11.1 Quarks 

..."The inverse-square relation to Coulomb's law has been verified with great precision at large distances, but it is not valid when the force between charged particles, such as electrons, is measured at extremely short range. The discrepancy is caused by the spatial distribution of the electron's charge. At the core of the electron there is a negative charge, called the bare charge, of very large magnitude; indeed, it may well be infinite. This charge induces in the vacuum surrounding it a halo of positive charge, which almost cancels the bare charge. The effective charge of the electron, when measured from a distance, is simply the difference between these two charges..."


11.2 Quarks and the Antishielding Charges 

..."In the non-Abelian theory the bare charge does not induce a shielding charge but and "antishielding" one. Thus a quark with a color charge induces around it additional charges of the same polarity. As a result the color charge of the quark is the smallest at close range; as a particle recedes from the quark the charge gets larger. The corresponding force law is dramatically different from Coulomb's law; as the distance separating two color-charged particles increases, the force between them could remain constant or could even increase"..

Scientific American
Nov. 1976, pg. 55

11.3 Bare Charge of the Electron 

"The virtual particles include not only the neutral ones, such as the photon, but also pairs of oppositely charged particles, such as electrons and their antiparticles, the positrons. It is the charged virtual particles in this cloud that under ordinary circumstances conceal the 'infinite' negative bare charge of the electron. In the vicinity of the bare charge the electron-positron pairs become slightly polarized; the virtual positrons, under the attractive influence of the bare charge, stay closer to it on the average than the virtual electrons, which are repelled. As a result the bare charge is partially neutralized: what is seen at long range is the difference between the bare charge and the screening charge of the virtual positrons. Only when a probe approaches to within less than 10^-19 cm do the unscreened effects of the bare charge become significant".


Scientific American
June 1980, pg. 135

11.4 Quarks and the Phenomenal Reversal 

..."A kind of charge that increases with distance and a force that remains constant",

(Note: This is where neutrality is)

"with distance seems to contradict an intuitive sense of how matter aught to behave. Quantum mechanics has contradicted intuition before, and made no apology for it, but in this case and explanation, and even a pictorial representation, of how the effects may arise, may be possible. This explanation is a feature of another model of quark confinement, called the string model (String Theory)..."

..."In the model hadrons are regarded as flexible, extensible strings in rapid rotation..it is massless..has no material 'beads" along its length, although it does have potential",

(Note: "There is no such thing as potential energy, all is kinetic". Nicola Tesla),

"and kinetic energy..."

..."the distinctive geometry of the string suggests that it might be regarded as such a one-dimensional gauge field".

..."It is no longer the force itself that is peculiar; the force is a conventional one, obeying the same kind of law as electromagnetism. The peculiar properties all derive from the geometry imposed on the field. Fields that are virtually one-dimensional can actually be created on a macroscopic scale...IF a superconductor......"

11.5 Diagram. Distribution of Color Charge Magazine: Scientific American Nov. 1976, pg.55

"Distribution of color charge might explain the effects of infrared slavery and ultraviolet freedom. The distribution seems to be quite different from that of the more familiar electric charge. The electron has at its core, a large and possible infinite negative charge, called the bare charge, which induces in the vacuum surrounding it a positive charge of almost equal magnitude; the effective charge if the electron observed at a distance is the difference between these charges.

(Note: The reason "bare charge" is noted here, is that I suspect this configuration is the postulated 12 spheres encompassing the 13th center gravity-sphere, making the center sphere "a large and possible infinite negative charge", otherwise known as the vector equilibrium of B. Fuller.)

The bare color charge, in contrast, is thought to be very small and possibly zero, but it induces a surrounding charge of the same polarity, so that the effective charge increases, perhaps without limit, as it spreads out into space. From these charge distributions it follows that electrically charged particles follow Coulomb's law; the force between them 'declines' as the square of the distance. Particles bearing a color charge, on the other hand, obey a very different law; the force between them remains constant, regardless of distance, and the energy with which they are bound together (or the energy that must be supplied in order to pull them apart) 'increases' with distance..."

(Note: At this magnification of matter, phenomena are beginning to reverse and act in mirror image relationships opposite to "normal" phenomena. This is the beginning of the "Other Side" of the double universe.
In order to complete this anti-world of so called 'particles', one has to understand mirror-image/inverted/backward symmetries that are exactly opposite of 'This Side'. (Note: Correction 02/10/03- not exactly opposite, see Mode Box.) With this knowledge, the 'Other Side' can be constructed but not measured as all are 'virtual' frequencies, twice as fast as on 'This Side' according to author Raudive, who wrote a book called "The Breakthrough", 133.93 R1914b, concerning communicating with the dead by using an electronic circuit of 13 different audio frequencies).

Raudive can be found at Keelynet BBS:
Message 417, 419 

KeelyNet Search Page

Bill Modlin on Raudive

Electromic Voice Phenomena (EVP) Page

Another hint of the parameters of the 'Other Side' comes from David Johh Oates and his Reverse Speech Technology,

David John Oates 

wherein he has reverse recordings of baby babble, finding intelligent words and phrases spoken backwards, indicating to me, that the higher world from which babies come, is backward, (the psyche), from what we call 'This Side').

"91 Notes", Section- "Mind World" and "Purpose"

Scientific American
Nov. 1976, pg. 55

11.6 Quarks and Color Charge 

Concerning the Bag model of Quarks... This is called the Superstring Model. "When the system is spun, its angular momentum increases, the color lines stretch and energy is pumped into the color field the lines represent. As a result the mass of the system increases. The relation the model predicts between spin angular momentum and mass has been verified experimentally for all the hadrons. The experimental discovery of this relation was a main motivation for another model of quark confinement, the string model, in which two quarks cannot be separated because they are linked by a "string". The bag model provides a physical explanation of the nature of the string".

Scientific American
July 1979, pg. 117

11.7 Table. Quark Contents Magazine: Scientific American Jul. 1979, pg.117

11.8 Quark Color and 27 

"Several observations can be made about this distribution of charges (of the color quark).

First, there are 27 possible combinations",


"of 3 charges",


"when each charge can have any one of three values"...

Scientific American
April 1981, pg. 53
"Metagalaxies and Levitating Discs"

11.9 Virtual Particles (Frequencies) 

11.10 Diagram. Virtual Particles

"A cloud of virtual particles (frequencies) surrounds a central point charge and alters its response to a force. A positive electric charge is surrounded by virtual photons and virtual electron-positron pairs",

(Note: This is the "light ambiplasma" of File, "25 Gravity", Section, "Metagalaxies and Levitating Discs").

..."The photons have little effect, but the charged virtual particles are polarized, so that the negative virtual charges cluster around the positive real charge, reducing its effective magnitude. A positive color charge is enveloped in a cloud of virtual gluons and virtual quark-antiquark pairs. The quarks and antiquarks become polarized much as electrons and positrons do (light-ambiplasma), but the gluons act differently from photons. Whereas the photon is electrically neutral, some of the gluons have a color charge, and it is predominately of the same polarity as the real charge. The color charge is therefore spread out in space and the net charge in any spherical volume becomes smaller as the radius of the sphere is reduced. The ultimate result of these effects is that the electromagnetic interaction becomes larger at close range, whereas the strong interaction becomes smaller. The weak interaction also has charged carrier particles, so that it too becomes feebler at small distances, although to a lesser extent than the strong interactions".


(Note: Since words like "larger' and 'smaller' are used in the paragraph, the question to ask is this: How can the cloud configuration be 'expanded' or 'contracted' to alter the forces within accordingly? You might like to refer to the File "Rydberg Atoms" since these are atoms expanded many times normal size, hence, altering the internal strengths and distances of internal atomics. Also ask, What are the desired effects of expanding atoms? And how are atoms contracted? Doesn't Keely speak about these expansions and contractions also? He does. ).

Scientific American
Unknown Source

11.11 Symmetry in the Color- (SU3) Theory 

"The high order of symmetry in the color-(SU3) theory can be suggested in a geometric presentation. The 3 color charges R-G, G-B and B-R can be represented by position along 3 axis on a plane. The axes are symmetrically arrayed at angles of 120 degrees to one another. If the 3 colors are placed according to their component color charges on such a graph, they are found to lie at the vertexes of any equilateral triangle. The anti-colors lie opposite the corresponding colors so that they form another triangle turned 180 degrees from the first. The two superimposed triangles form a Star of David".


See File, "51 Gnosis and Dimensions", Section, "Gnostic Thinkers and their Living Symbolism".

Scientific American
April 1981, pg. 55

11.12 Quarks and Leptons 

"In other composite systems a small amount of 'mass' is lost by being converted into the binding energy of the system... In a quark or a lepton, it seems, the entire mass of the system is canceled almost exactly. Such a 'miraculous' cancellation is certainly not impossible, but it seems most unlikely to happen by accident".

Scientific American
Apr. 1983, pg. 67

11.13 Rishons 

It seems the Rishons, are elsewhere in Antiquity, called Monads.

Scientific American
Apr. 1983, pg. 62

11.14 Atomic Charm 

"The atoms of ordinary matter have no charm; the property can be observed only in the debris of high-energy collisions between particles...

...There is no question, however, that quarks are in a class apart from the leptons. Interactions between quarks are dominated by a force that does not effect leptons at all"...

Scientific American
Oct. 1977, pg. 56

Impossible Correspondence Index

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999