Coincidence and 11:11

Part IV


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII


Part IX

Part X
Part XI


Subj: 2 suns
Date: 99-01-06 10:38:38 EST
From: V. A.

had 2 suns dream 20+ years ago. see msg board at:


Subj: Solara's SURF Report for January 1999
Date: 99-01-06 13:11:32 EST
From: B. S.

Solara's SURF REPORT For January 1999

Updated on January 2, 1999.


Waking Up into a New World:

Somehow, in the final days of 1998, something has changed. Perhaps, everything has changed..... Entering this New Year of 1999 the clouds have finally lifted. The illusions have melted. The past has dissolved. It feels as if we have woken up from a long slumber. We have awakened into a New World.

We look around us and try to discern what is different. Checking the many elements of our lives, we can't find any dramatic change. The old physical reality sort of looks the same. It's still the same bed  that we've been lying in, the same life that we were living; but is it really?

It may all look the same, but it certainly doesn't FEEL the same. It reminds me of the film, "Pleasantville" because everything suddenly has more color. There are bursts of color all around us. The heaviness is gone. The stuck feeling is gone.

Perhaps, our New Beings have been born......

As we all know, last year was very intense. It was full of challenging situations which forced us to delve deep within ourselves and to strip off innumerable layers of old patterns, behaviors, disguises and outmoded ways of doing things. This process was often rough and hard. But we can now rejoice, because it has done its job and we have been reborn anew!

There is also something very different with our love. Our hearts have become strong and true. Our old hearts have been broken so many times that it has cracked away the falseness and any walls we built  up to protect us. Our love has become a surging river, washing away the banks of crusty barriers to embrace open wholeheartedness. We have become the Love itself. We love simply because that's who we are.

Not because we are in a relationship, or because things are going well in our lives. And not because we expect anything back in return. We love because we have finally become more honest with our feelings, because we are aligned with our Core Beings. We love because WE ARE LOVE. And how could we be otherwise?

So what's going to happen in January?

First, we are going to take a fresh look around us and see many things with new eyes. With this clear perspective, we are going to be able to tackle the many incomplete elements within our lives which still need to be restructured and transformed. And we're going to do this within a very new way.

Resolutions to old problems are going to come to us easily and somewhat effortlessly. This is because many doors are opening to us that simply didn't exist before. These new doors will lead us to our New Lives. All we have to do is to step through.

Something has also happened to our One Being. It has quickened and become more alive and viable. Many of us now feel, unquestionably, the interconnectedness of our inherent Oneness. We feel each other wherever we are, scattered randomly about the planet. We feel One with everything about us.

The weaving of our One Being is strong and true.

There's a lot to be grateful for at this time. I'm thankful that I survived 1998. I'm thankful that I have shed so many layers and stepped free of much of my past. I'm grateful that so many people and old situations have left my life. I'm grateful to have cleared many of my core issues. I'm deeply grateful for the love and support which I constantly receive.

So please look within yourselves and see what you are thankful for. And gives thanks for it all. Give joyous thanks. Be happy that we are becoming free and true and real.

There are also two Full Moons this month which is a powerful beginning to the year. Our first Full Moon was on January 1st at 11' Capricorn and 11' Cancer. I was just told that it took place at 11:11 at Central European time. The second Full Moon, which is a Blue Moon, is on January 31st. Interestingly enough, it also will be at 11', this time of Leo and Aquarius. To me, it is also another sign that the Fourth Gate Activation of the 11:11 on August 11, 1999 will be totally amazing and catapult us into a new level of consciousness!

January is the starting gate for the huge year of 1999. We are all lined up at the starting line ready for  the biggest race of our lives. And this is a race we haven't run before, and we are all riding horses we haven't ridden before. Plus, this race is on a brand new racetrack with totally new terrain. We don't yet know what we will experience this year, but we do know that it will take us off the map into places we never knew existed. And that it will takes us into our New Lives. Which is rather exciting!

But please remember that we are New Beings who are running this race. And it is of utmost importance that we don't try to carry any of the old stuff with us. We need to travel light and fast and true. We need to BE REAL in whatever we do.

This great year of 1999 is really going to put us to the test. There's only one way to go through it and that's by being honest and real like never before. By standing in our Love and emanating it to everyone and everything.

In January, we take our first steps in the New World. Let's take them carefully and consciously. Watch for those new, open doors and courageously step through!





Be constantly open to the unexpected!

BE REAL, no matter what!

*** Have Light - Will Travel ***

Courtesy of: the NVISIBLE


Colin Andrews - On Avebury, Glastonbury, Stonehenge and Cropcicles

Colin Andrews is one of the world´s leading experts on the crop circle phenomenon. Co-founder of the Circles Phenomenon Research Group, his scientific investigations are responsible for much of the current information available on the subject.

This formation appeared close to the stone Avenue at Avebury. The overlay on this design is the Hopi Indian symbol depicting the union of the Sun Father in the upper circle with the Earth Mother in the lower, in a Song of Creation.

It was the beginning of a new phase to the quest. Having dicovered that there were two different serpent or dragon lines weaving around the central straight alignment found by John Michell, we had glimpsed an important aspect of the ancient and universal symbol of the Caduceus. It seemed that this great glyph of antiquity, still in use throughout the world as a perennial emblem of the healing professions, had other, more arcane meanings. Revered in  the days of Ancient Egypt as the staff of Thoth, a magical rod crowned with the Sun-disk and encircled by two writhing serpents, it has come down to us throughout succeeding cultures as a potent symbol of the hermitic arts. Thoth had become Hermes, and later, the Roman Mercury. Considering the mercurial nature of the terrestial currents which apparently flow like quicksilver through the surface of the Earth, the conclusion seems inescapable. The serpent wand derives its power from its symbolism of energies operating in balance, the basic energies of existence mutually interacting.

Mystics throughout the ages have seen the Caduceus as a representation of how the subtle energies of the human body function. The central staff is, in the Eastern tradition, the Shushumna, the pillar which has its physical counterpart in the spine and the enclosing channel of the central nervous system. Around this spiral the twin energies symbolized as serpents, the Ida and Pingala, the former ruled by the Moon, the latter by the Sun. It is these powerful energies which are stirred into activity when certain disciplines concentrate on the raising of the Kundalini, the serpent power which starts at the base of the spine and rises upwards through the successive chakras, or subtle energy centres, to bring spiritual illumination and revelation.

-The Abbey Ruins was once the most magnificent religious edifice in Britain. It stood on 12 hides of land (the symbolic measure of the New Jerusalem as described by St John in Revelation 21), and originally given to Joseph of Arimathea and the 12 Saints. The Abbey was built according to a prehistoric arcance tradition of sacred geometry known to the masons of the Middle Ages. The proportions of the Abbey relate to the principle numbers of the magic square of the sun. These numbers symbolize various aspects of solar energy and were also used in the construction of Stonehenge, of which the Abbey was spiritual successor.



Ascension is a natural and normal part of the evolutionary process of the Universe. It has always been so and will probably continue until it is no longer necessary as a universal process.

-Those attaining Ascension in past times, have allowed the physical body to "die" and having increased the vibration of the subtle bodies, raised themselves into the fifth dimension. There is now an opportunity to change this universal pattern and ascend all our lower bodies, bringing a new pattern of ascension into universal manifestation. For the first time in this universe, there is a possibility for those choosing it to increase the vibratory rate of the molecular structure of the physical body.


Subj: "the 111 experience" --- The 1999.01.11 Edition...
Date: 99-01-10 16:53:27 EST
From: (J'lahn)

Hi there.

At some point during 1998, you communicated with me via e-mail regarding my mystical experience with the number "111". If you are interested, a new version of the write-up is now out there in cyberspace for all to see --- it's the 1/11/1999 edition. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Stay in touch !!!

I AM J'lahn (AKA Jim Ward-Nichols)

("the 111 experience")


Subj: My Thoughts, 1-11-1199, 11:11
Date: 99-01-11 23:18:13 EST
From: W.H.

I too am aware of the 11:11enigma and have 'seen' it for the past twenty-three or so years. Luckily, I grew up in a 'receiver' town (New Orleans), that was full of people that could hear. Anyway, here's what I have come to believe and what I would like investigated.

My Beliefs:

o Karma and Reincarnation are real. Souls are removed to learn and advance and are provided with many attempts to understand. Some 'get it' and, unfortunately (despite our best efforts), some don't. o Advanced souls (that have figured it out) need not return, but have 'purchased tickets' ( remember that Karmic Bank Account) to return for this most interesting earthly transition. (These must be really tough tickets to get.) o The CCCC gives clues to those of us riding it out in this little   boat; we just don't always see them. o Those with tickets usually get the clues but the best is when we sneak in friends who have just figured it out. o You create your own reality.

My Speculations:

o The current age's digital clock's 11:11 (mirrored two-bar, dot), reflects the Mayan eleven/eleven (mirrored two-bar, dot), which reflects the I-Ching # 61 (mirrored two-bar, dash). o I-Ching # 61 is Chung Fu / Inner Truth. SUN, "THE GENTLE, WIND" above with TUI, "THE JOYOUS, LAKE" below conveys the massage: "The wind blows over the lake and stirs the surface of the water. Thus, visible effects of the invisible manifest themselves." This explains the enigma of the 11:11; it is God's breath on the back of our necks.

A message for those who will hear. o The following historical documents are key:

- St. Malachy's prophecies of 111 Popes

- The end of the Mayan calendar, 1992 - 2012

- The Nostradamus prophecy of Century X/72

o There is something going on with synchronous word confirmation when you hear it. o 11:11 lasts 60 seconds twice a day; perhaps we should listen to the appropriate communications channel during this interval. So, which channel?




11:11 PM


Subj: Thank You for the wonderful Site!
Date: 99-02-07 04:13:56 EST
From: S. D.

Dear Joe, Your 11:11 Site was an answer to prayer. I was born Sept 11 at 11:12 and lived on 11th street in our small town on the 30th parallel (same as Giza Pyramid) in Texas. I have had UFO experiences all my life, and 11 was always my magic number. Thursday night, February 4th, I dreamed of the number 11. A cross bar was then drawn over it (making the 11 look like two T's standing together), and there was what looked like a stylized "2" to the lower right. A voice spoke the word "Pi" in the dream. I got on the Internet and found Pi written (exactly as I dreamed) as the Uncial Form of the Greek Alphabet. Could TT2 (Pi) be another way of writing 11:11? Pi is also the Golden Ratio 1.618. Do you know of any connections between 11:11 and the Golden Ratio? Is it any accident that I find your site two days later? I hope to hear from you.




Subj: Note From Joe Mason About "11 & TT2" Dream
Date: 99-02-07 16:23:21 EST

Dear B.

Thank you for writing. Your dream is quite interesting. My guess is that  it is symbolically related to Revelation 11:11 and the Solar eclipse in  August. Revelation 11 speaks of the two trees/lampstands/prophets who lie dead for 3 1/2 days. Divide 11 by 3 1/2 and you get Pi (just as with 22/7). This is sometimes called "near Pi," or "Pyramid Pi," and was used by the ancients.

The great change clearly seems to be about a duality balance. The two "T's" and the "2" may indicate this, as do the two trees in Revelation 11. The two trees "stand up" in Revelation 11:11.

A form of the Tau is a "T" - shape, or a tree with a split trunk. The "11" with the crossbar in your dream may indicate this, that is, two "T" - type Tau trees "standing up." The Tau is a symbol similar to baptism, a spiritual death/rebirth. I spoke a little about it in my 1992 article for the Dream Network Journal:

Crop Circle Mystery

Recently, I have written a series of articles that explain my 11:11 experience in detail. They start here:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

They lead in to the eclipse story:


You will see some information and a link to Joan's great site:

The Cross, the Tau, the Total Solar Eclipse

She explains many things about the eclipse, including the "Grand Cross" and "Tau" alignment of the planets during the eclipse.

I haven't developed the "Tau" part of my story yet, but I will get to it sometime. Here's two sites that show Tau-like crop circle formations:

Charlie Knoll Tau Formation of 1993

Ring Around T-Junction, 1993

It is my understanding that Pi is not the Golden Ratio, which is also called Phi and the Fibonacci Constant. I do have a "coincidence" story about it's connection to the "11:11 Doorway in the belt of Orion." It is too long of a story to tell here, but it is related to the Sri Yantra, which geometrically contains the Golden Ratio. I explained the great Sri Yantra coincidence in my "Pollen Path" articles. A crop formation that appeared at Arrus Hill about five years ago had a wide ring with an offset Star of David inside. The geometry demonstrated the Golden Ratio. The star fits with the two major triangles of the Sri Yantra. The geometry of the Sri Yantra also connects to the Grand Cross of the planets during the eclipse, which symbolizes the Four Living Creatures (Merkabah) of Ezekiel and Revelation. The Giza complex also demonstrates the Golden Ratio. Dee created a page that has information about it -


The Golden Ratio is also demonstrated in a five-pointed star. Such a star also gives the ancient "Gematrian" numbers. I explained this and its corp circle connections in this article:


Thanks again for sharing your dream. Such dreams are quite important now, as they seem to be revelaing symbolic parts of the puzzle.

Best wishes and regards,

Joe Mason


Subj: Fwd: 9/30/60 time of birth 11:11
Date: 99-02-08 14:38:55 EST
From: Dee777


Forwarded Message:
Subj: 9/30/60 time of birth 11:11
Date: 99-02-08 11:17:43 EST
From: J. T.

Dear David,

While surfing the web I came upon your web site and I am blown away by it. I have studied on my own for over 20 years everything you have here and more.

I have come to some of the same conclusions but I am still a baby in all this.

I was born at 11:11 pm on 9/30/60. Back when my mother was in the hospital just after giving birth to me the nurses brought me to my mother. My mom tells it this way, "the nurses about 10 of them came rushing into the room to bring me to my mom, all the excitement was about the date and time I was born, back then numerology (spelling?), was the big thing. The nurses said that great things would happen to me or I would be part of something really big because of my time and date of birth."

David, I have always felt something was "calling" me or "tugging" at my spirit,  I have been through many churches over the years and I was brought up in the Catholic Church.

Thanks in advance for any help you could lend.

A brother in Light,



Subj: 11:11
Date: 99-02-08 21:15:38 EST

Dear J.

My partner, Dee Finney, at, informed me about your e-mail for David Wilcock.

You may also be interested in my experiences revolving around Revelation 11:11. The story starts here:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

It leads up to an article about the 1999 Solar eclipse on August 11, at 11:11 a.m. -



Joe Mason


Date: 1999-02-13 01:40:02
Name: Joe Mason

Anyone interested in personal revelations of the "dream - coincidence"  kind, I offer this article. Although I have never been a conventional Christian, my experiences began to revolve around Revelation 11:11. It seems to be related to universal myths and religons that indicate the midpoint of seven, as "3 1/2" in various forms.  In my previous post, I listed my site about the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999. The "Diamond Ring" effect of the eclipse is expected, "coincidently," at 11:11 a.m.  Coincidence? I doubt it.


Subj: 7 = 111, 111 = 7
Date: 99-02-20 09:16:14 EST
From: (J'lahn)

R." ---

I thought I would just send you some e-mail clippings that are from me to different folks around the world regarding number patterns. Perhaps you have not yet stumbled upon my page? It's called "the 111 experience" and it documents my nearly life-long connection to the number One Eleven (111). A guy named Joe Mason gave me a link to your site about a month ago and I finally got around to looking at it this morning.

I hope you enjoy the clippings and I hope you enjoy "the 111 experience". The document has existed on hard copy since the early 90's and then in 1997 I finally put it into cyberspace.

Stay in touch...

I AM J'lahn.

("The 111 experience")


"If you read my write-up, you will see that I am definitely one of the ELDERS when it comes to this experience (the 'number pattern' thing). I just am. It cannot be denied. It's all documented in my write-up. So, as an ELDER, I naturally expect any 'newbies' to this experience will respond when I take the time to contact them. And the vast majority do --- eagerly!"

"Does my lone testimonial regarding 111 frighten you? Am I so strongly and firmly a 'free agent' on this stuff that you have figured 'oh well, he can't be a puppet for OUR beliefs on this so why bother with him' ???"

"Everyone's experiences with this stuff are valid. You set yourself up for a big letdown when you hang your hat on one particular number pattern without acknowledging the others OR when you create an unsustainable mythology around your own number pattern. When it comes to 'the 111 experience' I have done neither --- I acknowledge all the other patterns and my experience comes in the form of a fully sustainable 'write-up', not a book of myths."

"Your association with 444 came to my attention through an article in the Kansas City edition of The Edge. I have indeed met quite a few folks that connect to/with 444 over the past 20 years. I've also met many 11:11ers, 12:12ers, 222ers, and 333ers and many others. Actually, I have met people who connect to/with over a dozen different number patterns. The business of 'trigger numbers' or 'number pattern affinity' is a tricky one. Sometimes it's hard to tell what to make of it. But I guess the real point of this experience is that SOMETHING is happening. There are many interesting theories. Here's a couple of 444 related tidbits: 'The Hostages' were taken on 11-4, returned on 1-14, and were held for 444 days. Here's another rather obscure one --- 111 degrees Celsius equals 231.8 degrees Fahrenheit --- 444 degrees Celsius equals 831.2 degrees Fahrenheit. The 8's and the 2's switch places and the 31's stay in the middle (I discovered that rather unlikely gem in 1982)."



Art Bell's posting board

C F - 05:25pm Feb 16, 1999

I have periods of time where I awaken at 2:22 am. This can go on intermittenly for a year at a time. Is there any significance to "2:22?:


Subj: 111, 11:11, 222, Eclipse, etc.
Date: 99-02-20 17:42:09 EST

Dear J'lahn and J.

I'm happy that you two are making contact.  Here's some recent developments - Dee created this page:


I have created a series of articles that give the details of my own 11:11 related experiences:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

The articles speak of "coincidences" and dreams, and eventually lead in to my article about the Solar Eclipse.

Stacey has created a GREAT site about 222 (and other) connections to the 1999 Solar Eclipse/Grand Cross:

August 11, 1999 - "The Day of the Millennium" (Stacey's site)

Our "Code of the Ancients" pages, which speaks of a system of "Gematrian" numbers, recently got linked to the Art Bell Radio Show site, and to Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission site. These popular sites caused our hit count to soar incredibly. In the weeks prior, we had 10 to 28 hits per week. By the 5th week of the year, we had 1273 hits, and 8914 hits in week 6.


Things tapered off a bit, but we are still geting about 500 hits per day (681 yesterday).

At this time, I have no direct connections to the 111, 11:11, 222, 444, etc. numbers on the pages. I know a few possible connections, and may  create an article about them at some point. If either of you have any ideas, that is, connections between "our" numbers and those of ancient "Code-related Gematria," please let me know.

I want to have links to your sites and similar others on one of The Code pages, because of the high traffic. But, I need some solid connections between the "Code-related Gematrian numbers" and "our" numbers.

High regards,

Joe Mason

P.S. - A synchronicity happened just before I was going to send this. I was looking at the posting board for Art Bell's site, and came to this:

Cheryl Farr - 05:25pm Feb 16, 1999 PST (#240 of 240)

I have periods of time where I awaken at 2:22 am. This can go on intermittenly for a year at a time. Is there any significance to "2:22?:

On one of the Art Bell shows (11-1-98), a caller mentioned 11:11. Art said his coincidental number was 222.


Subj: 222 Post
Date: 99-02-20 17:49:43 EST

Dear C.,

I just had one of those strange "coincidences" concerning your post on Art Bell's posting board: ---

I found it as I was writing an e-mail where I mentioned "222" and other numbers. The e-mail is pasted below. There is a link to Stacey's new site about the Solar Eclipse in August. His research shows that there are many "222" connections.

Hope this helps.


Joe Mason


In a message dated 99-02-20 09:16:14

<< Subj: 7 = 111, 111 = 7 (snip)


Subj: Light of Hope
Date: 99-02-20 16:30:58 EST
From: J.I.
A funny thing just happened..I went to my mail and brought up the picture "light of hope" that I took on 2/18..I was startled to notice the time-clock said 11:11am at that moment! ...nice sign,I'd say! We'll take anything we can get..right? right! *smile*

Love and the "Light of Hope" to you both!



Subj: RE: 111, 11:11, 222, Eclipse, etc.
Date: 99-02-20 20:37:47 EST
From: s.

Hi Joe - I sent Art Bell a copy of my "11 Aug 99" 222 e-mail, but I could not find an e-mail address at Richard Hoagland site - do you have one? Thanks - S.

PS: Thanks for the great e-mail!


Dear S.

We have no e-mail address for Richard. Dee said to write to Richard Bara. He works with Hoagland and has his e-mail address on the Enterprise Mission site.

GREAT work on that new site of yours!

Good luck.




11:11 (Eleven Eleven) (web ring)

(Kashmir's site)


Subj: RE: 111, 11:11, 222, Eclipse, etc.
Date: 99-02-20 23:55:55 EST
From: s.

Hi Joe - thanks for the reply - I sent Mike Bara a copy - I am going to DC for 1-2 weeks so I will talk with you when I get back - S.


Subj: Fwd: well... DREAM OF NUMBERS
Date: 99-02-02 00:07:04 EST
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message:
Subj: well...
Date: 99-02-01 22:37:29 EST
From: O. J.

It is a little late now but tonight in my favorite pub I had a meeting with two lovely ladies, one of them I already knew because she work in this place. These two girls were a TWIN and they had their BIRTHDAY this evening, monday 1-2-1999 but at the time I was at the bar with them it was 2-2-1999. Their age? 22...! So I said: their are six 2's in here: your both 22 (22 22) and now it is the 2 of 2 in 1999. The sum of all these 2's is 4, and my name is Olivier (Vier is 4 in Dutch). 2+2 is 4, 2x2= 4, this was a remarcable moment.

Then they say: hey, we have our birthday on february 1, not 2! And then I said: what was your birthday last year like? 21 on 1-2? And they were very happy with that one too (yes their birthday last year was a good one...)

Not for publication this one, just to show what's going on in the bizarre world of numbers.


O. J.


Onze website



Date: 99-02-27 19:44:18 EST
From: B.L.

Dear Joe,

I was going through the internet today and I ran into your site in reference to the number "11:11" and I couldn't believe it! at last now I know that I'm not going crazy. For the past eight maybe more years I have been seeing the number 11:11 everywhere. At first I really didn't pay to much attention to it I thought it was just a coincidence, but then after several months I noticed how the number 11:11 kept showing up everytime I looked at the clock,on my boyfriends new job ID or when I would press the T.V time clock button on the remote control to see what time it was during a commercial break, it didn't matter whether it was morning or evening. I have always wondered what does all this mean. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one.

Please e-mail me back I will love to hear from you!!


Subj: Fwd: numbers 1111
Date: 99-03-05 12:14:39 EST
From: Dee777


Forwarded Message:
Subj: numbers 1111
Date: 99-03-05 00:51:57 EST
From: j.f.

These numbers have meaning. Not only do they pertain to the time of the full solar eclipse of 8/11, which will be 11:11am. But are in some venues considered holy numbers.

Nostradamus states that the eclipse is significant to the anti-christ. C.III-34;"then when the eclipse of the sun will be in full view, the monster will be seen."  But, he will not be recognized.

In Rev.11:11 it says,"But after three and a half days, a breath of life from God entered them. When they stood on thier feet, great fear fell  on those who saw them." This is regarding two witnesses or prophets, who died. There are prophecied two significant deaths to occur this year, and some at present, believe the anti-christ has now taken seat of power. Is the anti-christ embued with special power to resurrect the dead? If so, then what is the signifcance of the statement at the end of Revelations which says"I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star." Under the definition of Lucifer is 'the morning star'.


Subj: Fwd: 1111
Date: 99-03-05 22:50:44 EST
From: Dee777


Forwarded Message:
Subj: re: 1111
Date: 99-03-05 18:31:50 EST
From: j.f.

If we both agree on a negative spiritual consciousness(ie, the devil) then I am concerned. I will try to be succinct. My believe is the anti-christ has taken a seat of power already. To be successful he must seduce and decieve the world(a significant portion anyway).He will be percieved as the "answer" to the worlds troubles. And don't we have a future full of predictions on that. Perhaps because of his locale, he may somehow be perceived as a 'hand' of Gods'. Or he may even be viewed as Christ himself.

There is a website wherein the numbers 1111 are designated as Holy. However, in my opinion, this site is nothing more than a vehicle of deception. In there,are claims of prophecy guaranteed. These people do nothing more than prey on peoples fear of death. (enough for now) research by me has come up with the following connections to 1111:

1.the solar eclipse on 8/11/99, which reaches the full at 11:11am.

2. Nostradamus states that when the eclipse reaches its full, the monster will be seen. (or beast, I forget at the moment). His quatrains point to the significance of the eclipse with the anti-Christ. So perhaps the anti-Christ 'performs' some feat at the moment of the eclipse. But what?

3. In the bible,Rev.11:11 refers to the resurrection of two witnesses after three and a half days dead, by God. Immediately after the resurrection there comes a major earthquake. Now how does this tie together? I am not sure, but follow me. Suppose this part of Revelations has been mis-read?

Then the resurrection of the two would be an act performed by the Anti-Christ, and stated here as a sign for true believers to watch for. Yet if mis-read, then people would only be expecting GOD to do the miracle. Furthermore, my faith has been shaken with this because at the end of Revelations Christ(?) proclaims "to be the of the root of David, the bright morning star.' In any dictionary, Lucifer is defined as the"morning star."

To be as neutral as possible, I believe in positive and negative life forces. In thier carnations, negative is acts of lies,deceit and treachery. Whose very goal is to upset the path of the righteous. And so I cannot help but wonder at the placement of these numbers.

As an aside, the site I mentioned above, I have been blocked from their message board after only three postings in which I simply implied there was more to their purpose than guaranteeing their predictions. I used no vulgarities, I did not flame. However, before being blocked,I noticed MANY other postings that did 'flame' remained on the site. To be attacked by those who are loyal.

Well, I did try to be succinct, and so ommitted material. So what do you think?


Subj: Re: 1111
Date: 99-03-05 23:03:24 EST
From: Dee777
To: jf

I'm saying the Anti-Christ may be the new King Hussein. Some are saying it is King Juan Carlos of Spain

> To be successful he must seduce and decieve the world(a >significant portion anyway).He will be percieved as the "answer" to >the worlds troubles. And don't we have a future full of predictions on >that. Perhaps because of his locale, he may somehow be percieved >as a 'hand' of Gods'. Or he may even be viewed as Christ himself.


Yes, I agree with this totally


I did a search for 1111 and holy and came up with 263000+ pages A search for 1111 and sacred came up with 166000+ pages. Do you have anything more definite... like an exact url?

However, in my opinion, this site is nothing more than a vehicle of deception. In there,are claims of prophecy guaranteed. These people do nothing more than prey on peoples fear of death.


You are correct on all this, but dont let other people's ideas about Revelation shake your faith in God. Nobody has the correct interpretation of Revelation yet.

>And so I cannot help but wonder at the placement of these >numbers.


Don't confuse issues. Your are correct about what negative is, no matter who causes them. People are trying to tie too much together, and all you get is knots that way.


I have been blocked from thier message board after only three postings in which I simply implied there was more to thier purpose than guaranteeing thier predictions. I used no vulgarities, I did not flame. However, before being blocked,I noticed MANY other postings that did 'flame' remained on the site. To be attacked by those who are loyal.


People with the truth are often blocked because someone might discover it and go away somewhere else. I always say, "You are nobody until you are kicked off a list". It shows that you know more that they do. :-)


Joe Mason has been telling me his opnions so long, I find a lot of truth in them, so if he writes a page, I tend to believe what he says because it makes more sense than anyone else's ideas.

Waiting for your response.



Dear J.,

My partner, Dee, forwarded your "1111" e-mail to me. If you want an alternate, non-church, opinion, you may want to take a look at this:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

It is based on my "dream-coincidence" experiences and research. It leads in to the eclipse story:


I have some ideas about the anti-christ and the "Venus" question, but it is not real firm, that is, backed up by dreams, coincidences, and such. Therefore, I have not included the ideas in my articles. I can give you the opinions, if you want them.


Joe Mason


Subj: Hello Joe
Date: 99-03-06 11:52:26 EST
From: D.

I sent a message to Dee after I discovered my VISION posted at your site. THANKS for the posting! Please check out my new updates at my dedicated site found here...

Let me know your thoughts and questions! We are in for heck of a shake up very soon!

God Bless!



Dear D.

It's good to hear from you again. Your page looks good. I thought you knew we had your vision on our site. Thank YOU for letting us post it.

I also mentioned your vision in this article:


The "11:11" eclipse strikes land at Cornwall, legendary place of King Arthur and the Holy Grail. Some scholars are saying that King Arthur was a real, historic figure, and that he was of the Royal Bloodline of Judah, David, Solomon, and Jesus.

Some say that King Arthur is similar to other Avatars who promised to return. In your vision, of course, it was you who promised to return.

I'm not sure what it all means, Doug. I am not a conventional Christian, but I am quite convinced that these things have a validity and are incredibly important.

Perhaps it means that we all have a Christ consciousness that is returning. I have found a few dreams that may support the idea. For example, one person dreamed that he came from a royal bloodline of kings. Another dreamed of seeing the Holy Grail.

Yet another involved a coincidence. Some years ago, I wrote to Katherine, speaking of a theory about King Solomon's Ring, which gives one the ability to speak with the animals. The idea is that animals can represnt dream symbols, so, the ring may symbolize the ability to correctly interpret dream symbols. I signed off the letter, saying, "Watch for King Solomon's Ring."

Katherine wrote back saying that she had a dream just prior to the arrival of my letter. She dreamed -

"I found a dead man in my bathtub. I was being accused of killing him. I saw his severed finger laying on the floor with an emerald ring on it. A King and Queen were standing behind me, waiting for me to take the ring."

Whatever . . . I plan to stay awake and keep vigil. The true meaning may come in time.

Best wishes and regards,

Joe Mason


Subj: 1111,,,,,
Date: 99-03-09 00:06:58 EST
From: j.f.

I am all ears.


Subj: Note from Joe Mason
Date: 99-03-13 20:18:10 EST
From: JMason4557
To: jf

In a message dated 99-03-09 00:06:58 EST, you write:

>>>>I am all ears. >>


Dear J.,

I am not very sure of these things, that is why I have not included much of it in my articles. But, since you asked for an opinion, I will give it. I hope it does not offend.

The only thing that fits with the "anti-Christ," in my view, is the church itself. Please don't get me wrong . . . I am not putting anyone down, I just think it is part of a plan that is an overall learning experience. Rev. 17:17 speaks of the Lord putting it in our (the kings) hearts to carry out his purpose. Indeed, in my theory, mankind, the kings who give over their royal power to the beast by fornicating with the harlot, are the heros at the end.

You can get some sense of why I say this if you read this article:

11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra

Find the part where I speak of a "coincidence" involving Mathew 24:15. The idea is that the "holy place" is the church, and that people should flee from it now.

The first part of the article tells of a dream of "two suns." At the time, it was a "coincidence," as I was just posing the original article, where I mentioned two suns. I went on to explain why I used the anology. It is related to Venus. More about that later.

Another reason I think this way, is because of the history of Christianity. Indications are strong that false doctrine was taken in, and that individuals used the church to dominate people. It is quite a bloody history. The doctrine of the attonement is probably false, or misunderstood.

I have put a lot of study into this area, trying to find the truth. It is a very huge field, and the "truth" is not easy to find (an understatement).

The Arthurian/Holy Grail legends were, in part, an attempt to keep the "truth" alive at a time when the Catholic church dominated, and would kill anyone threatening their position. This "truth," had Gnostic connections. Same thing with Nostradamus, I would say.

If this theory is basically right, the anti-Christ has been here for at least 1,700 years or so. The "11:11" Solar eclipse, just may be some kind of turning point.

Another thing . . . Isaiah 65:17-25, seems to give some hints. Verse 17 speaks of new heavens and a new earth. Verses 21 and 22 say:

"And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them."

"They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."

This seems to imply that when the great changes come, people should develop their own beliefs and ways, and not accept them from others, not even from church "athorities."

The "rod," or "reed" given to Saint John in Revelation 11:1, to measure the temple and alter, seems to suggest that we "discern" the teachings of the church.

Another reason comes from the apparent meaning of lion, king, and royal power. Several significant "coincdences" indicate that the lion "kills" the "dragon" of conditioned beliefs, and is reborn as a "king" who operates from his own heart's center. "Love," you might say, sets him free.

This is part of the "royal bloodline" story. Judah, the lion-ruler (see Genesis 49:9-13), gives over the symbols of his position to the pretend harlot in Genesis 38. The bloodline of kings continues through the birth of the twin sons.

I have had dreams and very meaningful "coincidences" about these things, but they are too long to tell here. I will eventually include them in my "Humanity on the Pollen Path" series of articles.

I believe the Book of Revelation speaks loudly about these things. We "kings of the earth" have given over our "royal power" to the "beast," a symbol of karma or judgment (see the "Pollen Path" article).

A big hint is given in Rev. 3:11:

"I am coming soon; hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown."

A crown is worn by a KING. Giving over one's ROYAL POWER is the same as handing your CROWN to another.

The "Venus" question is another tough one that I am not too sure about. One basic meaning, I think, is that it often seems to represent the feminine side of the duality, the dreaming, intuitive, right-brain, spiritual side. An important crop circle formation that appeared in 1992 had the female sign of Venus joined together with the male sign of Mars. It is one of many indications of a "duality balance" coming.

But, why is Venus associated with Jesus, Lucifer and the feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl? My best guess is that it is also related to the duality, and the Trinity, as well.

I'll probably step on your toes here . . . sorry about that, but you asked for an opinion. Indications are that church doctrine about the Trinity is off the mark somewhat. It has a number of forms. The basic form is "the Father and the Mother engendered the Son, Man." It is about creation, including the creation of man. We have a "Father" aspect and a "Mother" aspect, combined into the "Son," or "Child" aspect, which carries the male and female attributes.

The "Holy Spirit," then, corresponds to the feminine aspect, just like Venus in many systems. It's complex, because other forms are the Triple Male and Triple Goddess Trinities. Dee recently created some pages about the ideas:



So, the "Venus" connection to Jesus may represent this, that is, the Holy Spirit part of Jesus.

Quetzalcoatl is said to have dual (dark/light) aspects.

In terms of symbolism concerning the time cycle and the change, the femine aspect in the negative, yet learning, time cycle is the "harlot," who has the same meaning as Kali. See:

Tamasisk - Anger - Fury

The feminine aspect within is the "daughter of the harlot." The great change, symbolically is given as the "death" or end of the harlot/Kali, and the downcoming of The Woman With Child of Revelation 12. The new feminine aspect will be the Holy Spirit, as the Kings of the Earth bring their glory into the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:24).

Part of the corrupted doctrine of the church is the belief in Satan as an evil entity. He is patterned after the Egyptian Typhon-Set or Typhon-Seth. Likewise, the Cain/Able/Seth and Jacob/Esau stories.

The Egyptians understood Typhon-Set as symbolic of the "opponent" force, those things that oppose us in life. Satan was taken from the word, "satin," which meant "opponent."

Satan, as the opponent, seems to function in a purification process. The best example, to me, is Joshua in Zechariah 3. Joshua is accused by Satan and has filthy garments. By command of the Angel, he receives clean garments, and is called, "a brand plucked from the fire."

Blavatsky pointed out that some of these concepts trace back to ancient India. Being thrown into the firepit was originally a symbolism for a purification process, afterwhich one is pardoned.

Joshua in Zechariah 3 and Zerubabbel in Zechariah 4 are very significant verses to me, because they are directly related to the two trees who stand up in Revelation 11:11 (also called two lampstands and two prophets).

Satan too, seems to have a dual symbolism. As Lucifer, he could represent a light-bringer. His "Satan," dark side, seems similar in meaning to Kali and Shiva. In this view, even the dark side is not evil . . . it represents the karmic function, which seems quite negative when we are operating from the lower chakras (animal instincts).

The Gnostics, of course, had a VERY different view of these things, and I tend to agree generally with them. They and their ideas were almost completly wiped out by the chruch. In their teachings, the serpent in the tree is positive . . . representing the Divine Sophia, or Wisdom. The jealous god in the Garden is the false god, the demiurge creator of the physical world.

In this view, the "Venus" association with the serpent, and therefore, Lucifer, makes some sense.

Indications are that the truth comes at the end of the cycle. If I have it right, and that is a big IF, those holding on to the old, false doctrines of the church, will be in trouble, as they will experience great fear. Fear is suggested by the last line of Rev. 11:11. Imagine if people come to realize that they and their forefathers have followed the anti-Christ all these years.

The belief in Satan as an evil entity and in an eternal hell, were simply ploys to seize their crowns. It's like the 666 mark on the forehead, as you are "hooked" for good, when you swallow that belief. You will be controlled by the anti-Christ from then on. You will teach your children to do the same. Anyone challenging the athorities is always seen as the evil Satan influence. All this keeps mankind divided and in constant war against each other.

The most basic meaning of Jesus and the Grail, to me, is to be like Jesus - compassionate, tolerant, loving and forgiving. That is the "virgin birth" of the Spiritual Man out of the animal man that happens at the heart chakra level. To me, it is the meaning of Revelation 11:11 - a leap to the heart chakra by humanity en mass, the birth of the "Christ-Self" within.

Church doctrine has blocked this idea too, in many ways, including the teaching about evil, Satan and the doctrine of the atonement. In that view, Satan and his legions are blamed for the "evil," and "sin," and Jesus is given all credit for atoning for it all. This takes away individual responsibility in many ways. It is "anti-Christ" in the sense that it diverts us from following our own inner guidance, which leads to the birth of the Christ-Self within.

As I said, I am not so sure this is all "correct." But, it is the only thing at this point that fits with the various ideas.

I found an interesting interpreatation of Nostradamus C10, Q72:

Nostradamus & the King of Terror - Franks Casket, by William Henry

This could be interpreted as Jesus coming in July, or perhaps on the day of the solar eclipse. Perhaps Christ's return will instill terror in people. Henry also has a theory about the Peacemaker, who comes first:

King of Terror = Peacemaker & Christ - On The Trail Of The Peacemaker

Some of this may fit with Joan's idea about the croptogram,




Some interpret it as "Mongolia," indicating King of the Mongols, or Genghis Khan, who attacked Rome. Others say, further, that the Catholic church was an extension of the Roman Empire, that "the Empire never ended," and thus, the quatrain indicates another attack, this time on the church. They also say that the Catholic church and Rome are symbolized by "the harlot of Babylon," and that the other Christian churches are the "daughters of the harlot."

So, you see, the quatrain can be interpreted in a way that agrees with all of the above.

Well, there your have it, in brief. Again, I do not want to attack anyone or put them down . . . I think this is all part of a grand plan . . . and that the people who went through it, including church people, will be heros at the end.

Best of luck in your own questing -

Joe Mason


Subj: Thanks for your reply
Date: 99-02-19 05:20:01 EST
From: P R.

Dear Joe Mason,

Thanks for your reply. I went ahead and forwarded your message to my dad. I'm sure he will be glad to hear from you and will check out your web pages. It is interesting to note your mention of Revelation 11:11. I'm sure this will spark my dad's interest.

Right now we are in the age of Pisces (the 12th sign, which is also the 1st) and will be entering the age of Aquarius (the 11th sign, which is also the 2nd). So Aquarius is like 11_2 or 2 elevens (11:11). 211 is a BIG number in my dad's "system".

Anyway, I'm sure my dad would like to send some of his material to you. His e-mail address is if you would like to send him anything.

Also, my dad often refers to Acts 1:11, which states that Jesus will return in the same way as he was seen going into heaven.

In my dad's system, a three digit number can 'represent' a four digit number. The number that is in the middle is shared by both numbers that are on the outside. Therefore, 111 is like 11_11 or 1111.

Once again thanks for your reply,



Dear P. and P.s dad,

Sorry it took so long to respond. My workload is heavy. I found the ideas about the numbers and Pisces/Aquarius interesting. Many hundreds of people are having experiences of seeing 11:11 all the time, or sometimes haveing dreams of it. It often goes on for months or years, and they become convinced that it is far beyond coincidence. Others experience 111, 222, 444, etc.

An ancient number (Greek Gematria) for the sun was 111. Another was 666. The sun is, of course, central in the solar eclipse in August. There is an 11:11 timing to the event.

If you or you father have not looked at my article, you might want to look:


I have included many links to other web sites about the subject and related subjects. S. recently created a page that shows many 222 connections:

August 11, 1999 - "The Day of the Millennium"

Dee created a page that gives some theories about the crash of flight 111:


The idea of Acts 1:11, about the return of Jesus from heaven, may be very signifcant. William Henry has some interesting articles, which has material about the "1999" quatrain of Nostradamus:

Nostradamus & the King of Terror - Franks Casket, by William Henry

King of Terror = Peacemaker & Christ - On The Trail Of The Peacemaker

This could well indicate that Jesus will return at eclipse time.

As I mentioned, my path to the eclipse story started years ago. You may want to read about it:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

Keep in touch.


Joe Mason


Date: 99-03-15 18:47:34 EST
From: R. P.

Hi, Joe ...

I'm P R. ; evidently, P. R. must have sent you some "info." (I don't know just what he told you, but he, evidently, mentioned "ACTS 1:11"; there's a lot of hidden info. regarding "111", and the date of Jesus' Ascension).

I had an experience on 5/23/96 (A VERY BIG DATE), that got me to investigating; I feel very strongly that there is information hidden within the English language, and hidden within numbers (i.e., "numbers within numbers"), that points at Jesus' Return in the very near future ... (yes, I know about Matthew 24).

Please, do not dismiss what I'm about to say, but, there is also very strong information which points at Jesus representing the sign of Pisces/representing the zodiac ... not in a "daily newspaper horoscope" kind of way (I'm not into astrology), but in a way that recognizes Jesus/ God as The Master Creator of, and the ONE Who is responsible for, "the heavens", the earth's orbits (both counter clockwise, and clockwise) around the sun; ... the ONE Who is responsible for the division of the heavens into "12" segments; and The Master Creator of, and the ONE responsible for the universe, and of all things. Jesus Is LIFE; ... all of Creation/ all of Life speaks of The Glory of The Lord; all of Creation/all of Life points at Jesus' Conception, Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, AND RETURN ... !!!!!

I wonder if we might could exchange phone numbers; ... I really would like to talk with someone about "what appears to be going on, here" ... !!!!!



Subj: Found Your Web Site
Date: 99-03-22 16:04:28 EST
From: I.

Dear Joe,

I just happened to be surfing the web and came across you site about 11:11. I am a practicing Psychic and host a small web site where I do free readings for people, sort of as public service ( you can find it at this link, READINGS BY MICHAEL.) But like many others "as noted in your site" I also am haunted by the Number 11:11. For many years I have struggled to figure out the meaning of the enigma, and have always fallen short. I have also exhausted almost all paranormal means by which to decode the true meaning of the Number and have still fallen short of any solid answer.

When I came across your site I was amazed at what I read, and soon realized that I was not alone. I found it very informative and mind boggling. I don't know if you came across any new subject matter relating to 11:11. If so could you please send me the links, as I am still gathering as much information as I can on the subject, and you input in particular would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.




Subj: Fwd: 11:11 4thD gateway
Date: 99-03-26 11:57:56 EST
From: Dee777


Forwarded Message:
Subj: 11:11 4thD gateway
Date: 99-03-26 10:57:02 EST
From: FS.

I am not sure if this will be helpful or not, but please contact me or put me on your mailing list so I can get more info or access to your book ASAP. You may already know all this stuff. I am not excessively interested in sciences or learned in metaphysics. I am currently seeking the state of being referred to as Avatar or Christ consciousness. My soul twin went into non-physical by choice on 10-31-97, when the veil was thin. He has guided me on my journey, which has been like a whirling dervish.(Seth, Abraham, Merlin, Kryon and now Solara and many others)

I trust my inner being and am currently seeking to provide "Camelot" for those who are wanting it in the area I have been guided to. I learned about the 11:11 gateway through Kryon, who says it's a brief lifting of the veil. Solara added the specific date and purpose, which was to access ones vibrational frequencies to 4thD reality,because we're raising the whole planet to a star. For those of us spoiled brats wanting to have harmony and create our own playgrounds or wonderlands, I felt this gateway would allow us to pull in one of the best probable realities given all the possible ones.

(I have had visions before I find the information I see) For those wanting it I think we have a doorway for more time in the reality I've been thinking would occur the ascension takes place 2012. It allows us more time and we get to stay here while some from our groups ascend, some stay some go to other realities or dimensions but it's about magic and fun for us! All realities have occurred there's so much going on I don't seem to be able to quench my quest.


Subj: Another one seeing 11:11, 1111, 1212, 12:12, 1010, 10:10
Date: 99-03-30 17:46:21 EST
From: g. s.

Hi, My name is G. I've been seeing these numbers and hearing them for 20 years. I thought I was totally insane. I've asked at least a 10,000 people if they have seen any of these numbers. I typed in enigma, spiritual 1111 on this computer at school and I found that there are many sites on this subject. Some of them are too weird for me to believe. My story- I'm a recovering drug-addict that got clean 0n 12-12-87. I go to a 12 step program called Narcotics Anonymous. They have 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts. Not unusual to hear , "Have you read you're 12 by 12"? I associate 1111 when I see it to something positive happening in my life. On New Years eve Dec. 31, 1998 at 11:11, there was a circle around the moon that was unbelieveable. It wasn't one of these indian summer type circles, it was a circle as big as the earth I believe. I took many people outside and showed them what I was seeing. Some said it was Jesus coming back through a portal, some said it was angels coming through, some said the weather was going to change drastically in 3 days (It did), some even said they saw a disc shaped object. I saw a big huge circle in a cloudless sky around one of the brightest moons I had ever seen in my lifetime. Since that revelation occurred, my life just seems to be getting better. I gamble at Harrah's and have won continuously since that date, playing roulette with the number 11, 12, 21,and 22. I'm getting straight A's in college, things just seem to be falling my way , it is really, really weird. My friends wonder what I have. I tell them it's the 1111 thing. They tell me that they don't see it(the number 1111 or any other numbers) or they also tell me not to get involved in some cult and commit suicide and think I'm going to get a ride on a UFO. Please e-mail me back and tell me what you think. I wrote J. R. once, but he only e-mailed me back once. Thanks! Sometimes struggling, but always growing, step by step forward, sometimes with ease, sometimes with two left feet.



Subj: Re: Another one seeing 11:11, 1111, 1212, 12:12, 1010, 10:10
Date: 99-04-03 12:26:05 EST

Dear G.,

I know about the "insane" feelings when these "coincidental" things happen. Lucky for me, I had some background in understanding the phenomena. I had studied psychic phenomena for many years, and knew the consensus "scientific" world view was limited. In any case, I resolved to drop my fears, and "follow," recording everything. The "evidence" built up my confidence that the "coincidences," the numbers and such, are not accidental.

Your story about the 12 step program is interesting. Back in 1990, a chain of coincidences included a news article about that program. A depiction with the article showed a stepped pyramid with a cross on top. At the time, this symbol, and similar ones, were showing up all over for me. Some of them were from Souix Indian symbols.

There was a "12:12" message put out around 1994 from a New Age group. Solara, of the "11:11 Doorway" material, discounted the new 12:12 message. Last year Byron had a dream that seemed to say the 12:12 does have a validity. See:

Byron's 12-12 Dream - MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN - 3-23-98

We have a number of pages that speak of 11:11 and other numbers. You did not say which one you found. I'll list them for your reference:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One


11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra



This one is not about 11:11, but speaks of ancient numbers:


There are many links to follow on the pages. If it's "crazy," well . . there are lots of others just as crazy!


Joe Mason


Subj: 11:11 phenomenon
Date: 99-04-03 11:00:16 EST
From: D. B.

Came across a mail of yours posted on the San Graal website. I'm relatively new to this Solar Eclipse business and would appreciate it if you would explain to me what specifically the 11:11 phenomenon people are having is all about. If unable to take the time to explain same, please provide an web address that will detail same. Happy Eastertide.........

A fellow heretic,



Subj: Re: 11:11 phenomenon
Date: 99-04-03 14:17:43 EST

Dear D.

It's a long story, but briefly - many people are reporting that they are seeing 11:11 on their clocks all the time, to the point where it seems far beyond accidental coincidence. Some wake up from sleep at exactly 11:11 p.m. They report seeing it on time cards, bills, signs, etc. In some cases other numbers are reported, such as 111, 222, 444, 12:12 and others.

Back in 1990, I learned of a woman called Solara, who was teaching about an 11:11 Doorway opening in the belt of Orion, bringing a great transformation to the earth. She predicted that people would start to see 11:11 on their clocks and other places. The prophesey has proven true. My own "dream-coincidence" experiences also indicate a great change, but in my view, Solara's material is symbolic, not actual.

In 1992, my dreams and coincidences led me to the Bible, even though I have never been a believer. It bacame centered on one verse, Revelation 11:11. Most of the story is here:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

By March, 1993, the message became quite clear. If the "coincidences" mean anything, humanity has been on a path corresponding to the consciousness levels of the seven chakras. We are near the 3 1/2 midpoint, and a leap to the fourth, the Heart chakra level.

Near the end of 1993, a voice in my dream said, "The Merkabah will not come for another five years." I found out that the word is associated with a four-wheel chariot and with Ezekiel's vision of the Four Living Creatures.

In early 1994, I learned of the August 11, 1999 solar eclipse, and the Grand Cross alignment of the planets, pointing to the Zodiac signs that correspond to the Four Living Creatures. It is timed at 11:11 a.m. over Cornwall, the legendary place of the Arthurian/Holy Grail legends.

Compelling themes in all this are the Tribes of Israel, and the symbolism of the Royal Bloodline of Kings. Revelation 11:11 relates directly, because it links to Zecharia 3 and 4. The verses concern the two olive trees, as the two anointed, Zerubabbel, the governor (king) and Joshua, the High Priest. The Fisher Kings were Priest/Kings, a combination of the two. I believe the symbolism is speaking of the coming duality balance involved in the great change.

As I learned more about it, the coincidences seemed more and more significant. See:


My partner, Dee, also created a page with links:


You will find many links on the above sites to other material about 11:11, the eclipse, and related matters. You will also see that there are many opinions as to what all this means. My "Pollen Path" articles explain my own views, and why I feel confident that they are on the mark. But, of course, it is just a theory. It has a basis, however . . . clear reasons why I came to feel the theory was strong.

My research continues, as I hope to find answers. Part of the theory is that the truth is being revealed at the end of the cycle, via "puzzle-pieces" that fit together. The key is dreams, with "coincidence" functioning like guide posts or confirmations.

Best wishes,

Joe Mason


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams
Date: 99-04-06 01:38:58 EDT
From: S.

Years ago, I was in a book store and saw a book titles "11:11" almost got it but decided not....I have seem that number in my car, on the clock radio near my bed and many other places....What's the deal? This number has been in my face for YEARS! Also 3:33.....any suggestions?

From: "R.

Amazing that at the exact moment I was reading this message I happened to glance down and the clock on the computer was 11:11, which incidentally I'm seeing constantly. R.


Dear D. and R.,

Just in case you missed them, we have some 11:11 related pages:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One


11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra



Joe Mason


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams
Date: 99-04-07 22:11:16 EDT
From: D.


Just read your mesage and I found it VERY interesting. I have had the same phenomenon happening for me for years except the numbers for me are always 609. You are not the only one experiencing these things but I think that these numbers (reminders) are supposed to be a very personal thing. The numbers 11.11, what do they mean to YOU? Please let me know okay? Thanks and no joke my name is also,



Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams
Date: 99-04-08 00:27:09 EDT
From: S.

I've had this number coming up for, no kidding, years...Like I even remember that from when I was a kid. The number is a time to me, meaning that a message or event will occur at that time and then other times when I see it, it means a date... I really should track the feeling and when it occurs. I do believe that major changes are in the works but I choose to think and feel of them as positive, for my children's sake. Years back, I read "Dark Dawn, Bright Day, from Sun Bear. It really had an effect on my spiritual consciousness, but also scared me. I realized that if I lived in fear of the coming changes, my life would be an unproductive and paranoid existence. So in searching for answers to the right way to live, I chose to look to people and my experiences in connecting with others as a synchronized event meant to send positive-ness and collectiveness out to others and learn from these encounters. My life is far from easy but by living and embracing what ever comes in a positive way, I fell my life is whole. I still see 11:11 and my oldest daughter is seeing it too. I was once afraid of what it could mean but in reading that others see it(not just that it's on the clock twice a day) I really think it has special meaning to those that are searching for some spiritual truths, whatever they may be... D.


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-09 20:46:58 EDT
From: L.A.

Dear D. (both) and others

I also have been pondering on the meaning of these numbers for years. The book 11:11 is about The Harmonic Convergence and is based (in part) on Jose Arguelles' book The Mayan Factor. (re earth changes, end of an era, transsubstantiation, ascension, etc.)

I have dabbled a bit with astrology, numerology, etc. in the past and found that the numbers 11 and 22 are quite unique and should never be reduced to their simple forms of 2 and 4.

Here's what I found in one book:

Eleven is the number of those who experience revelations; they are often people with a strong vocation for their work - preachers, doctors, nurses or teachers. They tend to prefer ideas to real people.

Twenty-two is the 'master' number; this number combines the best qualities of all the other numbers.

In another book I found the following: Number 11 - idealistic, clairvoyant, psychic, artistic and creative abilities, intuitiveness.

Number 22 - resourcefulness, organisational ability, practical idealism, powerfulness, success.

I don't know whether these extracts have anything to do with seeing the numbers on a digital clock (which is where I see them constantly). It is almost as though you are drawn to look at the clock at that particular time. Like a reminder of something that has been forgotten and you are being told to remember it, that it's important.

Although I have pondered on this for a long time, I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it. I know it's important, but I just can't remember!

Anyone else out there that can shed some light??

with Love and Light



Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-09 21:58:46 EDT
From: L. A.

I've just thought of something else to do with these numbers - perhaps there is a particular vibration associated with 22 and 11 that resonates with particular people? I have the feeling that 11 is far more powerful than 22 but they operate on a similar wavelength.

Any comments??

with Love and Light



Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-10 07:48:08 EDT
From: k.

Greetings all,

I too have been seeing the double digits for a while now. My husbands said that somehow I have made myself more apt to notice the times. I don't think so, because if I did, I'd be better at keeping track of time otherwise too, but I'm not. In numerology, depending on which method you use, I'm a 33 (or a 42). I don't believe I'm a 33. 33 signifies(?) Christ Consciousness. Well, maybe sooner or later, but definitely not this time around. That's my .02 cents worth. Have a good one all.





The Uprising Phoenix-THE 11:11-CONNECTION - Gereon Kraemer

The Uprising Phoenix-Secret Eleven - GeReOn

The Uprising Phoenix-COLOGNE - GeReOn (11:11, 4-7-11, etc.)


Name: S.
Time: 1999-03-29 06:01:56

Comments: C. Y., you inquired as to the significance of the numbers 1:11 and 11:11, let me share with you the little information I have which I received from Archangel Michael. One of the phenomena which is occurring these days to let us know that we are moving with spirit, kind of a gentle confirmation from our guides and teachers, is the appearance of three or more of the same number. I not only see 11:11 often, but also 12:12, 222, 444,and 555. Those are the most frequent combinations for myself. They all have a meaning. 11:11 signifies the beginning of a whole new level of phase of development; another dimension or frequency of experience; A PORTAL WAY OPENING. 1:11 confirms an increased energy flow; ENHANCING whatever level you are in presently. Hope this helps in some small way. I'm sure there is more information available somewhere on this...S.


From: D.
Time: 1999-03-27 16:43:11

Comments: I happened to be looking through books at random a week ago and then all of a sudden this book with the cover of "11:11" jumps out at me. Why? because every since I was a child I have had this incredible conicidence of looking at the clock when it turns "1:11" NOT 11:11 but as best I can remember 1:11 and it still happens! I can be driving or studying or watching TV but invaribly I will look at the clock at 1:11. Sometimes I will wake up & it will be that time. Now I am even more confused because NOTHING is mentioned about 1:11... Does ANYONE have any idea about a possible meaning for this????


From: C.
Time: 1999-03-19 07:09:22

Comments: 1111 has been following me since 1983.I felt an incredible wave of euphoria that night,that has never been matched before or since.I have also had spiritual visions and dreams that I feel must be connected with it.I would like to know as much about 1111 as I can find. thanx.


Posted at Solar'as site:

Name: Joseph E. Mason

Url Address:


From: Central California
Time: 11-Apr-99

Comments: Hi. I have some 11:11 related pages on-line. The hyperlink concerns this: The solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 has astonishing implications. The date coincides with crop circle formations and other events. The time, 11:11 a. m., has extensive "coincidental" associations. The location, specifically - where the eclipse shadow strikes land at Cornwall, has the most incredible legendary and symbolic associations, including the Arthurian legends of the Quest for the Holy Grail. Joseph of Arimathea, is thought to have brought The Holy Grail or Royal Bloodline to the West, landing at Cornwall. The planets will be aligned in a Grand Cross, pointing to Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, which are the Zodiac signs that correspond to the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation - the lion, the ox, the man, and the eagle. A related article is this:

Humanity On The Pollen Path

This site tells the story of a very unusual revelation of sorts. Starting in 1990, I began to have many dreams. Constant "coincidences" or synchronicities became involved, and seemed to function like guideposts or confirmations of concepts. I was led to research many other fields, including the dreams of other people, crop circle formations, ancient symbols, myths and religions. The path also led to the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation, centering around Revelation 11:11. Entirely new interpretations came out of the experience. Humanity has been on a path that corresponds to the chakra levels. We are near the midpoint and a leap to the Heart chakra level of consciousness evolution.


Subj: [earthchanges] - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-12 02:50:05 EDT
From: J. S.

The message from L.A. contains these words:

> I have the feeling that 11 is far more powerful than 22 but they operate on a similar wavelength.<


Dream interpreters are often good numerologists. Effectively all numbers are a multiplication or division of 'ONE' or God or the Source. I've always operated on the vibration that 11 is a cosmic/spiritual number of the Universal Soul or OverSoul. This prime number is not in the Fibonacci series unless we look at 1,1 starting that series and seems synonymous with peace, unification, endings of disintegration - a pro-active number for unity.

In the pattern of One/11 Jesus as the one to be the Christed Soul enters materiality for the 33rd time in our system and declares himself to be the Way the Truth and the Life and is "exited" by the system when he was 33.

Perhaps Michael Drosnin's book the "Bible Code" might shed some light on the matter?

It comes as no surprise that a peace deal was signed at 11am on the 11th November 1918 and that we still hold vigil at that time each year as Armistice Day.

Just a thought ^J


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-12 16:23:16 EDT
From: S.W.

<< It comes as no surprise that a peace deal was signed at 11am on the 11th November 1918 and that we still hold vigil at that time each year as Armistice Day. >>

And if you do the numerology 1+9+1+8 = 19 = 1.......So 1918 was also a 1 year.


Subj: Fwd: 1818181818181818 (fan)
Date: 99-04-12 17:47:09 EDT
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message:
Subj: 1818181818181818
Date: 99-04-12 08:48:24 EDT
From: N.

Dear Dee,

I just got done reading your web page on the August 11 Eclipse and noted the 1-800-801-0088 info number to call. I was reading the countdown clock to 2000 A.D. and it said I had 8 hours 18 days 18 hours 18 munutes and 18 seconds to go. WOW! You are a record keeper like me. You see the connection with the 11111 stuff. I can tell you for certain that those are Yahweh's fingerprints. Nines too! John said the best thing,"Truth like a trapped air bubble "will" surface at the right time." It has!

Nice web paging, you are a great master. Are you a woman? In forties? Unmarried? Religious? Non-commited? New Age garu?



Subj: Fwd: Flight 111 MD-11
Date: 99-04-12 18:22:03 EDT
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Flight 111 MD-11
Date: 99-04-11 16:42:24 EDT

Dear Dee,

I checked out your paper on Flight 111 and August 11,1999 total Eclipse and I was shocked. I was just going to write about that. Now I can't. You have hit the nail on that head. I am just an amateur at this stuff, but God shows me a thing or two once in awhile. I can't understand most of it.



Subj: Fwd: Flight 111 final draft.
Date: 99-04-13 01:33:14 EDT
From: Dee777


My first drafts are always a mess. This is the expanded and polished version so far. You cn see the updates as they get on the web site later. My son is the web master, not me. I am 62, married, and an independent Christian realist. I read everything and gleam out the truth. It is a pleasure to meet a down to earth "guru". New Age I am Not, but I study what they do anyhow.




Subj: Fwd: Flight 111 final draft.
Date: 99-04-13 10:51:47 EDT
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Re: Flight 111 final draft.
Date: 99-04-13 09:54:10 EDT
From: N.


I'm very very tickled to meet you too. You see what I see. You are very kind also. On the paper, I will tell you when it is presentable on my web site. One thing I hve to change is the comment on 10,111 feet as the true cut off for the flight recorder. I should never change the given facts. The given statement was, "Just under 10,000 feet", that is 9999 and 9 to the 4th power is 6561 or 1656 reversed, as things are for us in this end time for a reason, like B.C. and A.D. dating.

I have a lady friend in Texas that I am teaching this stuff too and her name is J.

Cheers, beers, and no tears,



Subj: [earthchanges] Re: - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 99-04-13 09:54:12 EDT
From: f w.

>There is always the possibility - just reaching here - of 11 being representative, for me at least, of being "One of the ONE" or "One with the One".

> I have the feeling that 11 is far more powerful than 22 but they operate on a similar wavelength.<

>Dream interpreters are often good numerologists. Effectively all numbers are a multiplication or division of 'ONE' or God or the Source. I've always operated on the vibration that 11 is a cosmic/spiritual number of the Universal Soul or OverSoul. This number is not in the Fibonacci series unless we look at 1,1 In the pattern of One/11 Jesus as the one to be the Christed Soul enters materiality for the 33rd time in our system and declares himself to be the Way the Truth and the Life and is "exited" by the system when he was 33.

[ ----lots of snipping done here!!]

hello.....this 11:11 thing.....i see this thread is ongoing......time for me to add my comments, i guess!!

I read somewhere that there are 11 Racial Avatars. Incarnations of Avatars...for the human race, the whole race...not just one part of of Quetacahcial for the Toltic-Mayan-Axtec race!

---the Ancient records of the "Aryan" some of them...ten of them...that are Known To History. [and i believe the early ones were Avatars to the human race when the race was Incarnated into a realm that was not physical...prior to the incarnations onto the earth...] Incarnation of the highest order....{they say], an inarnation of God himself...that comes...focused as one individual of give the next racial dispensation, to us all....the next "pile of textbooks, for the next grade of study, in our racial-cirriculum-school classrooms".

these ten are.....

Tortoise.  Fish.  boar. manlion. Dwarf.  Rama---with the axe.

Rama[of the Marethesta..i can not spell it...the great indian epic]

Kristna.  Kristna's brother...Baleramas. Kalki...the Avatar that is to come...the Man on the White Horse with the red robe and the lance..that will end the Kuli Yuga age and begin the New Age..of mankind....High School is now over, the Class of Mankind has now graduated into pure spiritual realms..on to College!!

yes..the very same figure that appears in the book of Revelations!! both the Hindus and the christian traditions give the same figure.

that is TEN.


why that will be Jesus!


the age of pices is over....the tenth[some say nineth] Avatar age is all but, folks...this bit of "news", of quotes of other people...

here, from now on, in this article, it is MY THEORY that there is one Avatar per Astrological age, and He comes at the very beginning of that age, to give the Dispensation for that age.....with the possibility that some ages do not have an avatar. Buddha was not the one for the age of the Ram!!

each age is 2160 years...the Precession of the equinox, thing.... thus Kristna, the beloved by all the cowherders, came here at the beginning of the age of Taraus, the Bull...probably near the point of 24 degrees taraus, as the PLEADES were there, at that time...Jesus came about near the 26 or 27 degree point of Pices, as the Pices age began about 250 years before Jesus's birth...IF we take the year 2000 to be the beginning of the AQUARIAN age. [the constellation called the "Grail cup" in VIRGO, about 26 degrees of Virgo; thus this would indicate the point in Pices, that is directly opposite it!!]


the 11th Avatar is immanent!!  in hindu reality...this would be SHIVA..Incarnating....[note that Sathya Sai that He is the One...the Avatar of shiva...come for this age...born in 1926: no doubt there are others who Claim...but Sai baba, to me, would have the MOST Valid feeling claim for this!!]

so what all these "11:11's may be a sign of this Avatar...coming very very soon: already!! or at least showing some effect on us!! whether of Sai Baba...or of someone else to the next few years....all events cast shadows into the past...and we perceive the shadows of future events that are on-coming, in our dreams and visions....



9-04-12 00:45:14 EDT, you write:

<< Just went to the above mentioned site and spent about three hours between that and the related links. INCREDIBLE STUFF! Thanks so much for sending me that email. My head is swimming! I'm totally exhausted! LOL! But... >>


I'll send you another e-mail I wrote that shows how Revelation 11:11 has the same kind of "duality" symbolism connected to the Royal Bloodline symbolism.




Subj: Fwd: Secret Eleven
Date: 99-04-13 16:55:01 EDT
From: JMason4557
To: (gereon kraemer)

Dear GeReOn,

I read some of your new pages a few days ago. Very impressive indeed! I sent the URL of the Secret Eleven page to our EarthChanges mail list, and to some others. I am forwarding this response from Gary Val Tenuta.

Gary is a member of our "Code Gang." See:


Gary is involved in a project that includes the study of the English alphabet, and the apparent number code within it. His site is at:

Synchronicity City - Gary's (Code UFO) Site

I am pasting an e-mail below in which I speak of the Revelation 11:11 connections, and how it seems to be about a duality balance.

Keep up the GREAT work!


Joe Mason


Subj: Re: 11:11
Date: 99-03-23 17:07:22 EST
From: Dee777
To: E.

In a message dated 03/23/1999 3:36:36 PM Central Standard Time,

E writes:

<< Dee,.I have been experiencing 11 and 3 everywhere I go, street addresses, buying things or getting change from buying things, clocks, everything, dreams too ...Its been going on for 10 years..My mother is the only one so far that experiences what I do, same numbers .... combinations to like 311 etc..I do not understand it....Its almost (I feel) like I have forgotten something and something is trying to tell me...I see the numbers most when things aRe intense(good or bad) in my life...Help me undrstand this better..please..A.


Hi A.: Here is where you need to start: If you have any questions after you read Joe's 11:11 articles, I'll be surprised, but believe me, you are not alone. :-)


All the answers you need are on this page. This eclipse coming up is VERY special.

Love, Light, and Joy



Subj: 11
Date: 99-04-16 00:47:13 EDT
From: P. L.

Dear Mr. Mason,

I can't believe that I have found this page. I, too am experiencing a phenomenon with the number 11. I have been trying to explain it to my wife and friends but I end up sounding like I have gone off the deep end. I had a dream that started this whole thing on September 2, 1998. The month and day add up to 11. 2 days before the Swissair Crash. Believe me, after the dream, I caught the coincidences with that one pretty damn quick, although you seemed to have found more than I did. At first, I thought that it was a message I received, but could not have done anything about it. I thought the message of the number 11 was confined to that incident. Then, on March 11, of this year, I started to see 11's again. Everywhere! I could elaborate, but I have a feeling you would know what I am talking about. Clocks, addresses, dates, everything. Up until now, I was seriously doubting my sanity.

I have included a section of a letter that I wrote to a friend. I have a strange feeling that he will know what I am talking about. I wrote this letter yesterday...

(the following is the excerpt)

Another thing I have been experiencing is an abundance of the number 11. In numerology, the number 11 is apparently a power number. I didn’t find this out until after I started investigating why I was seeing so many 11’s.

I had a dream in September. I was walking in a long procession of people toward a mountain. When I got to the mountain, there were small alcoves of rooms that branched off the main tunnel. I saw this woman sitting in one of them near a rock window. I have seen this woman many times in dreams. She is some sort of guardian. I think that she is my mother’s mother who died when my mother was 12. She doesn’t look like her, but it is the impression I get. I sat down with her and a few other people. She was pleased to see me. Another man got out of line and walked over to her. He hugged her and then asked if she still had the letter that he had written her when she was six. She smiled and said Yes. She pulled out this old letter from her pocket and gave it to him.

He opened this old letter and smiled. He then asked her if everything had come true. She said that it had. He gave her back the letter. Now, this guy was younger than my grandmother (if that is who she is). I remember thinking in the dream that he couldn’t have written a letter to her when she was six because he wouldn’t have been born yet.

Regardless. She introduced us, but I never got the name. I don’t even know her name. The guy asked me what I did. I told him that I didn’t understand. Suddenly a glass cube appeared beside him. It was about three feet to a side. He told me to watch. He looked deep into the cube and a small crack appeared at the very center. The crack did not extend to any of the sides. I asked him how he did that. He said that he concentrated on the letter K. I asked him why the letter K. He said because it was the 11th letter of the alphabet. Then a woman appeared in the room. Keep in mind that the procession of people is still going by. A constant stream of people. This next woman just stepped out of line as if she knew that she was needed. She held out her hand. A flame appeared about two inches above her palm. I asked her how she did it. She said that she just thought of the letter K. When I asked again about the reason for the letter K, she too said because it was the 11th letter of the alphabet. I then asked what I was supposed to do. The guy said, "Everyone in this line can do something. What can you do?" I thought this very strange and then remembered that I had entered the mountain with the line. Before I woke up, he told me that it was very important that I remember the number 11. The dream was very real. It was as if I were physically in another place.

(end of excerpt)

I then went on to explain about the Swissair Crash two days later. Thank you for the work you have done. I do not normally put a lot of faith in this sort of thing, but I can't ignore it. Coincidence only goes so far. I feel like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters building a mountain of mashed potatoes.

So, here's the thing. What are we supposed to do about this? What are we to learn? I haven't any answers but I hope somebody does, because I am serioulsy doubting my sanity some days.

Thank you,



Unusual Jumbo Jet airplane disasters of TWA 800, KAL 801, and Swissair MD-11 flight 111. What really caused these crashes?

February 1999

If someone has been following the world news, they may understand that there have been unusual weather and disasters happening around the world. One who studies the ancient prophecies may understand how these unusual events may have been related to the prophecies about the coming of God’s representative at the end of this millennium. One person has sent very important divine messages to the media since February 1992. He said to the media that continuing unusual weather and devastating disasters will take place if they ignore his request. He has asked them to assist people to verify him by scholars in both religions and sciences as the Messiah for everlasting true peace. His message on September 9, 1992 indicated that “By air, water and land wherever on earth will be unsafe too”. This person has no choice to bring world peace without disasters because people will not listen without the divine punishments. Presently, people may understand that there are many unusual events such as unusual weather that have happened, but none really pay attention about God’s prophecies. This person will take responsibility for all that were caused by these divine acts. This person cannot fool people worldwide; people are intelligent enough to make their own decision about what is right or wrong.

Please consider | the attached file | that his friends sent to the media on August 6, 1997, this letter had a statement that points out an interesting occurrence between the two airplane disasters, TWA 800 and Korean air line (KAL) 801: “... a one number increase in the month, year, and flight number.”

The connection of jumbo jets crashes among TWA 800, KAL 801 and Swissair 111 as follows:

Month July August September
Year 1996 1997 1998
Airline TWA KAL Swissair
Flight # 800 801 MD-11-111
People dead 230  228 229

Each month and year is increased by 1.  Flight # 800 is increased by 1 to make Flight # 801. Then add 1 alongside Swissair MD-11 to make 111 as the Flight #. Flight # 801 is the starting point where 1 is shifted to the end of MD-11. This will set KAL 801 as the starting point to MD-11 of increasing the number of deaths by 1, as 228, 229, and 230.

Psalms 116.6 stated “The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.” God preserves the simple, why don’t people see the simplicity?

If the media and people still ignore the divine’s message, the devastating disasters will continue until people understand God’s truth for their own good and benefit.

This page does not try to convince anyone to believe but would like people to investigate if these crashes and other disasters are caused by divine words. People may think these disasters were coincidences, but how could these coincidences happen so many times?

The following web sites are the Direct Hit’s most visited sites under “Messiah Disasters”:




Subj: Re: Fwd: Secret Eleven
Date: 99-04-17 14:54:39 EDT
From: (GeReOn)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your praise and the forwarded message.

I want to contribute the following: found these articles some time ago in my research. I also bought the book and read it. It is well worth reading, because Sir Laurence Gardner is brilliant. At April 6. I got an email from Adrian Wagner (an relative of Richard Wagner):

You may find the following of interest to you and your visitors.

Adrian Wagner.

**New CD Album Release** Genesis of the Grail Kings - Adrian Wagner

This is the companion music to the new book release of the same name by Laurence Gardner. The book, Genesis of the Grail Kings, traces the most ancient Mesopotamian records to reveal the hidden mysteries of the Old Testament and the Music reflects, through inner connections, certain compelling elements of the book. These include: Star Fire, the Anunnaki, monatomic gold (the alchemical Philosophers' Stone), levitation ritual and the dynastic progression of the Messianic Grail bloodline.

Laurence Gardner writes in his Foreword about the CD:- “Now, my latest book, Genesis of the Grail Kings, has been released and, in this instance, Adrian and I have been in close liaison from the outset. Chapter by chapter, as my book progressed, so too did Adrian's musical composition, with each aspect supporting the other at every stage. In consequence, therefore, it can be said that the book and music are inextricably linked in a perfect harmony throughout.”

Find out and discover more about this amazing CD and Book release by visiting:

Regarding the duality reference (especially Light/Dark) and the 7:11 ratio which was also mentioned on that site... A couple weeks ago, in the course of  my work, I noticed this:

LIGHT= 56 = 11

DARK = 34 = 7

There is a 7:11 ratio.

I think this ratio symbolizes the "Quadrature of the Circle":

If the GP Baselength is equal 11, than its Perimeter measures

11 x 4 = 44

therefore, if the Heigth is equal 7 we have a ratio of the

GP-Perimeter to its Height of&nbsp; 44 / 7 (what is nothing else than

2 Pi

because 22 / 7 is an approximation of Pi)


Since in a circle its Perimeter = 2 Pi x Radius

==> 2 Pi = Radius / Perimeter (circle)

and the GP: GP-Perimeter / Radius (its Height) = 2 Pi.

The Height of the GP is the Radius of its Base-Perimeter, therefore it symbolizes the "Quadrature of the Circle". Thus, the Capstone sits in the middle of the Circle, the Heart of the matter, it is the alchemic marriage of Spirit and Matter (the Circle and the Square).

I don't know if this is new at all (perhaps it is still known well), but I came to this right in the moment. But that further enhances the meaning of Centeredness, because the Radius puts you in the Center of a Circle from its Perimeter.

That's the Heart.



Report from an Abductee/Contactee

I continued to talk with a group of « abductees », and strange coincidences began happening- first someone brought up something that had happened to them: he kept finding himself looking at the clock when it was either 11:11 or 12:12, and these numbers began showing up everywhere in his life, and in those of people he was close to. I had been noticing the same thing going on in my life, on the other side of the world!


Gerald wrote:

Dear Sir Joe, in regards to 11:11, for me this is almost a curse which follows me every where since birth. It is always there on my birth certificate, on my drivers licence, heath insurance card, any job applications form, government records and etc., for the fact that I was born on 11th day of the 11th month of the year!!

For me it was a real piss-off when I was young because on that day  which is known as Remembrance Day or Veteran's Day because I believe that it marked the end of the first World War? and everytime that class begun on that day when I was young, instead of the class singing Happy Birthday as it was always the case when it was the birthday of any other kids in my classrooms, we were, instead, all told to kneel down and make a prayer for the soldiers who died during the two WWs!!! :)

Funny how it sometimes goes... and since I was born during the decade of the Horse which went from 1945 to 1954 and in 1954 which was the Year of the Horse and in between 11AM and 1 PM which time period is known as the Hour of the Horse kind of makes this time appropriate with the birth of Horse Rider!? :)

You know, as it was known in Tibet and also by the Magis, there is supposedly something about souls cyclically reincarnating at a proper time pre-determined by Oriental Solar Astrology!! The Bardo Thodol speaks bout that. :)

Also, the fact that I was born in the Lunar Month of Scorpio is not outside the ball park when looking in the Book of Revelation where the Locusts "Hocus Pocus Horses" are described, in the Star that fell from the Sky, which is obviously the Star or Astrology which the Oriental Magi-Astrologers were following,... as being Horses with Scorpion tails!!!

So that's an 11:11 existing possibility of meaning.... and perhaps Sir Jean could tell us about Nosty's Quatrain 10,21 which speaks about a certain thing which should be verifiable by the Magis... which could relate to a certain Sky of Nativity?


Joe, I have decided that I should make my theory public in regard to the 11:11, please let me know what you think, if you wish to include it on your website, or pass it on, please leave me anonymous thanks G.

MY 11:11 STORY.........

I am a normal(ish), average(ish) person, I do not subscribe to any particular religion, although I am spiritually aware. I most certainly do not subscribe to any type of “cult” or any other similar organization, I am definitely not trying to form a “doomsday cult”. All I am doing is putting forward a hypothesis that I feel fits the pieces together and solves the puzzle as I see it.

It has certainly alarmed me, and I really hope that it is wrong, but I feel that I must tell this “just in case”!

I was brought up as Church of England by my parents, but rejected this religion when I was eight ( I couldn’t stand the taste of the stamps they made you lick to stick in your Sunday school book!) Since then, I have gradually grown further and further away from their doctrine (C of E is like liberal Catholic). As I have traveled through life I found I have better feeling for the old and ancient spiritualities, and would chose to consider myself a Pagan - not the kind of person that is usually witnessed making a flamboyant mockery of this way of being.

I have had several paranormal experiences...... I am fairly certain that I have seen a ghost, I have witnessed the presence of my son’s guardian angel, I know that faith healing (prayer) works and I have witnessed some very strange and unexplainable happenings.

I am conspiracy theorist (if there is such a thing), I feel that if heads of state lie and cover up inconsequential things such as have come to light in recent times, then the system certainly covers up things of greater importance, a lot of people must empathize in this thought given the commercial success of television shows such as the “X Files” and “Millennium” et Al. “They” may well be keeping some very important information back from us at this time.

The 11:11 thing started for me in late 1993, it began with my (now) Ex Wife looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 or 1:11, sometimes three or four times a day! It became a joke to us and seemed like nothing other than a coincidence, we would just laugh it off with “oh look it’s 11:11 (1:11)” This went on for about a year during which time, I too, started looking at clocks and seeing these times.

Time passed.......then about a year later, I found myself working on a television production ( I was the Lighting Director at a TV station) called “In Contact”. The show was centered around the subject of alien abduction. Only four shows were ever recorded, and I don’t know if they were even aired, which is a shame, as the program was interesting, to say the least. As the last show was taped I found myself watching the credits............. and surprise, the name of the production company was 11:11 Broadcast Inc. !! It was written just like that, quite an unusual name for a production company.

Given the coincidence with the clock thing, I found myself asking the producer as to why she had chosen to give this “name” to her production company, her response was to ask me why I wanted to know, so I started recounting my (at that time minimal) 11:11 experiences. It turned out that the “Freelance” Director who was employed by us not the production company also had been having similar experiences, and the host of the show had the clock in his car stop on 11:11 and never work again. We all got the chills as we recounted our experiences.

Well the best I could extract from the producer was that “it was nothing bad”......... SO it was something !! NOW I was really curious!!

Does anyone know anything about this production company?

Now the synchronicities really began........

My Birthday is on the 11th

My Ex’s is also on the 11th (different month)

I work at 2929 (2+9, 2+9)

Phone no. ends in 7411 (7+4)

The list goes on..........

I would keep seeing buildings addresses 1111

Obviously the times 11:11 and 1:11 on clocks also.

I would stop the microwave mid cycle to check the food and notice 1:11 remaining

Stay in hotel rooms 1111, I didn’t chose!

See taxi cab 1111

The list goes on and on.........

Most recently I saw 11:11 on a traffic light control box, but it wasn’t numbers! I saw it in the corner of my eye, on closer inspection I realized that it was the pattern formed by the cooling vents and two bolts!

Look up Isaiah 11:11.

In 1995 we went on line at work, and I was able to start surfing the Web. This enabled me to find Solara’s site ( It is too “New Age” for me but it made realize that there a lot of people out there who are experiencing 11:11) I also found several other sites, of some substance..... ...

At the beginning of this year,1999, I was bumped off a flight, and compensated with vouchers that enabled me to visit England this summer...... I was also given a hotel room to stay in for the duration of the wait for the next flight, yes, the room number was 1111!

Some time ago I started booking my summer holiday to Great Britain,using these vouchers, and booked my flight departing the US on July 26 returning August 14, I had planned on pursuing the legend of King Arthur for the second time, mainly for my sons’ benefit, and there would have been a good chance that I would have been in Cornwall on the 11th Aug.......... I booked before I learned of the eclipse. Now I am certainly going to be there at 11:11am on the 11th, since I discovered the significance of the eclipse.

All of us who experience 11:11 know instinctively that it is something more, much more, than just a “coincidence”!

OK SO WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? Nobody seems to know, everyone seems to have a different theory, and now I am about to add mine.

I know the 11:11 can be “spread” to other people, some friends are now experiencing it, following a lot of “weird” (and interesting!) discussions we have had, through the years. There are others that I seem to have “infected” (affected?) Although, it only seems to “spread” to those who are open spiritually, and are not obsessed with money, possessions, or who blindly follow organized religions.

I don't see it as a “wake up” call, to a new level of spirituality, I think it is more like a fire alarm, or warning. (Aimed at a certain few?) Those that don’t experience 11:11 don’t get it at all. It obviously has some major significance in our lives. Never before has a “symbol” meant so much to some whilst meaning nothing to everyone else.

Is it perhaps connected with the eclipse of Aug 11 at 11:11am (in Cornwall, England?).

Maybe those present in the umbral path will witness the comet that has been predicted by Nostradamus, coming at us from behind the sun, only becoming visible due to the eclipse. ........... I will be in Cornwall, to witness this occurrence, baring any influence outside my control.

If it is a warning, (from where?) Is it so that some of us may have preparation time in advance of the chaos that would follow the discovery of a comet and/or the meteorite in its tail? I know there are many ways of “adding up” all the information we receive and, I really hope that this is wrong ! But it is the only way I have been able to make sense of the information I have received.

Is humankind going to fulfill its prophesy? Are we to be the potential survivors of the chaos?

What simpler digit could nature (or?) use to warn us of this impending catastrophic change other than the first digit of all the worlds mathematical counting systems, also it is “I” - as in “me”.

Do the people that experience 11:11, care more than others about the wanton destruction of our planet? And are therefore potentially natures’ allies?

We have been raping our planet for so long out of greed, how arrogant humankind is to think that we could destroy this planet! Nature is about to prune us back drastically. Revenge is sweet indeed! (and the meek shall inherit the earth!)

Initially, when I started to perceive 11:11 as a warning, rather than something “mystical”, I immediately associated it with the Y2k thing, that was until I learned of the eclipse, I still think the Y2k bug could contribute greatly to the mayhem that would ensue.

Maybe if those of us who are experiencing, thinking and wondering about 11:11 act now we will be able to survive.

All religions, and other prophets are suggesting a major change around this time, some call it Armageddon, maybe we should start preparation NOW?

Is it possible that the star of Bethlehem was a comet. And that it was the same comet that could have been responsible for the destruction of Atlantis? And the same comet that is headed toward us again 2000 years later, hidden behind the sun? The same comet that we may see in Cornwall on August 11 at 11:11am when the total eclipse makes it possible to see, because the direct light from the Sun is blocked?

This kind of fits in with Biblical prophesy doesn’t it? And definitely very close to the prophesies of Nostradamus. Incidentally, I came across a web site that refers to the south western part of the United Kingdom as “The New Jerusalem”.

Could it, therefore, also be possible that Jesus was an Atlantian, along with the disciples? Could they have dictated the “Old Testament” of the bible, to the peasant population of Jerusalem, as mainly an account of what happened to Atlantis, and a warning of the comet that will return 2000 years later. I f they were an advanced civilization they may have known exactly how long the comet would take to return. Hence by “zeroing” the calender (at the assumed birth of “Jesus”) they were able to pin point the exact time of return.

The 11:11 could have been installed in us by nature,or perhaps by a very advanced civilization, Atlantians? via a genetic imprint, to warn us of the impending danger, talk about the dawning of a “new age”!!........

At the time of Jesus’ birth, astrologically, the sun (and/or the comet?) was between the legs of “Virgo” at that time, hence, possibly, the concept of the virgin “birth” it was seen as Jesus coming after the comet, possibly on the comet? Hence “son of god”

The comet, or meteorite in its tail, could have destroyed Atlantis, (the story of Noah’s ark is a biblical reference to the demise of Atlantis), and wiped out most of the inhabitants, a few would have fled to other parts of the world. The Atlantians were an advanced people and possessed greater “powers” and knowledge than the peasant population they found themselves in the company of. They knew of the 2000 yr cycle of the comet and tried to warn us in the writings of the bible.

If the comet or asteroid hits the Atlantic, as stated by Nostradamus, most of the “power centers” of the Christian west will be wiped out, Muslims, seeing this as a sign from Allah, feel that they are being required by Allah to exterminate all other religions, the Christians believe that when judgment day comes they will die and go to heaven or hell. This fits in well with this theory, if Atlantis once occupied an area close to, or on, what is now North America.

No wonder the Aborigines have ceased procreating! ... I was informed of this fact by a friend who read “Mutant Message Down Under”

Now as I close, and find that I have half terrified myself out of my mind, I realize that this is all speculation based on a lot of coincidences and third hand information. Also I have made assumptions about the Bible that differ greatly from those that have been accepted for centuries. Also I have accepted the existence of the mythical Atlantis.

With all probability ......... I am wrong!

Maybe a little crazy....BUT..........

If I am right, then there is still no telling ias to whether the comet or asteroid in its tail will miss us or hit us. If the bible is an account of what happened to is just that....... but with the warning that the comet will return.

Even so, I plan on preparing to some degree for the worst case scenario, whatever the case there has to be some resolution to the 11:11 thing following August 11th.....THAT is TOO coincidental.

Subj: Re: 11:11 Pages
Date: 4/10/99 11:17:12 PM

Thank you for the list of pages, I hope they'll guide me toward some answers...I'll let you know. D.

-----Original Message-----

Date: Saturday, April 10, 1999 9:27 AM
Subject: 11:11 Pages

Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams

Years ago, I was in a book store and saw a book titles "11:11" almost got it but decided not....I have seem that number in my car, on the clock radio near my bed and many other places....What's the deal? This number has been in my face for YEARS! Also 3:33.....any suggestions? D.

> -----Original Message-----

Amazing that at the exact moment I was reading this message I happened to glance down and the clock on the computer was 11:11, which incidentally I'm seeing constantly. R.


Dear D. and R.

Just in case you missed them, we have some 11:11 related pages:

Humanity On The Pollen Path- Part One


11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra


Joe Mason


Subj: Fwd: Flight 111
Date: 4/16/99 5:50:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time


Forwarded Message:

Subj: Re: Flight 111
Date: 4/16/99 12:35:38 PM
From: (P. L.)

Thanks Dee.

I have already checked out those sites and found them very enlightening. I tell you, it's very much a relief to find out that I am not alone in this. The one remarkable difference is that I see 11 and 22. Not 11:11 so much or 2:22. Nothing like that. A lot of the time, it will be three numbers that add up to 11 or 22, such as 499 or 821. But I see the correlation so quickly that they add up to 11 or 22 that I know it means something. I am confused as to why I see just the 11 and everyone else sees 11:11 or 111.

Any thoughts?

Take care,



Subj: Fwd: Flight 111
Date: 4/16/99 5:50:49 PM

(P. L.)

Hi Dee:

Forgot to mention. The time you sent your email to me was 13:52:22 EDT 1+3+5+2 = 11. Then you have the 22 seconds. 11:22 Or you can add them up to get 33. Also the date. 4/16. 4+1+6 = 11.

See what I mean?



Date: 99-04-19 16:40:33 EDT
From: a.


I am in the process of reading your pages and thought that I would take this time to thank you for your efforts. I have been searching for a meaning of why I keep seeing 111 & 11:11 (111 more often).

I would like to share with you the event in my life that convinced me that the 1:11 is real. I have my kids on alternating weekends and am always looking for things for them to do when they are at my house. This particular weekend I had borrowed a set of six doctor Seuss videos from a friend of mine at work.  When I got up on Saturday morning I went out to livingroom find my kids watching the videos. I glanced at my entertainment center and affixed to the side of it were two small stickers. They were stickers of two characters from the videos. I hadn't known when I borrowed the videos that each video had inside it a sticker depicting a Dr Seuss character, six different stickers. I asked my kids who had taken the stickers out of the videos and stuck them to my entertainment center. Neither one would admit to having done it. I sent them to there rooms until they decided to admit having taken the stickers. My son was the first to come clean, but my daughter would not admit her part. I decided then to stand her in a corner. She stood in that corner for two hours and wet herself before she would admit what she had done.

Now these may seem trivial offenses but to me they were important. I was a troubled child growing up and had always resorted to lying to get my way out of trouble. I was really disturbed over the incident with my kids, I could see them following the same path I had followed as a child.

The following Sunday I was leaving a meeting that I attend and as I got into my car I glanced at the clock. The time was 1:11. I don't know why but for some reason I had this deep feeling I should go to a bookstore to see if I could find something that might explain why I kept seeing this number. I went to a local Friar Tuck bookstore and looked around for about a half hour but was unable to find anything. I did however find another book and decided to buy it. I headed for the checkout There was no clerk at the register when I got there , so as I was waiting I happened to look over my shoulder and saw on the opposite wall a section on history. Being a history nut, I went over to see if there was anything interesting. As I scanned the shelves I noticed a book called Vietnam a History. I took the book down off the shelf and started to flip through it. Now you know that if you try to flip through a magazine and it has any of those little postage paid order forms in it they act like little bookmarks and the magazine will open to the pages they're between. As I was flipping the pages of the book it opened to a page and there was a sticker of a Dr. Seuss character. It was one of the same stickers that my kids had stuck to the side of my entertainment center the week before. I went into a kind of mild shock on seeing this sticker. My thumb slipped and the pages continued to flip and the book opened on another page and there between the pages was another sticker, it was the second of the two stickers from the previous weekend.

My mind was racing, something or someone was trying to communicate with me. This went to far beyond the bounds of coincidence. First of all the bookstore I was in was not one of my regular's, I still do not know why I went to it that day instead of my regular bookstore. If there had been a clerk at the register when I got there I probably not gone over to check out the history section. Why out of the hundreds of books on the shelves did I take down that particular book. I knew that some POWER was telling me not to worry about my kids,  that they would follow the path through life that they were meant to travel, the same as I was doing.

I knew in that instant that everything in this life is as it should be, that there is a plan. I now believe that there is a POWER that is directing all things. Is this related to the 11:11, I don't know! At that time I was not aware of the enigma of the 11:11, I thought that I was the only one experiencing it. It was not for a couple of more years and another trip to the bookstore that I became aware that something was happening. It was on that trip to the bookstore that I happened on a book with the title of 11:11. And thus started my journey to find out what it means and what is instore for the world.

I hope this story conveys to you my sincerity in my quest into a meaning of the 11:11 enigma.



True Abduction - December 1998 Update

I continued to talk with a group of « abductees », and strange coincidences began happening- first someone brought up something that had happened to them: he kept finding himself looking at the clock when it was either 11:11 or 12:12, and these numbers began showing up everywhere in his life, and in those of people he was close to. I had been noticing the same thing going on in my life, on the other side of the world! Then something strange happened to my three year old.

He woke up one morning, all excited, saying that he had been visited by one of the « pilots ». He said they are people who are tall and have blue eyes. (the humanoids who were in the cigar type ship all had blue eyes, which made me think he might be talking about them). He said the pilot told him some very important things.  « He said planes are going to swoop down on America, and there would be explosions, and fire! There would be kids crying and hurt. It will happen in Paris too. It is going very fast now, and I must not go there, it is very, very dangerous! They said we have to go to the airplanes when it is time, the airplanes of the pilots will take us far away, where there is no more bad guys. And momma, if you get tired, there are a lot of beds on the planes to sleep on, because it will be a very long trip! »

He kept talking about it non-stop, and started scaring my husband a bit, who got a little angry. He kept asking, is it time yet? Is it time to go to the planes? I didn't know what to say! I eventually told him, that we would know when it was time, to calm him down. Later that day, he suddenly said,  »Momma! It's time! Look! » pointing to the clock, which said 11:11! I asked why he thought it was time, and he said the pilot showed him a watch with these numbers. Since then, he asks every once in a while the same question- is it time yet? But also talks of the pilots, saying they are very nice, and that he is one of them! He says he was one « before I was in your tummy », but that he will go back into being one soon, when the time comes. He also says happily that he doesn't see the « snakes » anymore, they are all gone. I have not had anymore contact with the Grey's either.


In the messages we were each posting, the time of posting recorded next to each one began to show always either 11:11 or 12:12, although we were all in different time zones, and didn't even know what time zone this clock on this site was set on!


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: - 11:11, 22:22
Date: 4/24/99 5:04:55 AM
From: P.

I have been receiving this newsletter for some time now, mostly preferring to stay in the background and enjoy the posts.

I am intrigued with this particular post. I had picked up a small book on numerology several months ago and read that both 11 and 22 are powerful numbers but they did not go into much depth. Since my birthday is 11/22 I am very interested in the meanings behind these numbers. I was born in 1945 which seems to be a #1 year as far as I can tell. Any insight you may be able to give me will be much appreciated. I do realize if you add the total birth numbers up they come to a #5.



Subj: Fwd: [Dream-analysis] Re: Odd dream - 11:11
Date: 99-04-26 14:02:10 EDT
From: k.

Thanks Dee. It sounds exciting. I don't know a lot about 11:11 but that is does mean something. I have known people commenting that they were becoming more aware of it and for a while I wasn't but now, over about the past two or three months, I am seeing it much more. Then to have a question answered by looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 was a wonderfull feeling for me. I have been asking, lately, for some psychic opening primarily to communicate with animals and with my "angel companion" who I am becoming more aware of. Things like this are so fascinating.



Subj: 11:11 & Solar Eclipse Sites
Date: 4/13/99 8:00:44 PM

Hello Brian.

Besides out own pages, these sites are also a good source:

1999 Eclipse - GeReOn - THE UPRISING PHOENIX

The Cross, the Tau, the Total Solar Eclipse

August 11, 1999 - "The Day of the Millennium" (Stacey's site)


Lightworker Home (Steve Rother, 11:11)

William Henry Nostradamus and the King of Terror

August 11, 1999 - Window into the Third Millennium by Ken Kalb

Ramses Home World

Ring of the 11:11

Thinking of You on Judgement Day by Eric Francis

Day of Destiny (8-13-99) untold history of the Aztecs of ancient Mexico

I believe you have already read my article about the 1999 Solar Eclipse. There are many links in the article, and there is an additional page of notes.

Best wishes,

Joe Mason


Subj: The Hidden History of Jesus and The Holy Grail

Re: 11:11 & Ascension
Date: 5/1/99 3:07:31 PM

From: S.


I am the"SS" whose questionnaire appears in part 2 of Joe Mason's 11:11 site. I am wondering if you would include this plea for responses to the questions in a future letter. People can cut and paste them for now and send them to my Email adress above. In the near future I should have them on a website which I will send to you. thank you

Stephen J Smith


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Similar Important Dreams
Date: 4/5/99 8:11:33 PM
From: r.

Amazing that at the exact moment I was reading this message I happened to glance down and the clock on the computer was 11:11, which incidentally I'm seeing constantly. R.



Dear EarthChangers,

Dee sent Janice L.'s dream to me on March 15. A part of the dream is strikingly similar to Doug's "Vision 11:11" dream. In both dreams, the dreamer's arm lifts up, the index finger points to a person, and an awesomely strange message is spoken from their mouth. The arm drops down, and they are  overwhelmed with emotion. It is as if a higher being has spoken and acted through them.


Subj: Re: 11:11 & Ascension
Date: 5/2/99 4:20:42 AM
From: R,


Thanks Dee Have been experiencing the 11:11 and 12:12 for years, but never thought to Feel the energies interesting. There have also been 10:10 as well.


Subj: [earthchanges] 11:11 Links for Doug

Date: 5/2/99 4:26:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Subj: [earthchanges] LINKS

An open invitation... If anyone would like to post a FREE link to their site from my web site then please let me know.

Doug Taylor >>


Dear Doug,  I have linked your site to these pages.

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One


The articles include the "11:11" phenomena, just as with your "Vision"  at 11:11.

Please link them from your page, if you will. We have other 11:11 related  pages, which you may wish to consider:

11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the  Heart Chakra



Dee programed and posted those pages, with a little help from me. I'll ask her to link your site from them.

We have links to other 11:11 related sites on these pages. It is quite an extensive phenomenon. Such things, I feel, tend to verify the significance of your great Vision. You may want to link some of them.


Joe Mason


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: 11:11 Links for Doug
Date: 5/2/99 4:40:35 PM
From: (Doug)

Thanks Joe and Dee,

I appreciate you kind folks linking to and from. Boy am I catching some flack out there due to my beliefs. I really think it amusing of those who get upset when both Jesus and God's names are mentioned. However...Blessings to ALL!



Subj: [earthchanges] Re: 11:11 Links for Doug
Date: 5/2/99 5:02:03 PM
From: (Doug)

THEY ARE LINKED at my <> page.



Subj: [earthchanges] More on 11:11
Date: 5/2/99 5:13:41 PM
From: S.

Hi all,

I just received a reading on the shooting at Littleton from an astrology list . Is the time quoted here really when it happened? And am I the only one that didn't notice this?




(April 20, 1999, ~11:11 am MDT, Littleton CO 105W01, 39N37)


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: 11:11 22:22
Date: 5/2/99 5:21:27 PM
From: a.

Dear List (Joe, Doug, et al)

Below is an email I sent privately to another member on this List. I promise this will be my last post on the subject :-)

Let me say at the outset (and I have no wish to offend anyone who reads this) that I do not equate religion with spirituality. I also don't think we are going to be whisked away by spacecraft, or that mother earth will be destroyed in the near future. We, collectively or individually) decide our own future(s). I also think that the only reason we are given the facility to see into the "future" is that we can change it for the better, for everyone and every thing. However, I do think we should question everything, because that ultimately brings self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-actualisation. My understanding is that we are now on a (very steep) learning curve, and we have the ability to regain our lost knowledge and spiritual integrity. Okay, lecture over!! (You can't tell that I am a teacher, can you??)

with Love and Light



email posted elsewhere:

I guess you have been following the thread (mainly from Doug) about the faces, the crystal and the 11:11 phenomenon. I think it is all due to the fact that part of our collective consciousness is now waking up so that the knowledge is breaking through to our waking (and dreaming) consciousness. It would seem that a lot of people are experiencing snippets of information and are trying to make sense of it.

I am definitely not what would be called a "clock watcher" but when I go to check the time on one of the electronic/digital clocks that are around the house (alarm clock/radio by the bed, clock on the oven display, clock on the microwave, etc.) I tend to see the time at 11:11 or 11 minutes past the hour, 22 minutes past the hour - and sometimes 33 minutes past the hour. 22 and 33 both reduce back to 11. I don't know if we are supposed to reduce the 11 back to 2 - somehow I think we are supposed to treat it as a whole number. It also seems to be strange that the nights that I switch out the bedside lamp and the time on the bedside clock is 11:11, I seem to have a better night's sleep!! What the number 11 is really supposed to mean, I am not sure, but here is my theory:

I think that everything has a unique vibration, a sort of signature. Humans, animals, stones, trees, whatever - have a unique vibration. It is our "name". I believe this vibration is reflected in what we humans call colour and sound. So our signature would not be so much as a given name, but the vibration of sound and colour that is totally unique to each one of us. When we are drawn to something (say a painting, an animal, a colour, etc.) we are reacting to that particular vibration because it resonates on a similar wave to our own personal vibration.

You may remember some 15 to 20 years ago, or more, when people were "re-naming" themselves. They felt that their birth names were not the correct ones for them and so they took more descriptive names to identify who they really were. For example, my birth name is Diane. Just for fun, I went through the exercise of finding out what name would resonate with me - I came up with the name Galadriel. Also, whenever I am asked for a "password" the first name that springs to mind is Pegasus. Not that I changed my name - I think that these new names will soon get outworn (and outdated) as well, because we are forever changing, growing into more enlightened people with each experience, and with every illuminated thought and action. This is just to illustrate the point that we are vibrational beings and what may resonate with us (and to us) at any given time.


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: 11:11 22:22

Date: 5/2/99 5:46:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time

From: (Doug)


Luc Aliphon wrote:


> From: Luc Aliphon <>


> Dear List (Joe, Doug, et al)

Below is an email I sent privately to another member on this List. I promise this will be my last post on the subject :-) >> (snip)


No offense taken here... I for one am merely acting like a sponge trying to soak up all of this information.



Subj: [earthchanges] 11:11, The Lion, The Swastika & Positive Co-Creation

Date: 5/3/99 7:59:00 AM

a - writes:

Dear List (Joe, Doug, et al)

(snip) Let me say at the outset (and I have no wish to offend anyone who reads this) that I do not equate religion with spirituality. I also don't think we are going to be whisked away by spacecraft, or that mother earth will be destroyed in the near future. We, collectively or individually) decide our own future(s). I also think that the only reason we are given the facility to see into the "future" is that we can change it for the better, for everyone and every thing. >> (snip)


Dear Diane,

I agree. That is one reason we have this page:


I read all the Seth books back in the late 70s. In the last nine years I have come to see many of the same basic concepts in dreams, myths, coincidental events, and in other ways, including "religion." Excuse me if the word is offensive to you. To me a religion is a widely held myth. A myth is a theory about the unknown, often expressed in symbols and metaphors. The word "religion," I read, means "linking back," as in finding one's origin.

Sure, many have used "religion" to control people, grasp power, and much worse. But, I would not classify everyone who expresses a "belief" in a "religion" as being of that ilk.

I also do not believe that people will be "whisked away by spacecraft, or that mother earth will be destroyed." But, I believe such things have a meaning in terms of symbolism.

Seth and others expressed the importance of dreams. He said the dream realm holds infinite idea potential that can be manifested into reality. He said that, one day, the dream realm will bring new ideas that will transform the world. A belief that this is impossible, he said, holds back its manifestation.

Another thing he said is that if we paid more attention to coincidence, we would see the order of things in a different way. He also said that we are learning to be conscious co-creators.

I did not remember much of this when the dreams and coincidences started in 1990. I now see some of the connections. The "11:11" phenomena led in a strange direction. I was never a "believer" in "religion," but I seemed to be guided to read the Bible, and eventually found that Revelation 11:11 was central.

It connects to many things, such as the duality, and the extremely ancient symbolism of King, Lion, the Royal Bloodline, and Royal Power. The verse speaks of the two olive trees (or lampstands, or prophets) who stand up after 3 1/2 days (midpoint of the chakras). It is linked to the two olive trees beside the golden lampstand with seven lamps in Zechariah 4. These are the "two anointed," symbolized in this case by Joshua and Zerubabbel in Zechariah 3 and 4.

The two anointed are the High Priest and King of the Royal Bloodlines that trace back to Egypt and to the dawn of history in Summer. The symbolism still appears in dreams.

I believe this carries important metaphors about mankind. The High Priest is the inside Self and the King is the outside self, or "focus personality," as Seth may have put it. The "Fisher Kings" in this tradition, represented a unification of the two aspects, as the Priest-King. Perhaps Seth or others would call it the shaman-scientist.

Part of the symbolism, then and now, includes being underground or under (or in) the water. It is sometimes shown as the first three steps of the universal "3 1/2." This seems to indicate that mankind is co-creating the reality from "under the surface," that is, unconsciously.

The Hopi creation myth of Spider Grandmother is one such example. After the third underground chamber, the humans climb to the surface and sunlight. It is like the return from the Underworld/Hades in other ancient myths.

In other cases, it is a swim from the water, back to the land. The story of Noah's Ark is an example. It is like mankind's dream journey in the Age of Pisces. All the animals must be brought aboard, because they represent the dream symbols.

Another symbol of this involves the Lion/King. The Kings of the Royal Bloodline are related Biblically to Judah, who is the "lion's whelp" (Genesis 49:9). A Templar-related story gives a clue to the meaning:


<<You are born a camel. You get down on your knees, and a load is placed upon you (conditioned beliefs of childhood). When you grow up and leave home, you become a lion who goes into the desert. Eventually, the lion runs into a dragon who has "Thou Shalt" written on each of his scales (confronting the conditioned beliefs). The lion slays the dragon and transforms into a baby. At that point, you have overcome the conditioned beliefs and are operating from you own heart's center.

It is also said, "The heavier the load, the stronger the lion." >>


The symbolism seems to be quite old. In one of the sayings in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus says (something like):

"Lucky is he who eats the lion, for the lion becomes human. But, cursed is he who the lion eats, for the lion still becomes human."

Keeping this in mind, various passages in the Book of Revelation seem clear. The Kings of the Earth "fornicate" (bond) with the harlot who is seated upon many waters, which are peoples and nations, multitudes and tongues (unconscious influences). They become "drunk" on her wine, which evokes Anger - Fury , and collectively give over their "Royal Power" to the beast.

At the end of the story, the Kings of the Earth bring their glory into The New Jerusalem, which symbolizes "the order of the heavens made apparent on earth." The Tree of Life stands at the center of the city. I believe The Tree represents a totally abundant en masse belief system, after mankind has overcome the negative influences in the collective unconscious.

See? It is basically the same as the Seth teaching, that we will learn to be conscious co-creators.

This, I believe, is why Rev. 3:11 advises to let no one seize your "Crown," that is, your Royal Power, your ability to create your own reality consciously. It is also expressed, I believe, in Isiah 65:17, 65:21, 22, as building our own house and living in it, and planting our own vinyard and eating the fruit.

My dreams led to another symbol for these things - the Swastika, another universal ancient symbol. It is composed of four "builder" glyphs, the right-angled squares, an "L" shaped tool, used by carpenters, masons, and other craftsmen. As a "builder" from each of the cardinal directions, it represents the "Demiurge," the helper of "God," or a "god" who is subornate to the Supreme Creator. The Demiurge is the creator of the physical world, and can do "good or evil." The counterclockwise Swastika, or West-going Swastika represents a negative, yet learning creation. The clockwise, or East-going, Swastika represents "good luck," a positive creation. In some cases, the "builder" glyphs are curved horns.

A recent set of dreams indicated that the counterclockwise, negative Swastika also represents the "past," and the clockwise one is the "future." We are being "pulled by the future, and pushed by the past."

I was quite surprised when I found the idea in the Bible, in Zechariah 1:18-21 -

<And I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, four horns! And I said to the angel who talked with me, "What are these?" And he answered me, "These are the horns which have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem."

Then the Lord showed me four smiths. And I said, "What are these coming to do?" He answered, "These are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man raised his head; and these have come to terrify them, to cast down the horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter it. >  

I first read Doug's dream "Vision" in an e-mail. Later, I contacted him, and Dee created a web page with The Vision:

Vision of 11:11

The friend that was always "beside/behind" Doug, I believe, represents the "Joshua/High Priest," or inner Self. In Egypt, it is the Divine Ka, the Divine Double.

After "days of traveling," (like 3 1/2 in the cycle), Doug lifted "the outside trap door to the basement," and his "mysterious friend proceeded into the cellar of the house."

As I see it, this indicates the underground, subconscious realm. Doug, the "Zerubabbel-Lion-King," outside self, did the work of "opening the door," so that the Higher Self could take action.

The basement was full of people, and there was only one light, a candle. This may suggest that the collective unconscious is involved, and that we have very little knowledge about it. The "candle" may tie in with the two olive trees, which are also lampstands. Zechariah 4 speaks of the two golden pipes below the branches, where the oil pours out. Olive oil was used in the lamps, which are like a candle.

The idea is also found in the Quran 24:35, which is called, "The Verse of Light" -

"God is the light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His Light is as a niche wherein is a lamp (the lamp in a glass, the glass as it were a glittering star) kindled from a Blessed Tree, an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil welnigh would shine, even if no fire touched it. Light upon Light."

The Sufi mystic, Ghazali, wrote that this shows the psychic structure of the soul. "The niche, as a place of gathering of both sound and light in the outer world, is also a place of gathering inwardly for all sensory perceptions."

So, Doug's Vision may be showing mankind's lack of viewing the inward side.

The people in the basement "appeared to be dazed or in a trance of some sort." This seems similar to the Kings of the Earth being "drunk on the wine of the harlot." The leader, the man dressed in a reddish shirt and blue jeans, was arrested and brought up to the surface. As I see it, the man symbolizes "Satan" in the original meaning of the "opponent" force. In Egypt, he was Typhon-Set or Typhon-Seth, who was red in color. Joshua, in Zechariah 3 is accused by Satan, and has dirty garments. He is helped to get clean garments, and is called, "a brand plucked form the fire." It seems to be a purification experience. In (Jane Roberts)  Seth terms, this may be said to represent our "problems," which are actually "challenges" set up, in order for us to learn. This seems to also be indicated by Zerubabbel making the great mountain into a plane, and bringing the topstone forward in Zechariah 4.

This is the final part of Doug's great Vision:

<< As the man raised a pen or pencil to write or sign a paper that was laying on the podium, a bright white light came down from the sky and covered the entire left side of my body. It was warm and inviting and in it was the strength I needed to make a stance. My right arm immediately raised and I pointed my index finger towards the prominent man at the podium. These are the exact words that I uttered directly to him.

"I told you in my word, you felt me in your spirit, behold I show you my return." (I still get goose bumps everytime I repeat that quote)

Then my arm fell to my side. I quickly glanced to my left again and saw the man being held drop to his knees. Then the light went away, the vision stopped and I woke up screaming, half in tears yelling to my wife did you see it?, did you see the light?, it came right thru the window!

It was a vision I told her. I looked at the digital clock and it read 11:11pm. I was so upset with what had happened that I couldn't go back to sleep. >>

The "return" of the Avatar, or the like, I believe, is indicated. Jesus, a King of the Royal Bloodline of Judah, is the one in our Western tradition. Another is the legendary King Arthur, which came from Templar-inspired stories of the same Royal Bloodline of Kings. In Meso-America, he is Quetzalcoatl, Kulkukan, the Feathered Serpent. To the Hopi Tribe, it is Prana ("white man"), the twin that departed long ago. When he returns, it will be the time of Purification. He will be carrying the Cross and the Swastika, to symbolize the feminine and masculine forces in the world.

Folks, I do believe the Kings of the Earth are all of us!

So, D., I hope you see that not all people who use the word "religion," or quote a scripture, are to be put in a little box.

Light upon Light,

Joe Mason

Humanity On The Pollen Path


Subj: Re: 11:11 & Ascension
Date: 5/2/99 7:18:28 PM
From: Code UFO

Whew! Head spinning. Just read through the 11:11 stuff. Several of them I'd seen before as I had done an 11:11 search on the internet some time ago. But seeing these again renewed my sense of awe about the phenomenon. In reading the email posts about 11:11 I came across one from a fellow who goes by the name of Aster. Aster and I had met online about a year and a half ago, sharing paranormal experiences which had yielded remarkably similar information. I didn't know, however, that he had a web site. I just finished a tour through his site and I'm exhausted! But exhilarated! Amazing stuff to read and his "psychic art" is... well... haunting, I guess is an accurate description. Well, at least it's partially accurate. For me, it has a distinction about it that I can't really express in words.

Thanks, Dee, for another great web page. By the way, an interesting synch to the 11:11 phenomenon is this alphanumeric symetry in terms of the names representing a kind of cosmic metaphor:

JESUS = 74 = 11

LUCIFER = 74 = 11

11:11 then could be interpreted as JESUS : LUCIFER, sort ofspiritual yin/yang thing.

Oh, not to leave out a comment about my favorite number... 9 ...I read something about someone's dream in which the symbol of the rose was prominent. I think Joe commented that there was an ancient symbolic connection to "the rose". Just happens that the reduced alphanumeric value of the phrase, THE ROSE, equals 9.

Just thought I'd toss that in for kicks.



Hi Gary.

Yes, the 11:11 phenomenon is incredible.

<< By the way, an interesting synch to the 11:11 phenomenon is this alphanumeric symetry in terms of the names representing a kind of cosmic metaphor:

JESUS = 74 = 11

LUCIFER = 74 = 11

11:11 then could be interpreted as JESUS : LUCIFER, sort ofspiritual yin/yang thing. >> (snip)

That's a good one. I think we spoke of this before.

74 x 9 = 666

74 x 12 = 888

I found that in "Jesus Christ, Sun of God," which covers Greek Gematria. 666 is Helios, the physical sun (his other numbers are 6, 36, and 111. Joan also gives 37, [74 / 2] as each set of the diagonal numbers). 888 is Jesus, the Spiritual Sun behind the sun. This was attributed to other figures in the past, such as Mithras. A duality indeed.

When I read that part of the book, I realized that 74 is a multiple of 18.5. I had used 1.85 x the 360-degree Wheel to find 666. I realized that it was an "in-between" point. Those points, such as 54, tend to give the 666 tangent. A coincidence happened one day, when I saw that the angle to the moon glyph in the 1991 Barbury Castle crop formation was at 234-degrees. I punched up the tangent, and realized it was the positive of the 666 tangent. In the 20-part Wheel, it is the 13th point, as 13 x 18. I then looked up the "666" verse in the Bible. It is in Revelation 13:18! Quite a sync.

Another sync was finding that the Earth's orbital speed is given as 18.5 miles per hour. In 1/100 of an hour (36 seconds), the earth travels 666 miles!

When I heard Hoagland speak of the two interlaced tetrahedrons, as the shape of the energy inside planetary spheres, I began to wonder if this is part of the mystery. He said it seems to show how the planetary spheres are created from another dimension. This includes the sun, with its 11/11 sunspot cycle.

In the two-dimensional representation, it is a Star of David inside a circle. Twelve seems indicated by the points and the intersections between points. It is like Jimi's Music Wheel, and similar to The New Jerusalem Plan, and the symbol for the Heart chakra.

Also interestng -

888 / 666 = 1.3333333

Charles Johnson points out that the sun travels 133.333333 miles per second. Figure this as 400 / 3. In one hour, the sun travels 480,000 miles. That's 11,520,000 miles in one day. 1152 is Gematrian for "Witness."

666 / 888 = 0.75, a musical interval, as in 3 / 4.

<< Just happens that the reduced alphanumeric value of the phrase, THE ROSE, equals 9. >> (snip)

Interesting. I hope that is not 9 x 74! The Rose is associated with the Virgin Mary, and similar Queen of Heaven figures. Hmmm . . .could be the Kali - related ten-petal lotus, as in the Bythorn Mandala, a Gematrian Wheel shape. The five-pointed star with two points up (north), is a symbol of the Kali-Yuga, the Age of Iron, that is, our karmic time cycle. The "in-between ponts" tend to give the 666 tangent. Kali, the harlot of Revelation 17, seems to be our "Mother," or moon aspect, in this time cycle. In the East, Kali is one of the 108 "aspects" of the One Mother Goddess. In Revelation 12, She wears a Crown of 12 stars.

Waiting for our newly changed Mother,



Date: 5/3/99 7:43:30 PM

Joe, I have decided that I should make my theory public in regard to the 11:11, please let me know what you think, if you wish to include it on your website, or pass it on, please leave me anonymous thanks G.

MY 11:11 STORY.........

I am a normal(ish), average(ish) person, I do not subscribe to any particular religion, although I am spiritually aware. I most certainly do not subscribe to any type of “cult” or any other similar organization, I am definitely not trying to form a “doomsday cult”. All I am doing is putting forward a hypothesis that I feel fits the pieces together and solves the puzzle as I see it. It has certainly alarmed me, and I really hope that it is wrong, but I feel that I must tell this “just in case”!

I was brought up as Church of England by my parents, but rejected this religion when I was eight ( I couldn’t stand the taste of the stamps they made you lick to stick in your Sunday school book!) Since then, I have gradually grown further and further away from their doctrine (C of E is like liberal Catholic). As I have traveled through life I found I have better feeling for the old and ancient spiritualities, and would chose to consider myself a Pagan - not the kind of person that is usually witnessed making a flamboyant mockery of this way of being.

I have had several paranormal experiences...... I am fairly certain that I have seen a ghost, I have witnessed the presence of my son’s guardian angel, I know that faith healing (prayer) works and I have witnessed some very strange and unexplainable happenings.

I am conspiracy theorist (if there is such a thing), I feel that if heads of state lie and cover up inconsequential things such as have come to light in recent times, then the system certainly covers up things of greater importance, a lot of people must empathize in this thought given the commercial success of television shows such as the “X Files” and “Millennium” et Al. “They” may well be keeping some very important information back from us at this time.

The 11:11 thing started for me in late 1993, it began with my (now) Ex Wife looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 or 1:11, sometimes three or four times a day! It became a joke to us and seemed like nothing other than a coincidence, we would just laugh it off with “oh look it’s 11:11 (1:11)” This went on for about a year during which time, I too, started looking at clocks and seeing these times.

Time passed.......then about a year later, I found myself working on a television production ( I was the Lighting Director at a TV station) called “In Contact”. The show was centered around the subject of alien abduction. Only four shows were ever recorded, and I don’t know if they were even aired, which is a shame, as the program was interesting, to say the least. As the last show was taped I found myself watching the credits............. and surprise, the name of the production company was 11:11 Broadcast Inc. !! It was written just like that, quite an unusual name for a production company. Given the coincidence with the clock thing, I found myself asking the producer as to why she had chosen to give this “name” to her production company, her response was to ask me why I wanted to know, so I started recounting my (at that time minimal) 11:11 experiences. It turned out that the “Freelance” Director who was employed by us not the production company also had been having similar experiences, and the host of the show had the clock in his car stop on 11:11 and never work again. We all got the chills as we recounted our experiences.

Well the best I could extract from the producer was that “it was nothing bad”......... SO it was something !! NOW I was really curious!!

Does anyone know anything about this production company?

Now the synchronicities really began........ My Birthday is on the 11th. My Ex’s is also on the 11th (different month) I work at 2929 (2+9, 2+9) Phone no. ends in 7411 (7+4) The list goes on..........I would keep seeing buildings addresses 1111 . Obviously the times 11:11 and 1:11 on clocks also. I would stop the microwave mid cycle to check the food and notice 1:11 remaining . Stay in hotel rooms 1111, I didn’t chose! See taxi cab 1111. The list goes on and on.........Most recently I saw 11:11 on a traffic light control box, but it wasn’t numbers! I saw it in the corner of my eye, on closer inspection I realized that it was the pattern formed by the cooling vents and two bolts! .Look up Isaiah 11:11.

In 1995 we went on line at work, and I was able to start surfing the Web. This enabled me to find Solara’s site ( It is too “New Age” for me but it made realize that there a lot of people out there who are experiencing 11:11) I also found several other sites, of some substance..... ...

At the beginning of this year,1999, I was bumped off a flight, and compensated with vouchers that enabled me to visit England this summer...... I was also given a hotel room to stay in for the duration of the wait for the next flight, yes, the room number was 1111!

Some time ago I started booking my summer holiday to Great Britain,using these vouchers, and booked my flight departing the US on July 26 returning August 14, I had planned on pursuing the legend of King Arthur for the second time, mainly for my sons’ benefit, and there would have been a good chance that I would have been in Cornwall on the 11th Aug.......... I booked before I learned of the eclipse. Now I am certainly going to be there at 11:11am on the 11th, since I discovered the significance of the eclipse.

All of us who experience 11:11 know instinctively that it is something more, much more, than just a “coincidence”!

OK SO WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? Nobody seems to know, everyone seems to have a different theory, and now I am about to add mine.

I know the 11:11 can be “spread” to other people, some friends are now experiencing it, following a lot of “weird” (and interesting!) discussions we have had, through the years. There are others that I seem to have “infected” (affected?) Although, it only seems to “spread” to those who are open spiritually, and are not obsessed with money, possessions, or who blindly follow organized religions.

I don't see it as a “wake up” call, to a new level of spirituality, I think it is more like a fire alarm, or warning. (Aimed at a certain few?) Those that don’t experience 11:11 don’t get it at all. It obviously has some major significance in our lives. Never before has a “symbol” meant so much to some whilst meaning nothing to everyone else.

Is it perhaps connected with the eclipse of Aug 11 at 11:11am (in Cornwall, England?). Maybe those present in the umbral path will witness the comet that has been predicted by Nostradamus, coming at us from behind the sun, only becoming visible due to the eclipse. ........... I will be in Cornwall, to witness this occurrence, baring any influence outside my control.

If it is a warning, (from where?) Is it so that some of us may have preparation time in advance of the chaos that would follow the discovery of a comet and/or the meteorite in its tail? I know there are many ways of “adding up” all the information we receive and, I really hope that this is wrong ! But it is the only way I have been able to make sense of the information I have received.

Is humankind going to fulfill its prophesy? Are we to be the potential survivors of the chaos? What simpler digit could nature (or?) use to warn us of this impending catastrophic change other than the first digit of all the worlds mathematical counting systems, also it is “I” - as in “me”. Do the people that experience 11:11, care more than others about the wanton destruction of our planet? And are therefore potentially natures’ allies? We have been raping our planet for so long out of greed, how arrogant humankind is to think that we could destroy this planet! Nature is about to prune us back drastically. Revenge is sweet indeed! (and the meek shall inherit the earth!) Initially, when I started to perceive 11:11 as a warning, rather than something “mystical”, I immediately associated it with the Y2k thing, that was until I learned of the eclipse, I still think the Y2k bug could contribute greatly to the mayhem that would ensue. Maybe if those of us who are experiencing, thinking and wondering about 11:11 act now we will be able to survive. All religions, and other prophets are suggesting a major change around this time, some call it Armageddon, maybe we should start preparation NOW?

Is it possible that the star of Bethlehem was a comet. And that it was the same comet that could have been responsible for the destruction of Atlantis? And the same comet that is headed toward us again 2000 years later, hidden behind the sun? The same comet that we may see in Cornwall on August 11 at 11:11am when the total eclipse makes it possible to see, because the direct light from the Sun is blocked? This kind of fits in with Biblical prophesy doesn’t it? And definitely very close to the prophesies of Nostradamus. Incidentally, I came across a web site that refers to the south western part of the United Kingdom as “The New Jerusalem”.

Could it, therefore, also be possible that Jesus was an Atlantian, along with the disciples? Could they have dictated the “Old Testament” of the bible, to the peasant population of Jerusalem, as mainly an account of what happened to Atlantis, and a warning of the comet that will return 2000 years later. I f they were an advanced civilization they may have known exactly how long the comet would take to return. Hence by “zeroing” the calender (at the assumed birth of “Jesus”) they were able to pin point the exact time of return.

The 11:11 could have been installed in us by nature,or perhaps by a very advanced civilization, Atlantians? via a genetic imprint, to warn us of the impending danger, talk about the dawning of a “new age”!!........

At the time of Jesus’ birth, astrologically, the sun (and/or the comet?) was between the legs of “Virgo” at that time, hence, possibly, the concept of the virgin “birth” it was seen as Jesus coming after the comet, possibly on the comet? Hence “son of god”

The comet, or meteorite in its tail, could have destroyed Atlantis, (the story of Noah’s ark is a biblical reference to the demise of Atlantis), and wiped out most of the inhabitants, a few would have fled to other parts of the world. The Atlantians were an advanced people and possessed greater “powers” and knowledge than the peasant population they found themselves in the company of. They knew of the 2000 yr cycle of the comet and tried to warn us in the writings of the bible.

If the comet or asteroid hits the Atlantic, as stated by Nostradamus, most of the “power centers” of the Christian west will be wiped out, Muslims, seeing this as a sign from Allah, feel that they are being required by Allah to exterminate all other religions, the Christians believe that when judgment day comes they will die and go to heaven or hell. This fits in well with this theory, if Atlantis once occupied an area close to, or on, what is now North America.

No wonder the Aborigines have ceased procreating! ... I was informed of this fact by a friend who read “Mutant Message Down Under”

Now as I close, and find that I have half terrified myself out of my mind, I realize that this is all speculation based on a lot of coincidences and third hand information. Also I have made assumptions about the Bible that differ greatly from those that have been accepted for centuries. Also I have accepted the existence of the mythical Atlantis.

With all probability ......... I am wrong!

Maybe a little crazy....BUT..........

If I am right, then there is still no telling ias to whether the comet or asteroid in its tail will miss us or hit us. If the bible is an account of what happened to is just that....... but with the warning that the comet will return.

Even so, I plan on preparing to some degree for the worst case scenario, whatever the case there has to be some resolution to the 11:11 thing following August 11th.....THAT is TOO coincidental.


Dear G,

Thanks for sharing your story and giving us your permission to put it on-line. I've heard the comet or astroid theories. It could be, but my dream-coincidence research suggests that the change is quite positive overall. There will be strees and some destruction, but the magnitude will be less than many expect. Each desaster, be it earthquake, WW Three, tidal wave, flood, comet, or whatever, carries a metaphor, I believe.  My experiences indicate that humanity will make a leap to the heart chakra level of consciousness evolution en mass.

Isiah 11:11 also seems significant. The gathering of the Lost Tribes is a big part of the story. If you follow the links to that subject on my eclipse page, you'll see that the Lost Tribes went all over Europe, and many wound up in England, often landing at Cornwall. The covenant with Abraham went down to the Tribes of Ephriham and Manessa. Ephriham was to become a company of nations. All the details make it quite clear that this became the British Commonwelth. The Manessa Tribe broke off to become the promised mighty nation, the USA.

According to Daniel Walsh's great research (see link on eclipse page), St. Paul traveled all over Europe and to England, to inform the Lost Tribes that the great event in Jerusalem meant that God's divorce from Israel was over.

I tend to think that nothing major will happen on August 11, but the symbolism is profound, and indicates changes over the years ahead. The most likely event is an earthquake, in terms of symbolism.


Joe Mason


Subj: [earthchanges] Shootout in Littleton at 11:11
Date: 5/3/99 1:34:38 AM
From: M.

I know that a week after the incident the local newspapers had blaring headlines with the numbers 11:11. I don't read the papers anymore though so what specifically the number represents (time of first call to 911 or whatever) I don't know.


Subj: [earthchanges] Prophetic Dream 11:11
Date: 5/6/99 6:11:49 PM


We know the number 11:11 has been much discussed lately. I just awoke from a prophetic dream about the symbolism of words and numbers although I can't provide many details as the content drained away immediately. However I was aware upon awakening that it was a clearly prophetic dream. This dream involved my first husband, a man I married on 11/11/82. His name was Krishna...I'm going to attempt to remember more details in a meditation.



"M -Correction to this post---

I married this man (Krishna) on 11/11/83 (8+3 = 11). This makes the dream even more symbolic. Of course Krishna is the 'largest' God of Hinduism one who comes many others. The God of Love.


Subj: [earthchanges] Prophetic Dream 11:11& Some Connections
Date: 5/6/99 10:28:23 PM

We know the number 11:11 has been much discussed lately. I just awoke from a prophetic dream about the symbolism of words and numbers although I can't provide many details as the content drained away immediately. However I was aware upon awakening that it was a clearly prophetic dream. This dream involved my first husband, a man I married on 11/11/82. His name was Krishna...I'm going to attempt to remember more details in a meditation.>>


Dear M,

I hope you are able to remember more, because this could be quite significant. A name related to "Krishna" appeared in a friend's dream, which was incredibly "coincidental" to the material that was coming to me at the time. I'll paste in some excerpts from my article:


Pablo's Amazing Dream - In late 1992, I wrote a letter to Pablo. He had asked about my ideas concerning a great earth change. I began explaining Solar's ideas about the 11:11 Doorway, intending to explain the Revelation 11:11 connection. I drew the stars of Orion, showing the Doorway opening. Suddenly, I recalled that Pablo had sent a dream earlier in the year that might apply, something about seven liberations. I found and reread the dream:

"Krishnamurti and I keep vigil over a deceased person. He comments that after 35 years, 7 other psychological liberations followed. The housekeeper complains about her lack of money."

I was astonished. The dream seemed to follow the symbolism of Revelation 11:11. Keeping vigil over the deceased person for 35 years, seemed QUITE similar to the two trees laying dead for three days and a half. Then, I looked at the date of the dream, January 11, 1992. That is the EXACT date Solara said the Doorway would open! In his next dream, Pablo was told that the earth is about to undergo its shift. And, he did not know of Solara, nor did he believe in a big change.

Krishnamurti was the "Great World Teacher," associated at one time with the Theosophy movement. Pablo was fond of his writings. The name Krishnamurti came from Krishna, the most ancient Christ-like figure in historical legend.

[end of excerpt]


The article is here: Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

I had read some of Joseph Campbell's theory about the universal elementary idea of the midpoint of the seven chakras, or "3 1/2." One of the many expressions of it is 35 years in the life of a man of threescore years and ten (70). Jesus and the Buddha were about that age at the time of their transformations.

Dee recently found some dreams from 1994 (before we met), that seem related to the "3 1/2" symbolism of Revelation 11:11. They seem related to part of my experience, which I expressed in my original brief article about Revelation 11:11. Here's the excerpt:


As I was outlining my essay about the 3 and 1/2 theory in March, 1993, one morning I received this dream-voice message: "Three and a half days is the midpoint of a seven-day week." I found this significant, and put it in the essay.

Five months later, I was stopped by a security guard at work, named John. We had been talking of religious subjects for some months. John had a 16 year experience, involving an intense study of the Bible. He joined a number of different churches, but found them lacking. Eventually, he realized that the Bible was telling him that the churches were the wrong place to be. It is just him, the Bible, and God, now. John stopped me that day to tell of a coincidence. His wife had the feeling for several days that they should read Matthew 24. Then, a relative called and said she had the feeling they should read Matthew 24. John reread it, and felt it might be about Matthew 24:15 - "So when you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand,)," It continues with verses 16-19, "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in the house; and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle."

John felt this might be referring to the churches, as "the holy place." When I got home, I read the verses. There is a footnote reference to Daniel 9:27, which I then read:

"And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease; and upon the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator."

This connected so well with my dream-voice message from five months prior. The "desolator" clearly seems to be the harlot of Rev. 17, and has the very same meaning as Kali in the eastern traditions. In those traditions, we are in the Age called, the "Kali-Yuga," the Age of Iron. It is called "death or destruction creation," and equated to a seed growing into a plant. The seed is destroyed in the process of the plant's growth. This is the context, I believe, of the destruction at the end of the world.

[end of excerpt]


The article is at:  11:11 - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra

We created a page about the meaning of Kali (or the harlot):

Tamasisk - Anger - Fury

Dee found some significant dreams from 1994 about two weeks ago, and sent them to me:


Subj: Dying at noon on Wednesday
Date: 4/18/99 6:44:21 PM

Hi Babe: Here are the dreams:

3-22-94 - DREAM - I rented a room in my New Berlin house to a man who was dying of AIDS. (I had actually rented an apartment to him on Jackson St. where I worked in real life) His mother's name was Ann and she lived in New York. We were sort of friends. He was an accupuncturist and she believed in reincarnation and had an active spirit-filled life that could communicate with her. (She actually took him home to die in New York in the spring of 1993)

In the dream, he told me he was having trouble sleeping and laid awake all night worrying about things. I told him, "The best thing you could do when you can't sleep is get up and do something creative; build a bird house from a kit, write a story, do something active. Then when you lay down, you'll sleep.   In the meantime don't worry about anything, the world is going to end at noon on Wednesday.  If it doesn't President Eisenhower will come on the air on the radio and tell us to carry on."


3-22-94 - DREAM - I was in a bedroom with this same person and a young man with a black leather jacket came to visit the man. I explained what advice I had given to the young man and that I had made a prediction that I couldn't tell anyone else. I felt that the prediction was for _____ himself and he was probably going to die at noon on Wednesday, but I didn't want to tell him that.


3-22-94 - DREAM - I was in a classroom with the young man, a teacher, and other students. She was asking the students to give predictions that they had heard. I wasn't going to give any. I was just listening. I would pretend I didn't know any. The young man got up and told the teacher, "I know the best prediction of all. The world is going to end on Wednesday at noon and I know that the prediction means me personally."  

He looked down at me. He was standing next to me at that point. I was shocked he would tell the class the prediction because it should never be told to anyone.

He looked at me with a brilliant smile on his face and said, "I know this prediction is for me personally and that I'm going to die at noon on Wednesday. Don't worry though, the termination will be easy. I'll just take a deep breath and I'll be gone." He bend down to kiss me on the forehead to thank me for telling him when he would no longer have to suffer.

As he did just that, I woke up with a deep gasp of air, almost in fear, and knew he was right. He would die at noon on Wednesday for real.


[end of Dee's dreams]


The statement in the dream, "I'll just take a deep breath and I'll be gone" could perhaps be related to the part of Revelation 11:11 that says, ". . . a breath of life from God entered them . . .", and to the next verse, which includes this statement: "And in the sight of their foes they went up to heaven in a cloud."

There is, perhaps, a paradox in the material I covered here. In Pablo's dream, he and Krishnamurti keep vigil over a person who is dead, and the "35 years" comment is given. In Dee's dreams, the young man and/or the earth is alive, but will die or end at the (3 1/2) midpoint of the week.

Perhaps it depends on the point of view. Passing the 3 /12 point, that is, from the 3rd to the 4th (heart) chakra level of consciousness is considered a "death/rebirth." Sometimes, it seems, the human condition in the Age is symbolically considered "dead." Revelation 3:1-5 says, ". . . I know your works; you have the name of being alive, and you are dead. (2) Awake, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death . . ." Being "dead," therefore," clearly seems to mean, in this case, not awake, or not spiritually aware.

Around 1993, two people told me of recurring dreams of speaking to dead people laying in caskets. Both of them had also dreamed of their own fathers speaking with them, as he lay dead in the casket. And, in real life, both of their fathers are still alive.

All of the above just could be related to Nostradamus C10, Q74:

"The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter,
not far from the age of the great millennium,
when the dead will come out of their graves."

This is apparently something that is going to happen soon. It could well be related to Nostradamus' predictions two quatrains prior to the one above (C10, Q72):

In 1999 and seven months
From the sky will descend a great terrifying King
Who will resuscitate the great King ANGOLMOIS.
Before and after, Mars reigns happily.

My nine years of research into "dream-coincidence suggests that the solar eclipse in August is related:


BTW, the eclipse IS on Wednesday, about noon. The "Diamond Ring" effect is expected at 11:11 a.m.

Keeping vigil,

Joe Mason


Subj: [earthchanges] Re: Shootout in Littleton at 11:11
Date: 5/3/99 3:59:06 AM

<< From: "M

I know that a week after the incident the local newspapers had blaring headlines with the numbers 11:11. I don't read the papers anymore though so what specifically the number represents (time of first call to 911 or whatever) I don't know.


We (John Quinn, Robalini, others) are finding some strong evidence of weird doings in Denver and it will be published soon. In the meantime, look over:

Much concerned about that antenna array up there outside of Golden, Co, on Lookout Mountain..



Subj: Re: [earthchanges] Prophetic Dream 11:11& Some Connections
Date: 5/6/99 10:50:56 PM
From: a

Thank you for that very significant post. It's strange how we tend to "forget" experiences until the memories are prompted. I know that I said that I was not going to post anything more on 11:11 but I felt I had to share the excerpt from my electronic journal, that follows. Perhaps this may evoke memories from others too.

with Love and Light



11:11 EXPERIENCE (11am, 11 January 1992)

Went into meditation with quartz crystal cluster in left hand (I usually use the right - perhaps some significance that I swapped but did not think about it at the time, it just happened)

I was walking through a crystal forest when I saw a lot of the insects and animals of the earth progressing past me, ending with the primates. Then there was a progression of early man in all his different forms - then to modern man who went by very fleetingly. I saw the Earth from the outer atmosphere and healed it from a distance. I started going back to the Earth and there was a large rock crystal, all of a piece, old and fossilised on the outside. It started to crack open and instead of crystal being inside, there was a bright, white, soft, moist flesh inside with many strands of membranes. Light was coming out of the split in the rock and a being was starting to emerge. It was very bright and white, emitting a strong and pure white light. It was tall and thin, with one arm and hand outstretched to get outside the crystal womb. There were only three fingers on its hand (I did not see a thumb), its hand and arm seemed to be very elongated as did its body which it was shifting sideways, preparing to emerge. The cranium was dome shaped and very large. The eyes, mouth and nose were sealed. There did not seem to be any ears. It was a glorious sight and one of great beauty and hope.

I believe that this was the birth of the 4th dimension - that of the spirit.

I "emerged" to the now at 11.22.


Subj: [earthchanges] Diane's 11:11 EXPERIENCE & More Connections
Date: 5/8/99 8:20:17 PM

Dear a

Thanks for sharing your very interesting "11:11 EXPERIENCE."

The ET-like being in the vision may, perhaps, be a clue as to the real meaning of all the UFO/ET activity over the past 50 years or so. A number of other dreams and visionary experiences suggest as much. I have also wondered if Isaiah 52:14, 15 suggests an ET:

"As many were astonished at him - his appearance was so marred, beyond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the sons of men - so shall he startle many nations; kings shall shut their mouths because of him; for that which has not been told them they shall see, and that which they have not heard they shall understand."

Isaiah 53:2 continues -

"For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or comeliness that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him."

The being appeared beautiful to you, so perhaps it doesn't fit. Then, again, it could be a question of awareness and perception.

The "rock" in your vision, as being like a birth-giving womb, also seems significant. In Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the freightening image (Daniel 2:31-45), a "stone" was cut out, by no human hand, and smote against the image on its feet of part iron, part clay, shattering it. The stone became a great mountain and filled the earth.

Daniel interpreted the image of gold, silver, bronze, and iron, to be the Ages. The same four metals appear in the Hindu chronology of the Yugas, or Ages. We are now in the Kali-Yuga, the Age of Iron. The great mountain transformed from the stone represents the Everlasting Kingdom.

I found this interesting in terms of Blavatsky's interpretations. The word, "rock," in Biblical times was "petra," and was also a name, now known as Peter. The word "petra" had another meaning in Chaldiac and Phonecian - "interpreter." It was part of a tradition of passing down the hyrophants, writings on stone tables, from the old interpreters to the next chosen one. So, when Jesus said, "Upon this rock, I build my church," the meaning was that he had come and set a foundation, upon which others would build.

The same idea, I believe, is indicated in verses that directly tie-in to Revelation 11:11. As I mentioned in previous e-mails, Joshua and Zerubabbel in Zechariah 3 and 4 are the two olive trees, the two anointed, the High Priest and King of the bloodlines. Zechariah 4:9 indicates the above idea:

"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundations of this house; his hands shall also complete it."

A few months back, a man contacted me about his experience.

See: The Zerubian Myth

It's a rather strange story, involving apparent ET contact. I eventually found that one of the first things the man heard from the "Zerubians," was the same exact verse I quoted from the Bible above. He did not know that at the time, however.

You may remember my theory about the two anointed of the bloodline. I believe it has a duality meaning for all of us - the High Priest-Inside Self and the King-outside self. Combined, they are a "Fisher King, " or Priest-King. I believe it is another way of expressing the duality balance that will come with the great change.


Joe Mason


Subj: Fwd: My dream, 11/11/11, DIA, handwriting on the wall, etc.
Date: 5/8/99 11:26:04 AM
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message: M

I also forgot to mention that I had this first prophetic dream about my first husband Krishna while my current husband (soul mate and twin flame) was actually wandering through DIA looking at the murals. I asked him to stop in the "Great Hall" and look at them. There was a painting in my dream (I wouldn't say mural) that I knew was very significant.

Here's what I've been able to recover:

In my dream, I was married to my first husband Krishna Rampaul.  He lived in an open house, with white walls but yet it was open as we could see through the walls. Krishna would leave during the day for his job and I would be alone somehow doing things I wasn't supposed to be doing. He would return and then ask why was I doing what I knew I shouldn't do. I kept doing childish things like dripping ice cream cones all over the floor, breaking and dropping things by mistake. He came home and I saw there was a painting on our white/see-thru wall. I tried very hard to see this painting but couldn't see it. [I had been thinking a lot about the murals at DIA and I thought about that in the dream. Also, my present husband was going through DIA at the very moment I was dreaming this. I had asked him to check out the murals which he did do.] Underneath it were scribbled 8 characters of a cryptic message which began with G. There was also a J and a numeral. Some characters were foreign possibly runes. I knew this was a message but could not read it. The light was dim.

Then he started to correct my pronunciation. He told me the correct way to pronounce 'emesis' was e-ME-sis, my tendency being EM-esis ("vomit.") He started correcting all my speech, my pronunciation, enunciation in a way that I knew was highly significant and prophetic, much meaning in this information. [However, I couldn't recall any other words he changed.]

The dream suddenly ended with this cryptic writing on the wall below the painting. This writing was faint and dark, like what I see through psychic vision. I LEAPT UP out of bed...somehow determined NOT TO WRITE ABOUT THE MESSAGE.

[As I told you, I struggled greatly with a portion of myself in recovering this fragment. A portion of me DID NOT WANT to record it! Also, Krishna and I were married on 11/11/83, 8+3 = 11, so this is almost like 11/11/11---- 33 or 6, 2 cubed. I had been re-evaluating my relationship with him in a more mature way in the last few years, especially the last few months. As a number of things had happened between us that I had always considered 'tragic.' But I began to understand how he had brought much to my life that I wasn't ready for at the time: namely, he was a happy person and I was an unhappy person then. He could be happy regardless of circumstance. I was never happy, regardless of circumstance then. Also he represented 'unlearning' to me as I didn't discover he was illiterate until long after we were married! I later began to see that I was the one who needed to un-learn, he wasn't the one who needed to learn. One last thing about him: His pet name for me was Princess (yes, yes, I was only 19 then) and this was my one supreme satisfaction in life at that time.]

My feeling at this time is when the right moment arrives, I will recover this dream or re-dream the message. My instinct and body tell me I wasn't ready to receive the messageyet, just a premonition of it.


Subj: Fwd: 111
Date: 5/9/99 4:18:12 AM
From: Dee777

Forwarded Message: Subj: 111


you are probably well aware of this

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 balance achieved with 111



Joe's Note: Carl Munck has something quite similar. My computer calculator gives this result from the multiplicantion above:



Date: 5/12/99 5:13:36 PM
From: j

Hey Joe, It's a good song. 11:11?

Forget your meanings, stare into the centre, focus on the shape not the symbol, imagine the extensions emanating from the centre going on to infinity. An infinite number of ones, Notice how they don't lie in a straight line, the line curves around your eyeball, impressing a circle around you, and you are the centre.

I felt as though I needed to tell you this because your site was the first time I saw the phenomenon. As I was reading Solara's reply I began to carry out the above passage. The next line in Solara's reply said; "It is a powerful confirmation that you are on the right track". I hope that you will now focus on the way you want and need to be.



Dear J

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try. Before you tell me to drop nine years of research, however, perhaps you should read this:

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

I think there is a bit more to it.


Joe Mason


Subj: Fwd: ETs, 11:11, etc.
Date: 5/12/99 8:10:19 PM
From: Dee777

From: a

Dear Dee and Joe

Thank you both for your separate posts. I hope you don't mind that I am going to reply to both at the same time.

To Dee: Yes, I was aware, when having the "vision" that the being as like an ET, particularly the types shown on the covers of Whitley Streiber's first two abduction experience books. It was like looking at an ET without the outer covering, similar to looking at the light body of a person. I'd also like to say something else about ETs (for want of a better description, because I think we are all merely occupants of the Universe). I have come across two other types of ETs as well. The type that people seem to call "reptilian" are not as fearsome as people maintain - at least not to my perception. They are dedicated to a particular path, and have a very serious intent but I would certainly not subscribe to the general view that they are coming to overpower us. The other type of ET is the preying mantis type. They also have been described as fearsome, that they perform terrible operations etc. I have found this to be incorrect. These people are so compassionate and loving, and they are healers above and beyond anything else. They do not verbalise because of the structure of their mouths which cannot articulate enough to make speech, they "talk" with their minds. I must admit when I first saw them, that they created a panic within me, but I soon realised that they are very gentle. Their appearance is not what they are. I suppose that is true with humans as well :-)

To Joe: I have yet to go to the sites recommended in your post of 8 May (for example: Kovacs.zerub) but will do so today. I have been unwell for a while now and today is my first day that I feel I can spend some quality time on the Net. And yes, I was aware that 11 January 92 at 11.00am was (one of) the opening of the Doorway. I had been reading quite a lot about the Harmonic Convergence around that time and was intrigued with the concept. Although I had respect for Solara and her perceptions, I could not subscribe to her conclusions. They felt "wrong" for me. But that did not stop me "seeing what would happen" if I went into meditation at the 11th hour (as it were). I feel that if you don't try something, then nothing will happen. As it was, something wonderful did result.

My thinking is, that we are all citizens of the Universe. As humanity looks different (races, colours, etc.) to one another, so do the other peoples and races from other civilisations and star systems. But we are all essentially Beings of Light. Quite a lot of us have had lives as beings other than humans, so how can we fear what we are ourselves?

I think that our (humanity) prime stumbling block is fear. If we could let that emotion go, perhaps we could perceive situations as they really are - not only with regard to ETs, but with one another as well.

Wouldn't that be great?!!

Well, I'm off to your website now where I intend to spend some very enjoyable and thought provoking time. Bless you both, I wonder if you know how much support, joy, encouragement and love you are spreading with both the website and this List.

with Love and Light - and a million blessings



Subj: Re: ETs, 11:11, etc.
Date: 5/12/99 8:22:01 PM

Hi: I've been having ET experiences since 1981, though I saw two UFOs on separate days in 1960. I've seen several different kinds of ETs, some good, some bad.

I helped run an abductee group in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for three years and worked with an on-line alien study group for three years, so I've heard a lot of stories and have friends who are abducted regularly and have been all their lives. I've heard stories which almost seem like the ETs are angelic, all the way to stories which portray the aliens as barbaric monsters. Some of it I believe depends on a person's perspective, but some of the stories, if true, can only be judged as horrible to have experienced.

When you read stories in books, there is no way to talk to the person or hear their voice, so it's pretty hard to know if the stories are really true or if they are half made up. You know what I mean. It's hard to make a judgement on something that is distant from your own knowledge. Some books I've read about ETs I know for a fact are untrue. Then too, there are disinformation agents out there who will tell horrendous stories to keep people scared.

I dont' want to be scared, so avoid reading the ones which would make me think badly of them. I've found personal experiences to be sometimes misleading and manipulative. That is distressing as life is tough enough to get through, yet I've seen them do things that are miraculous and life saving.

So, what can one say except you have to judge each experience, each individual, each event separately.

We know too that our own government has flown UFOs, some are in your own country. Do you know who Stan Deyo is? He wrote the Cosmic Conspiracy. A lot of it is about UFOs in Australia. He lives there now. I know he wrote another book, but don't know the name of it. He has his own web site which is about survival. It's very good. His wife Holly is a wonderful woman, and they help a lot of people.

Noah's Millennium Ark 1999-2000

It's worth taking a look at it. They have a newsletter which comes out several times a week it seems. That's worth getting too. Lots of information in it.

Keep in touch.

Love, Light, and Joy



Subj: Re: Flight 111
Date: 4/16/99 12:35:38 PM
From: P

I have already checked out those sites and found them very enlightening. I tell you, it's very much a relief to find out that I am not alone in this. The one remarkable difference is that I see 11 and 22. Not 11:11 so much or 2:22. Nothing like that. A lot of the time, it will be three numbers that add up to 11 or 22, such as 499 or 821. But I see the correlation so quickly that they add up to 11 or 22 that I know it means something. I am confused as to why I see just the 11 and everyone else sees 11:11 or 111.

Take care,



Subj: Fwd: Flight 111 #2
Date: 5/12/99 8:02:29 AM


Hi Dee:

Forgot to mention. The time you sent your email to me was 13:52:22 EDT 1+3+5+2 = 11. Then you have the 22 seconds. 11:22 Or you can add them up to get 33. Also the date. 4/16. 4+1+6 = 11.

See what I mean?



Subj: Fwd: 11:11
Date: 5/13/99 8:40:02 PM
From: F

I have been reading your site...your dreams and theories. Ever since we entered the 90's, I have felt something is coming...I didn't know what, but I knew someTHING was about to happen. And, I also began focusing on the #'s 111 and 1111...I'd see it on clocks, mile markers on the road, my apartment #'s almost always had three one's in it. I just felt it was an important # and it was interesting to hear that the last eclipse will be 9-11-99 with 11:11 being some sort of important time on that day. I don't know where i fit into the scheme of things, but I feel like I have something important to do...i don't know what. I don't know if I'm harboring some special talent for when the shit hits the fan or what. I have been living the life of a musician  ...singing songs for a living, paying bills etc...not really caring much about anything but the things to come. I hate to say it, but I sometimes pray for something so terrible as to destroy most of what has been built...I hate the gov't and big businesses of the world and how people have become so greedy and brainwashed.

I feel guilty in a way, but these are simple observations. i know there is some good out there, but it is getting harder to find. Thanks for your let's me know that i'm not alone in my  weirdness. :-)

Dave Williams


Subj: Re: Dream Vision
Date: 5/18/99 9:36:47 PM
From: N

Thanks for your posting of the websites for the Solar Eclipse and the Holy Grail. What I found 'particularly' interesting were the links to 11:11. Yes, I'm one of those 11:11 folks. See it twice a day and if I'm lucky, I'll see 11:11 11 (when I'm taping on the vcr - on channel 11). I just see lots of ones I guess, 11, 1:11, 11:11 (on clocks, speedometers, license plates, everywhere).

While I see 11:11 everywhere, I always dream in 3's (3 snakes, 3 angels, 3 snowmen, etc).



Subj: [earthchanges] DNA & The Apocalypse
Date: 5/22/99 9:51:54 AM
From: t

Check this out if you are still interested in the 11:11 numbers.


Subj: Listen to this!
Date: 5/19/99 10:30:21 AM
From: g

Dear Dreamers,

Could some of you repeat what you said in the list the other day in regards to 11:11... because listen to this. Do you remember about B?  Well I took the initiative to write to her. This is her second message to me and I never told her anything about 11:11... and just a little allusion in regards to dreams. :)

From: B
Subject: Re: Feherlofiai!!!

Sorry I forgot to tell you that I live in M. Pa. I am also acquainted with many researchers who are studying as I. This to us means our survival. It is not just a past time or hobby. Do you know of anyone who truly has special abilities? Such as, very sensitive to their surroundings, or have unusual dreams? These people are very important. But also be careful for the ones who try to deceive! Do you have experiences with 11:11?

Thanks again



Do I know of anyone who dreams? Anyways, if you know any body who dreams could you please let me know and I will put B in contact with them? :) I've invited her to join us... and see what happens.

Taking care,



Subj: Re: 11:11 - 111
Date: 5/22/99 5:16:41 AM
From: C

Here are a few of my thoughts, a bit more than 2 cents it seems <g>. The 11:11 phenomenon is something I have also been experiencing, as well as seeing triple #'s. I was born at 9:09 pm and have always noticed those numbers when it would come up on the clock and such, but this 11:11-master # phenomena is not the same, it seems to be beyond the personal. Since this year for me in numerology is 11/2, On a personal level I am becoming very aware of the implications of both the spiritual level of the master vibration and the more mundane 2...and of course finding a balance in both worlds <g>. Perhaps that is also part of the implication in the August 11 eclipse-grand cross. I tend to think this alignment has more to do with balancing the polarities...individually and collectively...knowing where this cross connects to us astrologically can be of some help.

It seems by tuning into these master numbers/frequencies, there is a penetration outside the 3d reality bubble, creating the impression /sensation of a waking dream, I've found it helps to be aware of what is actually shifting within that *NOW*, knowing what the numbers mean, and *really* paying attention to what you are thinking/experiencing during those moments....and EXPAND your thoughts....your intention. These are moments that can be quietly powerful.

When I first started seeing these masters on clocks, license plates, the car OD, trip meter, signs, trucks, etc. it really made my 1 hr drive to work much more fun and interesting. But more than just being a fun synchronicity, It has helped me to really become a part of my surroundings pay attention to everything! I often feel a trigger...a sense of knowing and connecting to something outside my present reality....or what Solara calls..the greater reality.

One restless night I woke up and each time I looked at the clock it was 1:11,  2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, I don't know what the odds are of that.... but I can tell you that it certainly made my skin tingle<g>.

Then there was the master 5:55 which began when I woke up each and every morning for several weeks at exactly 5:55 am. THAT really got my attention. Ever since that happened, this triple # has been a the 11:11. But I do tend to go through periods of seeing certain #'s, currently it is 4:44 and 4444.

One Political friend I have who is very involved with a battle with the IRS, has seen the 11:11 for most of her life. When she went to Washington DC and walked past the IRS building she was amazed to find that the actual address is 1111 Constitution ave.

There are many more stories to tell.....So what IS it all about?

I can only suspect that it is an aspect of our universal consciousness that is tapping us on the shoulder and pointing out ...*something*, an etheric language that we already know and understand. And it is our "second attention" that is being activated and called upon. Whether we pay attention or how we define it is up to us.

If you have ever had the experience where suddenly something shifts, turns surreal and dreamlike...and everything seems to flow and harmonize, then you've been there. I feel that way most often when I'm in natural surroundings or at sacred sites, where you feel a stirring and begin to resonate with something deep, ancestrial and not of this world.

(ha...maybe that's why I'm not remembering my dreams these is  becoming a waking dream<g>)

Perhaps you have already seen this bit of information from Solara from her 11:11 website on "insertion points", I thought I would add since it confirmed what I was already feeling about this experience. Here is also some channeled information from Rona Herman on the possible meanings of the triples. If interested I also would recommend a book by Faith Javene called Master Numbers.

Be in joy>>>c

Insertion Points for the Greater Reality  to enter the here and now

Since the Activation of the 11:11 there have been dramatic  alterations in the frequencies of energy on this planet. The totally new energies of the Greater Reality are finally being anchored. These energies are far beyond, and quite unlike, anything we have encountered before.

Since July 1996, we have experienced a steady proliferation of insertion points when the Greater Reality inserts itself into the present moment. These insertion points are often triggered by unexpectedly encountering a sequence of Master Numbers, (for example: 11:11, 11:22 or 111)-- by certain flowering plants, (such as Bear Grass & its vibrational elixir, by some orchids, lilies & lotuses.)-- by the play of light and color upon a blank surface such as a wall-- by the golden path of dappled sunlight upon water-- or by those yet rare individuals who embody an expansive, heightened calibration emanating from the Invisible.

Most often, these insertion points just happen.... Suddenly, it's as if a window opens into the Greater Reality. Except, instead of looking THROUGH the window INTO the Greater Reality, the Greater Reality COMES TO US through the open window inside the mesh of time and space and inserts itself into our present moment! RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW.

I thought this might also be of interest>>>

Ronna Herman, (a channel for Archangel Michael) said this about repeating numbers in an "Isis Connection" newsletter.

"One of the phenomena which is occurring these days to let us know that we are moving with spirit--a way our guides and teachers have of making us aware of the energies and significance of numbers--is the appearance of three or more of the same number. I awaken very often in the middle of the night and it is 2:22 or 3:33 or 4:44 on my digital clock (occasionally 5:55) or, I glance at the clock and it frequently reads 11:11, or once in a while 12:12.

"The following information is compiled from several sources, and Lord Michael has validated it.

111 ENERGY FLOW *Enhancing whatever level you are in presently*


333 DECISION NUMBER *Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negatively, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension*

444 This is an actual resurrection number. * You have just completed an important phase*


666 MATERIAL WORLD *Third dimensional frequency * Denseness*

777 Symbolizes an integration of some portions of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the Third dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth  Plane*

888 SYMBOLIZES INFINITY *The unified spiral of the physical merging with the Spiritual * Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444*

999 Symbolizes the three levels of the triune * Completion*

000 GREAT VOID *Experiencing a Null Zone * Switching or moving into a new Energy Field*

11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency of experience * A Portal Way Opening*

12:12 A Cosmic Connection *A bridge to the future * Signifies a level of completion or graduation*

"Have fun with this. I often get validation for a decision I have made or am about to make through numbers. Also pay attention to license plates.

Ronna Herman


Subj: 111.....bald knob cross
Date: 5/26/99 7:21:04 AM
From: (freestone wilson)

hello J mason......

here is an article about the LARGEST cross in north america...maybe of the whole world! [do a "altavista" search on "bald knob cross" it in Quotes .the first few hits will even show pictures of it!]

note that it is 111 feet high! note that the crossarms are 63 feet long, from end to end... note that the *real* beginnings of the cross are in 1936....and that the cross was completed in 1963. .numbers reverse...63...36. .which is the same as the length of this crossarm.

I would say...Mr Mason, that the 63 feet long crossarm, being like unto a LATITUDE....that is...the lattitude of the earth is the east-west line..measuring the passege of the sun from rise to set... i would say...that this arm-length is a LENGTH OF TIME!

1936 + 63 = 1999 !!

i think....Mr Mason, you have been warned!

surely the largest Cross in the world, *at* the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, the largest rivers around....would have ENCODED stuff embedded into Christianity is the Ruling religion of the West!!

you have been warned...... but you already KNOW that!! your wonderfull articles are SO evokitive of this... and yes...the Critics would say that this sort of stuff merely reflects the year-2000 thing!

collective mass-mind and the self fulfilling prophecy...sort of thing...NO! the events are set up first, by the Christ, as our owner's Manual says...and the Calendar comes later..and reflects what is already set into "concrete"!! the calendar is an inspired artifact, only...and reflects this event....

you must be a *very* old soul.....maybe we can meet,  in heaven some day soon....

freestone wilson


Bald Knob Cross  by Barbara Casey

November 22, 1996

THE CROSS: Bald Knob Cross, completed in 1963, was built through the generous contributions of thousands of people from the United States and other countries. As a national symbol of faith in God, the Cross has been erected to help strengthen the spiritual fiber of America. The Cross stands 111 feet tall. When illminated at night, the cross can be seen over an area of 7,500 square miles.

Bald Knob Mountain is the most prominent elevation in Southern Illinois Ozarks, which extends across the state from river to river approximately 50 miles north of the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Surrounded by rugged scenic beauty of the Shawnee National Forest, Bald Knob rises more than 700 feet above the valley below. Each year the thousands who visit Bald Knob Mountain wonder at the magnifcence of the setting.

SUNRISE SERVICE: Wayman Presley and Rev. William H. Lirely, while on their way home from Easter morning worship in 1936, agreed that Bald Knob Mountain would be the ideal place for an Easter Sunrise Service. In 1937, they met with 250 of their friends and neighbors for the first Sunrise Service. Everyone was so impressed with the service they voted to make it an annual event.

We thank Mr. Presley and Rev. Lirely for the effort they've made to keep a continuous service for so long.

WELCOME CENTER: The present Welcome Center was constructed in 1981 after the orginal building was destroyed by fire in October, 1980. The building was completed in stages as money became available to do so. Snacks, Souvenirs, gifts, information and rest rooms are available at the center.

The Welcome Center is staffed by volunteers who willingly give many hours each season to welcome the many people from all over the world who visit the Cross on Bald Knob Mountain.

DESCRIPTION OF THE CROSS: The base of the Cross is 1,034 feet above sea level. The Cross stands 111 feet tall, is 22 feet square at the base, 16 feet square at the top, and it's arms extend horizonally 63 feet. A foundation of 730 tons of reinforced concrete goes down 20 feet to bed rock. Steel frame work weights 170 tons, and the additional supports and covering are estimated to weigh another 30 tons The Cross is engeered to withstand winds up to 150 miles per hour. The covering is made of Illinois Marble at the base and heavey reinforced porcelain steel panels above.

DIRECTIONS TO BALD KNOB: Bald Knob is located between interstate 24, 55 and 57 in Southern Illinois. From Illinois 127 at Alto Pass, take exit for Bald Knob. Then follow the signs for four miles to Bald Knob Cross. The last four miles are a scenic wilderness. Drive carefully and enjoy the view.

(11/22/96 - Copyright 1996  by Barbara Casey)


[Fwd: eleven]
Date: 5/29/99 5:08:50 AM
From: J

I caught this post on one special Ng, and thought it may interest some of you... that are still into tthe 11:11 thing. [while dreaming.... An eleven points star...?]

Just thought it might be of interest... in case...



From: "c>
Newsgroups: alt.occult.kabbalah.golden-dawn
Subject: Re: eleven
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:29:30 +1000
Organization: Customer of On the Net : Internet on the Gold Coast (Australia)

Hi there again!

I decided that there was more to this eleven thing so i looked up a book by Donald Tyson, he talks about hendecagram, a star with 11 points, you may already know all this but i will continue anyway! So usually this means the complete evolution of emancipation plus this rational universe's dark reflection, the home of perversion and madness. A condition that of modern scientific and industrial society. So therefore a symbol of modern civilisations destructive ways! Hope this helps you in some way!!



For years now I have been seeing the number 11. Almost every computer picked lottery ticket comes out 11. My car payment totaled eleven, etc. Does anyone know what the signifance of the number 11 would mean? Thank you,


Subj: Re: 11:11 Aloha
Date: 5/29/99 9:50:59 PM
From: P

I just wanted you to know that I am electrified to find the "Great Dreams" website. Somehow a file labeled, "Introduction" appeared on my desktop. No one knows how it got into my computer. My associate in Dallas took a few keys words in quotes popped them into the search engine and directed us to Wilcox's superbly written book and your website. The interesting correlation to me is that during my tenure in New York City I began waking up to and noticing throughout the day and night my TV clock, Microwave clock and bedside clock which always shocked me with the time being 11:11. This has been going on for over two years. I have a trail of witnesses who will verify this fact. I am a Vietnam near-death survivor who has written three books on Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom of Huna and subjects regarding the New Paradigm. Please include me and my website in your statistics.

Aloha blessings,



("The Secrets & Mysteries of Hawaii" 5 star rating)


Subj: A Strange 11:11 Coincidence From Huna Wisdom Author
Date: 5/30/99 6:07:25

Hello EarthChangers.

I just received another great "11:11" e-mail, which I am pasting below.

We will add P's message to these pages:



Humanity On The Pollen Path


Joe Mason


David Wilcock's writings start here:


David now has his own web site at:

Ascension 2000


Subj: Fwd: Info - 11:11
Date: 5/30/99 6:28:48 PM
From: S

Did MasterTami send you a subsricription to her list? I looked up other lists and I found this one. I thought you might be interested in it.

11:11 (ELEVEN:ELEVEN) If the number 11:11 has some mysterious meaning in your life then this list is for you. You are not alone! 11:11 is profoundly significant, coincidental and enigmatic to those who have it as part of their lives. This is the place to share experiences, theories, dreams, coincidences, thoughts or links about 11:11. We also discuss a broad range of spiritual topics in this list and it has become a great place to get and share information. The focus here is to find meaning in the mysteries of life and to try and help each other be open to this next evolutionary leap we are experiencing. I expect this list to be a positive exchange of ideas and enriching for all who join. Welcome!


Subj: Re: 111.....bald knob
Date: 5/27/99 6:42:47 AM
From: (freestone wilson)

hi again.....Mason!

thank you for replying....yes, i was alwassy very impressed with this cross! i lived with my sister, just before she died, at that part of the country. carbodale, Illinios.....SIU...the university. we lived out in the country...this here cross is visable for up to 25 miles, in all directions...the site is a little wrong in that the hill is actually about 1050 feet high [i checked it on a topo map!]. that dont sound too high till ya see that the mississippi river, off in the at about 300 feet above sea level....this is a true mountain, not a ridgetop.....a round mountain...

so sis and i would drive up to see the cross. it sits on top of the mountain...see 50 miles in all directions....the ladies at the concession booth say that this cross mayb be the biggest in the world; certainly in N america!!

Mr presly, and others had only private donations build it.....from the sweat of 50,000 school kids!! lit at night.... so it is 111 feet tall! the arms are 63 feet from end to end...

nowadays...just before Suanna died...they built a stage and they have a Passion Play every summer....evidently..Rev Presly also owned a travel agency and moved it to chicago and then retired back to Carbondale and built his Center of travel on a hill to view the cross andthus...his own busses bring lots and lots of people to see the cross and the play!! but ANY work of art can be inspired by spirit!! spirt can even inspire the dimensions of made objects, like this cross.

this region of the country is called "little egypt"!! they did that because of the river junction...many of the cities about this area are egypt-named... like...Thebes...Memphis...Karnak...etc.... [thus, Mason, having lived there...i can tell you some of the stuff that is not in the writups..but this info may not be 100% true!!] so the idea of the cross was hatched in 1936, on Easter sunday and then the planning began....the cross was dedicated as 1963..but i do NOT know if it was on easter sunday of that year..for all i could have been later in the year!!winter is so rotten a time for construction, in South Illinios!! may well be that it was later that year... thus... 1936 + 27 = 1963 [27...the number of cycle one level up/death/transformation]

1963 + 36 = 1999

1936 + 63 + 1999

arms are 63 feet long, from one end to the other...this cross is *not* orientated to the cardinal directions, Mason!! it does NOT face east!! it looked, to maybe face the sunrise on easter morning...or something like it faces about 60 degrees from due north...

there...that is all i can tell you about this cross!! strange....the timing of the length of the cross bar..would run out in 1999....I am very impressed about your must have done a lot of work....

ya know...Mason...since this event of the Change of the guard..the collective ascention/age an event of the Mass counsciuosness of mankind.... there ought to be many many embedded symbols of this, in all the collective arts and even the ads.... look at murals in public places....there is a Macdonalds playground sign that caught my eye recently...where after eating ten hambergers..the kid is now too too big to fit the four by four world...too too long to tell, here...but the messege is...once you have taken on the full ten AVATARIC have grown too big in soul to fit in the incarnational physical world anymore and can not incarnate anymore to here!!

betcha the messege has gone out to us FAR more than just vrop circles...and event of THIS magnitude would surely require it!!! like of this cross!!



Date: 05/03/1999 9:43:30 PM

From: G

Joe, I have decided that I should make my theory public in regard to the 11:11, please let me know what you think, if you wish to include it on your website, or pass it on, please leave me anonymous thanks G.


Date: 6/1/99 1:05:55 PM
From: G

Thanks Dee and Joe

Having reconsidered, after sending you my "theory", I felt that I would like to have my email address included, if this is possible, after the fact. I would appreciate it, as I am interested in any feedback that may be generated(if any!).

You both maintain a fantastic site I haven't even scratched the surface of everything you have included, there are a lot of fascinating links, the strange thing for me is the number of (seemingly unrelated) subjects that are touched on are things and areas that have always fascinated me.

It must be a lot of work and very time consuming, for you to maintain this site, and I for one greatly appreciate all your efforts.

Regards G


Subj: The Eleventh Hour Dispatch: Re: 11:11 and August 1999
Date: 5/30/99 6:00:30 PM
From: PilaHawaii
The Eleventh Hour Dispatch*:
Sunday, May 30th, 1999
Dallas, Texas

From: The Hawai'i Contingent, Pila of Hawaii

To: Our Brothers and Sister Light Workers of the 11:11 Second Wave.

As the Event Horizon approaches for the Celestial alignment to restructure our hologram from the Matrix, (What Biblical Prophecy refers to as "The Rapture"),many of us of the Hawai'i Contingent find ourselves in a strange sense of restless calm. That eye of the storm. After visiting folks in Oklahoma recently and witnessing their greatest tornado ever, our friend Pila finds this term apt. As one of the spokesmen for our Contingent, I wish to speak to you from the heart. Hopefully our websites will link, identifying the other Contingents around the World. The Time is at hand and we trust that those of you needed to establish the connections on the Net are intuitively waiting. We are but a few thousand. Some of the other Contingents, Sedona England (Stonehinge, Aubury/Baybury), Central and South America, etc. are quite large. Even though you have separate efforts going, it is our hope, as the Light between East and West, that you will identify with your Contingents within three weeks of this date. There is much information to be disseminated. Key leaders of your Contingents can be identified by the fact that they have been noticing digital clocks at the 11:11 am. or pm minute, as prophesied in the "Solara material" (see website below). The ranks of your Contingencies can be identified simply. They are the Power Vortexes you were drawn to since two years prior to the Harmonic Covergence Event. If you have visited more than one, ask yourself which one calls to your heart. That is your contingent. This is not a club. It is an individual collective reference only for information to come in your help for the masses during this transition. This information should be of paramount importance to your missions and destinies. Since our information will not be charged for, we need your spiritual support. One of the great gifts you can offer is time spent linking us with search engines and other websites. Our timetable is behind and we need your help. The website we will use is www. owned by Pila of Hawaii. In the greatest time of fear-ridden change, may dogma fall away like scales from the eyes. May our love and light prevail. MORE SOON.


Kilohana Kapila ke Humana

*A term quoted from the Master Teacher, Thane of Hawaii. Visit his memorial website at: This man of vision prophecied these events in the late 1960's. Although his timing was premature, the vision was accurate and much can be learned from his legacy.


Date: 5/31/99 8:45:18 PM Pacific
From: j

Geez Joe I was shocked to read this email!!! I thought I was going crazy or something. The same thing has been happening to me for the last 9 months or so. I can't count how many times I would walk past a digital clock and see 11:11. I've also been seeing 12:12 and other readouts with the same digits too many times to be a coincidence, but 11:11 stands out as the most (in fact it happened this morning and tonite!). I have been seeing this number so many times and have not been able to figure out why until now, with the help of your email. I am so glad I read it, I thought I was loosing my mind. Thank you so much!



Sent: Sunday, May 30, 1999 8:57 AM

Subject: A Strange 11:11 Coincidence From Huna Wisdom Author

To: j

In a message dated 5/31/99 8:45:18 PM , j writes:

<< Subj: RE: A Strange 11:11 Coincidence From Huna Wisdom Author

Geez Joe I was shocked to read this email!!! I thought I was going crazy or something. >>


Dear Joe, Thanks for writing. If we are going crazy, well, we have a lot of company! I heard about the 12:12 thing around 1994, and thought it was bogus. Solar thinks so too. BUT, I changed my mind when Byron sent his dream:

Byron's 12-12 Dream - MESSAGE FROM HEAVEN - 3-23-98

I am pleased that the information helped you. I have been helped by many others, especially dreamers, so, perhaps this will help balance my account!

Regards and best wishes,

Joe Mason


Subj: Re: SR 111
Date: 5/31/99 9:17:02 PM
From: Dee777
To: M
In a message dated 05/31/1999 7:05:51 PM

M writes:

<< I found your website about the Swissair flight 111 crash today. While I found it somewhat interesting.. I think there is something you should be aware of. The plane did not crash on 9/4/1998 -- it actually crashed on 9/2/1998. I remember this very clearly because two of the 229 passengers were my parents.

-Mary >>


Dear Mary: Thanks so much for clarifying this fact. Our apologies for the error. We redid the math and it comes out even more real in the coincidence and synchroncity.

Our deepest sympathy go to you and your family. I know nothing we say can make the pain any less for you. Our hearts beat with yours in the memory of this tragic event.

Our studies have proven over and over that real life events coincide with other events some good and some bad. We don't understand how this process works. Some of it, like this event are quite shocking to see. Nevertheless they are there. Perhaps that is why Nostradamus was so good in predicting them.

In the Unity of Hearts,

Dee Finney and Joe Mason


This is from the Star Knowledge Site the "11:11 Calendar" link.

•April 27, 1999 – Inspiration – Andromeda

Tuesday – Mars – Universal Law of Judgment

•Four flags, four days--green, blue, black, and white. That first night, the Grandfather Snake Peoples will come to you. And, they will bite you with their venom of Pure Judgment.

Understand the scales of your judgment: on one hand the Feather, on one hand your Heart--should your Heart be lighter than the prayers of the Eagle, then no difficulties shall come your way. Should you heart be more difficult--heavier, denser, full of troubles--that the prayers of the Eagle Clan cannot lift you, then for four days your Body will heal: through transmutation, through vision, through initiation by the Spirit.

•May 2, 1999 – Inspiration – Andromeda

Sunday – Sun – Universal Law of Light, Sound and Vibration – Amesthyst

Thus, the teachings of the Sacred Path of 44 come unto your world. Eleven:Eleven:Eleven:Eleven (11:11:11:11) is indeed the gateway to the Fifth World of Spirit which are Seven Sacred Stars - Pleiades. This is the path which you came unto where you are, Beloved Ones.

•June 23, 1999 - Union – Orion

Wednesday – Mercury – Spiritual Law of Karma

Now, should you wish to transcend and transmute the Karmic debts or the sins that are upon you, understand that I, Haden, as the Chohan, Lord of the Shepherding Planet, am here with seven representatives to help human being adjust. The power of Elohim is here. Indeed, the Ancient Father and Mother Stars of our Creator’s Heart come to you through the Shepherding Planet of Pluto - the governor of the lower three spheres.

Collier, Alex - "Defending Sacred Ground" Andromeda Contactee Standing Elk, Dakota Sundance Chief, MAKA WICAHPE


My post on the Star Knowledge message board:

Date: 6/13/99

Subject: 11:11, The Heart, & The Holy Grail Eclipse

Nine years ago I began to dream many dreams. Incredible "coincidences" began to happen all the time. I soon learned of the "11:11" phenomenon and many of the other things found on this site. I met a great dreamer, Dee Finney, in 1997, and we began a very large project, the web site called, "Dreams of the Great Earth Changes"

When I read some of the postings on this site yesterday, I found some VERY interesting connections to my own "dream-coincidence" experiences. The most significant was the post by Andromeda on the "11:11 Calendar" page, titled "April 27, 1999 - Inspiration - Andromeda - Tuesday - Mars - Universal Law of Judgment."

This is an excerpt from the post:

"Understand the scales of your judgment: on one hand the Feather, on one hand your Heart--should your Heart be lighter than the prayers of the Eagle, then no difficulties shall come your way. Should you heart be more difficult--heavier, denser, full of troubles--that the prayers of the Eagle Clan cannot lift you, then for four days your Body will heal: through transmutation, through vision, through initiation by the Spirit."

An interesting post on the page was "June 23, 1999 - Union - Orion Wednesday - Mercury - Spiritual Law of Karma." This is the post:

"Now, should you wish to transcend and transmute the Karmic debts or the sins that are upon you, understand that I, Haden, as the Chohan, Lord of the Shepherding Planet, am here with seven representatives to help human being adjust. The power of Elohim is here. Indeed, the Ancient Father and Mother Stars of our Creator’s Heart come to you through the Shepherding Planet of Pluto - the governor of the lower three spheres."

Pluto, of course, is the Greek Hades, brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and god of the Underworld. The same basic idea is part of my story. The "three days and a half" of Revelation 11:11 indicates the midpoint of the seven chakra levels. The lower three represent animal instincts, and are shown as being underground, such as in the Hopi Creation story of Spider Grandmother. The meaning is that we are "unconscious co-creators" of the reality during the 3 /12 time cycle. When we symbolically reach the surface and sunlight (the 4th Heart chakra), we become conscious co-creators, symbolized by the Lion King.

In less than two months, the great solar eclipse will take place. A Grand Cross alignment of the planets will be in the heavens at that time, pointing to the Zodiac signs that correspond to the Four Living Creatures of Ezekiel and Revelation. The "Diamond Ring Effect" will be at 11:11 a.m. over Cornwall, birthplace of the King Arthur- Holy Grail legends. The whole story is in my article, "Solar Eclipse 1999 - Final Quest For The Holy Grail"

It just may prove to be a VERY BIG day on the Pollen Path.


Joseph E. Mason


From  : B

Date  : 6/13/99

RE : 11:11, The Heart, & The Holy Grail Eclipse

Hi, I read your story when I visited your web-site, and when I was reading, tears came to my eyes, because it's so beautiful! and it was also like a confirmation for me, because I've been having visions and dreams about someone that I'll find in my way, which is in the same path as I'm. And it's so strong and true, that I can really feel his energy and love for many times, as a connection between our heart chakras. Your story just happens to confirm to me. I was also amazed to read how many coincidences that come together with all kinds of religions and prophecies and so many things that are happening today.

Many blessings for you and your family.



Date  : 6/14/99

Subject  : Soul Mates & Positive Co-Creation

Dear B,

I am pleased that you found confirmation of your experiences on our pages. Dee created a page about Positive Co-Creation, which has many links. She told the story of how we found each other, and special dreams involved. It's at:

Our hope is that it will help some Soul Mates to find each other, and help people learn to bring abundance in their lives.

It is QUITE a phenomenon!

Best wishes,

Joe Mason


Why does my clock keep showing 11:11? (Networking in two domains):

It has been established that many people all over the world are seeing odd patterns of numbers in their lives. I, for one, am no stranger to 11:11 and all its friends. Some say it's a sign from afar, a sign to sit up and take notice. Perhaps it's aliens, why not? They could, after all, be messengers from God, among many other possibilities. I always see it when change is around me. It's like a signpost telling me keep my eyes open (both in the physical and spiritual dimensions). Like many spiritual phenomena, I don't fully understand the significance of these numbers. However, the physical and spiritual converge at the point of communication. I have always been fascinated with communication, so much so I chose a career in computer networking. But now, I'm increasingly aware of a similar network that everything in the Universe is connected to.

This network uses the mechanism of synchronicity as a medium to pass its messages back into our lives, and has a whole set of codes (analogous to network protocols like TCP/IP), of which, some are visible as numbers like 11:11. Others influence people and events more directly. It is interesting to note that in amateur packet radio's AX.25 protocol, the binary sequence that signifies the start of a data packet is 01111110. Right now, the physical Internet, which I believe is the physical manifestation of our desire to connect spiritually is facilitating the spiritual linking of people all over the world.


From Mark Bell's site

It is stated that: "The combinations 11 thru 44 have an interesting little effect when gik satisfies the Riemann condition when dealing with gravitational fields of a general kind." The association here would fill a book. Buckminster Fuller attempted to show that the DNA helix can be modeled by interlocked tetrahedrals and that the paradoxes of quantum theory will disappear if physicists will recast their models in synergetic geometry. Just how was that DNA double helix known to man so long ago (the Caduceus is quite old.) Hmmm... 11:11 and the Caduceus; gik and the Caduceus... Just in case you missed it; the Caduceus is also a symbol for the four elements (the wand to Earth, the wings to air, the serpents to fire and water; by analogy with the undulating movement of waves and water. This design can be traced back to Mesopotamia (2600 B.C.)


Date: 6/19/99 6:00:15 PM
From: l

I have been seeing the number 11:11 for about 10 years now. I am a psychotherapist and a registered nurse, very into spirituality and believing we are now in the "Tine of the Changes" and I believe, am quite sane. My husband believes very little of this but he has also begun seeing it over the past few years. I believe and feel, that whatever is extending this number to us is a positive entity and I am now very comforted when I do see it.


Pres., Dawn Institute


In a message dated 6/19/99 6:00:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time, l writes:

<< Subj: response

I have been seeing the number 11:11 for about 10 years now. I am a psychotherapist and a registered nurse, very into spirituality and believing we are now in the "Tine of the Changes" and I believe, am quite sane. My husband believes very little of this but he has also begun seeing it over the past few years. I believe and feel, that whatever is extending this number to us is a positive entity and I am now very comforted when I do see it.>>


Dear J

Thanks for writing.  Starting in 1992, my dreams and coincidences began to revolve around Revelation 11:11, although I have never been a Christian. The verse is directly related to the two olive trees (or lampstands or prophets), the two anointed, in Zechariah 4. They stand on each side of the golden lamp with seven lamps. This, of course, is the Menorah, which appeared as a crop circle formation at the end of May. All I can say is, "Hello . . . is anybody paying attention?"

Best wishes,

Joe Mason


Subj: aol parascope 11:11

Date: 6/28/99 11:33:31 AM

From: K  Thank God-

I have been seeing 11:11 for quite a number of years and this is a true revealation to come across the solar eclipse 8-11-99 but the eclipse does not begin at 11:11 it ends at 11:11 lasting roughly just over 2 minutes. the eclipse occurs at 18 degrees 21 seconds of Leo.

This total eclipse is the first in a new cycle of Saros cycles indicating a new cycle of evolution.

Dane Rhudyar, acclaimed astrologer, proclaimed this 18th degree of leo to be the the energy to assimilate spiritual wisdom. Initiation into the mysteries of ancient wisdom. And the key to the solution of many questions of humanity. It also denotes the level of intellectual analysis and the human ability to control natural processes. At the highest level of this activity one can speak of alchemy.

I am quoting from 2 books

An Astrological Mandala Dan Rudhyar

Zodiac Image Handbook Helene and Willem Koppejan

the other side of the coin from Koppejan is the archetype of gazing into the mirror-where our fascination with our own egos traps us into the worship of our own beauty. Are we about to enter into the age of genetic manipulation whereby we choose the sex and looks of our children? I am looking into the grand cross alignment using the degrees of the planets involved.


In a message dated 6/28/99 11:33:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, K writes:

<< Subj: aol parascope 11:11

I have been seeing 11:11 for quite a number of years and this is a true revealation to come across the solar eclipse 8-11-99 but the eclipse does not begin at 11:11 it ends at 11:11 lasting roughly just over 2 minutes. the eclipse occurs at 18 degrees 21 seconds of Leo.>> (snip)


Dear K,

Thanks for the very interesting information. I'll add it to -


Yes, somewere on those pages I spoke of the 11:11 a.m. timing. I need to make it more clear, but I have read several versions. Joan says the "Diamond Ring Effect" will happen at 11:11 a.m.


<< I am looking into the grand cross alignment using the degrees of the planets involved.

If you are interested I will send the data along.>> (snip)


Yes, please send it along. And, thanks again.

Dee and I are concentrating of the meaning of the earth changes by comparing dreams, crop circles and other areas. Just minutes ago we received another great dream about Lions. Our latest articles are these:

The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation



Humanity On The Pollen Path

The last one is about humanity's leap to the Heart chakra. We also have a new article by a crop circle researcher, Rodney Michael Carr-Smith, that is great:


Rodney included information about the eclipse in the article, and some of the Astrological interpretations.

Early this summer an "Eclipse" crop formation appeared:

Eclipse 5/3/99 - Wallop, nr Andover, Hampshire

Someone or something not of this earth, is trying to tell us something.

Keeping vigil,

Joe Mason



Thank God-

I have been seeing 11:11 for quite a number of years and this is a true revealation to come across the solar eclipse 8-11-99 but the eclipse does not begin at 11:11 it ends at 11:11 lasting roughly just over 2 minutes. the eclipse occurs at 18 degrees 21 seconds of Leo.

This total eclipse is the first in a new cycle of Saros cycles indicating a new cycle of evolution.

Dane Rhudyar, acclaimed astrologer, proclaimed this 18th degree of leo to be the the energy to assimilate spiritual wisdom. Initiation into the mysteries of ancient wisdom. And the key to the solution of many questions of humanity.

It also denotes the level of intellectual analysis and the human ability to control natural processes. At the highest level of this activity one can speak of alchemy.

I am quoting from 2 books

An Astrological Mandala Dan Rudhyar

Zodiac Image Handbook Helene and Willem Koppejan

The other side of the coin from Koppejan is the archetype of gazing into the mirror- where our fascination with our own egos traps us into the worship of our own beauty. Are we about to enter into the age of genetic manipulation whereby we choose the sex and looks of our children?

I am looking into the grand cross alignment using the degrees of the planets involved.

If you are interested I will send the data along.

Thanks so much for your website- it has opened my eyes.


7-11-99 -I too have experienced the 1111. It began in 1992 after going through the northern eyewall of Hurricane Andrew here in Miami. At the time we had survived the storm, but not a house in the neighborhood for miles was habitable. We were provided a brand-new trailer to live in which was parked in our driveway. That is when I began seeing 11:11 occur too often to feel comfortable. I mentioned it to my neighbor who is a doctor and he also began to experience it. He to the point that he walked in his office and noticed that his clock was stuck on 11:11 for more than an hour, then as strangely as it had been stuck it changed to the correct time.

I get the feeling that the other, whatever it is, communicates with us in this way. I never see it when I look for it. It is always spontaneous when it occurs. Gotten to the point that I say a prayer when I see it.




Hi Joe,

I have been dying to find out what this means.

I want to tell you my story quickly, for I too see 11:11 and 1:11.

About 2 1/2 years ago, I started my spiritual journey. I was a devout atheist for reasons which are unimportant, but still open minded nonetheless.

I met a guy who started at my job about this timeframe and I started reading the more cheesy mainstream books likes Celestine Prophecies, etc. He had many interesting stories of astral projection, mind control, government conspiracy, etc. I really started to understand what I had been missing. I read about 150 books in record time ranging from Pleidians to Chemistry, Montauk to Nostradomaus. You name it, I have read some of it. I even took a Merkaba meditation class from good old Drunvalo Melchezidek. Which was the first I had ever heard of numerology. I'm not sure why I was so naive in the ways of spirituality, but I am not very cultured it would seem. Born in 1973, I was smack in the middle of logical thinking materialistic America. Not that a lot has changed, I still work for a huge corporation and buy stock, but I am now aware of a world which was reserved for lunatics. After the meditation class, my life changed.

During my spiritual studies, I learned a lot and was more than over-zealous about trying to relate my experiences to others. I quickly realized that many people thought I was insane. I couldn't get them to understand things which seemed right to me. This was the key, everyone must learn on their own, you cannot force it into anyone. This is the mistake Christianity has made for years, a partial reason for being atheist.

After about 1 1/2 of study, I realized that the pursuit of 4th dimensional life is silly. We were put on earth in the 3rd dimension to experience a 3rd dimensional reality. Why should we try to escape it? When we die, we will be there! Live in the 3rd while on the 3rd was my new motto and I quickly dropped the spiritual life. I was a much happier person knowing what I knew. I really believed you would be worm-food when you died. No longer is this the case.

That's when it happened.

In February of this year, my job sent me to Seattle for 6 weeks. I started see all sorts of strange numbers everywhere.

3:33 etc.



and of course 11:11.

I really didn't know what to make of it. I had read a little about numerology and Drunvalo talked of numbers appearing in triplicate having profound meanings. I just thought I was going nuts. Lately, I have really only noticed two numbers with any degree off certainty, and those are 1:11 and 11:11. In fact, I started typing this email at 11:11.

The other numbers started to make sense to me, like 3:03, and 9:09. They were locations. 303 is where I live. It specifies a longitudinal type number. I live in Texas, Dallas to be exact and there is a road called 303 which runs right through the middle of DFW. That's when I made the correlation. I can't tell you for certain that this is what it means, but my intuition says so. 909, would be Seattle, where I stayed for so long and saw that number often. I then deduced the number such as 3:33 are latitude lines. I'm not sure if this makes any sense or not, but that's intuition for ya.

Anyway, once I made this correlation, I stopped seeing numbers like that as often. I saw 11:11 and 1:11 all of the time. I then realized that when it's 1:11 in Texas, it's 11:11 in Seattle. It blew my mind. What does it mean? This number seemed like it would fall into the latitude category, but there was definitely more to it. Same with 4:44 and 5:55, I see those A WHOLE LOT!

For a long time, I thought it was coincidence. It seemed a very easy thing to see. But one day, I saw 11:11 on for different clocks in about a 10 minute time span. It seems the electrical lines around this area are not very good. We take power hits a lot. As a result, none of my clocks match time. I have the one in my bedroom set forward exactly 13 minutes from the others, it let's me sleep a little longer! :-) But I left my bathroom one day, no chanlantely look over at the clock, and of course. It says 11:11. I see this a lot and am almost frustrated by it at times. I was helping my wife clean the house that day, and in her bathroom some 11 minutes later. Her clock read 11:11. This was no big deal. I then went into the loving room where the bottom VCR read 11:11. I didn't even look a the top one! I was in the kitchen, a few minutes later another clock read 11:11 by a casual glance. DAMNIT! Then I walk back into the living room where the top VCR now says 11:11.

It was too much for one day! After that, I knew something was up with that number. I will randomly wake up at night and se 11:11. When we sleep in on Saturday. Invariably I wake up at 11:11.

I haven't even read your whole page yet, for fear of insight mostly. Today, I quasi played hooky from work and started cursing around the net for a little leisure time. I keep seeing a certain geometric shape, so I thought I would look into it a little on the net. I do what seems like an unrelated search in a browser engine, and the first page I find is Revelation 11:11. My heart nearly stopped. I read the whole page, and there were accounts from many other people who have the same experience. This really freaked me out. I saw a reference to Rothchild which led me to search for your page.

Sorry for the extremely long-winded account, and I know it's very disassociated, but I am not exactly thinking straight at this point. I slept for about 4 hours after I saw that page. I woke up and felt very odd. I know feel like I must talk to others with the same vision. What does it mean? How will we know if we are right? What about numbers other than 11:11? What do they mean? I am really confused, and a little scared. I can't really tell you why.

The other really freaky thing is what tomorrow's date is. 11-11-99. Why did I find this page now?

Well, should sleep now. Thinking can be a little dangerous for me :-)


An 11: 11 Experiencer

Angelscribes 11:11 Experiencer Board

It's 11:11 Do you Know Where Your Starchildren Are?

Humanity's Leap To The Heart Chakra

For 22 Followers

11:11 and Other Special Numbers

The 11:11 is clearly a grand scale worldwide phenomenon. We have recorded reports on the subject since 1996. Obviously, this is just a small sampling of something much larger.

Coincidence and 11:11

This is my latest article  --

The Mayan 11:11 Crop Circle

This is a recent article --

2010 Crop Circle Formations Part One
Chakra Messages - The Crossover - Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra

It includes new information that supports older theories about the nature of the earth changes. Additional information about 11:11 messages is presented, such as a connection to the number 23 (11 + 1 + 11).

The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 AM Universal Time. This may be the primary reason for the 11:11 coincidence phenomena. Some say this is the "end of time," or even "Doomsday." I and others believe that it is the end of a grand cycle of time and the start of a new one, which will be very positive.

All About 2012

Some experience the 11:11 as a warning of something negative.  Others see it as positive developments. My studies suggest that it is often about changes, which may have a stressful part, followed by a more positive circumstance. Many say the 11:11 is a "wake up call," and I agree.

I recently updated this page, which tells of 11:11 connections --

The Yatesbury Field Spiral Crop Circle Formation on Greatdreams

It now includes information about the great spiral that appeared in the Sky over Norway on December 9, 2009.

Indications are that our lives are planned, and each person is unique. Our dreams and experiences, including coincidences, are part of the plan. Others may help us in finding our way, but it may be a mistake to blindly follow the interpretations of other people.

During the time cycle, the authority over our beliefs has been dominated by church and state. The new cycle features authority from within each individual.

The unconscious mind has been in an evolutionary process. It is learning to leave guideposts and confirmations for us in the form of coincidences. The number coincidences seem to be the most recognizable. Such things tend to start us on quests to find answers.

More and more people are finding that information is coming from the dream/spirit world about a massive change approaching. The symbolic messages come in many forms, including crop circles, UFO/ET events, inspired artistic material, symbolic events, and most importantly, dreams.

The various puzzle pieces have started to form larger pictures, and will continue to do so. The process will change beliefs, which will bring on changes in ways of thinking and being. It is important to keep in mind that beliefs do not have to be "true" in order to cause change.

My personal experience with 11:11 led to the idea that humanity has been on a time cycle path corresponding to the chakra levels of consciousness development. We are near the three and a half midpoint of seven, and a leap to the fourth level, the heart chakra.

Humanity On The Pollen Path - Part One

During the time in the lower chakras, the animal instincts, we have been unconscious co-creators of the reality. Symbols of this include being underground or underwater. With the leap to the heart chakra, we symbolically reach the land's surface and become conscious co-creators, symbolized by Lion King and Royal Power.

People who experience 11:11, and others, are reporting dreams and experiences about two suns:

Two Suns - THE CONNECTION TO 11:11

The two suns indicate the duality balance ahead, in the symbolic form of Venus growing in size to equal the sun. The duality balance includes the two ways of thinking, intuitional and rational. Symbols of this include shaman/chief, priest/king, and Fisher King.

Dreams and certain crop circles indicate a change in the sixth sphere of the Tree of Life, which is called Tipharet (Beauty), which corresponds to the fourth Heart Chakra. Its symbol during the time cycle in the lower chakras is the six-petal, Seed of Life flower, in its closed aperture form. This is a ring of six overlapping circles. I explained this relatively briefly, with graphics, in this article --

The Da Vinci Code Crop Circle

As the fourth heart chakra is achieved, the Seed of Life flower will open like the aperture of a camera, revealing a twelve fold flower or design, with a six fold image in the center, such as a Star of David. This is similar to the traditional symbol of the heart chakra. The change, therefore, seems to indicate the opening of the heart chakra. This is indicated in Revelation 12 by the Woman With Child with twelve stars as a crown, and in Revelation 21 by the New Jerusalem, which has twelve gates, angels, and pearls.

Music itself has the form: 11 + 11 + 11 = 33 in a triangular arrangement.

The Crop Circle Music Wheel

Information has come about a DNA "repair."  Part of the information has to do with the musical "Solfeggio Frequencies." The primary DNA healing frequency involves a central "C" note of 528 cycles per second. One of the other frequencies is 396. These numbers are on the "Music Wheel" mentioned above. I did not know about the Solfeggio Frequencies when I developed the wheel, which is based on the geometric ratios in crop circle formations. This graphic is a wheel with the Solfeggio numbers:

A recent article shows clearly that these types of numbers are part of Creation itself, as they appear in various events in various ways --

Creation Numbers - The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers & Solfeggio Music

A recent article, with audio, presents new evidence about the "DNA repair" theory. Incredible "coincidences" about the ancient number 1296 (6 x 6 x 6 x 6) and multiples are a key --

Ancient Number Code & DNA Repair\radio\oz\ozradio.htm

On November 21, 2005, I was interviewed about the 11:11 coincidences on a radio show. I created a page about it with lots of extra related material --

11:11 - The Audio

This article includes information about 11:11 and other numbers, such as the triplets (111, 222, etc.). Theories about the possible meanings are given, along with many links.  --

11:11 - What is the Meaning?

This is a recent article --

444, The Triplets, & The Creation

An interesting part is about an unknown "control system" that helps scientists working with numbers involving subatomic physics. Dreams are involved. The "control system" seems to be part of the unconscious.

I think we are all influenced by that same "control system." It is like the "script" written for a movie. Evidence for this is seeing certain numbers over and over again in coincidental ways.

This article includes other information about 11:11 and the triplet numbers --

Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead -  Lazarus and Awakening the Giant

One of the findings is based on crop formations indicating lock 288 and key 156 = 444, and one-fourth of those values (72 + 39 = 111). This clearly connects directly with the work of a leading scientist, Professor D. G. Leahy. This is solid evidence that these "wake-up" numbers are about the nature of creation itself. The Omphalos (Gematria 911) symbol is explored as a symbol of our individual perception of the reality we are creating.

This article is about the ancient "Gematrian" number code that was used to position the ancient sites around the world on very exact coordinates --

Code of the Ancients

Mathematician, Jerry Iuliano, has written articles showing scientific connections to the ancient numbers --

Index to Jerry Iuliano's Articles

Important information is coming to people in dreams. I will be reporting the information as it comes.


Reference Section:

All these articles are interrelated.

The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation

Chakra System Crop Circle Formation

Crop Circle Formations as Chakras

The Menorah Crop Circle Formation

The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation (has a music connection)

The Vision - 11:11

Message From Heaven - Bryon's 12-12 Dream

The Trinity Connection

The Cycle of Time Number 432

The Trinity - The Crop Circle Theme of 2001

The Dharmic Wheel Crop Formation

The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations

The 2006 Crop Circle Formations

153 Fish in the Net - site search

Number Database

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail Joe Mason