
studies of Allopathic, Osteopathic, Ayur-Veda and Naturopathic
disciplines. This would
give the student an overall view of current and expanded systems of
health care and also contribute to current academic studies of these
subjects. Basic Allopathic
studies would give an insight into current health care, past
influences and possible future trends.
Osteopathic studies relate knowledge of the bone structure with
nerve pathways, adding greater value to the necessary refinement of
the nervous system due to the expanding consciousness.
This study takes in the effects of meditation on nerve energy
pathways, bone growth, healing, brain functioning, and incorporates
the health of the bone structure for stabilizing and protecting the
nervous system. Incorporating
Naturopathic study would further expand current medical practices with
time proven self management methods.
In Vedic Sciences, Ayur-Veda includes
herbs, energy healing, sound and vibration therapy, the Science of
Meditation, advanced Spiritual Sciences, the Sciences of Architecture
and Agriculture, with an expanded understanding of energy, and also
the knowledge of energies present in organic food, nutritional values
and planting. One learns
through meditation and advanced education to harness their own thought
processes, while taking responsibility for their health, and
contributing to the welfare of all life on the planet due to personal
integration, and living life in a wholistic way.
In the study of Medicine by utilizing the
Spiritual Sciences, the consciousness, health, and energy systems of
the body are taken into consideration, and the individual is
understood as a totality. This advanced educational gives the means
for the individual to contribute to their own health care, while being
able to aid the Doctor in their own treatment.
The individual helps the Physician, and both participate
understanding that as consciousness continues to expand, the mind and
body are able to heal one from within.
The enlightened Physicians of today and in the future will be
co-participants in the finer levels of human consciousness and
physiology. Maharishi has
said, body follows mind,
the quality and energy of the thoughts also contribute to ones
health and well-being.
Sciences and Spirituality
Within any structure, be it air, water, mineral, plant,
aquatic life forms, animals, humans and even space (Akasha) there is
order; from the moment of life within the first cell.
The memory of order is within the structure or archetype of the
form. The Earth seen as a
whole is teeming with life. Each
form has an internal structure within that holds the energy for growth
of the form; this energy also exists in space.
Each form has its own unique energy pattern and has encoded
within it the structure of its potential. Looking at the limitless
diversity of nature, seeing its natural flow shows the integrity of
the inner structure that is sustained and held within while expanding
with the natural flow of life. All
forms, while diverse in their nature, co-exist and make up the
totality balancing, sustaining, and continuously evolving for the
greater evolution. For
human-beings, the same principal in
nature applies. While
diverse in consciousness, experiencing oneness and unity within gives
one a totality experience with respect and reverence for all life.
thing or form that grows has a degree of consciousness.
Consciousness has awareness, and that awareness is encoded
within the form. When
stimulated from a level from what is best, most pleasing, and natural,
it will grow automatically to its potential.
Governments, Religions, Organizations, Foundations, groups, and
families, all exist as diversity in totality.
The reason there are so many different structures, is because
of the diversity in consciousness of each individual.
People will naturally gravitate to their personal understanding
and comfort level. It
takes wisdom to effectively transform by understanding God is
totality, and all life dwells in Gods creative diversity.
Wisdom is a product of integration
of the mind and heart with full balance of the emotions.
Energy will automatically follow its course if the attention on
the goal or thought is held along with the inner passion.
Incorporating knowledge of the Self gives one the basis for all
knowledge, a foundation for all experience and education, and an
unlimited vision of the future. This
is due to understanding and comprehension cognized within
ones own Self! A
human-Being can maintain and improve the goal and vision most
beneficial for all due to the experience of their own divinity.