99 Sections List- Part 3 

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99.66.1 Feeling Ready? (Luigi) 
99.66.2 Feeling Ready? (Christian) 
99.66.3 Feeling Ready? (Christian) 
99.66.4 Feeling Ready? (Luigi) 
99.67.1 Anti-G Heist Turbocompressor (Christian) 
99.67.2 Revision of Section 99.55.14 (MetPhys) 
99.67.3 Revision of Section 99.55.14: Fibonnacci/Overtone scales (Luigi) 
99.67.4 Revision of Section 99.55.14: Fibonnacci/Overtone scales (MetPhys) 
99.67.5 Turbocompressor Questions (Christian) 
99.67.6 Fibonnacci/Alphabet (Luigi) 
99.67.7 Cooper Pair Non-locality Solved. (MetPhys) 
99.67.8 Corrected: Cooper Pair Non-locality Solved. (Christian) 
99.67.9 Re: Corrected: Cooper Pair Non-locality Solved.(MetPhys) 
99.67.10 Re: Harmony of the planets (MetPhys) 
99.67.11 Re: Corrected: Cooper Pair Non-locality Solved.(Luigi) 
99.67.12 Grebennikov: The Natural Phenomena of Antigravitation and Invisibility (Luigi) 
99.67.13 Mayan Grid, Tri-tone axis (Luigi) 
99.68.1 Major Scale Grid 144 (Luigi) 
99.68.2 Major Scale Grid 144 (Luigi) 
99.68.3 Comment on Section 53.4 Evolution and Creation (Luigi) 
99.68.4 More on Newton's Prism Gaps (Luigi) 
99.68.5 The mirror of the 144 Pi numbers (Luigi) 
99.68.6 More on 432 (Luigi) 
99.68.7 More on 432 (Luigi) 
99.68.8 The mirror of the 144 Pi numbers (Luigi) 
99.68.9 Cheops pyramid and Euler's identity (Iuliano) 
99.68.10 Re: The Mysterious Origins of the W.D. Gann's Square of Nine by Brad Steward (CodeUFO) 
99.68.11 Re: The Mysterious Origins of the W.D. Gann's Square of Nine by Brad Steward (Luigi) 
99.68.12 PHI & planetary orbits (Tombuoyed) 
99.68.13 PHI & planetary orbits (MetPhys) 
99.68.14 Re: The Mysterious Origins of the W.D. Gann's Square of Nine by Brad Steward (MetPhys) 
99.69.1 Addenda to: 99.68.4 More on Newton's Prism Gaps (CodeUFO) 
99.69.2 Addenda to: 99.68.4 More on Newton's Prism Gaps (Luigi) 
99.69.3 Where Are We Heading? (MetPhys) 
99.69.4 144 Digit of Pi = 666 Forward/Backward (MetPhys) 
99.69.5 The Giza Communications / Synchronizing Device (MetPhys) 
99.69.6 The Giza Communications / Synchronizing Device (Luigi) 
99.69.7 Barbara Hero's Cassette Recordings (MetPhys) 
99.69.8 The Giza Communications / Synchronizing Device (Luigi) 
99.69.9 The Giza Communications / Synchronizing Device (Luigi) 
99.69.10 Brainwave frequencies (Luigi) 
99.69.11 Hexagrams and the Modes (Luigi) 
99.69.12 (5 Formulas, TOE) (Iuliano) 
99.69.13 Cheops as the ultimate quark (Iuliano) 
99.69.14 Brainwave frequencies (Luigi) 
99.69.15 Quark Unification (Iuliano) 
99.69.16 Quark Unification (Iuliano) 
99.69.17 F# is a "Register Shift" (MetPhys) 
99.70.1 Re: "Quantum of Action" 99.69.16 Quark Unification (MetPhys) 
99.70.2 Re: "Quark Spin" 99.69.16 Quark Unification (MetPhys) 
99.70.3 Re: Spin groups as numerator and denominator with Hydrogen radius (MetPhys) 
99.70.4 Reflected Cross (hoopoe) 
99.70.5 Judgment Day, Sept 22, 2002 Hendaye Monument (MetPhys) 
99.70.6 DNA set to Music (Lynda) 
99.70.7 Re: Spin groups as numerator and denominator with Hydrogen radius (Luigi) 
99.70.8 Re: Spin groups as numerator and denominator with Hydrogen radius (Luigi) 
99.70.9 Re: Discrete Donut Twisted Chain "ddtc" (Luigi) 
99.70.10 Re: Mirror matter, blue dust and flat bottom craters on eros (MetPhys) 
99.70.11 Seed Idea on a 64 hr Day x 4 Day Week (MetPhys) 
99.70.12 Seed Idea on a 64 hr Day x 4 Day Week (MetPhys) 
99.70.13 Music in Superstrings, Tree of Life, Anu, Platonic Solids, Tetraktys, E8 (MetPhys) 
99.70.14 Occam's Razor (Iuliano) 
99.71.1 Tenuta's Alpha-Numeric Table & The Pyramid Connection (Turbeville) 
99.71.2 "Turbeville Table" Notation: An Observation (MetPhys) 
99.71.3 Feigenbaum constant and 288 (Iuliano) 
99.71.4 Question: Empty Tzolkin Musical Bands (MetPhys) 
99.71.5 Question: Empty Tzolkin Musical Bands (Luigi) 
99.71.6 Re: Mirror matter, blue dust and flat bottom craters on eros (Luigi) 
99.71.7 Dual pyramid idea, Harmonic Series PDF (Luigi) 
99.71.8 Question: Empty Tzolkin Musical Bands (Hidden Axis) (MetPhys)99.71.9 Question: Empty Tzolkin Musical Bands (Hidden Axis) (Luigi) 
99.71.10 Re: Mirror matter (Sine, Curtate or Prolate Wave?) (MetPhys) 
99.71.11 Re: Mirror matter (Sine, Curtate or Prolate Wave?) (MetPhys) 
99.71.12 Re: Mirror matter (Sine, Curtate or Prolate Wave?) (Luigi) 
99.71.13 Re: Fibonnacci cross over points (Luigi) 
99.71.14 3D Cubics of 4 Different Systems (MetPhys) 
99.72.1 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, Number 44 (Palmer) 
99.72.2 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, Number 44 (MetPhys) 
99.72.3 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, Number 44 (luigi) 
99.72.4 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, Number 44 (luigi) 
99.72.5 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, EM and Music (MetPhys) 
99.72.6 Pi, Star of Bethlehem, Magi, Astronomy, Archeology (susoni) 
99.72.7 Pi, Star of Bethlehem, Magi, Astronomy, Archeology (Luigi) 
99.72.8 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, EM and Music (Luigi) 
99.72.9 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, The 45 Degree Angle (MetPhys) 
99.72.10 The Circle as Intrinsic, Absolute Measure, The 45 Degree Angle (susoni) 
99.72.11 The Egg with Logarithmic Spiral and Anu GIFs (MetPhys) 
99.72.12 Lucy Tuning- Pitch, Pi, and Other Musical Paradoxes (MetPhys) 
99.73.1 Super Eggs and Egg Curves (MetPhys) 
99.73.2 Correction for 3168, 1/Pi exponentation (Iuliano) 
99.73.3 Magic Square Phase Changes (MetPhys) 
99.73.4 Stakhov 's Fibonacci research (Tombuoyed) 
99.73.5 Re: Magic Square Phase Changes (Luigi) 
99.73.6 e and PHI for Christmas! (Tombuoyed) 
99.73.7 Re: e and PHI for Christmas! (MetPhys) 
99.73.8 Figuring arcsinh(1/2) (Tombuoyed) 
99.73.9 Roger Logan's PI/PHI (Tombuoyed) 
99.73.10 e and PHI for Christmas! (luigi) 
99.73.11 Fibonnacci goddess (luigi) 
99.73.12 muon / electron and ZPE field (JerryIuliano) 
99.73.13 Calculating the Phi Mirror Side (MetPhys) 
99.73.14 Planet Music (MetPhys) 
99.73.15 Planet Music (MetPhys) 
99.73.16 Whittaker's Scalar EM and Music (MetPhys) 
99.74.1 The Khufu Pyramid Stone Quartz Frequencies (MetPhys) 
99.74.2 The Khufu Pyramid Stone Quartz Frequencies (secretone144)  
99.74.3 More on the Phi Based Solar System (MetPhys) 
99.74.4 More on the Phi Based Solar System (secretone144) 
99.74.5 Greek Interpretations of The Mode Box (Luigi) 
99.74.6 Binary Solar System from F# Asteroid Belt (MetPhys) 
99.74.7 Binary Solar System from F# Asteroid Belt (Luigi) 
99.74.8 Living cells put to music (Luigi) 
99.74.9 Welcome, Joe DeBrouse! (MetPhys) 
99.74.10 F# at 727 Hz (Joe De) 
99.74.11 Welcome, Joe DeBrouse! (CodeUFO) 
99.74.12 Welcome, Joe DeBrouse! (secret144) 
99.74.13 Welcome, Joe DeBrouse! (Luigi) 
99.74.14 Search Engines, Impossible Correspondence / GridPoint (MetPhys) 
99.74.15 --19.5 x 2 = 39 / Earth Circumference =1.618? (MetPhys) 
99.74.16 --19.5 x 2 = 39 / Earth Circumference =1.618? (Joe De) 
99.74.17 Joe DeBrouse, Briefing. (MetPhys) 
99.74.18 --19.5 x 2 = 39 / Earth Circumference =1.618? (MetPhys) 
99.74.19 Joe DeBrouse, Bi-phase waves (Joe De) 
99.74.20 Joe DeBrouse, Questions (Joe De) 
99.75.1 Golden Angle (Christian) 
99.75.2 Energy extraction equation...ZPE to proton (Iuliano) 
99.75.3 Energy extraction equation...ZPE to proton (Iuliano) 
99.75.4 Tell Tale?- Rife Frequency Synchronicities (JoeDe) 
99.75.5 Psionics (MetPhys) 
99.75.6 An AHA!! Moment with 373250 (JoeDe) 
99.75.7 More Dot Connections with 373250 (JoeDe) 
99.75.8 Genesis births and the Overtones (Luigi) 
99.75.9 Genesis births and the Overtones (Luigi) 
99.75.10 Genesis births and the Overtones (Luigi) 
99.75.11 IMMER and the number 242 (Luigi) 
99.75.12 Question from JoeDeBrouse- Egg Levitation (Christian) 
99.75.13 Question from JoeDeBrouse- Egg Levitation (MetPhys) 
99.75.14 Question from JoeDeBrouse- Egg Levitation (Christian) 
99.75.15 Question from JoeDeBrouse- Egg Levitation (MetPhys) 
99.75.16 Number 373250 / 512 (C) = 729 (JoeDe) 
99.75.17 Mass Acceleration and Mechanical Resonance (MetPhys) 
99.76.1 Note "Tube" (MetPhys) 
99.76.2 A Big Bang (Luigi) 
99.76.3 A Big Bang (Luigi) 
99.76.4 A Another insight plus some notes on it (Luigi) 
99.76.5 Note Coil Winding- Scalar (MetPhys) 
99.76.6 Note Coil Winding- Is space positive? (MetPhys) 
99.76.7 Can Earh Magnetic Field be Cancelled? (MetPhys) 
99.76.8 Is Positive Space Attractive to Negative Mass? (MetPhys) 
99.76.9 Note Coil Winding- Negative earth/negative disc. Result? (MetPhys) 
99.76.10 Gravity a Function of Space? (MetPhys) 
99.76.11 Non-Linear Scalar Output (MetPhys) 
99.76.12 Non-Linear Scalar Output (Joe/MetPhys) 
99.76.13 Non-Linear Scalar Output (Luigi) 
99.76.14 Schauberger and Cycloid Eggs (MetPhys) 
99.76.15 Number 373250 / 512 (C) = 729 (MetPhys) 
99.76.16 Question: 25,920 and Core of Earth (Joe) 
99.76.17 Question: 25,920 and Core of Earth (MetPhys) 
99.76.18 The 11th Overtone (CodeUFO) 
99.76.19 The 11th Overtone (Luigi) 
99.76.20 The Portals, where are they really? (MetPhys) 
99.76.21 Your GOD = 704 (Luigi) 
99.76.22 Re: Frequencies for DNA in Bible ?? (Linda / Luigi) 
99.76.23 Re: Frequencies for DNA in Bible ?? (MetPhys) 
99.77.1 Future Directions Im Interested In. (MetPhys) 
99.77.2 Welcome she who speaks (SheWhoWatches) 
99.77.3 Dale Pond's Earth Vortex [svpvril] (Luigi) 
99.77.4 NEPHESH (SheWhoWatches) 
99.77.5 LIGHT'S MUTATION (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.1 PROPHETIC CODES (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.2 Water 'A perpetual energy source' (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.3 Ten Commandments (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.4 Polymeric Silicates (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.5 Gravity.......the anomaly (SheWhoWatches) 
99.78.6 My Prayer (she who speaks) 
99.79.1 The enneagram (Luigi) 
99.79.2 Iron (JoeDe) 
99.79.3 BIASHI-TURA (She Who Watches) 
99.79.4 82944 and Pyramidal Volumne (Jerryiuliano) 
99.79.5 Fine-structure as Metrology Link (Jerryiuliano) 
99.79.6 Quarks - Collective unconscious (Jerryiuliano) 
99.79.7 Quarks - Collective unconscious (MetPhys) 
99.79.8 Re: Paper- The Road Less Traveled (PDF) (MetPhys) 
99.79.9 Half Life and the Decay Constant (Iuliano) 
99.79.10 Exponent 10^11 and Cosmological Constant 10^40 (Luigi) 
99.79.11 Exponent 10^11 and Cosmological Constant 10^40 (MetPhys) 
99.79.12 Exponent 10^11 and Cosmological Constant 10^40 (Luigi) 
99.79.13 Exponent 10^11 and Cosmological Constant 10^40 (MetPhys) 
99.79.14 Exponent 10^11 and Cosmological Constant 10^40 (Luigi) 
99.79.15 E=mc^2 and 10^40 (MetPhys) 
99.79.16 Re: 99.79.1 The enneagram (Luigi) FreqWave/Alphabet Letters (CodeUFO) 
99.79.17 Re: 99.79.1 The enneagram (Luigi) FreqWave/Golden Mean Spiral (MetPhys) 
99.79.18 Re: 99.79.1 The enneagram (Luigi) Frequency Defined (Joe) 
99.79.19 Re: 99.79.1 The enneagram (Luigi) Frequency Defined (MetPhys) 
99.79.20 Quark measuring systems link (Jerryiuliano) 
99.80.1 Quarks and fine-structure (Iuliano) 
99.80.2 "12 equations" (Iuliano) 
99.80.3 Edward Leedskalnin's ratio 7129 / 6105195 (Iuliano) 
99.80.4 Edward Leedskalnin's ratio 7129 / 6105195 (Luigi) 
99.80.5 Unit earth cycle and the collective unconscious (Iuliano) 
99.80.6 Collective unconscious music (Iuliano) 
99.80.7 Collective unconscious (Iuliano) 
99.80.8 Collective unconscious 2 (Iuliano) 
99.80.9 Quark 2317 (Iuliano) 
99.80.10 Quark 2317 (Iuliano) 
99.80.11 Link: Large Scale Octahedron (Iuliano) 
99.80.12 "34560 harmonic" (Iuliano) 
99.81.1 "34560 harmonic" (JoeDe) 
99.81.2 "34560 harmonic 2" (JoeDe) 
99.81.3 "34560 harmonic" (Luigi) 
99.81.4 Magic Numbers (Iuliano) 
99.81.5 Viswanath's constant and the collective unconscious (Iuliano) 
99.81.6 "37" and the Fermat form (Iuliano) 
99.81.7 "37" and Mandelbrot set "center of gravity 
99.81.8 "37" and the Fermat form (Iuliano) 
99.81.9 Correction to Feigenbaum constants (Iuliano) 
99.81.10 Leahy's dream number 2808 and the TOE equations (Iuliano) 
99.81.11 Re: consciousness and the photon (Iuliano) 
99.81.12 "37" and the Fermat form (Iuliano) 
99.82.1 Gundlach-Merkowitz gravitiational constant and electron (Iuliano) 
99.82.2 Kepler conjecture and Beta .37 (Iuliano) 
99.82.3 Secrets in Pi (Iuliano) 
99.82.4 Gravity, electrons and the dodecahedron (Iuliano) 
99.82.5 Cubits, Meters, Inches and PHI (Iuliano) 
99.82.6 Cubits, Meters, Inches and PHI (Iuliano) 
99.82.7 Coulomb Constant and Gravity (Iuliano) 
99.82.8 BBC Science Article: Scientists freeze light....Rubidium (Iuliano) 
99.82.9 Subject: Apollonian packing constant and gravity (Iuliano) 
99.82.10 Mathematical TOE (Iuliano) 
99.82.11 TOE equations and 37*18 (Iuliano) 
99.83.1 Rubidium and Quark Energies (Iuliano) 
99.83.2 Phi derivative of the meter and Egyptian cubit (Iuliano) 
99.83.3 Megalithic Yard and Ancient/Modern Metrology (Iuliano) 
99.83.4 Angular Measuring System: Degrees / Radian Link (Iuliano) 
99.83.5 Electronic Gravity (kurious/Iuliano) 
99.83.6 FSC / Number pi / Golden Ratio (Iuliano) 
99.83.7 Brun's constant, Gravity and Collective Unconscious (Iuliano) 
99.84.1 Thet-Unity Equations (Iuliano) 
99.85.1 W and Z subatomic bosons and gravity (Iuliano) 
99.85.2 Newtons Solomons Temple (Iuliano) 
99.85.3 Cosmological Constant and 288 (Iuliano) 
99.85.4 RE1: Earth's Non-Rotating Field (Vanja) 
99.85.5 RE2: Earth's Non-Rotating Field (Vanja) 
99.86.1 Electro-gravity Equations (Iuliano) 
99.86.2 Electro-gravity Equations (MetPhys) 
99.86.3 Mind to Matter Equations (Iuliano) 
99.86.4 A Testable Dual-Frequency Solution (MetPhys) 
99.86.5 A Testable Dual-Frequency Solution (Iuliano) 
99.86.6 Planck mass black holes (Iuliano) 
99.86.7 Electrogravity update (Iuliano) 
99.86.8 Re: Question: Rotating Magnetic Field or Not? (J.Bayles) 
99.86.9 Question: Fractional Powers Notation ^1.45, ^.45, ^3.1, ^-.55 (MetPhys) 
99.86.10 Now the Virtual Half! (MetPhys) 
99.87.1 82944 and the weak-mixing angle (Iuliano) 
99.87.2 Gx equation (Iuliano) 
99.87.3 Gx equation (Iuliano) 
99.87.4 Gravity (Gn) as Circle Radius (Iuliano) 
99.87.5 Re: Borg cube and Planckian units (Iuliano) 
99.87.6 Question: Borg cube and Planckian units (c = -.55) (MetPhys) 
99.87.7 Blackholes Don't Exist Alone (MetPhys) 
99.87.8 The electron is space time (Jerryiuliano) 
99.87.9 Question: The electron is space time. (MetPhys) 
99.87.10 Light speed fractals (Iuliano) 
99.87.11 Energy from electrons (Iuliano) 
99.87.12 Light speed fractals (MetPhys) 
99.87.13 More Questions: Light speed fractals (MetPhys) 
99.87.14 More Questions: Light and Its Speed (MetPhys) 
99.87.15 More Questions: Light and Its Speed (RGrace) 
99.88.1 Cyclide of Dupin (Iuliano) 
99.88.2 Question 1 and 2: Fractional light speed (Iuliano) 
99.88.3 Question 1: Fractional Light Speed (Iuliano) 
99.88.4 Question 3: Beat Frequency (Iuliano) 
99.88.5 Question 7 and 8: Fractional light speed (MetPhys) 
99.88.6 Question: Circlemath Replaces Negative Numbers? (MetPhys) 
99.88.7 Circlemath: 1-Circle Transitional Pseudobase. (MetPhys) 
99.88.8 New formula for radii of Lanthanum and Rubidium (Iuliano) 
99.88.9 Re: per my link to your web site (Yale) 
99.88.10 Gravitational waves (Iuliano) 
99.89.1 Challenge: "Einstain Was Backward" (MetPhys) 
99.88.2 Zeros of the Zeta function and electrogravity (Iuliano) 
99.89.3 Challenge: Einstein was precisely backward. (RGrace) 
99.89.4 Einstein was precisely backward. (RGrace) 
99.89.5 Cold fusion, G and the electron (Iuliano) 
99.89.6 Einstein was precisely backward. (RGrace) 
99.89.7 Einstein was precisely backward. (SSmith) 
99.89.8 Einstein was precisely backward. (RGrace) 
99.89.9 Three Forms of 82944 (Iuliano) 
99.89.10 "37 and 57" (Iuliano) 
99.89.11 Feigenbaum alpha and delta constants and fine-structure (Iuliano) 
99.89.12 Fwd: Re: Einstein was precisely backward. (SSmith) 
99.90.1 Gravity, the electron and the fine-structure. (Iuliano) 
99.90.2 Accelerating nothingness (Iuliano) 
99.90.3 Re: Gravity, electron and fine-structure constant (RGrace) 
99.90.4 Gravitational electronics addendum (Iuliano) 
99.90.5 Gravity, the electron and the fine-structure. (RGrace) 
99.90.6 Phi and TOE (Iuliano) 
99.90.7 Phi and TOE (Iuliano) 
99.91.1 Secrets of 82944 (Iuliano) 
99.91.2 Re: 37 as integer (Iuliano) 
99.91.3 Fdelta and alpha maximum force (Iuliano) 
99.91.4 Great Pyramid 44' X 44' Altar (Iuliano) 
99.91.5 Pyramid Side Angle = Hubble expansion factor of space? (Iuliano) 
99.91.6 Beta's (.37) holographic powers (Iuliano) 
99.91.7 Edward Leedskalnin's ratio 7129 / 6105195 and Zeta function (RGrace) 
99.92.1 Reflective Math (Skhane) 
99.92.2 FSC: Basis of Metrology (Iuliano) 
99.92.3 Reflective Math2 (Skhane) 
99.93.1 Pi and Quark Mass (Iuliano) 
99.93.2 Reflective Math3: Plato's World Series (Skhane) 
99.93.3 Meissel-Mertens constant (Iuliano) 
99.93.4 Universal Harmonics: 3 Year Tarot Prediction (Norma) 
99.94.1 Electro-gravity Equation (Iuliano) 
99.94.2 Reflective Math4: Plato's World Series (Skhane) 
99.95.1 Reflective Math5 (Skhane) 
99.95.2 Giza Pyramid Number 756 (dskhane) 
99.95.3 Giza Pyramid Number 756 (dskhane) 
99.95.4 Giza Pyramid Number 756 (dskhane) 
99.95.5 Giza Pyramid Number 756 (dskhane) 
99.96.1 Giza Pyramid Number 756 (dskhane) 
99.97.1 Giza Pyramid and Plato's World Series (dskhane) 
99.97.2 Legendre Constant (Iuliano) 
99.98.1 Giza Pyramid and Plato's World Series (dskhane) 
99.98.2 Giza Pyramid and Plato's World Series (dskhane) 
99.98.3 Scalars of 12 (Iuliano) 

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Impossible Correspondence Index

© Copyright. Robert Grace. 1999