143 The Invisible Universe 
Date: 02/05/04

The Invisible Universe


Science invents two invisible fields:

dark energy
dark matter
manifested matter (dead matter)

The root of the Dark Matter / Dark Energy Problem can be summed up in these quotes from Scientific American Magazine.

"The mismatch of galaxies and larger cosmic structures." Sci.Am Aug. 2002, p. 42.

Elsewhere within the article...... Scientists also "suspect the existence of dark energy that
would produce the observed accelerated expansion of the universe." Sci.Am Aug 2002, p. 44.

In the first quote it was said that galactic gas moves about but does not escape, which science assumes to be held by gravity of the rest of the system, so more matter was needed. All one can say about this is "What holds a tornado together?" In the second quote one can only ask, "Why does the universe look like a balloon being blown up?" If you can answer these questions, you can solve the Dark Matter / Energy Problem. I believe the theory is based upon a faulty major premise and is nonexistent, and even Scientific American Magazine mentions, "electrons are antimatter" so there are also no dark fields of invisible anti-matter, however, the ratios are interesting.

Science studies say dark energy is 25%-36% of the invisible total of universe leaving the balance to dark matter, estimated to be from 60%-73%, minus visible matter at 1-5%. These estimates are hovering around the same ratios found in atomic charges, namely, 1/3 (33%) and 2/3's (66%).

Ratios of 1/3rd and 2/3rd's are as coincidental as the ratios of the coincidences of 10^40 6 or perhaps the ratios should be interpreted as Robert Fludd or Heninger interpreted them in the Music of the Spheres and The Divine Monochord as the "diapason proportion 3/1 and the diatesseron as 3/2." 40 or the ratios might be considered as triplets or triads. 47

Lets construct a major premise, for the very first time, and admit that:

Premise 1

The universe should reveal a visible/invisible ratio (99 : 1) of 1/3 (33%) dark energy plus 2/3's (66%) dark-unconscious-energy against visible matter (1%). This whole invisible component (99%) being composed of 2 components called energy and primal unconsciousness (ECU's, energy/consciousness units 2) in an unknown ratio. There is no dark matter, only energy and grades of unconsciousness/consciousness. If it is matter, it is visible and dead.(02/05/04, Grace)

Atomic Size / Cosmic Size and The Invisible Universe.

At the time that I was watching the Dark Matter / Dark Energy estimates from various sources, go up and down in percentage, I was comparing Commee's 15 elements 3 and the atomic charge ratios 1/3 and 2/3 with certain music scales 4 in sets of 7. After trying, for a while, with the binary notation, I found that 14 scales (double sets of 14 pairs), below, fit nicely with a little intelligent adjustment, into the 15 elements of the atomic charges, using the most perfectly balanced pair of scales (Dorian/Dorian) to represent the most perfectly balanced pair of consciousness units (ecu's), the electron and photon. Sciences notation, in the Table below, seems to imply that electrons are in this dimension (charge ratio 1) and the photons are in the "other" dimension (charge ratio 0). However, I believe all light quanta are in the "other" dimension. The neutrino, with a charge ratio of 0, may represent the beginning of an unknown, higher octave, in the "other" dimension, the neutrino and anti-neutrino being related to gravity. The neutrino is also empty of scales, at this time, however, with more study we may again assign the Dorian/Dorian neutral to the neutrino, with its charge ratio 0, just as photon was. Also, this perfect symmetry of the Dorian/Dorian scale, describing light quanta, is complimented by the intrinsic asymmetry and unbalance of the other pairs of scales.

On the atomic-scale, the 1/3rd and 2/3rds ratios that are assigned to certain atomic "particles", I also interpreted as charge ratio. This seems to tell us that there is an invisible part of universe that has two invisible parts:

On the cosmic-scale, science says nearly the same thing about dark matter, which hovers around (2/3, 66%) and dark energy hovers around (1/3, 33%).

One part (1/3) 53 of the atomic and cosmic universe is occasionally detectable, and one part (2/3) is twice as massive in energy potential or has two other components, both are mostly invisible, the quarks of each invisible part can only be detected for an instant before disappearing again, into the dark void, so most of universe's energy/mass/consciousness can't be seen, except for an instant. One visible small-part (1%) can always be detected as matter.

Moreover, all so-called mass may simply be energy because science admits that "energy has mass" which is what science is slowly coming to believe today: All matter is a wave...of energy...and little do they know....an unconscious potential, so this leaves us with what Quartum Organum 8 calls, the two primaries that work together, energy and consciousness, which I call the energy/consciousness units or ecu's, of the basic toroidal building blocks of universe, far smaller than hypothetical quarks. Consciousness at the level of the void is unqualified and unconscious: J.Iuliano calls it "pure mind-energy-matter." 45 Consciousness only appears in its highest form, in qualified human civilization as the epitome of universes purpose. And yes, the universe has a potential unconscious purpose. It is only in humans that conscious purpose manifests.

Premise 2

To introduce musical order into atomics, by using the double sets of 14 pairs of scales, we will have to form another major premise upon which other minor premises rely:

Atomic components should symmetrically and asymmetrically arrange themselves to conform to the double sets of 14 pairs of symmetric and asymmetric scales. Tests should find correspondence between atomic charge ratio and musical ratio. (02/05/04, Grace)

Premise 3

To answer a question that has mystified science but can be demonstrated with the double sets of 14 pairs of scales, Premise 3 explains "intrinsic spin" and external "angular momentum" and why the electron has such a strange spin 1/2 double rotation, which is what the double sets of 14 pairs of music scales also do, upon the surface of a torus that can accommodate 7 colors 7 maximum:

The smallest unit of space is a toroidal vortex 5 which is already a 4D object. If we rotate a point through dimensions 1, 2, 3 and 4, we assume we have 4 dimensions. However, if we realize that the hypothetical point is already a 4D torus, the resulting rotation will be a 8 dimensional object. This is the reason our common electron is called spin 1/2 which is said to rotate 2 times to return to its start point. (02/05/04, Grace)

Intrinsic spin is 4 rotations and angular momentum is 4 rotations. Not only does one light path rotate through 8 dimensions but that same light path rotates through 8 dimensions in a directly opposite manner (counterbary) to the first light path similar to the counter light paths of DNA, which is what the helices are doing. This also seems to be the characteristic of sub-atomics, atomics, light, the Tzolkin, I-Ching, every large-scale toroidal structure and the double sets of 14 pairs of scales. Each 14 so-called particles of the 15 notated in the Table, seems to have two pairs of 8 note scales associated with them, i.e., 16 notes for every so-called particle. These 16 notes seem to say 2 octaves per particle or 2 rotations through 2 octaves, in 2 directions at the same time, which is similar to the 2 mysterious rotations of the electron. This rotation of "double light" (288 <<< see the double 8 mobius?) over the surface of each spinning vortex "particle" works along with precession 9 of so-called particles, also demonstrated as a spin-wave. 10

These major premises are subsets of Trinary Relativity 1 and can be mapped upon the torus.

In the Table below, this charge ratio of 1/3rd to 2/3rds is presented with my estimate of how the double sets of 14 pairs of musical scales might align with atomic charge:


Mixolydian Mode.
tonic 1:1 256:243 32:27 4:3 1024:729 128:81 16:9 2:1
ratio   256:243 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 9:8

The Lydian Mode (as the term is used today) is one particular tuning of the diatonic scale (i.e., F-F on the white keys), which may or may not be tuned according to the Pythagorean tuning system (and the modern version is not). In Pythagoras's, the "diatonic" genus of the Lydian mode was only one of at least three. There were also "chromatic" and "enharmonic" genera of the Lydian mode.
tonic 1:1 9:8 81:64 728:512 3:2 27:16 243:128 2:1
ratio   9:8 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 256:243

Phrygian Mode.
tonic 1:1 9:8 32:27 4:3 3:2 27:16 16:9 2:1
ratio   9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8

Dorian Mode.
tonic 1:1 256:243 32:27 4:3 3:2 128:81 16:9 2:1
ratio   256:243 9:8 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8

Ionian Mode.
tonic 1:1 9:8 81:64 4:3 3:2 27:16 16:9 2:1
ratio   9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8

Locrian Mode (missing). This is the theoretical mode and is identical to the Aeolian, accept its 2nd and 5th scale degrees are flattened. Because its 5th scale degree is flattened, this scale sounds very unstable and isn't generally used for melodies.

Aeolian Mode.
tonic 1:1 9:8 32:27 4:3 3:2 128:81 16:9 2:1
ratio   9:8 256:243 9:8 9:8 9:8 256:243 9:8


Ratio = charge ratios
Anti/NoAnti = invisible partner
Name = atomic component
Orientation/Color = U(up)D(down)G(green)B(blue)R(red)
Scales = double sets of 14 pairs of juxtaposed scales. This arrangement
of atomic components must correspond with the double sets of 14 pairs of music scales.
MIX/AEO=Mixolydian/Aolian, LYD/LOC=Lydian/Locrian, PHR/ION=Phrygian/Ionian
ION/PHR=Ionian/Phrygian, LOC/LYD=Locrian/Lydian, AEO/MIX=Aolian/Mixolydian.





  • red, green, and blue - (3 quarks)
  • cyan, magenta, and yellow - (3 anti-quarks)
  • red, and cyan - (quark + anti-quark)
  • green, and magenta - (quark + anti-quark)
  • blue, and yellow - (quark + anti-quark)



Ratio = charge ratios
Anti/NoAnti = invisible partner
Name = atomic component
Orientation/Color = U(up)D(down)G(green)B(blue)R(red)
Scales = double sets of 14 pairs of juxtaposed scales. This arrangement
of atomic components must correspond with the double sets of 14 pairs of music scales.
MIX/AEO=Mixolydian/Aolian, LYD/LOC=Lydian/Locrian, PHR/ION=Phrygian/Ionian
ION/PHR=Ionian/Phrygian, LOC/LYD=Locrian/Lydian, AEO/MIX=Aolian/Mixolydian.




If the 3 premises are correct, we should be able to see the charge ratio of each pair of components, agree with the pairs of music ratio and with cosmic ratio.

I have been looking around for well written summations that can demonstrate a very comprehensive overview of the invisible, atomic universe. I transferred them below, to see if we can find commonalities between sciences notation and the musical notation of the visible and invisible parts of universe:


My comments in Color

Sections: Quasiparticles  Atomic Structure  Triplet Substructure of Quarks  Quark Charged Matter Accounting  Building Blocks of Matter  Stability  Colors  Adding and Subtracting Pictoquarks  Absolute Four and The Octave Wave  Past Email Notes  Ray Tomes Harmonics 



    PhysicsWeb 14

  • An electric current can be carried by quasiparticles with fractional charge.

    Let's begin slowly and define "quasi".

  • All the interacting electrons are there but they behave as if they are non-interacting quasiparticles with charges of one-third..

    Quasi means "The fractional charges are called quasi-particles." 20

  • The electric current is carried by quanta with charge one-third that of the electron.

    "An interesting theoretical prediction resulting from Laughlin's analysis is that if one adds an extra electron to the system in which the Landau level is already 1/3 full, the extra charge should appear in 3 separate places in the sample." 20

  • Electrons in strong magnetic fields form an exotic new collective state, similar to the way in which collective states form in superfluid helium.

    "It is as if empty space behaves like a vast piece of superconducting metal." 21

  • A quantum of magnetic flux and an electron exist as a quasiparticle that carries the electric current.

  • In Laughlin's theory, the denominator is always odd, so quasiparticles can carry one-third (1/3), one-fifth (1/5), one-seventh (1/7) - or indeed, two-thirds (2/3), two-fifths (2/5) or three-fifths (3/5) - of the charge on an electron.

    Let's ask what composite of octaves can create a charge of 1/5th ratio? Perhaps, any 5 note, chi-activating pent scale 42 found within the 7ths of the octave. How does the pent scale apply to the 1/7th ratio, the 2/5ths, the 3/5ths? Does 1/7 now indicate 1 part of the 7th note is the sum, product, dividend or subtrahend of some higher combination of octaves................does 2/5ths and 3/5ths mean 2 and 3 parts of the 5 note pent scale is the sum, product, dividend or subtrahend of some higher combination of octaves? Could all these 7's and 5's be "The 7 / 5 Ratio" 43




Atomic Structure 15

  • A proton has positive charge of 1, that is, equal but opposite to the charge of an electron.

    However, a proton has 3 fractional charges, at least.

  • A neutron, like the name implies, is neutral with no net charge.

    However, a neutron has 3 fractional charges, at least.

  • The charge is believed to be from the charge of the quarks that make up the nucleons (protons and neutrons).

    The point here is the definition of "fractional charge" that seems to be in error. As to why it is in error, I brought this up on a previous page:

    "A proton, we might say, is made of a composite of at least two octaves, however, what should we say of the quarks within?". (MetPhys).

    Musically speaking, we are dealing with two octaves of tones and semi-tones when referring to the proton or electron which science says are composites of "fractional charges," yet, science calls the total of the fractional charges: integral, whole numbers (1, 0, -1). This is similar to looking at a scale of notes of an octave and saying that the octave is an integral number of 8 notes but the 3rds, 6ths, 9ths and 12ths within it are "fractional." If the universe first produced a whole, integral octave, would any subsequent, reflected lower partials be called fractional or whole?

    Begin with the first pair of Anu generating two octaves, then, the whole octave of the whole, holistic, holy, holo.graph of the close-packed toroidal Anu of space, pinging their wavefronts throughout the void. Where these uncountable wavefronts cross, there we have what looks like standing points of matter but these are more compressed wavefronts with new octaves of higher and lower partials of matter surrounding each new point. Each fractional parts of each octave, generates new whole octaves. A whole octave generates fractionals which generate whole octaves 37......impossible? No.

    I would call a fractional charge what it really is: A 1/3rd charge is 1/3 of an octave or a 3rd note. A 2/3rds charge is 2/3rds of an octave or a 6th note, assuming an 8 note octave oscillating around a 9(0) point. Here is another website where we can begin to see discovered sub-atomics divided up into 3rds, 6ths and 9ths and compared with the discovered atomic partners. 44

  • A proton is made of two Up quarks, with 2/3 positive charge each and one Down Quark with a negative 1/3 charge (2/3 + 2/3 + -1/3 = 1).

    Interpreted musically, we might say that a proton is the result of multiple octaves of wavefronts meeting at a center, leaving detectable 1/3 and 2/3rds ratios or the 3rd and 6th note of the final, standing-wave composite of both forward and backward traveling octaves.

  • A neutron is made up of two Down quarks with a negative 1/3 charge each and one Up quark with a positive 2/3 charge. (-1/3 + -1/3 + 2/3 = 0).

    There are far more hi-energy, "fractional energy" levels dynamically competing, intrinsically and internally to produce the final low-energy, detected, net integral charges.

    The Word of Creation

    In The Beginning.....The Whole Charge came from Whole Tone

    What happens if you believe that whole, integral charge protons or electrons came from fractional charges. This is exactly the same as believing that the "something" of universe came from the ex nihilo "no.thing". It didn't happen and it can't happen. In the beginning was, "the Whole Integral Charge."

    What if the prime octave of universe was an Meantonal Tempered 31 Notes? It's almost an even 32 (8 octaves x 4). 32 For 31 notes, a 1/3 ratio would be exactly 10 1/3 steps. Do you think 10.33333333 is a whole integral or fractional number?

    What if the prime octave of universe was the Mercator scale of 53 notes? It's almost an even 54 (8 octaves x 6.75). For 53 notes, a 1/3 ratio would be 17 plus a slice more than 2/3's (.666666667). Do you think 17.666666667 is a whole integral or a fractional number?

    What if the prime octave of universe was the Diatonic scale of 72 notes which notes are necessary for it to fit the octave perfectly. This is a very gematric 72 (8 octaves x 9). 33 For 72 notes, a 1/3 ratio would be exactly 24. Do you think 24 is a whole integral or a fractional number? Do you think this relates, somehow, to the 72 names of God?




Wikipedia 16

  • The quarks are one of the two families of subatomic particles thought to be elemental and indivisible (the other being the leptons).

  • Objects made up of quarks are known as hadrons; well known examples are protons and neutrons.

  • Quarks are generally believed to never exist alone but only in groups of two or three (and, more recently, five); all searches for free quarks since 1977 have yielded negative results.

  • Quarks are differentiated from leptons, the other family of elemental particles, by electric charge.

    Is this another division or the same division between leptons and hadrons?

  • Leptons (such as the electron or the muon) have integral charge (+1, 0 or -1) while quarks have +2/3 or -1/3 charge (antiquarks have -2/3 or +1/3 charge).

    Leptons = integral, hadrons = fractional.

  • All quarks have spin 1/2 h.

    Therefore, all hadrons have spin 1/2 or two times around to arrive at their beginning.

  • Six different quarks are known; search for 4th-generation quarks is underway.

    6 kinds of hadrons are known.

  • The known quarks are:

    NameChargeEstimated mass (MeV)
    Up (u) +2/3 1.5 to 4.5 1
    Down (d) -1/3 5 to 8.5 1
    Charm / Centre (c) +2/3 1,000 to 1,400
    Strange / Sideways (s) -1/3 80 to 155
    Top / Truth (t) +2/3 174,300 ± 5,100
    Bottom / Beauty (b) -1/3 4,000 to 4,500

  • Ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons are composed of quarks of the UP or DOWN variety only.

    Further on, Jerry Iuliano comments that the top quark (hadron) is the center of 5 pentagonal quarks.

  • A proton contains two UP quarks and one DOWN quark, giving a total charge of +1.

    A proton, we might say, is made of a composite of at least two octaves, what should we say of the quarks within?

  • A neutron is made of two DOWN quarks and one UP quark, giving a total charge of zero.

  • The other varieties of quarks can only be produced in particle accelerators, and degenerate quickly to the UP and DOWN quarks.

    The other varieties of quarks are assumed to be upper harmonics of the UP and DOWN quarks, therefore they disappear as fast as the driving force disappears.

  • Electrons do not contain quarks, but are of a different type of particle called a Lepton.

    Lepton = electron = color = musical 3rds. 3 on the visible side + 3 on the invisible side....OR 3 intrinsically + 3 externally (angular momentum) + 2 time dimensions = 8 (octave).

  • According to the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), quarks possess another property that is called "color charge" (and that doesn't have anything to do with real color). Instead of just two different charge types (like + and - in electromagnetism), color charge comes in 3 types: "red", "green" and "blue" (6 if we count the "anticharges"). In the theory, only "color neutral" particles can exist.

    Color = baryon = proton and neutron = 1/3 part = musical 3rds.

  • Particles composed of one red, one green and one blue quark are called baryons; the proton and the neutron are the most important examples.

  • Particles composed of a quark and an anti-quark of the corresponding anti-color are called mesons.

    Meson = quark + anti-quark = 1/3 against the other 1/3.

  • Particles of different color charge are attracted and particles of like color charge are repelled by the strong nuclear force, which is transferred by gluons, particles that themselves carry color charge. Therefore, colors of quarks are not static, but are interchanged by gluons, always maintaining the result neutral. This interchange of color charge is thought to result in the strong nuclear force holding quarks together in mesons and baryons; a "secondary" effect of this strong nuclear force is to hold the protons and neutrons together in the atomic nucleus.

    Particles of different color charge are attracted and repelled by the same color charge of the strong force, because..... like repels, different attracts.....just like charge. Quarks and gluons are the same charge, always being neutralized or balanced by a stronger charge = higher octave. Strong force = higher octave, holds quarks (1/3rds) together in mesons and baryons. Again the strong force points to a higher octave along with the higher octave of neutrino which represents gravitation, leading one to surmise that the strong force and gravity have commonalities.

  • Due to the extremely strong nature of the strong force, quarks are never found free. They are always bound into baryons or mesons. When we try to separate quarks in a meson or baryon, as happens in particle accelerators, the strong force actually becomes stronger as they get farther apart. At some point it is more energetically favorable to create two more quarks to cancel out the increasing force, and two new quarks (a quark and an anti-quark) pop out of the vacuum. This process is called hadronization or fragmentation, and is one of the least understood processes in particle Physics. As a result of fragmentation, when quarks are produced in particle accelerators, instead of seeing the individual quarks in detectors, scientists see "jets" of many color-neutral particles (mesons and baryons), clustered together.

    Again, the strong force in hadronization or fragmentation acts in the production of higher harmonics that generates additional musical 3rd quarks and its anti-quark, always in new pairs, which reinforce the existing 3rds as fractional quarks, however the similarity of the fractional charges cancel the waveform to neutral, which leads to the assumption that either the strong force, gravity or both, are neutral and perfectly balanced for how can an unbalanced force produce a balanced neutral cluster?




Fractal Charge 17

  • The Unit Particle of Matter Substructure Theory, and the subsequent distinction between matter and energy as components of Standard Model particles, were first realized by following the math of fractional charge and putting it together with the tripolar nature of the strong force.

    The strong force is also a triplet. Could this be the triune nature of Keely's Triple Current?

  • The hypothesis that quarks might have a triplet group of unit charge particles as a substructure followed directly from the fractional charge math of quarks and from fractions being ratios of whole numbers.

  • There was a philosophical belief that fractional charge on a fundamental particle is impossible.

    Technically, fractional charge is impossible. We simply don't understand. We associate "fractional" with the word "part". We think of "part" as incomplete. We should think of the word "part" as upper and lower partials of music.



up = +2/3

anti-up = -2/3

down = -1/3

anti-down = +1/3


  • By definition, a fundamental charged particle must represent the unit charge.

  • Since quarks were determined to have fractional charge characteristics, it followed that quarks must not be fundamental charged particles and that quarks must be, at the minimum, formed from groups of unit charge particles.

    Fundamental or fractional. This is an absurd argument. We could say the same thing of whole octaves or whole numbers. Is 1 a fractional part of a group of 10 numbers? Is a 3rd a fractional part of an octave? Are the numbers we call integral, actually a fractional part of a higher group of numbers in another dimension?

  • The fractional electrical charge mathematics of quarks signaled that quarks had a composite structure with the quarks made from more fundamental unit charge particle components, which when taken as a group accounted for the fractional charge mathematics.

  • The triplet substructure of quarks is dictated by the fractional charge mathematics. It was determined that quark fractional math could easily be explained by unit particles of matter composing the quark substructure.

    Triplet = 3rds, 6ths, 9ths or 12ths.



  • Each method of Quark Charged Matter Accounting consists of two ratios, positive matter ratios and negative matter ratios.

    Two sets = two octaves = 2 octaves for each charge = two sets (pairs) of 7 notes = 14 notes per "particle" = 14 notes per charge...28 total for every so-called pair of particles (cooper pairs)


    Each particle (charge) has two pairs of 8 note scales associated with them, i.e., 16 notes for every so-called particle = 32 total for every so-called pair of particles (cooper pairs).

    "32 is the rest state, 32 squared is the energized state , and 32 cubed is the placement of the energized state to reality." (Iuliano).

    These 16 notes seem to say 2 octaves per particle or 2 rotations through 2 octaves, in 2 counter-directions at the same time, which is similar to the 2 mysterious rotations of the electron.

  • Positive matter ratios, or 'Normal Matter Accounting', is the method presently employed in Physics to calculate the electrical charge a(of?) quarks if the quark is a normal matter quark.

    Normal and Negative Matter Accounting is the recognition of intrinsic spin and external angular momentum spin. A "normal matter quark" is the visible 3rds, 6ths, 9ths and 12ths.

  • If the quark is an anti-matter quark, then 'Negative Matter Accounting' or negative matter ratios is the method presently employed to calculate the charge of the anti-quarks.

    An "anti-matter quark" is the invisible 3rds, 6ths, 9ths and 12ths.

  • The other half of each method, which is not presently exploited in modern Physical theory, is in the grayed right side columns in Table 3 and in Table 4 . The same ratios are in both tables, just different ratios are used in each table.

    Each visible side has an equal invisible counterpart. However, the invisible part of the scientific accounting says it is opposite to the visible. In the musical scale hypothesis, there are also scales that move in opposite direction than their respective partners and also are minor to their respective Major scale partners.

    Quark Charged Matter Accounting

    Normal Matter Accounting

    Anti-Matter Accounting

    Positive Matter Ratios Negative Matter Ratios Negative Matter Ratios Positive Matter Ratios

    up = +2/3

    up = +1/3

    anti-up = -2/3

    anti-up = -1/3

    down = -1/3

    down = -2/3

    anti-down = +1/3

    anti-down = +2/3


    Let's simplify Table 3:
    Begin movement in Table 3 in a mobius, figure-8 pattern:
    up = +2/3.......down = -1/3.........up = +1/3.........down = -2/3
    Repeat the figure-8 until you get the feel of it.

    Let's simplify Table 4:
    Begin movement in Table 4 in a mobius, figure-8 pattern:
    anti-up = -2/3....anti-down = +1/3....anti-up = -1/3....anti-down = +2/3
    Repeat the figure-8 until you get the feel of it.

    You just traced two mobius loops = 4 + 4 = 8 rotations = angular momentum + intrinsic spin = outer + inner = visible + invisible = 1 cooper pair = two scales = 2 spins = 2 counter-rotations.

  • Positive matter ratios track positive matter units in the numerator.

    Now, the scientific explanation...

  • Negative matter ratios track negative matter units in the numerator. Each ratio independently accounts for the charge of the opposites implicitly through the group sign.

    This is a little complicated, as designed.

  • The group sign is the overall charge of the group.

    Lets assume this means (+) and (-).

  • The group sign is allowed through the group bound.

    ummm......say what?

  • The benefit of invoking a group bound in the accounting of charge is that it allows that only the relevant half of the charged matter need be tracked explicitly in the numerator.

    Ut oh...only the "relevant?" Which half is irrelevant? That's like saying only Heaven is relevant, but not Hell.

  • Since the positive matter ratio half of Normal Matter Accounting counts positive units in the numerator, the -1/3 charge of the down quark is, one third because of the one positive unit in the substructure.

    Oh, I see...I think....

  • There are three total unit charge particles in the group with a net negative charge giving the overall group charge of one unit negative.

    That's really clear now....umm hum...




Quarks 18

  • Quarks are so small they aren't even independent particles. They form in pairs and threes the really elementary particles. Baryons, mesons, and perhaps even leptons and force-carriers are made out of quarks. An infinite space full of quarks and anti-quarks, is that all there is?

    Quarks form in 5's also. An infinite space full of quark 1/3rd charges? Hardly. Musically, space is full of whole strings of octaves.

  • The quark has four properties that are managed by the cosmic forces.

    The 3 part quark has 4 properties = 12 notes.

  • Different properties produce different quarks.

    Different notes produce different quarks.

  • These four properties are: "charge", "spin", "color" and " mass".

  • May we proudly present the players of the leading parts on the stage of the micro-cosmos? They will presently perform: "the nuclear interactions". Here they come...............

downquark down
charge = -1/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 3-9 MeV
upquark up
charge = +2/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 1-5 MeV

    According to the above, Table 3, these 2 are "Normal Matter Accounting", "Positive Matter Ratios".

  • The "charge" is equal to the distance from the center of gravity of the triangle to the horizontal axis.

  • The value of the "spin" equals the surface of the triangle (= 1/2).

  • The direction of the spin is the direction whereto the triangle points, clockwise is positive.

  • The "color-property" is represented by the colors. The colors of the quarks are randomly chosen here.

  • The "mass" is not represented in the pictoquarks

  • Mirrored round the vertical axis, the quarks have negative spin:

downquark down
charge = -1/3
spin = -1/2
mass = 3-9 MeV
upquark up
charge = +2/3
spin = -1/2
mass = 1-5 MeV

    These quarks, above, have the same charge but negative spin.

  • Mirrored round the horizontal axis we see the "anti-quarks":

anti-down anti-down
charge = +1/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 3-9 MeV
anti-up anti-up
charge = -2/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 1-5 MeV

    According to the above, Table 4, these 2 are "Anti Matter Accounting", "Negative Matter Ratios".

  • The next 4 quarks have the same properties as the down and the up, but with greater mass:

strangequark strange
charge = -1/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 75-170 MeV
charmquark charm
charge = +2/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 1150-1350 MeV

bottomquark bottom
charge = -1/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 4000-4400 MeV
topquark top
charge = +2/3
spin = +1/2
mass = 175000 MeV

  • Anti-strange, anti-charm, anti-bottom and anti-top are mirrored round the horizontal axis.

    So these above, have the same properties as the down and up, but these are in a higher octave.



  • Down, up, anti-down and anti-up are stable quarks; the other quarks have too much mass and are unstable.

  • After a very short time the unstable quarks loose this extra mass and automatically decay into lighter quarks.

  • The instability of the quarks is indicated in the pictoquarks as stripe lines.

  • Bottom and top have plural instability, strange and charm are singular unstable.

  • Here are pictoquarks of all 24 quarks together, with these pictures and pictures of the neutrino's you can visualize all matter and anti-matter in the universe.

    More on 24, below and in REFERENCE:
    Absolute Four and the Octave Wave (below)
    Ray Tomes ratios 12 : 24 : 34560 (below)
    Toni Smith (REF) and Sanborn (REF).

    plural unstable

    Are you tempted to say that these 3 groups of 8 each (8 x 3 = 24) probably represent the 1/3rd + 2/3rds = 3/3rds (99%) parts of the invisible universe? What about this phrase, "These two numbers, 24 and 27, are thus the units calculated by Nicomachus to represent the whole-tones between the ratio 243 : 216 and 216 : 192." 31 This 27 implies some other whole-tone interacts with the 24 whole-tone. It gets complicated doesn't it?



  • The quarks are not colored at all but they possess a property that acts like a color.

  • The colors in the pictoquarks are symbolic and represent this property.

  • All elementary particles are white and you can visualize them as combinations of 3 quarks, 3 anti-quarks or quark/anti-quark pairs, sometimes with a neutrino.

  • Particles that would exist out of more than 3 quarks are left out of consideration.

  • Quarks are red, green or blue and anti-quarks have the anti-colors: cyan, magenta or yellow.

  • The mixtures of color that produce white are:

  • red, green, and blue - (3 quarks)
  • cyan, magenta, and yellow - (3 anti-quarks)
  • red, and cyan - (quark + anti-quark)
  • green, and magenta - (quark + anti-quark)
  • blue, and yellow - (quark + anti-quark)



  • Pictoquarks can be added together to form particles that consist of several quarks.

  • To illustrate the addition of pictoquarks, the proton and the neutron are composed here.

quark + quark + quark = proton
charge +2/3
spin -1/2
mass 3 MeV


charge +2/3
spin +1/2
mass 3 MeV


charge -1/3
spin +1/2
mass 6 MeV


charge +1
spin +1/2
mass 938 MeV

quark + quark + quark = neutron
charge +2/3
spin +1/2
mass 3 MeV


charge -1/3
spin -1/2
mass 6 MeV


charge -1/3
spin +1/2
mass 6 MeV


charge 0
spin +1/2
mass 940 MeV

  • Together with the pictoquarks you add the charge, the spin and the colors.

  • The sum of the masses is more than the masses of the quarks in all; this problem still needs to be solved.

    Mass = energy content and it doesn't have to add up. Understanding entropic cascading energy and negentropy is helpful.

  • Subtracting a quark is the same as adding an anti-quark.

    The two side are interlinked. What is done on this side affects the other side.



Absolute Four and the Octave Wave `9
by Michael Henry
24 August 2000 18:30 UTC

Buckminster Fuller proves that there is an octave of eight magintude-altering sets of indigs which in turn disclose primary dichotomy into four positively altering and four negatively altering magnitude operators, with each set arranged in absolute arithmetical sequence of from one to four only. There are apparently no cosmically absolute numbers other than 1, 2, 3, and 4. This primitive fourness identifies exactly with one quantum of energy and with the fourness of the tetrahedron's primitive structuring as constituting the "prime structural system of Universe," i.e., as the minimum omnitriangulated differentiator of Universe into insideness and outsideness, which alone, of all macro-micro Universe differentiators, pulsates inside-outingly and vice verse as instigated by only one force vector impinging upon it.

A parallel to B. Fuller's cosmically absolute numbers, above: "This Balmer formula may be derived by squaring each of the integers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 by itself, thus obtaining the series 1, 4, 9, 16 and 25. 34

Pulsative Octave: The interaction of all numbers other than nine creates the wave phenomenon described, i.e., the self-invertible, self-inside-outable octave increasing and decreasing pulsatively, fourfoldedly, and tetrahedrally. No matter how complex a number-aggregating sequence of events and conditions may be, this same number behavior phenomenon is all that ever happens. There is thus a primitively comprehensive, isotropically distributive, carrier-wave order omniaccommodatively permeating and embracing all phenomena.

The recursive 1-9(0) is all that happens, however, it happens twice in one cycle. 41

Not only is there an external zero intervalling between all the unique octave-patterning sets in every one of the four positive, four negative systems manifest, but we find also the wave-intermodulating indigs within each octave always integrating sum-totally internally to the octaves themselves as nines, which is again an internal zero content - this produces in effect a positive zero function vs. a negative zero function, i.e., an inside-out and outside-out zero as the ultracosmic zero-wave pulsativeness.

Thus we discover the modus operandi by which radio waves and other waves pass uninterferingly through seeming solids, which are themselves only wave complexes.The lack of interference is explained by the crossing of the high-frequency waves through the much lower-frequency waves at the noninterfering zero points, or indeed by the varifrequencied waves through both one another's internal and external zero intervals.

Pairing of Prime Numbers: I am fascinated by the fundamental interbehavior of numbers, especially by the behavior of primes. A prime cannot be produced by the interaction of any other numbers. A prime, by definition, is only divisible by itself and by one. As the integers progress, the primes begin to occur again, and they occur in pairs. That is, when a prime number appears in a progression, another prime will appear again quite near to it. We can go for thousands and thousands of numbers and then find two primes appearing again fairly close together. There is apparently some kind of companionship among the primes. Euler, among others, has theories about the primes, but no one has satisfactorily accounted for their behavior.

Pairs are a very important clue.

Maximum Asymmetry: In contrast to all the non-meaning, the Scheherazade Numbers seem to emerge at remote positions in numerical progressions of the various orders. They emerge as meaning out of non-meaning. They show that nature does not sustain disorder indefinitely. From time to time, nature pulses inside-outingly through an omnisymmetric zerophase, which is always our friend vector equilibrium, in which condition of sublime symmetrical exactitude nature refuses to be caught by temporal humans; she refuses to pause or be caught in structural stability. She goes into progressive asymmetries. All crystals are built in almost-but not quite-symmetrical asymmetries, in positive or negative triangulation stabilities, which is the maximum asymmetry stage. Nature pulsates torquingly into maximum degree of asymmetry and then returns to and through symmetry to a balancing degree of opposite asymmetry and turns and repeats and repeats. The maximum asymmetry probably is our minus or plus four, and may be the fourth degree, the fourth power of asymmetry. The octave, again.

Asymmetry, as the author notes, is probably the minus and plus 4 extremities, therefore the symmetry would imply the 9(0) center as noted, also, by the central Dorian/Dorian pair.

W. D. Gann, in his work of forecasting the various markets, divides time and price levels by the octave eight, and also by thirds to derive resistance levels and time periods to watch for trend changes. Nothing other than dividing into eighths and thirds is used to compute time and price levels for resistances or changes in trends in all of his writings. He uses abundant examples to prove his theories. Eighths work out close to some of the fibonacci's, such as 5/8ths, or, 62.5 being close to the fibonacci 61.8, or 3/8ths, 37.5, being close to 38.2. Gann asserts that there is lost motion or momentum that often carries prices slightly off from these support and resistance levels, but uses eighths to measure the exact center of gravity or vibrational harmony from the various ranges and price levels.

Michael's assumptions about "fibonacci 61.8" and the other math assumptions about Gann's system seem in error, however the system is internationally known and does work. The author probably wanted to point out the systems use of fibonacci ratios which all approach .618, the Golden Ratio 38 and may have also wanted to explain .37 (Beta) / Master harmonic of modulation (37). 39

Bucky writes: If the readers would like to do some of their own indig exploration they may be instructively intrigued by taking a book of mathematical tables and turning to the table of second powers of integers. If they undertake to indig each of those successively listed second-power numbers they will discover that, for the first 100 numbers listed, a unique sequence of 24 integers will appear that peaks at 25, reverses itself, and bottoms at one, only to turn again and peak at 50, bottom at 75, and peak again at the 100th number which, when analyzed, manifests a 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 = 2^3 x 3 = 24 four-dimensional wave. This four-dimensional wave is only comprehendible when we discover the three-frequency reality of F^3 x 2 1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the a-priori, initially-volumed, ergo three-dimensional reality multiplied by the third power of omnidirectional growth rate. (if interested, refer to Bucky's Synergetics book, chapter on numerology.)

What happens to the 24-cell when it peaks at 25 and then collapses? Omar Aam, in addition to linking music with real, complex and quaternion numbers, also illustrates the 12 rhombic faces (the collapsed octahedron of the 24-cell) inside a rhombic dodecahedron... 36 to which Mr. Aam adds, ".. The octonian has a 3 + 4, or a 3 + 1 + 3 structure." This is the same structure one finds when encountering the 7 pairs of scales, namely, 3 pairs to each side of the central Dorian/Dorian (3+1+3). Does this absolutely prove that these scale pairs are linked to octonians? No, but it suggests many connections.

My own investigations reveal a repeating pattern, of every 24 fibonacci numbers, in which position they land on in successive "square of 12 charts". In one of 15 locations out of the 144 possibilities of each chart, repeating this "landing on" sequence every 24 fibonacci's. 24 repeating sequence x 15 positions which they land on = 360.


Henry's statement, above, caused me to wonder what he was speaking about. It says, "a repeating pattern of every 24 fibonacci numbers"......."in which position they (the fibonacci numbers) land on in successive "square of 12 charts."

This prompted me to construct a grid of 12 x 12 = 144 squares where I found that 24 sequences of 15 positions did not fit. I realized that the "square of 12 charts" do not imply a 144 square grid.

So I tried to find a grid of 360+ permutations. It could be any grid from 10 to 19. 48 The correct grid has to conform to accommodating a repetition of the 14 pairs of scales we began with.

I suppose you could stretch things and say that Gann's eighths and thirds multiplied equals 24.




0.3 The Real Mediator 11

It is found that Newton's prism 'gap' experiment seems to represent the 'Mediator' between "This Side" and the "Other Side" of universe or the Dorian scale raised 2/3. (MetPhys)

Quarks - Collective unconscious (Jerryiuliano) 12

If the unconscious mind is to have an interface with the primitive energies at the edge of reality...quarks... then it must be expressible in a mathematical formula relationship.

This primordial equation exists as an energy decay function:

Let "collective unconscious" constant = 144/37 = 3.891891891...

Then the product of all quark energies is the log e base of the collective unconscious constant ...e = natural log = 2.718281828... IN 2.718281828 = 1

IN [ 10 ^ [ 144/37 / (32^2) ]] = 5.2 * 1.6 * .0074007124251 * 189 * .16 * .0047


IN [ 10^ [ 144/37 / (32^2) ]] = Bottom * Charm * Down * Top * Strange * Up Leahy's triple logic ( 82944 surface area ) geometrically interfaces reality at this primitive level, using the Hebrew Kabbala " 32 paths of wisdom" as energy to mind conduits; which are continually being energized (squared) as continuous replacements of the decaying transition....e^ (energies).

10^( 82944/37/18/(32^3)) = e ^ ( 5.2 * 1.6 * .0074007124254 * 189 * .16 * .0047)

Note the next level of paths (32^2) which is just energy leveled " up " , that is 32 is the rest state, 32 squared is the energized state , and 32 cubed is the placement of the energized state to reality. The interpretation is that the collective unconscious is the decay product of Natures most primitive energies ..the six quark values:

10 ^ (82944/666/(32^3)) = e ^ ( Bottom*Charm*Down*Top*Strange*Up)

"12 equations" (Iuliano) 13

Is there an equation that is more "symbolic", aesthetically speaking, as to the mass assigned to the top quark in relationship to the other five quarks? The answer is yes. Imagine the top quark at the center of a pentagon with the five "lessor" quarks on the nodal points, these represent the exponential nature of the quark as power functions: [ .037 * .018 / (( T ^ ( B * C * D * S * U * 32 )) - 1 )) ^2 = a(em) T = 189.011757536....(proton masses)

This pentagonal arrangement is found on a 20 face icosahedron. This is demonstrated by Toni Smith. 29 And these must have a source from which they spring: "The dodecahedron and icosahedron come from the mutual congress of five tetrahedra, a quintuplication." 35

99.80.11 Link: Large Scale Octahedron (Iuliano) 22

"Leahy's number 82944 is 34560 * 24."

Above, an interesting twist. Double octave of semi-tones x the Tomes Number = Leahy's Double Light squared (288^2)

99.81.1 "34560 harmonic" (JoeDeBrouse) 23

2.4 x 3456 = 82944

3456 / 288 = 12

Above, backwards...Tomes Number divided by Double Light = 12

12 semi-tones in one octave

86400 = total seconds in one day.

Here is another fractal of the 1 : 2 : 864 ratios we arrived at after dividing 12 : 24 : 34560 by 4 and 3.

86400 is a decimal harmonic of 864Hz, which is 2 octaves above 216Hz.

And, above, another conversion to Hz.

34560 is a decimal harmonic of 3456Hz, which is A natural (Pythagorean tuning)

Above, transferring the Tomes Number to A natural frequency.

3456 / 16 = 216Hz (A natural)

Congruent coincidence:

Height of Gizeh pyramid = 147.6 meters

Median DNA frequency = 544.4Hz

136.1 is 2 octaves below 544.4Hz

147.6 / 136.1 = 1.084 (Decimal sub-harmonic of A natural)

373250 / 34560 = 10.8 (Decimal sub-harmonic of A natural)

144,000 is a decimal harmonic of 144Hz (D natural)

The interval: 144Hz (D) and 216Hz (A) form a perfect 5th (Pythagorean tuning)

Regarding 3456, A natural and 34560, decimal harmonic thereof:

Could there be a harmonic convergence that is related to all measurements, both micro and macro that is relative to the musical 5th interval, hence 144 and 216 and there respective octaves, both in decimal and multiples (octaves) of 2,4,8,16, etc??? As this interval is often seen in architecture.

The note A natural could be a universal constant, in that 544.4Hz = C#---major 3rd interval of A.

AND, E natural, which is a 5th above A natural, has been recorded in the Crop Circles.


Added note: 82944 / 16 = 5184 (E natural) crop circle frequency.

99.81.2 "34560 harmonic 2" (JoeDeBrouse) 24

Good and evil reside as complimentary yet opposing forces---the dual nature of a sine wave with its positive and negative nodes. Perhaps 24 semitones are required to complete a cycle, as in 2 octaves---in a 3 dimensional sine wave (double helix)---10 nucleotides per 360 degrees of revolution in DNA.

If the universal harmonic is 3456, I am quite astounded by the absolute fact that initiated this correspondence several months ago, when I had NO semblance of what was to come. Remember my mentioning of my paranormal experiences, just since November of 2002? Square root of 373250 = 610.94 of which I stated that 611Hz arrived in my right ear ---verified on my frequency generator.

3456 / 32 = 108 (A natural) HINDU..KALI-YUGA

Above, the Tomes Number divided by the 32 Paths of Wisdom (Kaballa) = HINDU..KALI-YUGA: 108 time unit (A natural).

373250 / 3456 = 108 HINDU..KALI-YUGA: 108 time unit

99.81.3 "34560 harmonic" (Luigi) 25

If every object of matter-energy is being formed of fluidlike "aether" from a Great Central Oscillator, then there should be a single musical ratio that forms a "master link" for the entire known Universe, on all levels of size.

I consider that ratio to be 45 : 32, which is the ratio of the tritone interval. No other ratio is able to be on both sides of the mirror at once.

99.82.4 Gravity, electrons and the dodecahedron (Iuliano) 25

10 ^ (( 10 ^ (.510998902 ^ 2 )) - 12 ) = G(n) = 6.674200049*(10^-11)

I note that the appearance of the 12 here as before may be related to the 12 faced dodecadhedron etc. There is a sense in which the mathematical value of each constant by necessity being unitarily determined by each other constant absolutely is a foundation from which any other constant may be directly derived through a simple mathematical transformation.

>..or using the Phi form:

>1/137.03599976 = 5 * (c^2) * h / 4 / Pi / ( Mp^2 ) / (Phi^4 )

This is excellent. See below. A four-dimensional space-time Golden Ratio? )

> ...Mp = Planck mass = 2.716560866 * ( 10 ^ -8 ) kilograms
>h = Plancks constant = 6.626067864 * ( 10 ^ - 34 ) Joules
>c = 299792458 meters per second.

>...The only mass for the Einstein equation is the Planck mass form...Mp...which means the force in dynes for inverse Planck masses squared equals:

>a(em) / 5 / h * 4 * Pi * ( Phi ^ 4 ) = ( 1 / ( Mp^2 )) * ( c ^ 2 )

The result has a dimensionless factor a(em), a transcendental factor Pi, etc.

I like this one a lot. It suggests the "complex simplicity" of the physics of nature. Four-dimensional, pentagonal. Since both electromagnetism and gravity operate by inverse square laws - the inverse square of Planck's Mass multiplied by light squared recalling the right side Einstein's equation - magnificent!!! - Energy on the left structured by the 20 vertices of the dodecahedron or 20 faces of the icosahedron ( see Bucky Fuller - Synergetics ) and 4 dimensional Golden Ratio space-time?

99.57.4 Explanation on mirroring and the Triangles (luigi) 27

In order to apply the regeneration principle to the Major scale we need to know how the Modes flow through it. There may be 12 Major keys known but the Modes always flow in the same order through all 12.

The diagram of the Mode Box (99.57.9) will show that every Major scale can be cycled.

99.57.5 Explanation on mirroring and the Triangles- Neutral Centre (MetPhys) 28

Nature flows in triangular angles namely 45 degree left and right over the surface of the 1/2 twist mobius-musical-Dorian-torus, by mirrored 4th and mirrored 5th, crossing each other at the prescribed 90 degree angle or dimensional change. (MetPhys)

...a total of seven times. The above Modes show these seven cycles. Each cycle can be individually mirrored and the results stacked on top of each other. Doing this opens up another system. The Mode Box is a collection of relationships. A Major mode always mirrors to a Minor mode and vice versa. Only the Dorian Mode is perfectly symmetrical and has no partner.

...one group of seven modes are flowing clockwise and the other group of seven modes are moving anti-clockwise to that.




Ray Tomes ratios 12 : 24 : 34560 uses ratio 24. This is a universal set. According to Mr. Tomes, these ratios can be used for any fractal level including all 24 quarks.

34560 / 24 is 1440 - Light.
12 : 24 : 34560 / 12 is 1 : 2 : 2880 - Double light.

Ratio 1 : 2 seems to be the fraction 1/2 related to double light (288) which 1/2 doesn't fit with the odd denominator's of Laughlin...perhaps we shouldn't reduce 12 : 24 : 34560 because the Tomes Numbers predict harmonic star and atomic distances, as is.


Atomic charge can be notated in scientific terms as ratio, and in musical terms and involves primes in its progressions. The charges also seem to be arrangements of groups of 5 (+ 1 top) upon the 4 pentagonally arranged surfaces/vertexes of both the interrelated and intertransforming dodecahedron and the icosahedron. Further evidence is necessary, pertaining to the claim that the fibonacci series has a 24 cycle repetition, however, the evidence from B. Fuller, J. Iuliano, R. Tomes and other sources, establishes 24 as being real and integral to the cycling structure.

Omar Aam also points out that, "The 7 keys do not add up trivially into the octonian rules...another problem...the octave is just a subset of the 12-tone scale. The octonian being embedded in a larger geometrical structure, (a) structure related to the 24-cell. The 12 structure is just the background fundament from which the harmonic balance of the octonian stands out."

In addition, the 24-cell should represent two 12 note octaves which should account for a pair of modes, for example. Added to this, is another pair of modes since the Table of Charge Ratios requires 2 sets of double modes in each 7 modes. Among several numeric divergences, we find a basic doubling which developes like the spine through the body of information, as 12, 24, 48, 96, 192 and 384. The Preon Model 50 also deals with 24 particles and 9 combinations. The Rishon Model (Harrari/Seidberg) 50 deals with 16 particles/antiparticles which generates 48 quarks/leptons. MS Squared 51 deals with 96 pairs and 192 pairs of possible scales, and 192 doubled again = 384, which is used to number the entire cycle in the TimeWave Zero Model of Terrance McKenna fame and 384 is also a key number in Plato's Timaeus as, "the first of unities." 52 So all of these models seem to be rooted in the works of Plato.

Password Area: More on 24
24 Fibonacci Numbers and Primes in a Table Format.


1. 136 Trinary Relativity
2. 101 Sun Tzolkin (ECU's)
3. 57 Mirror Numbers
4. Double Sets of 14 Pairs of Music Scales (GIF)
5. The Anu Building Block
6. Cosmic Coincidences of 10^40
7. The Torus and Music
8. Quartum Organum by Krypton
9. The 16 Note Precession Spin-Wave (Drawing, JPG)
   The 18 Note Precession Spin-Wave (Animation, GIF)
10. The Spin-Wave (GIF)
11. 91 Notes
12. 99.79.6 Quarks - Collective unconscious (Jerryiuliano)
13. 99.80.2 "12 equations" (Jerryiuliano)
14. PhysicsWeb
15. Atomic Structure
16. Wikipedia
17. Fractal Charge
18. Quarks
19. Absolute Four and The Octave Wave
20. The Hall Effect
21. Scientific American Magazine January, 2002, Mathematics and Universe, pg. 21
22. 99.80.11 Large Scale Octahedron (Iuliano)
23. 99.81.1 "34560 harmonic" (JoeDeBrouse)
24. 99.81.2 "34560 harmonic 2" (JoeDeBrouse)
25. 99.81.3 "34560 harmonic" (Luigi)
26. Universal Harmonics (GIF)
   Ray Tomes Harmonics 24 : 34560
   Tomes Home 
27. 99.57.4 Explanation on mirroring and the Triangles (luigi)
28. 99.57.5 Explanation on mirroring and the Triangles- Neutral Center (MetPhys)
29. Toni Smith (24 Animation)
30. Sanborn (Part 1: Atomic Harmonics 24)
   Sanborn (Part 2: Atomic Harmonics 24)
   Sanborn Home
31. 31.13 Philolaus 
32. The 31 Note Scale. 
33. 34.14 Diagram. Diatonic Vibrational Differences in Diatonic Scale. 
34. 9.8 Diagram. Balmers Spectral Frequency 6564.7 
35. 51.5 Gnostic Thinkers and their Living Symbolism 
36. 52.1 Inversion of Music Symmetry 
37. 6 Gurdjieff's Harmonics 
38. The Golden Ratio .618 
39. (.37) Beta / (37) Master harmonic of modulation 
40. 73 Ratio 
41. 83.88 Integration of Digits (Numerology) 
42. Chi Activating Scales 
43. 0.22 The 7 / 5 Ratio 
44. Defining the Underlying Granularity of Matter 
45. 99.2.5 Stonehenge-Cheops-Proton-Electron 
46. Modebox Frequency Numbers (GIF) 
47. 83.90 The Carrier Wave can pulse: In triplets 
48. The Grids 
49. Atomic Vortex Theorem of Energy Motion, Bond 
50. Preon and Rishon Models 
51. MS Squared 
52. 72.17 Proportion 
53. Email Corrections.

>>Hi Robert

>>Well, your writing the Premise has led me to spotting the subtlest of
>>things within the Dorian actually. The Dorian that carries the 2/2 is
>>not the one to focus on. That one is responsible for the Cosmic
>>Pregnancy, one could say, and it is all "this side". The one that hides
>>the 1/3 and 2/3 you are talking about is the hidden Dorian/Dorian pair,
>>at the 4.5. It all ties in with the 10/17, and the word EVE as well! I
>>mean, what can one say, it is in there. As always I try and get diagrams
>> together to show this, but I wanted to finish off a pdf file and just
>>share it with anyone interested, as always. But in a nutshell, the
>>Dor/Dor running through the F# 4.5 axis comes from the key of E Major.
>>There are six flats and six sharps that constitute a journey to the
>>Poles. E Major has 4 sharps in its key signature. Can you see how the
>>swap-over is within a key that is 4/6 within its journey to the poles.
>>Is this not 1/3 to 2/3? Therefore symmetry is held within two sides that
>> act asymmetreically together, although held within a balanced pair...or
>> something like that.

>>So, the D Dorian is not the pair to focus on. It is the F# Dorian on one
>> side, that mirrors to the F# Dorian on the other side, through the 4.5,
>> at which point it enters into a universe (a mirror one, not the dark
>>matter of this one) which has the opposite 2/3 to 1/3 journey, and it
>>will probably be the Gb Dorian/Dorian that it swaps with at the 4.5 on
>>the other side. The "invisible" aspect of the Triangle (one of the ones
>>that make up the star of David) is the E major, because Visibly there is
>> C major on one side, and Ab major on the other. This E major starts at
>>10, and ends on 17

>>C Maj = Vis...................... E Maj =
>>Inv..............................Ab Maj =Vis
>>C D E F G A B C D - E F#' G# A B C# D# E F# - Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab Bb
>>(one triangle is 27). This E major key hits the Visible aspect of the
>>trianlge through its F# Dorian Positions, one on each side of the

>>It's just Door to Door.



Impossible Correspondence Index

? Copyright. Robert Grace. 2004