Prophecy of the Popes
ntoe: hour 1 was not part of this interview.
Date: | 06-03-12 |
Host: | George Noory |
Guests: | Tom Horn, Alex Jones |
Author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy,
Tom Horn,
discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes,
and how 2012 will be
the fulfillment of St. Malachy's prediction that the Catholic Church will see
one final Pope before its destruction.
Almost 900 years ago, the Irish seer, St.
Malachy, came to Rome and "suddenly had this frenzied vision in which he wrote
down the
descriptives of every Pope that would ever exist from his day to the
final Pope," Horn reported. According to Malachy's prophesied
list, the next
Pope after the current one (Pope Benedict) will be the last one, #112. This
final Pope, Petrus Romanus (or Peter the
Roman) will lead the Church into the
great tribulation period and the destruction of Rome. Some Catholic mystics
believe he will be
an infiltrator under Satanic control. Evangelical prophecy
refers to this person as the "False Prophet" who helps to usher in the
Antichrist, Horn continued.
If an Italian is voted in as the next Pope, that could be the fulfillment of
Malachy's prophecy, Horn noted, adding that a number of
church scholars going
back hundreds of years have cited 2012 as the year when the False Prophet
emerges. This timing coincides
with other prophetic material such as from the
Mayans, and Cherokee, as well as the Kabbalah's Zohar book, which named 2012 as
the year when the Messiah returns, he detailed. Further, in 1951, a French
Jesuit named Rene Thibaut, a codebreaker and
mathematician, verified the
accuracy of Malachy's predictions, and calculated that Petrus Romanus would
arrive in 2012.
Horn also spoke about the late Father Malachi Martin's warning of a secret
plan by the "Illuminati/Freemasons" to infiltrate the
Vatican and use it to
bring about a New World Order. A friend of Martin's, Father
Alfred Kunz,
was murdered, and Martin
believed he was killed by Satanists at the Vatican. The
case is still unsolved, and Horn has investigated the possible conspiracy.
more, check out this video trailer, for his new book,
Petrus Romanus.
"Indeed I was struck by what appeared to me as the decline in Benedict's strength and health over the last half year," said Rabbi David Rosen, who had a place of honor next to the pope at the Assisi event as head of interfaith relations at the American Jewish Committee.
"He looks thinner and weaker ... which made the effort he put into the Assisi shindig with the extraordinary degree of personal attention to the attendees (especially the next day in Rome) all the more remarkable," Rosen said in an email.
That Benedict is tired would be a perfectly normal diagnosis for an 84-year-old, even someone with no known health ailments and a still-agile mind. He has acknowledged having suffered a hemorrhagic stroke in 1991 that temporarily affected his vision. And his older brother, who has a pacemaker for an irregular heartbeat, has expressed concern about Benedict's own heart.
But Benedict is not a normal 84-year-old, both in what he is called to do and the implications if he were to stop.
Popes are allowed to resign; church law specifies only that the resignation be "freely made and properly manifested."
Only a handful have done so, however. The last one was Pope Gregory XII, who stepped down in 1415 in a deal to end the Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants.
There's good reason why others haven't followed suit: Might the existence of two popes – even when one has stepped down – lead to divisions and instability in the church? Might a new resignation precedent lead to pressures on future popes to quit at the slightest hint of infirmity?
Yet Benedict himself raised the possibility of resigning if he were simply too old or sick to continue on, when he was interviewed for the book "Light of the World," which was released in November 2010.
"If a pope clearly realizes that he is no longer physically, psychologically and spiritually capable of handling the duties of his office, then he has a right, and under some circumstances, also an obligation to resign," Benedict said.
The former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had an intimate view as Pope John Paul II, with whom he had worked closely for nearly a quarter-century, suffered through the debilitating end of his papacy. After John Paul's death at age 84, it was revealed that he had written a letter of resignation to be invoked if he became terminally ill or incapable of continuing on.
And it should be recalled that at the time Benedict was elected pope at age 78 – already the oldest pope elected in nearly 300 years – he had been planning to retire as the Vatican's chief orthodoxy watchdog to spend his final years writing in the "peace and quiet" of his native Bavaria.
It is there that his elder brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, still lives. Ratzinger, who turns 88 next month, is nearly blind. Benedict has said his brother has helped him accept old age with courage.
Benedict said in "Light of the World" that he knew his own strength was diminishing – steps are difficult for him and his aides regularly hold his elbows as he climbs up or down. But at the same time Benedict insisted that he had no intention of resigning to avoid dealing with the problems of the church, such as the sex abuse scandal.
"One can resign at a peaceful moment or when one simply cannot go on. But one must not run away from danger and say that someone else should do it," he said.
As a result, a papal resignation anytime soon seems unlikely.
And Benedict is maintaining a hectic agenda. His planned trip to Cuba and Mexico next spring will fall shortly before he turns 85 on April 16. He has also said he'd like to make it to Rio de Janeiro in 2013 for the next World Youth Day.
Sometime in the New Year he will presumably preside over a new consistory to name the new cardinals who will elect his successor. And he has lots of unfinished business close to his heart: Bringing back breakaway traditionalists under Rome's wing, the fate of the sex abuse-scarred Irish church, tensions with China.
And he still cuts a robust figure in public given his age, walking briskly, speaking clearly and emphasizing key points. But his public engagements have been trimmed back; he had far fewer speeches in Benin than during his September visit to his native Germany or the United Kingdom last fall.
And behind closed doors, during audiences without the glare of TV cameras or throngs of the faithful encouraging him on, he has begun to show his age, acquaintances say.
The Rev. Joseph Fessio, Benedict's U.S. publisher and onetime student, sees the pope every so often, including during the summer when Benedict gathers his former theology students for an informal academic seminar at the papal summer retreat in Castel Gandolfo.
Fessio recalled a day in the 2010 edition that remains with him: "In the Saturday morning session, the pope looked older and weaker than I had ever seen him before. In fact I remarked to someone that it's the first time I've seen him look like the old man that he is. He was speaking in softer tones than even his normally soft speaking voice. His head was bowed. He was pale. He just looked frail."
But then, after lunch and an apparent rest, Benedict returned for the afternoon session. "It was a complete transformation. He was lively, vigorous, attentive, and with his usual good humor," Fessio said.
Clearly, at his age Benedict has good days and bad, even good half-days and bad.
Yet he's never called in sick. In fact as pope, he has only had one significant known medical incident: He broke his right wrist when he tripped on the leg of his bed and fell while on vacation in the Alps in 2009.
Lombardi says the pope realizes the limitations of his strength, and that's why the recent trip to Benin was a one-stop-only affair.
"I think it's an example of the great willingness and wisdom of the Holy Father to continue doing these trips, even those that are difficult or far away," Lombardi said. He said the pope "measures well what his strengths are, and the possibility of doing the trips well."
"When I'm 84 I think I'll have been buried for many years," he added.
But he refused to give any kind of medical updates on the pope.
"I'm not a doctor. I don't give medical bulletins," Lombardi said. He paused, then added quietly: "In this phase. At this moment."
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Subject: Important Raiders News Update
The Bones of the Triumvir
“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”
― St. Malachy
From: Ev,
Subject: Can anyone interpret this?
A room suddenly appears and in
this room are 24 aged men in white robes, seated in very ornate,
high-backed chairs. Before them is a table, and appearing on the
table are two rows of polished stones. 24 of the stones are
white and 24 of them are black, and a small wooden box is next
to these. The box is very plain and not decorated. Then the
scene changes and the men are walking away from their chairs, in
two lines, and are leaving the room.
The scene changes again and someone walks into what seems the
same room, but can only be seen from the back. He is wearing a
much different robe. It has deep colored swirls that look
something like the designs seen on peacock feathers, and a large
emblem on the back. It appeared to be printed in gold and
comprised a sort of circle with dashed and dotted lines and two
horn-like protrusions above it.
But this time there are no chairs in the room. The table is
still there, but the polished and colored stones that were there
before are now gone. And the wooden box seems to have grown in
size and is at least half the size of the table.
Suddenly, the scene changes again and a large hand places a
large black stone into the box. But this stone is not polished
and has many sharp and jagged edges. And a deep voice speaks
out, "Let it be So-o-o . . . . " At this point, all that can be
seen is the large black stone, but now, it seems 50 times larger
and fills the back of the room. The voice sounded very ominous
and final.
-- Ev
Dee's Dream: 10-19-97 VISION - I was seeing the College of Cardinals meeting. They were all standing up in a tier of three high and were electing a new Pope. They were al
l wearing mitered hats and red robes.
October 02, 2004 at 18:05:07 From: Joe Mason, Subject: Next Pope Anti-Pope Hanged Man |
... The Roman
Catholics are said to regard the Tarot as the
Devil's picture book; the Qabbala, although evident throughout the Christian/Judaic Old Testament,..
In your dream, the robe
worn by the person with deep colored swirls like designs
on peacock feathers reminds me of Joseph, the 11th son
of Judah, with his Coat of Many Colors. He is associated
by some with the central sphere of the Tree of Life. He
became a ruler in Egypt long ago via his ability to
interpret dreams. My guess is that the large emblem on
the back of the robe with two horn-like protrusions, is
related to Isis. See:
She corresponds to
Mother Mary and other similar figures, and perhaps to
Mary Magdalen. This is the Woman With Child of
Revelation 12.
The interpretation of the Hanged Man Tarot card given on
the above linked Interactive Tree of Life, is surrender,
change of viewpoint, where human will surrenders to
Divine will, represented by the tree/cross. It shows a
polarity reversed, inversion, reversal, mirroring, and
seeing the other point of view.
The polarity reversal is related to "The Tipharet
Helix." See:
"The numerical interplay in the tree is subtle. The
"left" pillar, coming down from Keter, begins with odd
numbers, and the "right" pillar begins with even
numbers. But at Tipharet, the polarity reverses. This is
Karmic mixing; showing that everything becomes its own
opposite in time."
[end of excerpt]
About five months ago, a helix of this type appeared in
the crops -
Double Loop, 9 May 04, Tegdown Hill, Patcham, nr
Brighton, East Sussex
The Hanged Man is card
number 12, which associates with the Zodiac, a cycle of
completion, and a balancing of the archetypes.
The fact that in your dream, the big black stone is not
polished and has many sharp and jagged edges, may be a
big clue as to the meaning. Thinking of it as an
interpretation, it could relate to Islamic ideas
replacing older Jewish ones. It is said that Islam means
submission, and "Muslim" literally means in Arabic,
"surrendered to God."
The Kabah is a cube shaped structure in Mecca. Kaaba
means cube. The Black Stone of the Ka'ba is said to be a
dark meteorite. See:
My sense, however, is that your dream is pointing to the
future or present rather than the past. I believe the
dream speaks of new interpretations being sent into the
world from the Beyond. They are coming in various forms,
such as crop circle formations, UFO/ET events, symbolic
events, channeled messages, inspired artistic material,
and especially dreams.
The true meaning at this time is quite rough, like a
diamond in the rough. In time, we humans on the earth
plane will hone it down, shape it and polish it to a
beautiful jewel, as we learn to be conscious
I thank you, Ev, and the others, for posting this
dream-related material for all to see.
Subj: Hanged Man = Kether into Daath + 153
Date: 8/2/2004
In a message dated 7/11/2004 7:51:45 AM Pacific Standard
Time, Norma writes:
<< Subj: 11 July....Organizing Anew >> (snip)
<< Today's 163 sum = Mildness Pillar. This is the middle
pillar on Tree of Life, that avenue of mediation or
balance between Pillar of Severity and Pillar of Mercy.
Heretofore, the middle pillar had a gap where the
dormant sephiroth Daath is located, directly below
Kether or #1. Humanity is experiencing this dormant
sephiroth awakening, as mass consciousness begins to
realize Oneness Consciousness, all as One, a Whole.
Daath is translated as "Knowledge". Direct knowledge of
self as Self, as One, is the mirror of #1 Kether; this
mirror or self reflective awareness as Knowledge, links
#1 with Daath:
Daath sum is 34 = One.
( This is a meaning of Tarot card The Hanged Man, where
his illuminated crown of head is reversed, or at Daath
position on the Tree. ) >> (snip)
Hello Norma.
Thank you for this. It connects VERY well to various
aspects of my 14 year symbol search. In addition, it
puts various puzzle pieces together VERY well.
The material is extensive, so I can only give a few
hints here. Start with this:
The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation
One of the ideas
presented is Kether (or Keter) moving into Daath (or
Daat), as indicated by the Mandelbrot Set crop circle
Two Related 1991 Crop Formations
In retrospect, a very astute observation was put forward
in an article by crop circle researcher, Mark Styles. He
pointed out that the 1991 Barbury Castle triangular crop
circle formation was very similar to the lower triad of
the Kabalistic Tree of Life.
He presented an equally astute theory in the article
regarding the Mandelbrot Set crop circle formation which
also appeared in 1991, on August 11. He showed that the
Mandelbrot Set formation is similar to the Kabalistic
Tree of Life, except for the top circle, which is Keter,
the Crown, the One Source is "missing." He suggested
that this may mean that "Keter is moving into Daat."
In 1992, I read the articles in the crop circle journals
about the Kabalistic Tree of Life connections to the
1991 Barbury Castle triangular formation, and to the
Mandelbrot Set Crop formation. A dream of a young man
seemed to confirm the "Keter moving into Daat"
interpretation of the Mandelbrot Set formation. The
details of this will follow.
[from Mark Styles] You may be thinking that the
Mandelbrot Set does not contain the uppermost "Keter"
part of the Tree - surely this is an important part of
the cipher? Could not the reason for this be, as
Kabbalistic teaching tells us, that "Daat" (Knowledge),
the non-sephira, is the point where Keter (the divine
will of God) can enter when the time is chosen to
interfere with existence? It is quite possible that
discovery of the Mandelbrot Set, in an attempt to
recreate the order observed within the apparent chaos of
nature's systems, has actually caused Keter to enter
Daat and communication of the angelic kind to begin.
As we can see, once the Tree is in this interference
mode, it resembles the Mandelbrot Set precisely (figs
4a, b, & c). The Mandelbrot Set could be described as
demonstrating the order behind the apparent chaos of
nature. The same is true of the Tree of Life, and that
order is "God". Kabbalism tells us that we are all part
of that supreme order and collectively are "God".
[end of excerpts]
More recently, I wrote an article about the Mandelbrot:
The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation
Near the end of the
article, I mentioned the same concepts of Mark Styles.
After briefly mentioning the similarity of the Menorah
to the tree of life, I wrote this:
A chain of incredible coincidence happened as this
article was being prepared for this web page. Part of
this relates to an article that I printed out months
earlier, but did not read until this page was under
construction. The article, which is actually chapter
five of a book, makes extensive comparative analogies
between chaos theory, fractals, and the Mandelbrot Set,
to the Tree of Life. The author, T.J. Germinario, has a
very extensive and sophisticated knowledge of these
subjects. See:
Apokalypso - The Year of Jubilee, Chapter Five, A Season
in Hell
[end of excerpt]
The story I have not told in an article is that other
incredible dream-coincidences happened with another
chapter of T.J.'s book, titled -
“The Bones of the Triumvir” – on the theme of St.
Peter’s tomb in the prophecies of Nostradamus
He makes a very good
case that the bones of the "Great Roman" were not those
of Peter the Fisherman, but those of Simon Magus, the
Gnostic who chose to be crucified upside down, which
became the basis of the Hanged Man tarot card.
Because Pius XI was assassinated on the anniversary of
his papal coronation, his reign lasted exactly 17 years.
It happens that the number 17 has a particular relevance
to the theme of St. Peter. In the last chapter of John’s
gospel, the resurrected Christ appoints Simon Peter to
shepherd His flock until He return. Before doing this,
however, Jesus instructs the Fisherman to cast his net
for a prodigious catch of fish, numbering 153. Adding up
the numbers from 1 to 17, we find the sum is 153.
The prophetic significance of the number 153 apparently
relates to the succession of Popes who trace their
authority to St. Peter. In that context, the 153rd
Pontiff was Leo IX (1049-1054), who initiated the
so-called “Reform Papacy” of the 11th Century. While the
Reform movement was ostensibly aimed at rooting out
corruption within the Church, it’s principal thrust was
the concentration of power in the hands of the Pope and
his circle of Cardinals. As we mentioned earlier, this
was the era in which the dogma of a celibate priesthood
was imposed. It was also the period during which the
Papacy took on the trappings of a temporal monarchy,
including the appropriation of the imperial purple
vestments worn by the Roman Caesars. In this
regard, critics of the Vatican’s absolutism have
frequently invoked the image of the purple-arrayed
harlot of Babylon in Chapter 17 of the book of
Revelation – another instance in which the number 17
strangely prefigures the Papacy’s approaching
apocalyptic crisis.
The ominous import to the Vatican of the number 17 and
its derivative 153 was evidently not lost on
Nostradamus. In the 92nd Quatrain of Century Five, he
very clearly refers to the assassination of Pius XI as
setting off a sequence of calamitous events, the
consequences of which are only now becoming apparent.
"After the see has been held for seventeen years,
It will change hands five times in a comparable period
of time:
Then one will be elected at the same time [as another],
Who will not be too much in conformity with the Romans."
Pope Pius XI held the Keys of St. Peter for exactly
seventeen years from February 11, 1922 to February 11,
1939. During the two decades beginning with the last
year of his successor's reign, there were five occupants
of the Papal throne, beginning with Pius XII, who died
in October 1958, followed by John XXIII (1958 - 1963),
Paul VI (1963 - 1978), John Paul I (Aug.-Sept.1978), and
finally John Paul II, elected on October 16, 1978. The
latter, being the first non-Italian Pope in over
four-and-a-half centuries, is often identified by
Nostradamus’ modern interpreters as the one who is “not
too much in conformity with the Romans”. But a more
careful reading of this stanza suggests that the French
Prophet is instead referring to the Pope who will be
elected after the reign of Polish Pontiff. Interpreted
in this manner, this Quatrain also conforms to St.
Malachy’s prediction that John Paul II would have a pair
of successors, both elected “at the same time”, one of
whom would be an Antipope.
Historically, Antipopes have been associated with
disputed papal elections in which two candidates both
claim victory. Thus, the last true Pope, Malachy’s
“Peter the Roman”, will be elected “at the same time” as
another candidate, an Antipope who will also claim the
papal throne. St. Malachy calls this Antipope “the Glory
of the Olive Tree”. Since the Olive Tree typically
appears in Scripture as a symbol of the Jewish people,
Malachy’s prophecy clearly suggests that the Antipope
will be a Jew who has converted to Catholicism. In this
sense, he will be the diabolical mirror-image of
Peter the Roman, who, despite his epithet, will be break
sharply with the conformity of the Roman priesthood by
seeking to restore it to its Jewish roots.
Thus, the symbolism of the inverted crucifixion is
directly linked to Gnostic teaching regarding the
irredeemable corruption of the material universe. The
pictorial representation of that teaching survives today
in the image of the Hanged Man appearing in the deck of
Tarot cards, which were originally used as teaching aids
by medieval Gnostics, such as the Cathars of southern
France. One of the philosophical consequences of viewing
mundane reality as essentially demonic is the belief
that reality can manipulated by the invocation of
demons. For that reason, there has always been a strong
nexus between occultism and dualistic creeds, such as
Gnosticism. In fact, the storied feats of Simon Magus
were attributed to his skill in manipulating the power
of demons. For that reason, Simon served as the model
for Goethe’s demon-invoking character Faust.
[end of excerpts]
The dream part of the "coincidence" was from Dee's
friend, Michelle. The day after reading the above
article, she reported a dream, dated, 1/5/03. This date
seemed quite coincidental, as it relates in my number
systems to 153. Also "coincidental," Nostradamus was
born in 1503. Dee included Michelle's dream in her
YOU GOTTA BE JOKING!!! The Beast of Revelation
A very weird dream
Pope Paul and President George Bush
DREAM: Paul and I had moved to a place in the mountains.
It was a VERY HIGH elevation. Paul was really excited
about the move and didn't seem nervous at all. I, on the
other hand, realized it would be a pain because even
though the views would be incredIble, and the area was
so SO SO very nice, it would mean a long trip up and
down a difficult mountaIn-pass to get to the village.
WE were looking for the very house we were going to live
in. But it seemed like everything was so expensive if we
wanted to live in a big BIG house.
We were in a car being driven by a real-estate agent
around the neighborhood, and she was pointing out the
houses that were empty. Most still had furniture in them
so they they looked occupied. The previous owners left
stuff in them so that "the people down the hill wouldn't
think that since so many houses were empty that the hill
was going to slide down on top of them" And we were told
that if the people who lived at the bottom of the hill
realized how many houses were empty up the hill they
would be very scared.
SO.... we looked at several houses that were empty but
had furniture. The first one had a field-stone type
siding (or it was made of field stone, but I remember
thinking that when you got up close you could see it was
siding). It was a nice house for size, but the view was
limited by some big rock wall, and for some reason the
master bedroom was OUTSIDE. It was made like a carport.
I said.. "This is not good. I would have to have that
finished in or move the bedroom inside if we consider
this house. The agent said, "You can't do that right
away. It will take a long time to move that bed inside.
So if you don't want to sleep out here, you shouldn't
buy this house.
We drove to the next house. This one once belonged to a
woman who lived there for some time, but had moved. The
house was all painted in different shades of brown &
yellow. It had all this old Colonial furniture it in and
it was like 200 feet long, but only 12 feet deep... like
a really long trailer. I HATED the shape. and I really
didn't like the colors of the walls.
The Agent kept calling them "Golden" but I kept saying
they looked like baby poop yellow ... and if they were
really gold they wouldn't look like poop.
Then we walked into the back yard. In the back yard
there was a hill that went up behind and made the view
go from an incredible mountain view to a view of a hill
going up behind the house.
On the top of that hill was a beautiful big house. It
had old cape-cod type clapboard around the whole thing.
BIG windows that looked out on the most incredible
mountain view and it was both Paul and my dream house
(at least in the dream!)
We asked the agent if they could show us that house, as
it was clear from the windows that at least part of it
was empty.
The agent we were with refused, saying she only sold
REAL estate. She said that REAL estate wasn't always so
perfect, but that it always had potential. The house we
wanted to was a "pipe dream". She said that millions of
people try to buy it each year, but it has been empty
for over 2000 years! And we were wasting out time. We
couldn't buy it.
Paul said that we had more than enough money and we had
a lot of great ideas for fixing up the house.
The agent told us to talk to "Judy" if we wanted the
house, but that it was a waste of time. (The name Judy
means "praised")
We walked over to this woman named Judy. She had a
southern accent and Paul seemed to know her, though I
didn't think she was one of the 2 Judys he use to be
engaged to, he seemed to really agree with everything
she was saying. I took him to the side and said... "What
are you doing? If we look too anxious they will bring up
the price and we won't get the house." Paul assured me
he knew was he was doing.
Anyway... we were standing behind the house at the
bottom of a hill still. And Judy said we had to climb up
the hard part of the hill and go in by the front door.
But I noticed there was a back door made of glass that
was not a hard climb from where we were and we could get
inside from there then climb the stairs in the house to
get to the front. Judy didn't like this and insisted
that the only way to get into the house was the front
door. But I opened the back door and we were inside. She
was pissed off about that.
Just inside the back door there were rooms that were all
connected that had big glass panels and you could look
out and see the valley below and it was a gorgeous view.
But Judy said that the view was not necessarily
included. That not everyone gets the view.
She seemed upset that I had seen the view (I think paul
did too). She said the view was for people who bought
from her "agency" only. To which paul said, we love this
house already. Just because of where it is. We want it
and we will pay the asking price. (I remember thinking
he shouldn't have said that, but he wanted the house
desperately. He whispered to me, we will tell her what
ever she wants, and after the papers are signed it's our
and we can do what we want with it.)
She said she was really upset that we went in by the
back door - that because we did, we would see the last
things first and that was going to mess up her sales
pitch. We couldn't see the whole house before she told
us "the catch".
What is the catch? I asked. She was very hesitant then
she took Paul to the side and whispered something to
him. As she did.... I noticed that the carpet was
getting wet.
Soon there was an inch of water on the floor. I said to
her.. "What is going on?"
She said.. "OH NO! Looks like a pipe broke."
We ran to the next room to find an old maintenance man
standing next to a brass pipe that was coming out of the
floor. The pipe was pouring water on the floor. The pipe
itself was made of 3 shiny brass pieces and a rubber
hose that connected to it where the water should flow.
When we walked up to the man he looked at me and said.
"If you don't want to see this house flooded and
destroyed, you need to bring Rov here to fix this pipe.
I just stood there stunned for a moment that he would
know Rov. The water was getting deeper and the guy
fumbled to put the pipes together but they didn't go.
So I looked at Paul, and Judy shouted... "Get Rov or the
water damage will be unfixable!"
So Paul nodded and I called for Rov. Rov, The Lightbeing
came into my body, (This is a channeling method I use.
But in the dream I was still standing there beside Paul
and Rov). The old man tried to hand Rov a wrench. He
didn't touch it. I was about to grab it myself and try
to fix the water when Rov said. (and I quote) "I know
you, Old Scratch. I don't do work for evil!" and he
refused to do anything.
Old Scratch said, "If you don't fix it, the water will
it will destroy the foundation of this house and the
whole thing will fall down the hill! IT is already
Rov said. "Let it fall. You will not destroy your
mansion of lies! Your greatest tool! I say let it fall,
we will be all better off!" And Rov refused to do
Then the old guy looked at me. "Do it! You can fix it
yourself!" he said. Paul and I looked at each other and
trusted Rov then said... "No"
The man grunted with disgust then he put the pipes
together himself and stopped the water.
Then he called to someone to mop up the mess and Pope
Paul and President George Bush came in and started to
mop up the water.
We started to walk away. Rov said... "What you want this
house for anyway? You know it's not real. It will look
like any house you want it to look like, but it is
really just a place of lies. It has form - but no
substance. It tells you it is your place at the very top
of the hill, but it is really a slide to the very bottom
of the hill."
At that point, Judy came back over to us (Rov was now
walking with us) and she said, "You know, we have
another offer on this house. It's better than your offer
but If you come see my boyfriend who is singing in
church I will put your offer in front of theirs."
"What kind of singing is he doing in church?" I asked.
"Morris dancing," she said.
I said, "That's dancing - not singing."
She said, "he sings and dances. It's going to be a great
Rov said with a laugh, "Has Morris dancing ever been
considered a great time?" and he laughed. "I guess she
is saying he's coming with bells on!"
(I didn't know what he meant in the dream.. but I looked
up Morris dancing on the web and found this....Morris
dancing is a form of ritual folkdance which comes from
the Cotswold region in western England, between Oxford
and the Welsh border. It is ritual as opposed to social
dance ...The dancers usually wear bells at their knees
and often wave hankies.)
Paul said something about how we should go out there
just one night so we can get the house. Rov said..
"Sure!.. Yeah!"... and he opened a door and behind the
door were wall to wall people all talking about buying
the house. All of them each talking about some special
deal they have that promises they will own the house.
Many of them even waving papers that they said assure
them 100 percent they own the house already!
I said to Rov.. "They can't all own the house."
Rov said, "No one owns this house. This house is not
real. You can't buy a house on the hill with money,
promises or Morris dancing!"
Then Judy said. "So you say, but look at the abundance!"
and she opened another door. Behind that door were rows
and rows of refrigerators. From old iceboxes to modern
ones. All different types and sizes. Judy practically
sang out like Julie Andrews singing the Sound of
Music... "Look at all of these. They belonged to all the
previous owners of this house. They left them here full
of food and good things for the next owners!" She looked
at Rov and said.. "So much for the nay-sayers. How many
refrigerators do you see? And these a just owners since
Refrigerators existed!"
Rov laughed again and said "Open one!"
I tried and Paul tried, but they wouldn't open.
"They will only open for the owner of this house!" Judy
yelled back at Rov.
"No one can own this house! It is not here. It is empty,
an illusion! There are no refrigerators in HELL!" and he
opened one of the fridges and inside was fake food and
some old plastic broken toys.
"Let's go. Huh - you two" Rov said to me and Paul and we
"Come back!" Judy hollered. "If you don't I'm going to
have to sell this house to someone else! You are going
to lose your dream house!"
I hated the inside of the house, and Paul did too... and
we both realized that we couldn't fix it up, even if we
bought it because it would never really be our house.
BUT when we went outside, I almost wanted to go back.
The house was so beautiful on the outside.
I felt relieved that Rov showed up and got out of the
deal on the house.
Go figure Anyway.. that's the dream
[end of excerpt]
I hope you can see the astonishing connections here.
Thanks again.
Regards and best wishes,
Joseph E. (Joe) Mason
Date: October 02, 2004 at 14:59:11
Subject: Can anyone interpret this?
The first Roman invasion of the lands we now call the British Isles took place in 55 B.C. under war leader Julius Caesar, who returned one year later, but these probings did not lead to any significant or permanent occupation. He had some interesting, if biased comments concerning the natives: "All the Britons," he wrote, "paint themselves with woad, which gives their skin a bluish color and makes them look very dreadful in battle." It was not until a hundred years later that permanent settlement of the grain-rich eastern territories began in earnest.
In the year expedition was ordered against Britain by the Emperor Claudius, who showed he meant business by sending his general, Aulus Plautius, and an army of 40,000 men. Only three months after Plautius's troops landed on Britain's shores, the Emperor Claudius felt it was safe enough to visit his new province. Establishing their bases in what is now Kent, through a series of battles involving greater discipline, a great element of luck, and general lack of co-ordination between the leaders of the various Celtic tribes, the Romans subdued much of Britain in the short space of forty years. They were to remain for nearly 400 years. The great number of prosperous villas that have been excavated in the southeast and southwest testify to the rapidity by which Britain became Romanized, for they functioned as centers of a settled, peaceful and urban life.
The highlands and moorlands of the northern and western regions, present-day Scotland and Wales, were not as easily settled, nor did the Romans particularly wish to settle in these agriculturally poorer, harsh landscapes. They remained the frontier -- areas where military garrisons were strategically placed to guard the extremities of the Empire. The stubborn resistance of tribes in Wales meant that two out of three Roman legions in Britain were stationed on its borders, at Chester and Caerwent.
Major defensive works further north attest to the fierceness of the Pictish and Celtic tribes, Hadrian's Wall in particular reminds us of the need for a peaceful and stable frontier. Built when Hadrian had abandoned his plan of world conquest, settling for a permanent frontier to "divide Rome from the barbarians," the seventy-two mile long wall connecting the Tyne to the Solway was built and rebuilt, garrisoned and re-garrisoned many times, strengthened by stone-built forts as one mile intervals.
For Imperial Rome, the island of Britain was a western breadbasket. Caesar had taken armies there to punish those who were aiding the Gauls on the Continent in their fight to stay free of Roman influence. Claudius invaded to give himself prestige, and his subjugation of eleven British tribes gave him a splendid triumph. Vespasian was a legion commander in Britain before he became Emperor, but it was Agricola who gave us most notice of the heroic struggle of the native Britons through his biographer Tacitus. From him, we get the unforgettable picture of the druids, "ranged in order, with their hands uplifted, invoking the gods and pouring forth horrible imprecations." Agricola also won the decisive victory of Mons Graupius in present-day Scotland in 84 A.D. over Calgacus "the swordsman," that carried Roman arms farther west and north than they had ever before ventured. They called their newly-conquered northern territory Caledonia.
From: Stardanya,
Subject: Papal Election process
But the ending of the dream sounds like the Anti Pope is on the way.
October 01, 2004 at 09:52:57 From: Anna in MN, Subject: Can anyone interpret this? Doing my
thoughts cold before reading anyone
else. |
October 01, 2004 at 16:01:56 From: Bedysa, Subject: Can anyone interpret this? King Arthur and blood line order connection |
Date: October
01, 2004 at 16:42:47 From: liz_renton_wa, Subject: Can anyone interpret this? |
unpolished stone to me represents the
primodial evil that is involved,.. it is
in the raw form. The polished form being
that of the magnatude of a mortal
doings,..this is not of mortal doings. Liz Don't
Vatican priests elect the next pope by
dropping white or black stones into a
box? |
From: fcolo,
Subject: Pope?
It is my
understanding that when the Cardinals
vote they use a pen and paper and then
the paper is burned. May take several
votes but the process is the same. |
Date: October 01, 2004 at 02:47:53 From: Linda/GibsonsBC, Subject: Pope? |
URL: Also: Here's a list of 30 Cardinals appointed by Pope John Paul II, one of which will be voted to succeed him. No "Leo" here. However, there is also a 31st cardinal named "in pectore" and not made public. VATICAN CITY -- Pope John Paul II named 30 new cardinals on Sunday, as well as one unnamed prelate. Here is a list of the new "princes" of the church, who will be elevated at a consistory on Oct. 21. --Monsignor Jean-Louis Tauran, France, Vatican foreign minister --Monsignor Renato Martino, Italy, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace --Monsignor Francesco Marchisano, Italy, Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica --Monsignor Julian Herranz, Spain, head of the Vatican Office of Legislative Texts --Monsignor Javier Lozano Barragan, Mexico, head of Vatican office of Health Care --Monsignor Stephen Fumio Hamao, Japan, head of Vatican office of Migrants --Monsignor Attilio Nicora, Italy, head of the Administration of Patrimony of the Holy See Residential archbishops include: --Monsignor Angelo Scola, Italy, Patriarch of Venice --Monsignor Anthony Olubunmi Okogie, Nigeria, Archbishop of Lagos --Monsignor Bernard Panafieu, France, Archbishop of Marseille --Monsignor Gabriel Zubeir Wako, Sudan, Archbishop of Khartoum --Monsignor Carlos Amigo Vallejo, Spain, Archbishop of Seville --Monsignor Justin Rigali, United States, Archbishop of Philadelphia --Monsignor Keith Michael Patrick O'Brien, Scotland, Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh --Monsignor Eusebio Oscar Scheid, Brazil, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro --Monsignor Ennio Antonelli, Italy, Archbishop of Florence --Monsignor Tarcisco Bertone, Italy, Archbishop of Genoa --Monsignor Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, Ghana, Archbishop of Cape Coast --Monsignor Telesphore Placidus Toppo, India, Archbishop of Ranchi --Monsignor George Pell, Australia, Archbishop of Sydney --Monsignor Josip Bozanic, Croatia, Archbishop of Zagreb --Monsignor Jean-Baptiste Pham Minh Man, Vietnam, Archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City --Monsignor Rodolfo Quezada Toruno, Guatemala, Archbishop of Guatemala --Monsignor Philippe Barbarin, France, Archbishop of Lyon --Monsignor Peter Erdo, Hungary, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest --Monsignor Marc Ouellet, Canada, Archbishop of Quebec Named for special service to the church: --The Rev. George Cottier, Switzerland, the pope's personal theologin --Monsignor Gustaaf Joos, Belgium --The Rev. Thomas Spidlik, Czech Republic --The Rev. Stanislaw Nagy, Poland |
September 30, 2004 at 17:18:45
Date: October 01, 2004 at
16:37:28 From: liz_renton_wa, Subject: Re: Can anyone interpret this?
Yes! it has but evil at this
point is more prevalent. The
light is still there yes your
correct.It is always there. Mind
set is the major emphasis on
this growth of evil. The robe
and swirls on the back with
emblem with horn like
protrusions. Hmm Doesn't make me
guess to much. Satan/evil is
trying to sneak into the light.
We need to get it back into the
box so the balance stays in
check. |
Liz, had vision week or so ago
where these men stood guard
outside of this house I was in
with others. There was going to
be an invasion from a army. The
next scene shown to me was a
very large open pit where a very
large cache of deadly weapons
were discovered and were being
taken away. At the very bottom
of the pit were bodies being
taken out. I had to sit on the vision for a few days to figure out what it meant as it seem symbolic. The men ou tside the house were guardian angels protecting me and others from the army of evil. The pit is hell and the bodies were satan and it's group. The weapons being taken away meant that darkness is being taken away by the blanket of Love that is now wrapped around the planet. Evil did panic with desperation and let loose all it could, but didn't grow. As for Ev vision it seems to be saying the same thing just in a different way. The natural disasters that are here and will get extreme the next few years is not of evil, it just the world we live in. Charles |
.. Pope-will-die-within-a-year-Vatican-assassination-fears-revealed.html
The Pope will die within a year: Vatican 'assassination fears' revealed
The Pope will die within the next 12 months, a senior Vatican figure has reportedly claimed amid fears of an assassination plot.
The sensational prediction was allegedly made by Cardinal Paolo Romeo, the archbishop of Palermo in Sicily, on a recent visit to China.
Cardinal Romeo reportedly made the startling prediction of the Pope's death during a trip to China in November 2011.
He seemed so sure of the fact that the people he spoke with, including Italian businessmen and Chinese representatives of the Catholic Church, were convinced that he was talking about an assassination attempt.
They were so alarmed by his remarks that they reported them back to the Vatican.
The extraordinary comments were written up in a top-secret report, dated Dec 30, 2011, and delivered to the Pope by a senior cardinal, Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a Colombian, in January.
The Vatican has reportedly opened an investigation into the claims.
The report was written in German, apparently to limit the number of people within the Vatican who would understand it if it was inadvertently leaked.
It warns of a "Mordkomplott" – death plot – against Benedict.
The story was broken on Friday by an Italian daily, Il Fatto Quotidiano, with the headline "Plot against the Pope – he will die within 12 months".
The newspaper, which has a reputation for scoops, published a page from the confidential report.
"During his talks in China, Cardinal Romeo predicted the death of Benedict XVI within 12 months. His remarks were expressed with such certainty and resolution that the people he was speaking to thought, with a sense of alarm, that an attack on the Pope's life was being planned," the paper reported.
"Cardinal Romeo could never have imagined that the indiscreet remarks he made on the trip to China would be communicated back to the Vatican by third parties."
Asked about the reported comments on Friday, however, Romeo said that the words attributed to him were "absolutely without basis."
"It is so outside of reality that it should not be given any consideration," Romeo was quoted by Italian news agency ANSA as saying.
The Vatican's spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, said the report was "so incredible that we cannot comment on it".
"It seems to me something that is so far from reality that I don't even want to address it," Father Lombardi said. "It seems an incredible story and I don't want to comment."
He did not deny the existence of the document to AFP, but added that it was "devoid of reality".
Cardinal Romeo also named Benedict's XVI likely successor as Cardinal Angelo Scola, the archbishop of Milan – meaning the papacy would return to an Italian after the German Benedict and his Polish predecessor, John Paul II.
He allegedly told his contacts in China that Pope Benedict could not stand Tarcisio Bertone, his Secretary of State and the Vatican's second most senior figure, amid reports of bitter power struggles going on within the Holy See.
Experts said the release of the document could be part of a power struggle within the Vatican administration to try and force Bertone to leave.
Cardinal Romeo said Benedict viewed Cardinal Scola as his ideal successor because they had similar personalities and theological outlooks.
Cardinal Scola was previously the Patriarch of Venice, but was promoted to the archbishopric of Milan by Benedict in June last year.
The most recent attempt on a pope's life was in 1981 when John Paul II was shot and critically wounded in St Peter's Square by Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman with links to a shadowy militant group called the Grey Wolves.
It has been claimed that the assassination attempt was backed by the KGB and Bulgarian secret service, in retaliation for the pope's support for the pro-democracy Solidarity movement in his native Poland and his opposition to Communism.
P had a dream recently. where i see a red dot with a line connecting to a bridge. a voice that says the Pope dies at the bridge then they go looking for a new pope.
The Pope will die within a year: Vatican 'assassination fears' revealed -
The Pope will die within the next 12 months, a senior Vatican figure has reportedly claimed amid fears of an assassination plot.Like · Comment · 8 hours ago · Joseph Mason Wow Kwon!
Joe Mason responds:
I recalled this from my 1997 article --
<< Century V-31 ...
Through the Attic land fountain of wisdom,
At present the rose of the world:
The bridge ruined, and its great pre-eminence
Will be subjected, a wreck amidst the waves.
Goro's comment: According to Brenda/Nostradamus (vol.III p165):
1) "The final downfall of the Catholic church will be as if it had been
swallowed up by the waves." >>
www.greatdreams.comThe first remote viewer received impressions that the object was a "Machine/devi...ce that interacts with DNA and is a calibration mechanism," and "the target object concerns a "DNA exchange, ionization, grids, lattices, and thought balls." I first read of the idea of a DNA communication in The Book ...See MoreExpand Preview55 minutes agoJoseph Mason We wrote an article about the next Pope --
<< Before the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church ... there will
reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after
which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge
the people ?
St. Malachy orgair >>
on the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter...
the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the
seven- hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the
people.â€See MoreExpand Preview54 minutes agoJoseph Mason The great
interpreter, Thomas Jude Germinario, has more information -- << In the manner of
Hitler, [he will establish] a fascist republic of Venice.[26] The third Quatrain
in this series envisions the “shipwreck†of the Pontificate in th...e
aftermath of Antichrist’s pillaging the Vatican and installing his Antipope:
By the Attic land, center of wisdom, Which is at present the rose of the world:
Pontificate ruined, and its great preeminence Submerged, a shipwreck amidst the
waves.[27] In Chapter One, we discussed this stanza with reference another
Quatrain which speaks of papal bloodshed at a time “when the rose will
flourishâ€.[28] We mentioned that the â €œAttic land†represents the source
of Western secular philosophy, which derives from ancient Greece -- as opposed
to the West’s spiritual traditions, which are based on the Hebrew Scriptures.
At a very early stage, Christianity split into two branches: one based on the
sacred revelation of the Jewish Prophets, and the other based on the profane
logic of the Greek philosophers. The latter branch became known as Gnosticism,
and was ultimately adjudged to be heretical. As we have said, this was the
heresy taught by Simon Magus and his followers.
One of the principal esoteric symbols of Gnostic mysticism was and is the
“roseâ€. To the Gnostics, the rose stands for the inner reality, or
“microcosmâ€, which generates the outward reality of everyday experience.
Through various magical and occult arts, the Gnostics believe that this inner
realm can be manipulated so as to transform physical reality.
Alchemy, which claims the ability to transmute base metals into gold, is an
example of Gnosticism. Another is the Rosicrucian movement -- originally a
secret society dedicated to subverting the Church of Rome -- which mysteriously
“reappeared†in Europe early in the
17th Century. The “Rosy Cross†emblem of this sect is actually a depiction
of Gnostic â €œmicrocosmâ€. In its original form, this emblem consisted of a
rose in the middle of a Celtic- style cross with arms of equal length. Such a
cross is an ancient symbol of the Earth, and is still used as such in astronomy
and astrology. Therefore, when Nostradamus speaks of the “rose of the
worldâ€, he is actually referring to the “Rosy Cross†emblem of Gnosticism.
>> MoreAThe Bones of the
Triumvir@“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church
there will reign Peter the R...oman, who will feed his flock among many
tribulations; after which the seven- hilled city will be destroyed and the
dreadful Judge will judge the people.â€See MoreExpand Preview26 minutes
agoJoseph Mason In one version of the quatrain is the word, "bridge,"
and in another it is "Pontificate." I found the explanation on Wikipedia --
[Pontiff] << The English term derives through Old French pontif from Latin
pontifex, a word commonly held to ...come from the Latin root words pons
(bridge) + facere (to do, to make), and so to have the literal meaning of
"bridge-builder". This may be only a folk etymology, but it may also recall
antique tasks and magic rites associated with bridges. >> MorePontiff - Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia en.wikipedia.orgA pontiff (from Latin pontifex) was, in Roman
antiquity, a member of the college of priests (Collegium
Pontificum).[1][2] The term "pontiff" was later applied to any high or chief
priest and, in ecclesiastical usage, to a bishop and more particularly to the
Bishop of Rome, the Pope or "Rom...See MoreExpand Preview25 minutes agoFacebook
© 2012
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The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with the successor of current pope Benedict XVI, a pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome
The prophecy was first published in 1595 by Arnold de Wyon, a Benedictine historian, as part of his book Lignum Vitæ. Wyon attributed the list to Saint Malachy, the 12th‑century bishop of Armagh in Ireland. According to the traditional account, in 1139, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II. While in Rome, Malachy purportedly experienced a vision of future popes, which he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases. This manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archive, and thereafter forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590.
On the other hand, Bernard of Clairvaux's biography of Malachy makes no mention of the prophecy, nor is it mentioned in any record prior to its 1595 publication.[1] Some sources, including the most recent editions of the Catholic Encyclopedia, suggest that the prophecy is a late 16th‑century forgery. Some have suggested that it was created by Nostradamus and was credited to Saint Malachy so the purported seer would not be blamed for the destruction of the papacy. Supporters, such as author John Hogue, who wrote a popular book titled The Last Pope about the claims, generally argue that even if the author of the prophecies is uncertain, the predictions are still valid.
[edit] Interpretation
Interpretation of the mottos has generally relied on finding correspondences between the mottos and the popes' birthplaces, their personal arms, and the events of their pontificates. For example, the first motto, Ex castro Tiberis (From a castle on the Tiber), fits Pope Celestine II's birthplace in Città di Castello, on the Tiber.
Pope Clement XIII, referred to in the prophecy as Rosa Umbriae, the rose of Umbria, is stated to have used a rose "as his personal emblem" (his coat of arms does not include one, however, nor was he from Umbria nor had any but the most marginal connection with the region, having been briefly pontifical governor of Rieti, at the time part of Umbria). The technique of word play was evident in instances where interpreters find a phrase fitting more than one explanation.
It is notable that where the interpretation of the prophecy is clear (as is the case for almost all of the Popes prior to 1590), the reference is almost always to some characteristic possessed by the Pope prior to assuming the Papacy—e.g., his birthplace, his arms, his surname, or his cardinal see. However, for more recent Popes, efforts to connect the prophecy with the pope have often focused on the events of his pontificate.
In recent times, some interpreters of prophetic literature have drawn attention to the prophecies, both because of their success in finding connections between the prophecies and recent popes, and because of the prophecies' imminent conclusion. Interpretations made before the elections of recent popes have not generally predicted their papacies accurately.
[edit] Popes and corresponding mottos
This list, adapted from The Prophecies of St. Malachy by Peter Bander, begins its numbering two numbers ahead of the Vatican's numbering of popes (Benedict XVI is the 265th, not the 267th). The reason for this is unclear (perhaps because of the two purported "anti-popes").
The list can be divided into two groups; one of the 74 Popes and Antipopes who reigned prior to the appearance of the Prophecy in 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is usually clear but can be seen as postdiction. The other is of the 38 Popes who have reigned since 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is often strained or totally opaque and but can be seen as shoehorning.
[edit] Popes and Antipopes 1143–1590
The text on the silver lines below reproduces the original text (including punctuation and orthography) of the 1595 Lignum Vitae, which consisted of three parallel columns for the Popes before 1590. The first column contained the motto, the second the name of the Pope or Antipope to whom it was attached (with occasional errors), and the third an attempted explanation or justification of the name. The original list was unnumbered.
Pre-appearance Popes (1143–1590) | |||||
Pope No. | Motto (Translation) | Regnal Name (Reign) | Name | Historical Reference or Explanation | Coat of Arms |
Ex caſtro Tiberis. | Cœleſtinus. ij. | Typhernas. | |||
167 | 1. From a castle of the Tiber | Celestine II (1143–1144) | Guido de Castello | An inhabitant of Tifernum. Born in Città di Castello, Umbria, on the banks of the Tiber.[2] |
Inimicus expulſus. | Lucius. ij. | De familia Caccianemica. | |||
168 | 2. Enemy expelled | Lucius II (1144–1145) | Gherardo Caccianemici del Orso | Of the Caccianemici family. This motto refers to Gherardo Caccianemici’s surname. “Cacciare” means “to hunt”,[3] and “nemici” is the Italian word for “enemies”. As his name foreshadowed, Caccianemici would be driven from Rome by his own subjects.[4] |
Ex magnitudine mõtis. | Eugenius. iij. | Patria Ethruſcus oppido Montis magni. | |||
169 | 3. Out of the greatness of the mountain | Eugene III (1145–1153) | Bernardo dei Pagnelli di Montemagno | Tuscan by nation, from the town of Montemagno. The motto refers to Pope Eugene’s last name, “Montemagno.”[5] |
Abbas Suburranus. | Anaſtaſius. iiij. | De familia Suburra. | |||
170 | 4. Suburran abbot | Anastasius IV (1153–1154) | Corrado di Suburra | From the Suburra family. | |
De rure albo. | Adrianus. iiij. | Vilis natus in oppido Sancti Albani. | |||
171 | 5. From the white countryside | Adrian IV (1154–1159) | Nicholas Breakspear | Humbly born in the town of St. Albans. Educated at the St Albans School in Hertfordshire. Nicholas Breakspear was the bishop of Albano before becoming pope.[6] |
Ex tetro carcere. | Victor. iiij. | Fuit Cardinalis S. Nicolai in carcere Tulliano. | |||
6. Out of a loathsome prison. | Victor IV, Antipope (1159–1164) | Ottaviano Monticello | He was a cardinal of St. Nicholas in the Tullian prison. |
Via Tranſtiberina. | Calliſtus. iij. [sic] | Guido Cremenſis Cardinalis S. Mariæ Tranſtiberim. | |||
7. Road across the Tiber. | Paschal III, Antipope (1164–1168) | Guido di Crema | Guido of Crema, Cardinal of St. Mary across the Tiber. As a cardinal, he had held the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere.[7] |
De Pannonia Thuſciæ. | Paſchalis. iij. [sic] | Antipapa. Hungarus natione, Epiſcopus Card. Tuſculanus. | |||
8. From Tusculan Hungary | Callixtus III, Antipope (1168–1178) | Giovanni di Strumi | Antipope. A Hungarian by birth, Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum. He was John, Abbot of Struma, originally from Hungary.[8] |
Ex anſere cuſtode. | Alexander. iij. | De familia Paparona. | |||
172 | 9. Out of the guardian goose | Alexander III (1159–1181) | Orlando Bandinelli Paparoni | Of the Paparoni family. His family's coat of arms had a goose on it.[9] |
Lux in oſtio. | Lucius. iij. | Lucenſis Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
173 | 10. A light in the entrance | Lucius III (1181–1185) | Ubaldo Allucingoli | A
Luccan Cardinal of Ostia. In 1159, he became Cardinal Bishop of Ostia.[10] Lux may also be a wordplay on Lucius. |
Sus in cribro. | Vrbanus. iij. | Mediolanenſis, familia cribella, quæ Suem pro armis gerit. | |||
174 | 11. Pig in a sieve | Urban III (1185–1187) | Umberto Crivelli | A Milanese, of the Cribella (Crivelli) family, which bears a pig
for arms. His family name Crivelli means "a sieve" in Italian. |
Enſis Laurentii. | Gregorius. viij. | Card. S. Laurentii in Lucina, cuius inſignia enſes falcati. | |||
175 | 12. The sword of St. Lawrence | Gregory VIII (1187) | Alberto De Morra | Cardinal of St. Lawrence in Lucina, of whom the arms were curved
swords. He had been the Cardinal of St. Lawrence[11] and his armorial bearing was a drawn sword.[12] |
De Schola exiet.[13] | Clemens. iij. | Romanus, domo Scholari. | |||
176 | 13 He will come from school | Clement III (1187–1191) | Paolo Scolari | A Roman, of the house of Scolari. His family name was Scolari. |
De rure bouenſi. | Cœleſtinus. iij. | Familia Bouenſi. | |||
177 | 14. From cattle country | Celestine III (1191–1198) | Giacinto Bobone | Bovensis (Bobone) family. He was from the Bobone family; a wordplay on cattle (boves). |
Comes Signatus. | Innocentius. iij. | Familia Comitum Signiæ. | |||
178 | 15. Designated count | Innocent III (1198–1216) | Lotario dei Conti di Segni | Family of the Counts of Signia (Segni) Descendant of the Segni family. |
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Canonicus de latere. | Honorius. iij. | Familia Sabella, Canonicus S. Ioannis Lateranensis. | |||
179 | 16. Canon from the side | Honorius III (1216–1227) | Cencio Savelli | Savelli family, canon of St. John Lateran He was a canon for the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, and had served as papal chamberlain in 1188.[14] |
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Auis Oſtienſis. | Gregorius. ix. | Familia Comitum Signiæ Epiſcopus Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
180 | 17. Bird of Ostia | Gregory IX (1227–1241) | Ugolino dei Conti di Segni | Family of the Counts of Segni, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. Before his election to the papacy, Ugolino dei Conti was the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, and the family coat of arms bear a bird on a gules background.[15] |
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Leo Sabinus. | Cœleſtinus iiij. | Mediolanenſis, cuius inſignia Leo, Epiſcopus Card. Sabinus. | |||
181 | 18. Sabine Lion | Celestine IV (1241) | Goffredo Castiglioni | A Milanese, whose arms were a lion, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina. He was Cardinal Bishop of Sabina[16] and his armorial bearing had a lion in it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope's last name, Castiglioni. |
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Comes Laurentius. | Innocentius iiij. | domo flisca, Comes Lauaniæ, Cardinalis S. Laurentii in Lucina. | |||
182 | 19. Count Lawrence | Innocent IV (1243–1254) | Sinibaldo Fieschi | Of the house of Flisca (Fieschi), Count of Lavagna, Cardinal of
St. Lawrence in Lucina. He was the Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucca,[17] and his father was the Count of Lavagna.[18] |
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Signum Oſtienſe. | Alexander iiij. | De comitibus Signiæ, Epiſcopus Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
183 | 20. Sign of Ostia | Alexander IV (1254–1261) | Renaldo dei Signori di Ienne | Of the counts of Segni, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. He was Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and member of the Conti-Segni family.[19] |
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Hieruſalem Campanię. | Vrbanus iiii. | Gallus, Trecenſis in Campania, Patriarcha Hieruſalem. | |||
184 | 21. Jerusalem of Champagne | Urban IV (1261–1264) | Jacques Pantaleon | A Frenchman, of Trecae (Troyes) in Champagne, Patriarch of
Jerusalem. Native of Troyes, Champagne, later patriarch of Jerusalem.[20] |
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Draco depreſſus. | Clemens iiii. | cuius inſignia Aquila vnguibus Draconem tenens. | |||
185 | 22. Dragon pressed down | Clement IV (1265–1268) | Guido Fulcodi | Whose badge is an eagle holding a dragon in his talons. His coat of arms had an eagle crushing a dragon. |
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Anguinus uir. | Gregorius. x. | Mediolanenſis, Familia vicecomitum, quæ anguẽ pro inſigni gerit. | |||
186 | 23. Snaky man | Gregory X (1271–1276) | Tebaldo Visconti | A Milanese, of the family of Viscounts (Visconti), which bears a
snake for arms. The Visconti coat of arms had a large serpent devouring a male child feet first.[21] |
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Concionator Gallus. | Innocentius. v. | Gallus, ordinis Prædicatorum. | |||
187 | 24. French Preacher | Innocent V (1276) | Pierre de Tarentaise | A Frenchman, of the Order of Preachers. He was born in south-eastern France and was a member of the order of Preachers.[22] |
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Bonus Comes. | Adrianus. v. | Ottobonus familia Fliſca ex comitibus Lauaniæ. | |||
188 | 25. Good Count/companion | Adrian V (1276) | Ottobono Fieschi | Ottobono, of the Fieschi family, from the counts of Lavagna. He was a count and a wordplay on "good" can be made with his name, Ottobono. |
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Piſcator Thuſcus. | Ioannes. xxi. | antea Ioannes Petrus Epiſcopus Card. Tuſculanus. | |||
189 | 26. Tuscan Fisherman | John XXI (1276–1277) | Pedro Julião | Formerly John Peter, Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum. John XXI had been the Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.[23] |
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Roſa compoſita. | Nicolaus. iii. | Familia Vrſina, quæ roſam in inſigni gerit, dictus compoſitus. | |||
190 | 27. Composite Rose | Nicholas III (1277–1280) | Giovanni Gaetano Orsini | Of the Ursina (Orsini) family, which bears a rose on its arms,
called 'composite'. He bore a rose in his coat of arms.[24] |
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Ex teloneo liliacei Martini. | Martinus. iiii. | cuius inſignia lilia, canonicus, & theſaurarius S. Martini Turonen[sis]. | |||
191 | 28. From the tollhouse of lilied Martin | Martin IV (1281–1285) | Simone de Brion | Whose arms were lilies, canon and treasurer of St. Martin of
Tours. He was Canon and Treasurer at the Church of St. Martin in Tours, France. |
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Ex roſa leonina. | Honorius. iiii. | Familia Sabella inſignia roſa à leonibus geſtata. | |||
192 | 29. Out of the leonine rose | Honorius IV (1285–1287) | Giacomo Savelli | Of the Sabella (Savelli) family, arms were a rose carried by
lions. His coat of arms were emblazoned with two lions supporting a rose.[24] |
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Picus inter eſcas. | Nicolaus. iiii. | Picenus patria Eſculanus.[25] | |||
193 | 30. Woodpecker between food | Nicholas IV (1288–1292) | Girolamo Masci | A
Picene by nation, of Asculum (Ascoli). He was from Ascoli, now called Ascoli Piceno, in Picene country. |
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Ex eremo celſus. | Cœleſtinus. v. | Vocatus Petrus de morrone Eremita. | |||
194 | 31. Raised out of the desert | St. Celestine V (1294) | Pietro Di Murrone | Called Peter de Morrone, a hermit. Prior to his election he was a hermit (eremita, literally a dweller in the eremus, or desert). Also a play on words (celsus/Coelestinus), referring to the pope's chosen name Celestine. |
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Ex undarũ bn̑dictione. | Bonifacius. viii. | Vocatus prius Benedictus, Caetanus, cuius inſignia undæ. | |||
195 | 32. From the blessing of the waves | Boniface VIII (1294–1303) | Benedetto Caetani | Previously called Benedict, of
whose arms were waves. His coat of arms had a wave through it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope's Christian name, "Benedetto."[24] |
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Concionator patereus. [sic] | Benedictus. xi. | qui uocabatur Frater Nicolaus, ordinis Prædicatorum. | |||
196 | 33. Preacher From Patara | Benedict XI (1303–1304) | Nicholas Boccasini | Who was called Brother Nicholas, of the order of Preachers. This Pope belonged to the Order of Preachers. Patara was the hometown of Saint Nicholas, a namesake of this Pope (born Nicholas Boccasini).[26] |
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De feſſis aquitanicis. | Clemens V. | natione aquitanus, cuius inſignia feſſæ erant. | |||
197 | 34. From the misfortunes/fesses of Aquitaine | Clement V (1305–1314) | Bertrand de Got | An Aquitanian by birth, whose arms were fesses. He was a native of St. Bertrand de Comminges in Aquitaine, and eventually became Archbishop of Bordeaux, also in Aquitaine. His coat of arms displays three horizontal bars, known in heraldry as fesses. |
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De ſutore oſſeo. | Ioannes XXII. | Gallus, familia Oſſa, Sutoris filius. | |||
198 | 35. From a bony cobbler | John XXII (1316–1334) | Jacques Duese | A Frenchman, of the Ossa family, son of a cobbler. His family name was Duèze, D'Euze, D'Euzes, or Euse, the last of which might be back-translated into Latin as Ossa "bones". The popular legend that his father was a cobbler is probably untrue. |
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Coruus ſchiſmaticus. | Nicolaus V. | qui uocabatur F. Petrus de corbario, contra Ioannem XXII. Antipapa Minorita. | |||
36. Schismatic crow | Nicholas V, Antipope (1328–1330) | Pietro Rainalducci di Corvaro | Who was called Brother Peter of Corbarium (Corvaro), the
Minorite antipope opposing John XXII. The motto is a play on words, referring to Pietro di Corvaro's last name. |
Frigidus Abbas. | Benedictus XII. | Abbas Monaſterii fontis frigidi. | |||
199 | 37. Cold abbot | Benedict XII (1334–1342) | Jacques Fournier | Abbot of the monastery of the cold spring. He was an abbot in the monastery of Fontfroide ("cold spring").[27] |
De roſa Attrebatenſi. | Clemens VI. | Epiſcopus Attrebatenſis, cuius inſignia Roſæ. | |||
200 | 38. From the rose of Arras | Clement VI (1342–1352) | Pierre Roger | Bishop of Arras, whose arms were roses. He was Bishop of Arras, (Latin: Episcopus Atrebatensis),[28] and his armorial bearings were emblazoned with six roses.[29] |
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De mõtibus Pãmachii. | Innocentius VI. | Cardinalis SS. Ioannis & Pauli. T. Panmachii, cuius inſignia ſex montes erant. | |||
201 | 39. From the mountains of Pammachius | Innocent VI (1352–1362) | Etienne Aubert | Cardinal of Saints John and Paul, Titulus of Pammachius, whose
arms were six mountains. Pope Innocent was born at Mont in the diocese of Limoges, France, and he rose to prominence as the Bishop of Clermont.[30] He had been a cardinal priest with the title of St. Pammachius (i.e., the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome)[31] |
Gallus Vicecomes. | Vrbanus V. | nuncius Apoſtolicus ad Vicecomites Mediolanenſes. | |||
202 | 40. French viscount | Urban V (1362–1370) | Guglielmo De Grimoard | Apostolic
to the Viscounts of Milan. He was born of a noble French family. |
Nouus de uirgine forti. | Gregorius XI. | qui uocabatur Petrus Belfortis, Cardinalis S. Mariæ nouæ. | |||
203 | 41. New man from the strong virgin | Gregory XI (1370–1378) | Pierre Roger de Beaufort | Who was called Peter Belfortis (Beaufort), Cardinal of New St.
Mary's. From the Beaufort family and Cardinal of Santa Maria Nuova[32] |
Decruce Apoſtolica. [sic] | Clemens VII. | qui fuit Preſbyter Cardinalis SS. XII. Apoſtolorũ cuius inſignia Crux. | |||
42. From the apostolic cross | Clement VII, Antipope (1378–1394) | Robert, Count of Geneva | Who was Cardinal Priest of the Twelve Holy Apostles, whose arms
were a cross. His coat of arms showed a cross, quarterly pierced.[33] |
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Luna Coſmedina. | Benedictus XIII. | antea Petrus de Luna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Mariæ in Coſmedin. | |||
43. Cosmedine moon. | Benedict XIII, Antipope (1394–1423) | Peter de Luna | Formerly Peter de Luna, Cardinal Deacon of St. Mary in Cosmedin. He was the famous Peter de Luna, Cardinal of Santa Maria in Cosmedin.[34] |
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Schiſma Barchinoniũ. | Clemens VIII. | Antipapa, qui fuit Canonicus Barchinonenſis. | |||
44. Schism of the Barcelonas | Clement VIII, Antipope (1423–1429) | Gil Sanchez Muñoz | Antipope, who was a canon of Barcelona. [35] |
De inferno prægnãti. | Vrbanus VI. | Neapolitanus Pregnanus, natus in loco quæ dicitur Infernus. | |||
204 | 45. From a pregnant hell. | Urban VI (1378–1389) | Bartolomeo Prignano | The Neapolitan Prignano, born in a place which is called Inferno. His family name was Prignano or Prignani, and he was native to a place called Inferno near Naples.[36] |
Cubus de mixtione. | Bonifacius. IX. | familia tomacella à Genua Liguriæ orta, cuius inſignia Cubi. | |||
205 | 46. Cube from a mixture | Boniface IX (1389–1404) | Pietro Tomacelli | Of the Tomacelli family, born in Genoa in Liguria, whose arms
were cubes. His coat of arms includes a bend checky — a wide stripe with a checkerboard pattern.[29] |
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De meliore ſydere. | Innocentius. VII. | uocatus Coſmatus de melioratis Sulmonenſis, cuius inſignia ſydus. | |||
206 | 47. From a better star | Innocent VII (1404–1406) | Cosmo Migliorati | Called Cosmato dei Migliorati of
whose arms were a star. The prophecy is a play on words, "better" (melior) referring to the pope's last name, Migliorati (Meliorati). There is a shooting star on his coat of arms.[29] |
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Nauta de Ponte nigro. | Gregorius XII. | Venetus, commendatarius eccleſiæ Nigropontis. | |||
207 | 48. Sailor from a black bridge | Gregory XII (1406–1415) | Angelo Correr | A Venetian,
commendatary of the church of
Negroponte. Was Bishop of Venice and the Bishop of Chalcice, Chalcice being located on the Isle of Negropont |
Flagellum ſolis. | Alexander. V. | Græcus Archiepiſcopus Mediolanenſis, inſignia Sol. | |||
49. Whip of the sun | Alexander V, Antipope (1409–1410) | Petros Philarges | A Greek, Archbishop of Milan, whose arms were a sun. His coat of arms had a large sun on it. Also, a play on words, referring to the pope's last name, "Philarges."[37] |
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Ceruus Sirenæ. | Ioannes XXIII. | Diaconus Cardinalis S. Euſtachii, qui cum ceruo depingitur, Bononiæ legatus, Neapolitanus. | |||
50. Stag of the siren | John XXIII, Antipope (1410–1415) | Baldassarre Cossa | Cardinal Deacon of St. Eustace, who is depicted with a stag;
legate of Bologna, a Neapolitan. Baldassarre Cossa was a cardinal with the title of St. Eustachius.[38] St. Eustachius converted to Christianity after he saw a stag with a cross between its horns. Baldassarre's family was originally from Naples, which has the emblem of the siren. |
Corona ueli aurei. | Martinus V. | familia colonna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Georgii ad velum aureum. | |||
208 | 51. Crown of the golden curtain | Martin V (1417–1431) | Oddone Colonna | Of the Colonna family, Cardinal Deacon of St. George at the
golden curtain. Oddone Colonna was the Cardinal Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro.[39] The word "Velabrum" is here interpreted as derived from "velum aureum", or golden veil.[40] His coat of arms had a golden crown resting atop a column.[41] |
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Lupa Cœleſtina, | Eugenius. IIII. | Venetus, canonicus antea regularis Cœleſtinus, & Epiſcopus Senẽſis. | |||
209 | 52. Heavenly she-wolf | Eugene IV (1431–1447) | Gabriele Condulmaro | A Venetian, formerly a regular Celestine canon, and Bishop of
Siena. He belonged to the order of the Celestines and was the Bishop of Siena which bears a she-wolf on its arms. |
Amator Crucis. | Felix. V. | qui uocabatur Amadæus Dux Sabaudiæ, inſignia Crux. | |||
53. Lover of the cross | Felix V, Antipope (1439–1449) | Amadeus Duke of Savoy | Who was called Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, arms were a cross. He was previously the count of Savoy and therefore his coat of arms contained the cross of Savoy.[42] Also, the prophecy is a play on words, referring to the antipope's Christian name, "Amadeus." |
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De modicitate Lunæ. | Nicolaus V. | Lunenſis de Sarzana, humilibus parentibus natus. | |||
210 | 54. From the meanness of Luna | Nicholas V (1447–1455) | Tommaso Parentucelli | A Lunese of Sarzana, born to humble parents. He was born in Sarzana in the diocese of Luni, the ancient name of which was Luna. |
Bos paſcens. | Calliſtus. III. | Hiſpanus, cuius inſignia Bos paſcens. | |||
211 | 55. Pasturing ox | Callixtus III (1455–1458) | Alfonso Borja | A Spaniard, whose arms were a pasturing ox. Alonso Borgia's coat of arms had a grazing ox.[41] |
De Capra & Albergo. | Pius. II. | Senenſis, qui fuit à Secretis Cardinalibus Capranico & Albergato. | |||
212 | 56. From a nanny-goat and an inn | Pius II (1458–1464) | Enea Silvio de Piccolomini | A Sienese, who was secretary to Cardinals Capranicus and
Albergatus. He had been secretary to Cardinal Domenico Capranica and Cardinal Albergatti before he was elected Pope.[43] |
De Ceruo & Leone. | Paulus. II. | Venetus, qui fuit Commendatarius eccleſiæ Ceruienſis, & Cardinalis tituli S. Marci. | |||
213 | 57. From a stag and lion | Paul II (1464–1471) | Pietro Barbo | A Venetian, who was
Commendatary of the church of Cervia, and Cardinal of the title of
St. Mark. Possibly refers to his Bishopric of Cervia (punning on cervus, "a stag") and his Cardinal title of St. Mark (symbolized by a winged lion).[44] |
Piſcator minorita. | Sixtus. IIII. | Piſcatoris filius, Franciſcanus. | |||
214 | 58. Minorite fisherman | Sixtus IV (1471–1484) | Francesco Della Rovere | Son of a fisherman, Franciscan. He was born the son of a fisherman and a member of the Franciscans, also known as "Minorites". |
Præcurſor Siciliæ. | Innocentius VIII. | qui uocabatur Ioãnes Baptiſta, & uixit in curia Alfonſi regis Siciliæ. | |||
215 | 59. Forerunner of Sicily | Innocent VIII (1484–1492) | Giovanni Battista Cibò | Who was called John Baptist, and lived in the court of Alfonso,
king of Sicily. Giovanni Battista Cibò was named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ. In his early years, Giovanni served as the Bishop of Molfetta in Sicily.[45] |
Bos Albanus in portu. | Alexander VI. | Epiſcopus Cardinalis Albanus & Portuenſis, cuius inſignia Bos. | |||
216 | 60. Bull of Alba in the harbor | Alexander VI (1492–1503) | Rodrigo de Borgia | Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto, whose arms were a bull. In 1456, he was made a Cardinal and he held the titles of Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto. [46] Also, Pope Alexander had a red bull on his coat of arms[47] |
De paruo homine. | Pius. III. | Senenſis, familia piccolominea. | |||
217 | 61. From a small man | Pius III (1503) | Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini | A Sienese, of the Piccolomini family. His family name was Piccolomini, from piccolo "small" and uomo "man". |
Fructus Iouis iuuabit. | Iulius. II. | Ligur, eius inſignia Quercus, Iouis arbor. | |||
218 | 62. The fruit of Jupiter will help | Julius II (1503–1513) | Giuliano Della Rovere | A Genoese, his arms were an oak, Jupiter's tree. On his arms was an oak tree, which was sacred to Jupiter.[47] Pope Julius' family name, "Della Rovere," literally means "of the oak."[48] |
De craticula Politiana. | Leo. X. | filius Laurentii medicei, & ſcholaris Angeli Politiani. | |||
219 | 63. From a Politian gridiron | Leo X (1513–1521) | Giovanni de Medici | Son of Lorenzo de' Medici, and student of Angelo Poliziano. His educator and mentor was the distinguished humanist and scholar, Angelo Poliziano. The “Gridiron” is the motto evidently refers to St. Lawrence, who was martyred on a gridiron. This is a rather elliptical allusion to Lorenzo the Magnificent, who was Giovanni’s father.[49] |
Leo Florentius. | Adrian. VI. | Florẽtii filius, eius inſignia Leo. | |||
220 | 64. Florentian lion | Adrian VI (1522–1523) | Adriaen Florenszoon Boeyens | Son of Florentius, his arms were a lion. His coat of arms had two lions on it,[47] and his name is sometimes given as Adriaan Florens, or other variants, from his father's first name Florens (Florentius). |
Flos pilei ægri. | Clemens. VII. | Florentinus de domo medicea, eius inſignia pila, & lilia. | |||
221 | 65. Flower of the sick man's pill[50] | Clement VII (1523–1534) | Giulio de Medici | A Florentine of the Medicean house, his arms were pill-balls and
lilies. The Medici coat of arms were emblazoned with six medical balls. One of these balls, the largest of the six, was emblazoned with the Florentine lily.[47] |
Hiacinthus medicorũ. | Paulus. III. | Farneſius, qui lilia pro inſignibus geſtat, & Card. fuit SS. Coſme, & Damiani. | |||
222 | 66. Hyacinth of the physicians | Paul III (1534–1549) | Alessandro Farnese | Farnese, who bore lilies for arms, and was Cardinal of Saints
Cosmas and Damian. Pope Paul's coat of arms were charged with six hyacinths.[47] |
De corona montana. | Iulius. III. | antea uocatus Ioannes Maria de monte. | |||
223 | 67. From the mountainous crown | Julius III (1550–1555) | Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte | Formerly called Giovanni Maria of the Mountain (de Monte) His coat of arms showed mountains and palm branches laid out in a pattern much like a crown.[47] |
Frumentum flocidum. [sic] | Marcellus. II. | cuius inſignia ceruus & frumẽtum, ideo floccidum, quod pauco tempore uixit in papatu. | |||
224 | 68. Trifling grain | Marcellus II (1555) | Marcello Cervini | Whose arms were a stag and grain; 'trifling', because he lived
only a short time as pope. His coat of arms showed a stag and ears of wheat.[47] |
De fide Petri. | Paulus. IIII. | antea uocatus Ioannes Petrus Caraffa. | |||
225 | 69. From Peter's faith | Paul IV (1555–1559) | Giovanni Pietro Caraffa | Formerly called John Peter Caraffa. He is said to have used his second Christian name Pietro. |
Eſculapii pharmacum. | Pius. IIII. | antea dictus Io. Angelus Medices. | |||
226 | 70. Aesculapius' medicine | Pius IV (1559–1565) | Giovanni Angelo de Medici | Formerly called Giovanni Angelo Medici. His family name was Medici. |
Angelus nemoroſus. | Pius. V. | Michael uocatus, natus in oppido Boſchi. | |||
227 | 71. Angel of the grove | St. Pius V (1566–1572) | Antonio Michele Ghisleri | Called Michael, born in the town of Bosco. He was born in Bosco, (Lombardy); the placename means grove. His name was 'Antonio Michele Ghisleri', and Michele relates to the archangel. |
Medium corpus pilarũ. | Gregorius. XIII. | cuius inſignia medius Draco, Cardinalis creatus à Pio. IIII. qui pila in armis geſtabat. | |||
228 | 72. Half body of the balls | Gregory XIII (1572–1585) | Ugo Boncompagni | Whose arms were a half-dragon; a Cardinal created by Pius IV who
bore balls in his arms. The "balls" in the motto refer to Pope Pius IV, who had made Gregory a cardinal. Pope Gregory had a dragon on his coat of arms with half a body.[47] |
Axis in medietate ſigni. | Sixtus. V. | qui axem in medio Leonis in armis geſtat. | |||
229 | 73. Axle in the midst of a sign. | Sixtus V (1585–1590) | Felice Peretti | Who bears in his arms an axle in the middle of a lion. This is a rather straightforward description of the pope's coat of arms.[47] |
De rore cœli. | Vrbanus. VII. | qui fuit Archiepiſcopus Roſſanenſis in Calabria, ubi mãna colligitur. | |||
230 | 74. From the dew of the sky | Urban VII (1590) | Giovanni Battista Castagna | Who was Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria, where manna is
collected. He had been Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria where sap called "the dew of heaven" is gathered from trees.[51] |
[edit] Popes 1590 to present
For this group of Popes, the published text only provides names for the first three (i.e., those who were Popes between the appearance of the text in 1590, and its publication in 1595) and attempts no explanations.
Post-appearance Popes (1590–present) | |||||
Pope No. | Motto (Translation) | Regnal Name (Reign) | Name | Historical Reference or Explanation | Coat of Arms |
Ex antiquitate Vrbis. | Gregorius. XIIII. | ||||
231 | 75 Of the antiquity of the city | Gregory XIV (1590–1591) | Niccolo Sfondrati | His father was a senator of the ancient city of Milan. The word "senator" is derived from the Latin word "senex", meaning old man. | |
Pia ciuitas in bello. | Innocentius. IX. | ||||
232 | 76 Pious city in war | Innocent IX (1591) | Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti | He was the Patriarch of Jerusalem before succeeding to the Papacy. | |
Crux Romulea. | Clemens. VIII. | ||||
233 | 77 Cross of Romulus | Clement VIII (1592–1605) | Ippolito Aldobrandini | He had been a cardinal with the title of Saint Pancratius.[52] Saint Pancratius was a Roman martyr.[53] |
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Vndoſus uir. | |||||
234 | 78 Wavy man | Leo XI (1605) | Alessandro Ottaviano De Medici | He had been the Bishop of Palestrina.[54] The ancient Romans attributed the origins of Palestrina to the seafaring hero Ulysses.[55] Also, he had only reigned for 27 days. | |
Gens peruerſa. | |||||
235 | 79 Corrupted nation | Paul V (1605–1621) | Camillo Borghese | Pope Paul scandalized the Church when he appointed his nephew to the College of Cardinals. The word "nepotism" may have originated during the reign of this pope.[56] | |
In tribulatione pacis. | |||||
236 | 80 In the trouble of peace | Gregory XV (1621–1623) | Alessandro Ludovisi | His reign corresponded with the outbreak of the Thirty Years War. | |
Lilium et roſa. | |||||
237 | 81 Lily and rose | Urban VIII (1623–1644) | Maffeo Barberini | He was a native of Florence. Florence, in Italy, has a red lily on its coat of arms.[57] | |
Iucunditas crucis. | |||||
238 | 82 Delight of the cross | Innocent X (1644–1655) | Giovanni Battista Pamphili | He was raised to the pontificate after a long and difficult Conclave on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (off by a day). | |
Montium cuſtos. | |||||
239 | 83 Guard of the mountains | Alexander VII (1655–1667) | Fabio Chigi | His family arms include six hills with a star above them.[58] | |
Sydus olorum. | |||||
240 | 84 Star of the swans | Clement IX (1667–1669) | Giulio Rospigliosi | The "star" in the legend refers Pope Alexander VII, who had made Clement his personal secretary.[58] The Italian word for swan, "Cigni," rhymes with Pope Alexander's last name, "Chigi." | |
De flumine magno. | |||||
241 | 85 From a great river | Clement X (1670–1676) | Emilio Altieri | Pope Clement was a native of Rome. | |
Bellua inſatiabilis. | |||||
242 | 86 Insatiable beast | Innocent XI (1676–1689) | Benedetto Odescalchi | Pope Innocent had a lion on his coat of arms.[58] | |
Pœnitentia glorioſa. | |||||
243 | 87 Glorious penitence | Alexander VIII (1689–1691) | Pietro Ottoboni | His first name was "Pietro". The apostle Peter repented after he had denied his master three times. | |
Raſtrum in porta. | |||||
244 | 88 Rake in the door | Innocent XII (1691–1700) | Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello | His full name was Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello.[59] "Rastrello" in Italian means "rake." | |
Flores circundati. | |||||
245 | 89 Surrounded flowers | Clement XI (1700–1721) | Giovanni Francesco Albani | He had been a cardinal with the title of San Maria in Aquiro.[60] | |
De bona religione. | |||||
246 | 90 From good religion | Innocent XIII (1721–1724) | Michelangelo dei Conti | A play on words, referring to the pope's chosen name, "Innocent." He was from the famous Conti family which had produced several Popes. | |
Miles in bello. | |||||
247 | 91 Soldier in War | Benedict XIII (1724–1730) | Pietro Francesco Orsini | ||
Columna excelſa. | |||||
248 | 92 Lofty column | Clement XII (1730–1740) | Lorenzo Corsini | When still a cardinal, he had held the title of St. Peter in Chains.[61] The name "Peter" is derived from the Greek word "petros," meaning "rock." Clement was a frustrated architect who ordered, and sometimes interfered with, the building of many churches. He managed to salvage two columns of the Parthenon for his chapel at Mantua. | |
Animal rurale. | |||||
249 | 93 Country animal | Benedict XIV (1740–1758) | Marcello Lambertini |
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Roſa Vmbriæ. | |||||
250 | 94 Rose of Umbria | Clement XIII (1758–1769) | Carlo Rezzonico | He had been a cardinal with the title of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.[62] In mystical circles, the Virgin Mary is represented by a rose. |
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Vrſus uelox. | |||||
251 | 95 Swift bear (later misprinted as Cursus velox Swift Course or Visus velox Swift Glance) | Clement XIV (1769–1774) | Lorenzo Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli | The Ganganelli family crest bore a running bear. |
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Peregrin9 apoſtolic9.[63] | |||||
252 | 96 Apostolic pilgrim | Pius VI (1775–1799) | Giovanni Angelico Braschi | Spent the last two years of his life in exile, a prisoner of the French Revolution. |
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Aquila rapax. | |||||
253 | 97 Rapacious eagle | Pius VII (1800–1823) | Barnaba Chiaramonti | The Pope's pontificate was overshadowed by Napoleon, whose emblem was the eagle. |
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Canis & coluber. | |||||
254 | 98 Dog and adder | Leo XII (1823–1829) | Annibale Sermattei della Genga | "Dog" and "snake" are common insults, and Leo was widely hated[citation needed]. The legend could be an allusion to the pope's last name, Sermattei. "Serpente" is the Italian word for snake. |
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Vir religioſus. | |||||
255 | 99 Religious man | Pius VIII (1829–1830) | Francesco Saverio Castiglioni | Another play on words, referring to the pope's chosen name, "Pius". |
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De balneis Ethruriæ. | |||||
256 | 100 From the baths of Tuscany | Gregory XVI (1831–1846) | Mauro, or Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari | Pope Gregory XVI belonged to the Camaldolese order of monks. The Camaldolese order is said to have begun with two monastic houses. The first of these houses was Campus Maldoli, and the second was Fonte Buono. "Fonte Buono" is Italian for "good fountain."[64] |
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Crux de cruce. | |||||
257 | 101 Cross from cross | Bl. Pius IX (1846–1878) | Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti | During the pontificate of Pius IX, the House of Savoy, whose coat of arms is a white cross on a red background, reunited Italy and stripped the pope of his territorial possessions. Pope Pius XII, commenting on the beatification process of Pius IX, used the words per crucem ad lucem (through the cross to light). Pius IX was finally beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000. | |
Lumen in cœlo. | |||||
258 | 102 Light in the sky | Leo XIII (1878–1903) | Gioacchino Pecci | His coat of arms had a shooting star. |
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Ignis ardens. | |||||
259 | 103 Burning fire | St. Pius X (1903–1914) | Giuseppe Sarto | Pius advocated the codification of Canon law, daily communion and the use of Gregorian chant in the Catholic liturgy, and was an opponent of Modernism. He was the first pope to be declared a saint in over 400 years, the previous one being Pope Pius V. |
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Religio depopulata. | |||||
260 | 104 Religion destroyed | Benedict XV (1914–1922) | Giacomo Della Chiesa | Worldwide spread of atheistic Communism. |
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Fides intrepida. | |||||
261 | 105 Intrepid faith | Pius XI (1922–1939) | Achille Ratti | Established Vatican City as a country and the papacy as a head of state. |
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Paſtor angelicus. | |||||
262 | 106 Angelic shepherd | Ven. Pius XII (1939–1958) | Eugenio Pacelli | Said to have received visions, some of which have yet to be revealed. |
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Paſtor & nauta. | |||||
263 | 107 Shepherd and sailor | Bl. John XXIII (1958–1963) | Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli | From Venice, a maritime city. |
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Flos florum. | |||||
264 | 108 Flower of flowers | Paul VI (1963–1978) | Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini | His coat of arms features three flowers. |
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De medietate lunæ. | |||||
265 | 109 From the midst of the moon | John Paul I (1978) | Albino Luciani | His month-long reign began with the moon half-full. |
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De labore ſolis. | |||||
266 | 110 From the labor of the sun | Bl. John Paul II (1978–2005) | Karol Wojtyła | Born on the day of a solar eclipse. |
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Gloria oliuæ. | |||||
267 | 111 Glory of the olive. | Benedict XVI (2005–present) | Joseph Ratzinger | Chose the name Benedict after St. Benedict who started the Benedictine order whose Crest is an Olive Branch. |
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In ꝑsecutione extrema S.R.E. ſedebit. | |||||
In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.[65] | |||||
Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus tranſactis ciuitas ſepticollis diruetur, & Iudex tremẽdus iudicabit populum ſuum.[66] Finis. | |||||
268 | 112 Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end. | Unknown | Unknown |
[edit] Petrus Romanus
The longest and final motto reads in the original Latin:
In ꝑſecutione extre-
Petrus Romanus, qui
- ma S.R.E. ſedebit.
- paſcet oues in mul-
- tis tribulationibus:
- quibus tranſactis ci-
- uitas ſepticollis di-
- ruetur, & Iudex tre
- mẽdus iudicabit po
- pulum ſuum. Finis.
- This is usually translated into English as:
"In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End."
However, in the 1595 Lignum Vitae, the line In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. forms a separate sentence and paragraph of its own, and it is unclear whether it is grammatically related to Gloria Olivae which precedes it, or to Petrus Romanus, which follows it.
There is, also, a claim that the original list written by St. Malachy, does not contain a reference to Petrus Romanus and that the last lines were added to the printed text in Wyon's Lignum Vitæ. This, however, cannot be proved, as the original manuscript (if any) probably no longer exists.
[edit] Authenticity and skepticism
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (January 2012) |
Spanish writer father Benito Jerónimo Feijóo wrote in his Teatro Crítico Universal (1724–1739), in an entry called Purported prophecies, that the ones by Saint Malachy's were a shameful forgery, claiming that they were created ad hoc during the 16th century. As a proof, he offers an accurate fact: that the first time the prophecy is mentioned is on a handwritten account by patriarch Alfonso Chacón (a.k.a Alphonsus Ciacconus, 1540–1599) in 1590 (this account would be later published, in 1595, by the abovementioned historian Arnold de Wyon). In this account, Chacón only comments about the prophecies until the papacy of Urban VII (whose papacy only lasted September 1590, and was the current pope at the time Chacón wrote the comment).
According to Feijóo, Chacón, who held a great intellectual prestige at the time, was lured into commenting the prophecies by someone who wanted to help cardinal Girolamo Simoncelli (1522–1605) reach the papacy. By showing them to be accurate till Urban VII, it was expected people would believe the following ones. That way, Girolamo Simoncelli's election as pope would be easier, since the prophecy after Urban VII's one tells about a pope Ex antiquitate urbis (from the antiquity of the city), a fact that seems to fit him, who was cardinal of Orvieto (literally "old city", urbs vetus), or at least better than Gregory XIV, who was elected pope after Urban VII.
Thus, the forgery would have been unsuccessful, since Simoncelli was not elected pope. Jesuit father Claude-François Menestrier also claimed that the prophecies were forged in order to help the papal candidacy of Girolamo Simoncelli, offering similar reasons to those of Feijóo. Spanish historian José Luis Calvo points out that the prophecies seem to be very accurate till Urban VII, fitting perfectly even the antipopes, but that afterwards great efforts have to be made in order to make the prophecies fit their pope. Feijóo's explanation is usually regarded as being the strongest evidence of the forgery.
[edit] See also
- List of popes
- Legends surrounding the papacy
- Vaticinia Nostradami
- Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus
- Saint Malachy
- Michel Nostradamus
- Bartholomew Holzhauser
- Three Secrets of Fátima
- Bible code
- The Prophesying Nun of Dresden
[edit] References
[edit] Notes
- ^ Lawlor, H. J. (1920). St. Bernard of Clairvaux's Life of St. Malachy of Armagh. London, New York: The Macmillan Company. p. 267. online
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Città di Castello.
- ^ Wiktionary "hunt"
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Lucius II
- ^ The Columbia Encyclopedia, Eugene III
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia Pope Adrian IV
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Titles S. Leone I --- S. Matteo in Merulana
- ^ Regnal Chronologies, Roman Catholicism
- ^ House of Arms,Paparo Coat of Arms
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Lucius III
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Gregory VIII
- ^ Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^ A non-standard verb form, replacing classical exibit.
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Honorius III
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Gregory IX
- ^ Encyclopædia Britannica, Celestine
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Innocent IV
- ^ Christ's Faithful People, Pope Innocent IV
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Alexander IV
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Urban IV
- ^ Web.genealogie, Dynastie de Visconti
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Bl. Innocent V
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope John XXI(XX)
- ^ a b c Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^ Properly Asculanus, but that ruins the pun.
- ^ Saint Nicholas Center Patara
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Benedict XII
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Clement VI
- ^ a b c Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Innocent VI
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Titles
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Deaconries
- ^, Clemente VII (antipapa)
- ^, Benedetto XIII (antipapa)
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Consistories for the creation of Cardinals
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Urban VI
- ^, Alessandro V (antipapa)
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, John XXIII
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Martin V
- ^ Fruit of Contemplation March 2006 Archive
- ^ a b Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^, Felice V (antipapa)
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia,Pope Pius II
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Paul II
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Innocent VIII
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Alexander VI
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^ Baroque Rome in the etchings of Giuseppe Vasi, The Triumph of Life
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Leo X
- ^ Pileus here cannot be the Latin word for "cap"[1], but must be derived from pila "ball"[2] or Late Latin pilula "little ball, pill". The Medici displayed pills on their arms as an allusion to their supposed family origins as physicians (medici).
- ^, Ash, Manna
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Clement VIII
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancratius
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Leo XI
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Palestrina
- ^, Galleria Borghese
- ^ International Civic Heraldry, Florence
- ^ a b c Héraldique européenne, Papes
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello
- ^ Catholic Heraldry, S. Maria in Aquiro
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Pope Clement XII
- ^ Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Rezzonico, Carlo
- ^ The symbol like a raised 9 is a scribal abbreviation for the Latin suffix us.
- ^ Catholic Encyclopedia, Camaldolese
- ^ Prefixed to the following text in most printings, in the original printing of Lignum Vitae this line appears as a separate paragraph immediately below Gloria oliuæ.
- ^ In several later printings of the prophecies, the word ſuum ("his own") was dropped.
[edit] Websites
[edit] Books
- Van der Moere, J. (1872). La fausseté des soi-disantes proophéties d'Orval, de St.-Malachie, et de Blois. Ghent.
- Hogue, John (2000). The Last Pope. Element. ISBN 1-86204-732-4.
- Bander, Peter (1969). The Prophecies of St. Malachy. TAN Books and Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0-8189-0189-6.
[edit] External links
- Original 1595 text of the Prophecies (Arnold de Wion, Lignum Vitae, Lib. ii, pp. 307–311)
- List of Popes and their corresponding mottos
here are my own links about the catholic church (there are 336 different pages about the Catholic church. All are VERY interesting.)