BY Dee Finney

12-19-89 - Mediation - I wanted to see the U.S. Coastline after the year 2,000. I saw Florida uplifted and tilted to the west. Everything was cut north of Chicago. The Mississippi was uplifted. Texas was undermined on the East.

3-28-92 - DREAM - I was on 16th St. and had accumulated a lot of knowledge about the coming earthchanges. I was told that a series of people would come to me and give me information and that I should pass it on to those who needed to know, but to watch for one particular man who would come who would try to take it all from me.

I was then shown a map of the southern edge of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and Texas. florida was torn off and turned so that it was aimed at Texas.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I took that map and showed it to my kids in a classroom. They scoffed that it was impossible physically, but admitted that Florida would disappear under the ocean.

NOTE: On 8-24-92 thru 8-26-92, Hurricane Andrew came from the Atlantic ocean,a cross the top of Florida, through the Golf of Mexico, and came ashore just East of Texas in Louisiana.



The Land is overcome by the water. 11/11/97 9:12 AM

In this dream I was with my mother, sister, children and some friends. We were on an island and the top of the island was covered with green grass but there were very few trees. Everything was in vivid color and it was daylight. There were a few buildings that appeared to have been put up very quickly. Like beach houses. As I watched something happened and I came out of the house where I was and looked around. The ocean had come up around us. The people, all of them playing like children. Swimming, doing things and having fun as if nothing was wrong. Then suddenly I saw as if from above almost like a satellite picture. I saw the West coast and in a series of frames or pictures I saw the land sink below the water line and the water come up onto the land creating the island that we were on. It once was a mountain top, now it is an island. I saw these things so clearly I could draw a picture of that map and the process that caused this mountain top to become an island. I saw the island and the shape of it very clearly. It having points to the West and to the East and being rounded to the North and South. It had a huge rock cliff on the South side and another smaller island to the South South West. You could see land in all directions at different distances except to the West where the land was totally submersed.

The waves were washing against the cliff side of the island in cycles ranging from a few feet high to waves reaching the top of the cliff at some points perhaps 20 or more feet high. People were diving into the huge waves and swimming around in the water.

My mother, sister, and friends were all people who I saw clearly but they were not my own family. That is to say it was as if I was someone else, or viewpoint with someone else in the dream. It was as clear as any night vision I have ever had.

Now I went to the beaches of this island in each direction and took note of what I saw and puzzled over how in a few more days this island may be totally underwater. Sometimes I flew around and sometimes I walked but then I looked and there sat that house I had started out in right on the edge of the cliff on the South of the island. One more building remained at the top of the island surrounded by very short green grass. There was a "tent" just to the East of that small building. People were gathered under it to get out of the sun.

My sister or daughter who ever it was came to me and wanted me to come see what they had found to the West but I had just come from there and my friend, a young man with short blond hair was urging me to go South to the "slide" and swim with him in the ocean. I told the girl I was going to the "slide" even though it was not what I expected when I got there. What the people were doing was waiting until the waves came in real high and jumping into them and swimming around to climb up and do the jump all over again. While I was standing there watching this blond headed young man went down and stood on the lower part of the rock wall waiting for the right wave. Others were all around him but most of them setting or standing higher up on the wall. I came down the hill to that same wall and the wave washed in over the top of it and I slid along on the top of the wall to a position near him. Then when the next waves came in they were far to low but we waited and I watched this guy and the girl to his right. Then a huge wave came in that came up over our feet and the boy and girl dove into the wave. I waited only a moment watching for them to be clear and I jumped in the wave and followed them out.

It appeared as though I had gone down into the water 30 or 40 feet deep and even thought I was going to hit the bottom. The water was crystal clear there and I could see the rocks below, a gravel bed sloping off toward the South into deeper water. Then I came up and saw the rock cliffs high above me to the North. I saw my friends swimming along toward the West to a place where they could climb out. I saw other people swimming to the East to a place where they could also climb out and return to the island to catch the next wave. I followed my friends to the West and that was the end of the dream.


I have had prophetic dreams about the land being overcome by the water at different times in the past. Some were clearly prophetic night visions while others were more like dreams. These kinds of dreams and night visions started a long time ago, years ago but they have never ceased. Every so often I have one similar to this and must ponder on the meaning. Is it symbolic ? Is it literal ? Is it a combination of both ?

The first and most powerful night vision about the West being overcome by water was many years ago and I remember it like it was just last night. In it I flew as fast as lighting to the West coast where I found the land ripped apart as if by an earthquake. Smoke filled the air. I saw both new and old East/West rail road tracks ripped apart. I saw the air filled with smoke and ash. I saw fires along the edge of this high mountain where there was fresh dirt as if the land was ripped apart. I saw a few men fighting to stop the fires. As I hovered just a foot or so above the ground I saw palm trees through the smoke and a few houses that were along the top of the mountains. I saw children wandering around saying "I can’t find my home, I can’t find my family." There was nothing I could do but observe and ponder on the meaning of the things I had seen.

Then as quickly as I had come I flew back to my house in IL and through the bathroom window and right into the kitchen where I found my father who was God and I told him "Do you know what I have just seen ?" And he said that he did know all these things and they were in the future for our world.

I did not get a day or time only "in the future" and other dreams and night visions of similar things in different places.

Then one day I was watching a TV show where some people said they had received dreams and visions and saw maps of the United States of America being overcome by the ocean. Some said this was caused by earth quakes and some said by a comet hitting the earth. One said it was a combination of both, that the earth quakes were caused by the comet or something hitting the earth from space. One women and one man drew their maps and they are selling these maps and perhaps some of them you can get from the Internet, I don’t know. The maps were very similar but not identical.

The East, West and South coastal areas were submersed in water. The coastal cities and towns were under water. Many millions of people were killed in these events. LA, New York, New Orleans and almost all of Florida were under water. A huge section of the central U.S. coming up the Mississippi River was under water. Massive areas of Texas was under water. Islands dotted the Western areas where California, Oregon and Washington States once were. Huge areas of Mexico were totally submersed in water.

Some of the people said that aliens showed them these things. Others said it was angels who showed them and others like myself said they saw visions and night visions and dreams where they saw prophetic messages concerning the future of this world. Some of them even gave dates as being around the year 2000 when these things would take place. Some even said the rapture mentioned in the Bible would happen about the same time as these events.

I do not have the answers or miraculous insight into these night visions and dreams which I have seen or the messages which were given to these others who have seen similar things. I can only honestly testify to the fact that I have seen similar things in powerful night visions and in crystal clear dreams that have impressed upon me feelings of great concern. An urgency to share what I have seen with others and prayer to God for the understanding of the things we have seen.

The other things I can do is try to speculate and analyze the symbols and make a guess at what these things might be trying to tell us. Because of the images I saw in the first night vision and how I saw the land torn apart and the rail road tracks ripped into I believe much of what I saw was literal. That at some point in the future the coast lines of this land and other countries of the world will be submersed in water. I believe it may happen so quickly that millions of people will be taken by surprise and not be able to move to safety. If the rail road tracks are symbolic in any way then they represent these things to be preset and fixed so that events that will come can not be changed by human effort.

If by the Prophet Joseph we may say that if a dream comes to us speaking of the same thing more than once, or three times in that case it is fixed and can’t be changed then once again we have reason to believe that what ever these dreams and visions, angels or aliens are speaking about will take place and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. We can only prepare for it and move to a safer place.

Thank you

…Bryon  (Dream-link.org)


5-90-98 I read the prophecy on your web site by Hayda on the Prophecies of the North. I have been having recurring dreams for over two years now involving water. Everything from tidal waves, rivers, lakes, ponds, bays, water gushing out of a wall and water gushing out of solid rock.

About half of these water dreams involve fish of gigantic proportions. Several months ago they involved orcas. In one dream they were in a large pool. In another dream one popped its head out of a narrow gorge of water along the bank and flipped my cat into the water.

Last night I dreamed of a huge multicolored fish hundreds of feet long swimming in the sky with a smaller fish in front of it and a still smaller fish in the lead. The big fish ate both of the small fish and in the air I saw the blood gush out of the big fishes mouth .

I don't know how to stop these dreams. I don't know what they mean either. For a while I went to a psychiatrist about them and all he did was heavily medicate me so I wouldn't have them. I quit taking the medicine and just accept the dreams for what they are. I just wish I understood why I keep having them.

Maybe you could share my dream with the old lady if she still lives or someone who might be able to interpret it.

One last thing. Since I was a child I've occasionally had dreams of walking or hiking for several hundred miles. In my dreams I always hike to the North as if this was a safe place. Although I live in Florida I am not talking of North as in Indiana or New York. I sense that the far Northern parts of Canada are somehow a safe haven for earth changes.

by anonymous


February, 1999

We were going outside and went past a bunch of old ladies as we went out the door. The girl baby walked outside ahead of me and said to the old ladies, what sounded like "I'm 'S_____ K______ " I said to the old ladies, laughing, She named herself that. (I recall that it was two one syllable words like one would say "Sweet Sue" but it was an unusual name... like a well known cliche...about a city or a state I thought when I woke up.

As soon as she said it, the girl turned into a puzzle...not like a jigsaw, but like a colored map of the southern United States with the Mississippi River in the center. Florida was on the right and Mexico country on the left, but not the whole states, only half of them. It was very close up. Only about 2 states showed south to north. Not much of the Gulf of Mexico showed.


Later in the day, after I determined that the K word was actually QUAKE, and that the map was indicating something about the New Madrid Fault Quake, I did not figure out what the S word is yet:

I got extremely tired and closed my eyes. I immediately had vision of the little girl. She said one word starting with the letter M - like Monsoon. It was a two syllable word.

After I thought about it a second, I got that it would be during Monsoon season. I did a web search and found that the Monsoon season is July 1st to September 15th, in the southern U.S.

So much for that so far.


5-14-99 - DREAM - This dream was not very nice at all. I don't know if it was spurred by some Email I read about "important people" being asked to leave Sandiego California.

I dreamed that I watched as people in some big organization who had promised people in the Russian and the American governments unfolded a plan where they were going to start world war 3.

The Russians planted a bomb in Munich Germany. It was a Neutron bomb…. At the same time that it exploded, the americans shot a missile with a hydrogen bomb attached from the indian ocean on the side of India that flew below radar until I was over china.. then it took off so it looked, on all radar, like it came from China. That bomb exploded over Sandiego. Totally destroying the city. The American's were told China was attacking.

They were also told that Germany was part of the attack…. But one of their bombs when off as soon as it was armed but before they could shoot it off.

There was also some kind of nuclear bomb going off off the coast of Florida close to the everglades. That was supposed to be a near miss from Cuba.

The ETs picked Paul and I up…and told us they had to take us to a town outside of Munich because there was a "team member" hiding there they could not find. And we had to find them so that they could be saved.

We were brought out to the area. When we got there it was Daytime. There were people standing on top of a tall building. One woman who was thin, had a smokers face, red/blond short cropped hair and was wearing a tattered and worn business suit started calling to us. The UFO we were on went in closer. She was holding a round gray thing. It looked like a model of a build that was about 18 inches tall and 2 feet round. She called to us that she knew the UFO's were going to come and save her. And that her children were inside the building (of which she had the model of). And they should be saved too.

I called down to her that we were not there to pick her up yet. To stay put. She shouted back that she knows we were going to save her.. And maybe to prove it.. she Jumped off the side of the building and plummeted down to the sidewalk below. She didn't even move or struggle on her way down… and she hit the pavement and was killed.

I was horrified by what happened. Then the ETs put Paul and I down on a city street. There was a man laying on the sidewalk, face up. But his body and face was covered with BIG BLACK BEETLES. It was DISGUSTING. They were eating him alive. He was obviously dying quickly. Paul questioned him if he knew where this person we were looking for was. As he did, he shook the bugs off of him.

The man moaned a bit but said nothing.

I didn't know what to do… I knew the guy was dying anyway, but wondered if we should do anything to put him out of his misery. Then I realized he was too far gone to even know... so I said to Paul, never mind him lets get going.

At this point I looked away from the man to a vast city scape of bodies and dead animals and birds all over the place.. only these big black beetles seemed to be alive. And the horror gripped me and I woke up all out of breath.

by anonymous


Prediction by Drunvalo Melchisedek

The South Pole is melting. There is three volcanoes going off under the ice cap. They have been active for many years now. Last year the biggest piece of ice ever known broke off, about 800 square miles of ice. At the moment another huge piece is about to break off. This one is called Larson's Ledge and is about the size of the state of Texas and about 3 or 4 miles deep. It is cracking fast. If this piece of ice breaks off, according to the press releases, it will raise the world oceans by 65 feet. Two countries will disappear forever and almost every coastal city in the world will be destroyed. Just think what would happen to Florida when the highest point is 90 feet. This would happen in about one day. Our government is telling the world that it will be about 500 years before Larson's Ledge breaks off. We don't talk about it much here in the states, but in Australia it is discussed almost every week because they would be effected first and much more. Obviously the tidal wave coming off of a piece of ice as big as Larson's Ledge would be huge, perhaps over a half mile high or more. About 10 days ago Dr. David Suzuki and another scientist went on Australian television and made a daring statement. They said that they could not allow this disinformation to go out. They said that, as scientists, they believed from all the scientific information that they have seen that Larson's Ledge will break off sometime "within three years or less ". Before Dr. Suzuki even said this to Australia, the aboriginal tribes said that they expected a huge wave to be coming, and many of these tribes are at this moment heading for the center of the continent to get inland as far as possible.


You are in a DREAM WINDOW

Two Dreams of Florida's Destruction by Asteroid/Tsunami

An email I received today (May 15, 2001) reminded me of a dream I had late last month that I have been meaning to post. First I will present my dream, then what follows will be the vision contained in the email.

McClellan (4/28/01):

I was some distance away from land, I am not sure how far. It seemed I was in an ocean.

The waters were churning violently and boiling and it was dark as night. In fact, I assumed this was happening at night. There was a great deal of steam rising from the waters and in the darkness I saw also mixed within it a blood red colour. There was much blackness and blood red steam. I saw nothing in the sky but black and red vapour.

Then I was looking down upon a great city that was on the harbour. It was like a helicopter view. I saw tongues of water sloshing down the streets and splashing upwards on the buildings. Most of them did not seem too high from the ground level. Then I saw one tongue of water that filled the avenue and lapped so high that it covered an entire block of high-rise buildings. I began to see more of these tongues that lapped high, splashing water almost to where I was. As the scene progressed I saw less and less of the buildings and more and more sloshing, roiling water.

Then I was shown a map where this was happening. I could distinctly see the Florida peninsula. Then I awoke.

Comment: This was a very vivid dream. What I found most interesting was that the action took place in Florida. I have never been to Florida and most prophecies concerning destruction of American cities that I have been familiar with focus on New England, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, the Midwest, and, of course, the West Coast. So why a dream of Florida?

I may have received my answer in one of a series of prophecy "spam" (multiple emails) sent courtesy of G. Baptist (John Lallier). The vision is by Dan and Donna Smith as related to G. Baptist on 1/26/01. It was one of a number of emails sent to me today by G. Baptist (May 15).

Smith (1/26/01): The Lord took me in the spirit to outer space and I saw very dim stars. Then the lights came on and I saw an asteroid, brown in color, coming to the planet earth.

The Lord took me in the spirit and showed me driving down the east coast of Florida and back up the west coast. When I got to Orlando, the Lord cut Florida in half and I said, “Lord have mercy”. He said “No more mercy”. Again I asked “Lord have mercy” and again He repeated “No more mercy. I asked Him, “Lord why are You doing this”. He answered “death of the innocents." I saw south Florida, Kissimmee to Miami, underwater. Then He showed me portable buildings stacked like a train all connected together. The buildings were full of people with legs and arms missing. I ran into the buildings and there was no end to them.

I saw an asteroid race right by Florida. What a horrible sound it made as it hit us. Then I saw helicopters and out of them came men with guns. When they came to me, I disappeared. Then I was somewhere else and I put out my hand and an apple was there and I ate it. The Lord will take care of His true servants, have no fear.

I was in a red suit, riding in a red car and something was holding me from passing and going to the sea. Then the restraint was removed and I got to the sea. I dropped my cell phone and I went into the sea and entered a building that was vary strong and safe.

There was an interpretation included I assume was written by Smith. I have included it here:

Interpretation (Smith):

I have a great call on my life Isaiah 63, 64 and 65. Red is the blood of Christ and power of the Lord. The sea is the people ready to be harvested. The building is Christ. The cell phone is my connection to this world.

We are to be led by the spirit and hearing Gods voice and not sold out to the world. God’s Kingdom is not of this world. I died 17 years ago when I got the Holy Spirit and I’m a new creation in Christ Jesus. We must give ourselves completely to Him and we will do great exploits for the end time harvest. Jesus said that we will do greater things than He, because He will send the Holy Ghost. Mark 16 & 17. Be one of them and give God the glory.

COMMENT (McClellan): Most of the vision above is self-evident and inspired by God. It supports my April dream of an asteroid/meteor-related tsunami that destroys a part of Florida.

Dream Vision and Commentary © 2001 Michael McClellan

Vision and Interpretation © 2001 Dan & Donna Smith

All Other Commentary © 2001 Michael McClellan


Three Dreams of Florida's Destruction by Asteroid/Tsunami

Below are three visions concerning a colossal tsunami that destroys major cities along the Florida coast and inland. The most recent one by James Blackhurst, I received by email today (September 4, 2001). It suggests that the time may now be near. The two which follow are my dream from April 28, 2001 and a vision by Dan and Donna Smith (January 26, 2001).

Blackhurst (9/4/01): I Give you this to look at, The Florida disaster that will take place, by a large wall of water is close.

The shark attacks occurring along the eastern seaboard has been played down, but the evidence of so many sharks near the shore has fulfilled a dream I had. My dream showed many sea creatures (especially sharks) crowding the beaches of Florida. In my dream I am looking at the sea from the shore, I ask why. The voice said watch, A huge mountain collapses in the ocean, the weeks prior to this, the mountain released severe heat forcing the sharks to hunt for prey elsewhere. As the mountain collapsed a huge wall of water rushed to the shore. I feel this disaster is close.

COMMENT: The mountain which collapses may be one of the collapsing volcanos or super-volcanos geo-physicists have been warning us about this year. If it is the latter, all of the Americas will be severely affected by the powerful blast. The eruption of a super-volcano only occurs every 600,000 years. If one erupted today it would easily fulfill the prophecy of the sixth seal of Revelation, triggering off earthquakes and volcanic eruptions worldwide and plunging the entire planet into perpetual twilight for many months.


McClellan (4/28/01):

I was some distance away from land, I am not sure how far. It seemed I was in an ocean.

The waters were churning violently and boiling and it was  dark as night. In fact, I assumed this was happening at night. There was a great deal of steam rising from the waters and in the darkness I saw also mixed within it a blood red colour. There was much blackness and blood red steam. I saw  nothing in the sky but black and red vapour.

Then I was looking down upon a great city that was on the harbour. It was like a helicopter view. I saw tongues of water sloshing down the streets and splashing upwards on the buildings. Most of them did not seem too high from the ground level. Then I saw one tongue of water that filled the avenue and lapped so high that it covered an entire block of high-rise buildings. I began to see more of these tongues that lapped high, splashing water almost to where I was. As the scene progressed I saw less and less of the buildings and more and more sloshing, roiling water.

Then I was shown a map where this was happening. I could distinctly see the Florida peninsula. Then I awoke.

Comment: This was a very vivid dream. What I found most interesting was that the action took place in Florida. I have never been to Florida and most prophecies concerning destruction of American cities that I have been familiar with focus on New England, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, the Midwest, and, of course, the West Coast. So why a dream of Florida?

I may have received my answer in one of a series of prophecy  "spam" (multiple emails) sent courtesy of G. Baptist (John Lallier). The vision is by Dan and Donna Smith as related to G. Baptist on 1/26/01. It was one of a number of emails sent  to me today by G. Baptist (May 15).

Smith (1/26/01): The Lord took me in the spirit to outer space and I saw very dim stars. Then the lights came on and I saw an asteroid, brown in color, coming to the planet earth.

The Lord took me in the spirit and showed me driving down the east coast of Florida and back up the west coast. When I got to Orlando, the Lord cut Florida in half and I said, "Lord have mercy". He said "No more mercy". Again I asked "Lord have mercy" and again He repeated "No more mercy. I asked Him, "Lord why are You doing this". He answered "death of the innocents." I saw south Florida, Kissimmee to Miami, underwater. Then He showed me portable buildings stacked like a train all connected together. The buildings were full of people with legs and arms missing. I ran into the buildings and there was no end to them.

I saw an asteroid race right by Florida. What a horrible sound it made as it hit us. Then I saw helicopters and out of them came men with guns. When they came to me, I disappeared. Then I was somewhere else and I put out my hand and an apple was there and I ate it. The Lord will take care of His  true servants, have no fear.

COMMENT (McClellan): Most of the vision above is self-evident and inspired by God. It supports my April dream  of an asteroid/meteor-related tsunami that destroys a part of Florida.



Date: April 03, 2003
From: Curious,
Three Asteroid/Comet vision - April 1, 2001

This was on another board. Because it is consistent with earth changes but a slow load from that site, I'm repeating it here:

"Here is the account of the vision dealing with the comets and the destruction to befall America that I was given.

"In April 2001 I was moved to ask God what was coming at us. The question was as generic as that...but not the answer. I  was then shown North America on a globe. I saw three balls of fire streaking across the globe. One hits in the Gulf of Mexico...another hits near the east coast of Florida...and the third is further out in the Atlantic. I then see America get  smaller. Florida is washed over as well as much of the east coast and the coastal areas of the Gulf. I asked if people would be warned of this event in any way. I was told that this was the  warning. I asked again about the others that did not hear or see initial warnings. I heard that there would be a very small window of opportunity for people to get out of harms way... but most would still not listen.

Then the only "close-up" view I got was of I-95...it was a death trap...and those were the words I heard too. Then I was shown a short period of relative stillness then I saw the middle of America rise up, then separate into two land masses with a great body of water between the two halves. When I inquired about what I was to do...I live In Florida...I was shown a specific area in North Carolina that I had to be at. I was also told I would be there before this happened. I am currently planning my move for asap. If finances had allowed I would be there now...but things being as they are I will be there in the next two months. I cannot even begin to list all the ways God has confirmed this for me. Ann Peterson is currently a resident of Orlando, Florida.



From: KimO, Subject: Recurring dream..
March 15, 2001

Same dream, but again a new second level dream. In this one I saw a scene like the "big bang." Then life being formed, up to present day. Then something catastrophic happened (couldn't tell if it was natural or man made) then a clean earth emerged to pick up the pieces and start over. There was a new energy level or awareness to everything - felt it had something to do with being reconnected or 12-stranded.