As Bush himself once said, "There's an old saying in Tennessee -
I know its in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says,
Fool me once, shame on - shame on you. 
Fool me - you can't get fooled again." 

Shame on him. Shame on us!
by Molly Ivens

compiled by Dee Finney

7-17-05 - I had just been reading Kitty Kelly's book, "The Family, The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty." where William H. Russell goes to Yale and starts the Skull & Bones Club in 1832. Later on George W. Bush' ancestors  Rev. James Smith Bush entered Yale in the class of 1844, and his maternal uncle Robert E. Sheldon, Jr. class of 1904, and Prescott Sheldon Bush, class of 1917 go to Yale as well. Prescott Bush's grandmother had written to her daughter, Prescott's mother, that she hopes he gets over his 'pernicious fooling."  Prescott Bush was definitely a BMOC (Big Man On Campus)  He belonged to most of the social organizations, sports teams, and particularly the singing groups. We was a fabulous singer and sang close harmony all his life in public venues.

All totaled, 35 Bush relatives attended Yale University, starting in 1844 - all the way through 2004 when George W. Bush's daughter Barbara graduated there. They all graduated except one, James Wear Walker.

Prescott's big claim to fame besides getting his "Y" for playing baseball at Yale, he later joined the National Guard and along with some Yale buddies in his group, went to a Native American graveyard to do a big 'crook' event for his Skull & Bones death room.  The wanted to dig up Geronimo's skull and steal it, but nobody knew where Geronimo's grave was as the graveyard wasn't taken care of at all and was covered with weeds. They dug up a grave, and found some leather horse gear and dug out a skull from the bottom of the grave and took it back to Yale where it was put in a glass case after cleaning and displayed as Geronimo's skull.  It was the most highly prized 'crook' event of all time for Skull & Bones.

Later, DNA tests were done on the skull because a lawsuit had been issued by the Native Americans and they wanted the skull back, and it was found to be the skull of a 10 year old boy and the Skull & Bones group were allowed to keep the skull, but they still brag that its the skull of Geronimo.

DREAM: I was in the White house and George W. Bush said something really dumb to me, which I can't remember, and then Laura came into the room with George H. W. Bush, President #41.  He overheard what his son George had said and looked rather embarrassed.

The younger George saw Laura and got a gleam in his eye and grabbed her by the hand and started pulling her down the hall to go upstairs to do what comes naturally.

I thought she would protest and tell him that they had guests, but she surprised me, and instead started running ahead of George, practically dragging him with her, and giggling like a teenager.

I thought that was amusing but George #41 had a rather glum look on his face and he came over and sat on the sofa next to me and came close to me and whispered, "You aren't going to write about that are you?"

I said with a smile," Oh! Yes I am."

He said glumly, "You know, they've written all kinds of bad books about us."

I said, "I know!  I have them all", and laughed.

George #41 got up off the sofa, turned around and got on his knees on the cushion, putting his head down on the back of the sofa, he pretended to cry really fake and said, "You can't write more bad stuff about us. There's already enough bad stuff written about us."

It was so pathetic and funny, I just laughed at him and he got up and left the room, knowing I would do exactly what I said I would do.

While I was still sitting there, a young 15 year old boy who was studying to be a reporter, came in and sat at a side desk by the wall and started writing something.

I said to him, "Guess who was just here!"

He said, "Who?" and I responded, "George #41!"

He said, "You lie!" and kept on writing. He didn't believe what I said and he was too focused on his own writing to want to hear about a real event.

I went outside then and sat on a bench in front of the Whitehouse and my friend G came up to me and sat down. She seemed all depressed about something.

There was a lot of snow on the ground, though it was sunny out. There was a lot of traffic and the snow wasn't yet plowed and cleared from the curb.

A station wagon pulled up to the curb. It was full of young kids in the back. The driver got half lway out of the car and I recognized him as George Castanza from the Seinfeld show. He yelled over at me, "Hey! Can you tell me how to get to Pennsylvania?"

I laughed and waved at the kids and said to G, "He was just on the Seinfeld show last night. That's how  I know who he is."

G said to me, "I wish I was brave enough to just get in a car and go somewhere!"

I just replied, "Yeah!"

All of a sudden, George Castanza came up behind us. He was wearing a over-orangish, over-bright, over-shiny, over-large Hawaiian shirt, eating out of a bag of pretzels.  He said, "How's it going?"  and I woke up suddenly.



Supreme Injustice - How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000, by Alan Dershowitz - 2001

     "In the course of writing this book, I have spoken to dozens of highly successful lawyers - lawyers who win because they understand judges. Virtually every one of them, Democrat or Republican, agrees with me that the majority justices in the Florida election case fail the 'shoe-on-the-other-foot test. As one usually cautious lawyer who practices extensively before the high court told me, "It insults our intelligence to suggest otherwise."  Many agree with the characterization "cheating."  Some disagree, arguing that what the justices did here is on a continuum with what many judges routinely do in criminal cases in which they believe the defendant did it but also that the police violated the defendant's rights. They find ways to reach the result they favor (conviction of the factually guilty) even though the law demands a result they disfavor (release of the bad guy). Others believe that nearly all the judges in this highly politicized case - the Supreme Court dissenters, the Florida Supreme Court majority, and the lower court judges - would fail the shoe-on-the-other-foot test, and they contend that it is wrong to single out the majority justices for criticism. This is one heck of a commentary on the current status of our judiciary. 
     On May 9, 2001, President Bush, in introducing his initial nominees to the United States Courts of  Appeal, said that he hoped these judicial nominees, if confirmed, would comply with the judicial oath, which reads, in part, as follows:

     "I, ______________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without
        respect to persons ....."  (emphasis added)

      The irony is that if the majority justices in Bush v. Gore had not violated that oath by deciding the case with respect to the persons and political parties involved, George W. Bush might not have been the president."  (pgs 171-172)

Bushwhacked - Life In George W. Bush's America, by Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose - 2003

     "Judicial appointments, faith-based social-welfare program, and restrictions on stem-cell research all fall into the category that one watchdog of the religious right in Austin calls "throwing red meat and green dollars to the wolves in the fundamentalist Christian pack." It keeps them in line, said Samantha Smot ofo the Texas Freedom Network. "But it's dangerous because they can never be satisfied."
      [Carl] Rove hasn't satisfied the evangelical Christians, who rightly complain that no substantial faith-based bill has passed both houses of Congress. Even the father of compassionate conservatism, University of Texas professor Marvin Olasky, said the faith-based bill that finally passed in April 2003 is "as shadow of what was hoped for." But add George Bush's religious beliefs to Rove's pragmatic courtship of the Christian right, and you whip up enough religious fervor to keep the evangelicals writing checks and casting votes through 2004. (pgs 219-220)
     Bush found that grace [of God] in a small Bible-study group for men in Midland, Texas. He began with socials and services in Laura Bush's Methodist congregation, but he found Jesus at a Community Bible Study men's group. CBS was started by a group of suburban Christian woman in Bethesda, Maryland in 1957. the Bible-study/self-realization groups spread across the country and arrived in Midland in 1978, several years before Bush and his childhood friend and now secretary of commerce Don Evans signed on together. 
     All this would normally be off limits to journalists, but Bush's private beliefs are gradually becoming our public policy. Had Bush found salvation through mainstream Protestantism his religion's relation to our policy would be less important. How to discreetly say that a Christian religious extremist has seized control of the White House?  We're not alone in this reading. Two years into his presidency, even the staid and steady team Newseek, assigned to divine Bush's religious beliefs warned us that Dubya Bush didn't find his faith in your father's (or his father's) Protestant church. In a men's Bible-study group in Midland, the guy who dodged the Western canon at Yale finally read and explicated one of its greatest works - the Bible.
      Since then, Bush has been a sheep in the flock of some odd pastors. He's still praying with the Reverend James Robison - the Fort Worth anti-abortion-rights fanatic given to quoting both sides of the conversations between him and God. According to what Robison told June Little of the BBC, he and Bush prayed together in the Oval Office before the Iraq war.  "I know that whenever we have visited him the White House he says before ... let's pray.  He says you never know who's gonna call, bang on that door," Robinson said, "He kept our president waiting for twenty minutes outside while we continued to pray together."  OK, so it was probably the president of Camaroon or one of the members of the Coalition of the Willing who signed the pledge card to support the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Hundreds of preachers have prayed with presidents in the White House. Billy Graham himself has prayed there hundreds of times.
     But James Robison?  The guy who lives and prays on the fringe enough to make you miss Billy Graham holding Dick Nixon's hand. You always had the sense that Nixon was worldly enough to know where to draw the line when it came to biblical apocalypse and foreign policy. (pgs 220-221)
     "It's painfully obvious to us - and to the foreign press and foreign leaders who worry constantly about it - that President Bush's religious beliefs have shaped his foreign policy. It is a policy - often defined in the Old Testament language favored by fundamentalists. Saddam Hussein was not a tyrant by an "evildoer," like that evildoer in the Fifth Psalm, "Break thou the arm of the wicked and evildoer,"  Or those evildoers in the 125th Psalm, "But those who turn n their crooked ways the Lord will lead away with evildoers. Peace be in Israel."  Odd how one line from a psalm reads as though i thad been lifted from Douglas Feith and Richard Perle's blueprint to preemptive wars in the Middle east - on the literal raod to Damascus. Bush and the administration's resident war-council seen to be developing the first overtly biblical foreign policy the country has ever known.  (pg 222) 

The Lies of George W. Bush - Mastering the Politics of Deception, by David Corn - 2003

"Iraq is harboring a terrorist network, headed by a senior al Qaeda terrorist planner."

     "..."the secretary of State appeared at the Security Council and laid out the government's best case against Iraq. It was the culmination of the administration's yearlong effort to persuiade the public to support war in Iraq. Finally the administration was going to supply proof that Saddam Hussein had terrible weapons and was working with al Queda. Yet while Powell - the senior Bush official with the most credibility at the United Nations -- offered specific pieces of evidence, he also served up embellished evidence. And he commingled truth with half-truth. 
     Powell's presentation was a sophisticated PR endeavor that came with a slide show. He played audio tapes indicting Iraqi military personnel had hidden one prohibited  (but unspecified vehicle, had ordered an ammunition site cleaned out before inspectors arrived, and had instructed a commander to remove the words "nerve agents" from wireless communications. He claimed intelligence sources indicated the Iraqi government was hiding documents and moving biological and chemical weapons to keep them from being discovered by U.N. inspectors. Indeed, Powell repeatedly asserted that intelligence - including satellite photography and reports from sources - demonstrated that Saddam Hussein was not just developing weapons of mass destruction, he had them.
      Powell displayed a satellite photo of a weapons munitions facility and stated it had been used to store chemical weapons, he pointed out a decontamination vehicle as telltale evidence. He showed another shot of chemical complex and maintained part of it had been bulldozed and graded to conceal the presence of chemical weapons. He claimed that 'we know from sources' that Iraq had dispersed rocket launchers and warheads containing biological warfare agents to various locations in western Iraq and hidden them in large groves of palm trees. He showed the Security Council a diagram of a mobile biological weapons lab that he claimed Iraq had developed and that could produce in a month enough biological agents "to kill thousands upon thousands of people."  It was not a diagram of a ream unit, but a drawing based on four intelligence sources, including two defectors, one of whom claimed the units worked only on Fridays because the government believed U.N. inspectors would not conduct inspections on the Muslim holy day. As for nuclear weapons, he did not mention the uranium-from-Africa charge, but he pointed to those aluminum tubes. Powell did not there were "differences of opinion ... about what these tubes are for."  But he argued the case of believing they were to believing they were to be part of a nuclear weapons program, even though the intelligence analysis of his own State Department had concluded it was "far more likely" that the tubes were intended for another purpose. (The view of the State Department analysts was included in a dissent to an intelligence estimate that would not become public until after the war.) (pgs 230-231)

Dude, Where's My Country - Leave No Billionaire Behind, By Michael Moore -2003

     "When things were good at Enron, they were very, very, very good. Lay and other high-ranking honchos took home huge paychecks and enjoyed generous expense accounts nad lavish perks. The sweet life at Enron helped them afford to make significant donations to politicians in both major parties-politicians who were able to ensure that the regulatory climate stayed very, very sympathetic to Enron's interests. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Enron gave nearly $6 million to the Republican and Democratic parties since 1989, with 74 percent going to the Republicans. This meant that when Congress began investigating Enron at the beginning of 2002, 212 of the 248 members of the House and Senate on the investigating committees had taken campaign contributions from Enron or its crooked accountant, Arthur Anderson.
      Even lower-level Enron employees thought they had a good deal going: They sast back and watched their retirement plans, heavily invested in Enron stock grow and grow.
      But the company's phenomenal success was fleeting ... and fraudulent. Much of Enron's profitability was achieved through the creation of shell partnerships, and was propped up by dubious (and possibly criminal) accounting practices. It's unclear how much of the true story will ever be known, as important documents were shredded before investigators could see them.
      By the fall of 2001, the pyramid scheme that was Enron imploded. And while the rest of the country was in a state of shock over 9/11, Enron executives were busy bailing out, selling stocks, and shredding documents. 
      And a national crisis didn't stop them from reaching out to their buddies in the Bush administration. Calls were placed by Enron executives to Commerce Secretary Don Evans and then Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, seeking help as the company was on the brink of collapse.
      Evans and O'Neill said they did nothing when Enron told them of the company's shell game and impending failure, and the administrations proudly used that as evidence that no special favors were granted to one of the president's biggest supporters.
      That's right - they were proud of doing nothing while millions of Americans were swindled. And the fleecing was made possible in a large degree by the Bush administration's willingness to let Enron run amok. 
      When he finally had to go before the press, George W. Bush tried to distance himself from his old friend and said, essentially, "Ken who?"  Bush explained that his good buddy wasn't really a good buddy, but was instead just some businessman from Texas. " (Kenny Boy) was a supporter of Ann Richards in my run (for governor) in 1994" Bush told the media, (In fact, Lay contributed almost four times as much money to Bush's campaign for governor.) 
      When Enron officially went bankrupt in December 2001, Wall Street pundits and investors throughout the country were stunned.
      But "bankrupt" has a different meaning for Enron's top executives than it does for the rest of us. The company's bankruptcy filing in 2001 shows 144 top executives received a total of $310 million in compensation and another $435 million stock. That's an average of over $2 million each in compensation and another $3 million in stock.  
      And while the big guns counted their millions, thousands of Enron workers lost their jobs and much of their savings. Enron had established three savings plans for its employees and at the time of othe bankruptcy, 20,000 of them were members of these plans. Sixty percent of the plans were made up of Enron stock. When the stock evaporated to pennies from an August 2000 high of $90, these employees were left with next to nothing. Losses in 401(k) plans totaled more than $1 billion. 
    But huge losses from the Enron collapse extended far beyond its employees, to thousands of others wh owned Enron stock in public retirement funds, which, according to a New York Times article, lost at least $1.5 billion. 
     And the Enron collapse sent the entire stock market into a downturn , with a negative ripple effect that is still being felt today.
      But, as I write this, in the summer of 2003, fewer than two dozen people have been charged with Enron-related crimes. Five of those have entered in plea agreements and are awaiting sentencing and fifteen others are awaiting trial.   (pgs 153-154)


Gonzales Recuses Self from Enron Trials Wires
Saturday, April 9, 2005
HOUSTON - 4-8-2005 -- U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has recused himself from the Enron Corp. criminal prosecutions, his office said Thursday. Justice Department spokesman Bryan Sierra would not say why Gonzales made that decision.

But the attorney general did legal work for Enron when he was practicing law in Houston. And while he was a Texas judge, he accepted a campaign contribution from an Enron political committee.

Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft also recused himself from overseeing the Enron prosecutions because he accepted campaign funds from the company when he was running for the U.S. Senate.

With the recusal, the Enron Task Force prosecutors will not report all the way up the chain of command to Gonzales.

Gonzales did legal work for Enron in the early 1990s while at Vinson & Elkins law firm in Houston. Enron was that law firm's largest client for several years.

© 2005 The Associated Press

Q. What were the main accusations here?  (Regarding Enron's connection to Blockbuster)

A. There were two sets of charges involving deception to inflate Enron's bottom line in its Internet division.

Three higher level guys -- Joe Hirko, Scott Yeager and Rex Shelby -- were accused of making false statements in press releases and at analyst conferences to pump up the market's perception of the value of Enron's Internet business. Prosecutors said they did this in part so they could cash in on rising stock prices by selling their own shares. The trio sold about $160 million in stock in 2000 and 2001.

These three were accused of fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and money laundering.

Two midlevel guys -- Kevin Howard and Michael Krautz -- landed in trouble for their roles in the Blockbuster Video deal that the government said generated $111 million in false earnings through a series of maneuvers dubbed Project Braveheart.  Prosecutors said the pair helped make it appear that Enron sold investors expected future profits of its movies-on-demand business, but the transactions amounted to nothing more than a disguised loan because Enron guaranteed its investors wouldn't lose money on the deal.

Howard and Krautz were accused of fraud and conspiracy.

How long will these Enron trials drag  on?

A. Enron  fell in late 2001, and the criminal cases should be over by late 2006.

Still scheduled are at least two more trials - one against Lay related to his personal banking and the big one against Lay, Skilling and Causey that's scheduled for next year.

There are also three ex-bankers fighting extradition from England who could be tried here on Enron - related charges.

Though 14 former Emrpm employees and one former Arthur Andersen employee have pleaded guilty to criminal charges, only one from Enron has been found guilty in a trial. That was former Vice President Dan Boyle, convicted in last year's Nigerian barge trial.  The other four convicted in that trial were former Merrill Lynch executives. 

In a 2002 trial, Enron accountant Arthur Andersen was convicted of obstruction of justice, but the U.S. Supreme Court threw out that conviction in 2005.


Lies and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them - A Fair and Balanced Look at The Right, by Al Franken -2003

     "By Far the Vast Majority of My Tax Cuts Go to Those at the Bottom"
      " the first debate with [Al] Gore then candidate Bush said of his tax cuts, "By far the vast majority of the help goes to those at the bottom end of the economic ladder."  In the South Carolina primary debate with John McCain he said, "By far the vast majority of my tax cuts go to those at the bottom end of the spectrum"  As you can see, he loved this line. He repeated it everywhere.
      Shall we parse this statement?  Let's start at the end and work backward. "Bottom end of the spectrum."  What's that gotta mean?  At least the bottom 50 percent, right?  Otherwise she word "bottom" in the context is meaningless. He couldn't have meant the bottom 99 percent, could he? That would just be crazy.
      How about "majority"? Well, that's unambiguous. It means more than 50 percent. So, so far, at the very least, the bottom half of the American people are getting 50 percent, plus a dollar, of Bush's tax cut.
      Now let's add 'vast."  "Vast majority."  "Vast" is big. Huge. Like the "vast" reaches of space. Very, very big. So, what's a "vast majority?"  90 percent/ 85? It's subjective, I admit. So let's go with a very conservative 70 percent. At this point in our parsing, the bottom 50 percent are getting 70 (give or take) percent of Bush's tax cut. 
      But wait. "It's not just a "vast majority."  It's by far a vast majority. Okay, let's think about that. What does "by far" mean? When you say a restaurant is "by far" the best steak house in town, you're really saying something. When you tell your spouse that sex with her or him is "by far' the best sex you've ever had, you may not be telling the truth - much in the same way that Bush wasn't in this case - but you are definitely trying to score some points. So I'm going to say that "by far" the vast majority of tax cuts go to those at the bottom" would mean that the poorest 50 percent are going somewhere in the neighborhood of 83 to 99 percent of Bush's tax cut.
      That's fair, right?  That's a fair parsing.
       As I said before, the bottom 60 percent got 14.7 percent of that tax cut.  (pgs  288-289)

Boy Genius - Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush, by Lou Dubose, Jan  Reid, and Carl M. Cannon - 2004

      "At the Republican convention, the GOP's most skillful speech-writer, Peggy Noonan got the speech of his life out of Bush (GHWB)  Nobody knew what Bush meant by a thousand points of light, but he seemed to imagine and believe in them, and he at last emerged from the shadow of Ronald Reagan as his own man. Dukkakis' seventeen point lead in the polls evaporated, and the rout was on.  (pg 50)
      Rove knew he could intimidate reporters on occasion. If Rove thought a reporter had gotten a story wrong or was unfair to Bush, he would call with a loud angry rebuttal. He wasn't always looking for a retraction, but he knew the reporter would write other stories in the future and he wanted to get his message across. (Later, as the presidential campaign got in gear, editors would sometimes hear from the campaign press office about a story Rove considered editorial in tone.)  (pg 71)
    George W. Bush could be arrogant, defensive, and full of himself, but those facets seldom caught the public eye. He had enormous magnetism and charm, he was a good ol' boy without being smarmy in the way of other notable GOP Southerners like Trent Loft or Haley Barbour. Bush was a relative stranger in Austin, but he was immediately appreciated. He was personable and sophisticated, he and Laura were soon not and admired for their taste in chefs and restaurants. And in Texas the new governor was buoyed always by a deep reservoir of affection for his dad and mom. Now living in Houston, the elder Bush was immersed in writing his memoirs and building his presidential library in College Station, on the campus of Texas A&M. (pg 81)
     Karl Rove's fight with Tom Pauken began in 1994. It involved the one faction in the party Rove had underestimated; that evangelical Christians who had come into the Republican fold with Pat Robertson's 1988 presidential campaign. Nowhere had their strength been more evident than at the 1994 Republican state convention in Fort Worth. Christian Right delegates filled the convention center two blocks from the hotel where John Kennedy spent the night of November 21, 1963. Prayer breakfasts drew bigger crowds than hospitality suites. The virtuous William Bennett came in first in the presidential straw vote. Texas Senator Phil Gramm won only 8 percent of the pool because he was soft on defense of the unborn. Every winning candidate (and most losing candidates) for party office praised God and excoriated abortion. And U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison was booed when she stood up to address the convention. Not because of anything she said in her speech, but because the openly supported women's reproductive rights.
      Rove could count.   (pgs 89-90)


Worse Than Watergate -The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, by John W. Dean - 2004

     "Because of Watergate, no president has been so foolhardy as to openly initiate a program like Nixon's to screw those with whom he or his top aides are unhappy and to blatantly help friends - that is, until the Bush II administration. Although I was not looking for this type of Watergate behavior with Bush and Cheney, it jumped ou tat me when surveying their secrecy - and soon jumped out at everyone else when they attacked Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife, a cover CIA agent, blowing her cover in an effort to seek revenge against him - every bit as stupid an action as the Watergate break-in that was the beginning of the end of a presidency, except the Bush-Cheney attack was worse because it was immediately life-threatening and damaging to national security and thus a far more serious crime than foolishly planting a bug in an opponent's office. Before examining the Wilson case, a passing glance at the Bush and Cheney "responsiveness" program is fitting. 
     Cheney's energy group, and its recommendations, was about as "responsive" as a White house can be to big contributors without using the words 'quid pro quo' - which is the essence of bribery. Actually, those words may, in fact, be applicable, but the Cheney group's work has been kept so hidden by the vice president that no one truly knows whether there was misconduct, or improper influence by contributors on the nation's energy policy. Nor is the energy task force an isolated example of this hidden "responsiveness". Throughout this administration's tenure other such activities have taken place whereby federal programs have been adjusted for the benefit of Bush-Cheney political friends and contributors. In December 2003, U.S. New & World Report completed a five-month study by two reporters who interviewed more than one hundred people about the Bush and Cheney secrecy. This was the first mainstream new organization - other than Bill Moyers at PBS (who has run two specials on Bush and Cheney secrecy) and Dana Milbank (who keeps a close eye on excessive secrecy for the Washington Post) - to explore the Bsh-Cheney shadowlands. Highlights from the U.S. New special report:

    " The Bush-Cheney actions are "a reversal of a decades-long trend of openness i government," and the administration is "making increasing amounts of information unavailable to taxpayers who pay for its collection."
     The Bush-Cheny administration's "efforts to shield the actions of, and the information obtained by, the executive branch are far more extensive than has been previously documented," and its actions have effectively "placed large amounts of information out of the reach of ordinary citizens."
      Among the areas of Bush and Cheney's secrecy are "important business and consumer information" and "critical health and safety information potentially affecting millions of Americans."
      New administration policies have thwarted the ability of Congress to exercise its constitutional authority to monitor the executive branch, and, in some cases, even to obtain basic in formation about its actions."
(pg 186-188)

The Family, The Real Story of The Bush Dynasty, by Kitty Kelley - 2004

     "Laura Bush spoke to her husband like a schoolteacher scolding a wayward child for not performing up to his potential. "You let him do this to you," she said. "You let John McCain talk down to you. You've got to fight back."
      Laura knew her man. Once he saw the loss as an assault on his manhood, he would jump on his horse and charge. The next day, he flew into South Carolina with his youngest brother. As George swept aside the curtain on the plane separating his cabin from the press corps, Marvin said, "The next sound you hear will be media removing their lips from John McCain's blank, blank, blank."  The family felt the media, including reporters covering Bush, had been seduced by McCain.
      George made it clear that for the next eighteen days he planned to come from the right on every issue.  Within hours he proved, as the New Hampshire attorney Tom Rath had observed, that the acorn really does not fall far from the tree.  He emulated his father's slashing Willie Horton strategy and transformed the South Carolina primary into one of the most viscous campaigns in political history.
      George began with a speech at Bob Jones University in Greenville.  BJU was an institution that, over the years, had opposed integration, banned interracial dating, and condemned homosexuality and whose founders were vociferously anti-Catholic.  In 2000 the university president Bob Jones III, still referred to Mormonism and Catholicism as "cults which call themselves Christian."  The school threatened to arrest any out-of-the-closet gay alumni who dared to return to the school. One political placard on campus read: 'Vote Bush Because Gay People Have Too Many Rights." Student-body attendance was compulsory for the governor's speech, and the six thousand Christian-right students turned out to cheer loudly every time George said the word "conservative."  Newsweek counted twelve cheers in two minutes. George, who had kept  a Confederate flag on his wall during his years at Andover, aligned himself with neo-Confederates and questioned McCain's commitment to states' rights - coded rhetoric for the right to be racist. 
     Not all conservatives applauded George for lending his presence to a citadel of prejudice. "It's one thing to lurch to the right," said Bill Kristol, editor and publisher of 'The Weekly Standard'. "It's another thing to lurch back 60 years. You could make the case that 'compassionate conservatism' died February 2 when Bush appeared at Bob Jones U."
     The next day George piled on McCain by sponsoring an event with J. Thomas Burch, Jr., the head of a little-known veteran's group, who charged that after he came home from Vietnam, McCain 'forgot me'. After Burch spoke, Bush embraced him.
     McCain, who still limped and could not raise his arms as a result of his imprisonment by the North Vietnamese, was livid. He ran an ad comparing George Bush to Bill Clinton, and asked, "Isn't it time we had a president who told the truth?"
     Being equated with the man he regarded as reptilian was more than Bush could bear. He retaliated as if McCain had impugned his mother. "Politics is tough, but when McCain compared me to Bill Clinton and said I was untrustworthy, that's over the line. Disagree with me, fine, but do not challenge my integrity."
     "That commercial... was the Godzilla judo flip for us," recalled Trey Walker, McCain's national field director. "McCain's momentum had already started to evaporate, and that just stopped him dead."
      The two candidates heaped charges upon countercharges as they clawed their bloody way to the conservative high ground on outlawing abortion, gambling, pornography, and homosexuality while supporting guns and God and the Confederate flag. (pgs 594-595)

Bush On The Couch - Inside The Mind of the President, by Justin A Frank - 2004

     "Bush has continued to cite divine instruction to explain his actions since assuming office. As reported in Israel's Haarets News, Bush said, "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did." Though his administration insists that the war on Iraq is not a religious war, at least one high-ranking official say otherwise. Lieutenant General William Boykin, the deputy undersecretary of defense, who share the president's views on Bush's divine destiny, "He's in the White House because God put him there," Boykin said after claiming that our "spiritual enemy will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus." Boykin is also reported to have described the war as a struggle between Christianity and Satan." (pg 72)
     "The more closely we look at George W. Bush, the more clearly we see a man who cannot live within the constraints of his own ascending power. Here is a businessman who missed four consecutive SEC filing deadlines for reporting his Harken stock trades. Here is a candidate who alleges that his opponent "will say anything to get elected," and then proceeds to do the same himself. Here is a confessed witness of the Florida popular vote who says, "We have a responsibility to respect the law and not seek to undermine it when we do not like the outcome" and then complains that "the court cloaked its ruling in legalistic language." Here is a president who proclaims, "We must uncover every detail and learn every lesson of September 11th" and then fights the commission formed to do just that. Here is a man who declares, "I take personal responsibility for everything I say," and then evades and dissembles when the media  try to hold him to his promise.  (pg 82)

Bushworld - Enter At Your Own Risk, by Maureen Dowd - 2004

     "Former president Bush swats away talk about what he dismissively calls "this dynasty stuff" or "this legacy crud."
     But the Texas meeting of the two royal families, the House of Saud and the House of Bush, as Newsweek called it, showed the cat's cradle entwining 41 and 43, two presidents perplexed and bedeviled by the same tumultuous region.
     The second President Bush neglected the Middle East for fifteen months. Then the Middle East visited him in September, and he became firm in his antiterrorist resolve. Then he started vacillating - a muddled, nerve-racking period during which he still seemed to be struggling to occupy the full space of his presidency. Finally, Poppy of Arabia swept across the Texas prairie to help out.
     Until the Crawford summit, W. had been pulled by Karl Rove and the conservative right into the Israei orbit, scolding Ariel Sharon even as he ludicrously lauded him as "a man of peace", letting him get on with his brutal campaign.
     Mr. Rove focused on keeping the conservative base tht W.'s dad lost and making inroads into the Jewish vote that W.'s dad never had, even dispatched hawkish Paul Wolfowicz to address a pro-Israel rally.
     But just when W. Seemed to have cast his lot firmly with Mr. Sharon, undercutting his own disgruntled secretary of state, he was reminded by Dad that there is nothing thicker than blood and oil. (pgs 199-200) 

House of Bush-House of Saud,  The Secret Relationship between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties, by Craig Unger -2004

     "...Dubya had one political advantage over his father. The elder Bush so embodied the image of a spoiled and privileged son of the Eastern aristocracy that in 1988 when Ann Richards, who was soon to become governor of Texas, delivered her famous sound bite about the elder Bush at the Democratic National Convention, the words resonated throughout the United States and made Richards a national figure. "Poor George," she had drawled, "he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth."
     By contrast, Dubya cast a figure that could be powerfully evocative of the cowboys who once strode Texas's wide-open spaces. At a time when most Texans lived in air-conditioned suburbs, but still longed for its rich and powerful mythic imagery of wide-open spaces and the Old West, he understood and appealed to rural Texas archetypes that were an amalgam of male-bonding rituals forged on the ranch, in the oil fields, and in the locker room. Those were ideals that celebrated the larded with Marlboro Country-type cowboy imagery. At their best, those values were democratic in the true sense of the word, recognizing no social barriers separating ht ranch hand from the millionaires. This was in large part a source of Dubya's appeal that enabled him to win support that cross class barriers.
      But the reality was wildly at odds with the imagery. Dubya was still very much a child of privilege himself. He accepted his high station in life so unquestioningly that detractors often said he had been born on third base and though he had hit a triple. After graduating from Yale, Bush returned to Houston to join the Taxas Air National Guard in 1968. In addition to aircraft broker James Bath, Bush's unit consisted of several members of the River Oaks and Houston country clubs, and Lloyd Bentsen III, a son of the Texas senator. According to the Washington Post, Bush's political connections helped him get into the unit, a highly sought-after refuge for young men seeking to avoid service in Vietnam. Dubya gained admission to the guard only after Ben Barnes, the powerful Speaker of the Houston Texas, intervened to get him a pilot's slot.
     Even after he got into the guard, Bush's stint was marked by controversy. In 1972, orders had required Bush to report to a lieutenant colonel with a Dickensian name, William Turnipseed, in Montgomery Alabama. But, according to Turnipseed, Bush 'never showed up'.
     In the end, Bush's National Guard record was something less than distinguished - and it created issues that would haunt his electoral future. In 1972 Bush was suspended from flying for 'failure to accomplish annual medical examination."  As it happened, that was the year drug testing became part of military medical exams, and political opponents later accused Bush of avoiding the exam so as to escape detection of cocaine use. (pgs 114-115)

     According to the book, "House of Bush, House of Saud' by Craig Unger, on page 3 we read, "For decades the House of Saud had somehow maintained control of Saudi Arabia and the world's richest oil reserves by performing a seemingly untenable balancing act with two parties who had vowed to destroy each other.
     On the one hand, the House of Saud was an Islamic theocracy whose power grew out of the royal family's alliance with Wahhabi fundamentalism, a strident and puritanical Islamic sect that provided a fertile breeding ground for a global network of terrorist urging a violent jihad against the United States.
     On page 83, he states: "Since many Wahhabis saw the United States as the Great Satan, that means the Saudis had vital relationship essential to their survival - a double marriage of sorts - with partners who were mortal enemies.
On page 88, he states: "Islam allows the use of force to fulfill the duties of jihad so long as there is no workable alternative. The more radical neo-Wahhabis, however, especially those under the sway of the militant Muslim Brotherhood strongly emphasized a much more extreme interpretation of jihad. For the Muslim Brotherhood advocated waging a holy war against the enemies of Islam. 
"According to F. Gregory Gause III, A University of Vermont professor and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, "It is undoubtedly true that the extremely strict, intolerant version of Islam that is taught and practiced in Saudi Arabia created the milieu from which Osama bin Laden and his recruits emerged."
On page 89: [Prince] Bandar whose father Prince Sultan was one of the Sudairi Seven,* was a case in point. He smoked cigars and sniffed brandy, had palatial estates in Aspen, in Virginia near the CIA, and in the English countryside. No one enjoyed the fruits of Western civilization more than he. But in the end. Bandar knew as well as anyone that the House of Saud was a theocracy and must heed the call of Islam.
     * King Abdul Aziz, the found of modern Saudi Arabia had forty-three sons, and the Sudairi Seven refers to the seven sons by his favored wife. They include King Fahd, Defense Minister Prince Sultan, Riyadh governor Prince Salman, Interior Minister Prince Nayef, business leader Prince Abdularham, Prince Ahmed, and Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz. Sultan's son Prince Bandar had, of course, been the most prominent Saudi in the United States for decades. 
     On page 90:
Mohammad bin Laden, Osama's father, kept all of his children in one residence so he could preside over their discipline and religious upbringing. He took pride in having fathered twenty-five sons for the jihad.
     The bin Ladens had close ties to the Royal family. Osama was educated at the Aziz University .
Wahhabi scholar Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and Ayman al-Zawawhiri, an Egyptian surgeon who later became notorious as the man behind Osama bin Laden. Azzam became particular effective in persuading masses of Muslims all over the world to wage an international jihad. 
     On page 100: Mohammad bin Laden was so close to the royal family that in the sixties, he played a vital role in persuading King Saud to abdicate in favor of his broth Faisal. 
     Bin Laden's action carried extraordinary weight in large part because of his family's unique place in Saudi society. Their ties to the royal family were so crucial that both sides made certain the relationships transcended generations. Many of the twenty-five bin Laden boys attended school with the songs of King Abdul Aziz and his successor, Faisal, at Victoria College in Alexandria, where they had classmates such as King Hussein of Jordan, the Khashoggi brothers (of whom Adnan was the preeminent Saudi arms dealer of the Iran-contra era), and Kamal Adham, the billionaire who ran Saudi intelligence before Prince Truki. The boys earned reputations as discreet chaperones for the young royals.
     In 1968, when Mohammed bin Laden was killed in a plane crash, King Faisal said his "right arm" had been broken" and rushed to the support of the bin Ladens, who, at the time, did not have anyone old enough to take the helm of the family business. Faisal appointed the highly regarded head of his own construction company to make sure the Saudi Binladin group was in good hands until Salem, Osama's older half brother, was old enough to take over." Later, when King Faisal took the throne in 1982, Salem became one of his two best friends." 
     Closely tied as they were to both the royal family and the United States, at this point the bin Ladens had only indirect connections to the Bush family and its allies. James Bath,* the American business representative of Salem bin laden, new both George W. Bush and George H. W. Bush. Khalid bin Mahfous, who was close to both the bin Ladens and the royal family, had helped finance the Houston skyscraper for the Texas Commerce Bank, in which James Baker had a significant stake. He also had ties to Bath. 

Keeping the photograph above in mind read further:

     But those Bush-bin Laden relationships were indirect - two degrees of separation, perhaps - and as times have been overstated. Critics have asserted that money may have gone from Khalid bin Mahfouz and Salem bin Laden through James Bath into Arbusto Energy, the oil company started by George W. Bush, but no hard evidence has ever been found to back up that charge. 
     * Bath had fronted for Saudi billionaires Salem bin Laden and Khahd bin Malfous on other deals, but in this case he says, "One hundred percent of those funds were mine. It was a purely personal investment." Bin Laden and bin Mahfous, he insists ha nothing to do with either the elder George Bush or his son. "They never met Bush," Bath says. "Ever. And there was no reason to. At that point Bush was a young guy just out of Yale, a struggling young entrepreneur trying to get a drilling fund."

Note: and that was just the beginning.

American Dynasty, Aristocracy Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, by Kevin Phillips - 2004

     Armageddon, Prophecy, and Politics

     The historiography of American presidential reference to Armageddon is limited but instructive. Theodore Roosevelt's famous 1912 comment about standing with the Lord at Armageddon was merely dramatics. The possible events i the Holy Land were not a discussion point. Britain had yet to capture Palestine and Foreign Secretary Arthur Ballour had yet to promise it to Zionists as a Jewish homeland. The purported ultimate battlefield itself - at the ancient ruins of Megiddo, north of Jerusalem - was still ahalf century removed from parking lots crowded with tourist buses. 
     Even Jimmy Carter whose election in 1976 attuned Americans to born-again Christians left Armageddon alone. He never provoked the kind of debate that ballooned to the early 1980s over Ronald Reagan's view that war i the Middle East might bring n the Soviets, trigger nuclear holocaust and fulfill the biblical prophecies. In the second presidential debate of 1984 between Reagan and Democrat Walter Mondale journalists asked the President what he meant. He replied, "No one knows whether those prophecies mean that Armageddon is a thousand years away or the day after tomorrow. So I have never seriously said we must plan according to Armageddon." 
     Reagan's preoccupation was with the Soviet Union - the "Evil Empire" he called it - and how Russia appeared to fit the biblical reference to the invasion of Israel by "Gog" a power to the north. His support for the "Star Wars" missile defense system, some critics thought, was tied to fear of a nuclear Armageddon, a Klaxon already being sounded by preachers like Jerry Falwell. The end of the cold war and the breakup of the Soviet Union cooled the great power-confrontation aspect, and George H. W. Bush as president said nothing about Armageddon. Nor did Clinton, the next born-again Baptist in the White House. Like Carter, he avoided dire biblical prophecies. His only reference was to an Armageddon 'avoided' - the nuclear confrontation narrowly averted between Pakistan and India in 1999.
      Publicly, George W. Bush also chose to shun discussion of Armageddon, though the Dominionist preachers he openly admired had produce a small shelf of volumes, pamphlets, and videotapes on the turmoil to come. The events of 9/11 drew further attention to Armageddon theology and several religious publications called on the president to set out his views:  In March 2003, the editors of Christian Century insisted that "the American people have a right to know how the president's faith in informing his pubic policies not least his design on Iraq.
     More than Bush's earlier religious phraseology, his Scripture-flavored preparation for war against Iraq - the latter-day Babylon of biblical notoriety - stirred scrutiny. Those who followed Bush's religiosity had seen a change in one pundit's words, "from talking about a Wesleyan theology of personal transformation ' to describing a Calvinist 'divine plan' laid out by a sovereign God for the country and himself. At the National Prayer Breakfast Feb. 6, for instance, Bush said, "We can be confident in the ways of Providence ... Behind all of life and all of history, there's a dedication and purpose set by the hand of a just and faithful God." (pgs 238-239)

ABOUT 9/11

Date Origin
Time (UTC)
(Richter scale)
09/11/2001 12:46:26±1 0.9 08:46:26 0.8 sec 12 seconds first impact
09/11/2001 13:02:54±2 0.7 09:02:54 0.6 sec 6 seconds second impact
09/11/2001 13:59:04±1 2.1 09:59:04 0.8 sec 10 seconds first collapse
09/11/2001 14:28:31±1 2.3 10:28:31 0.9 sec 8 seconds second collapse
09/11/2001 21:20:33±2 0.6 17:20:33 0.7 sec 18 seconds Building 7 collapse

Location of the World Trade Center is 40.71°N and 74.01°W.


Giuliani comment broadcast on 9/11:

“I went down to the scene and we set up headquarters at 75 Barkley Street, which was right there with the police commissioner, the fire commissioner, the head of emergency management, and we were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building, so we were trapped in the building for 10, 15 minutes, and finally found an exit and got out, walked north, and took a lot of people with us.”

9/11 - Synthetic Terror - Made in the USA - by Webster Griffin Tarpley - 2005

     "So far we have heard little of Hani Hanjour who is accused by the FBI of piloting American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. According to press reports, Hanjour had visited Bowie's Maryland Freeway Airport just north of Washington, D.C.  three times since mid-August 2001 as he attempted to get permission to use one of the airport's planes. But Hani Hanjour was simply too clumsy, too inept. The question is crucial, because the plane that hit the Pentagon performed a stunning maneuver of which many a seasoned pilot would have been rpoud. Instead Hani Hanjour turns out to have been a pathetic misfit. (pg 182)
     "Alleged Flight 77 hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazri, Khalid Al-Midhar and Hani Hanjour  all spent time in San Diego, where they sough flight training. According to published accounts, "Two of the men, Alhazri and Al-Midhar, also briefly attention a local flight school, bt they were dropped because of their limited English and incompetence at the controls ... (In the sping of 2001), two of the men visited Montgomery Field, a community airport ... and sought flying lessons. They spoke to instructors in Sorbi's flying Clu, which allowed them to take only two lessons before advising them to quit. Their English was horrible, and thier mechanical skills were even worse," said an instructor, who asked not to be named. "It was like they had hardly even ever driven a car - They seem like nice guys," the instructor said," but in the plane, they were dumb and dumber." (p 183)
     "These two would-be pilots although they were allegedly the most experienced and hardened terrorist in the entire group of 19, were subject to panic attacks in the cockpit, in which time they would begin praying out loud. The official version does not assert that they acted as pilots, but the basis of this par of the official story is wrapped in mystery, like the rest of it. (pg 184)

9/11 - The Big Lie - challenges the entire official version of the Sept. 11 attacks. by Thierry Meyssan

     "The plane was stopped dead, without its wings having struck the facade. There is no visible trace of any impact except that from the Boeing's nose.
      We should thus be able to see the wings and the fuselage outside, on the lawn in fact.
       While the plane's nose is made of carbon and the wings, containing the fuel, can burn, the Boeing's fuselage is aluminum and the jet engines are built out of steel. At the end of the fire, it would necessarily have left a burnt-out wreck. If you refer to the Associate Press photo (on the front cover of this book) you will clearly observe that there is no plane. The shot was nevertheless taken in the very first minutes: the fire trucks had arrived, but the firemen had not yet deployed. (pg 22)
      To recap the official version: a hijacked Boeing eluded the F-16 fighters went in its pursuit and foiled the anti-aircraft defense system in Washington. It landed vertically on the Pentagon parking lot while remaining in a horizontal position. It stuck the facade at ground level. Its nose and fuselage are supposed to have penetrated into the building. One of its wings, perhaps both of them, burned outdoors, while the fuselage disintegrated inside. The fuel, stored in the wings, burned just long enough to start a fire in the building, and then was transformed into a puddle which moved itself to the spot to where the plane's nose supposedly came to a halt.
      Not withstanding the respect owed to the high rank of the "eye witnesses" - including military officers and members of Congress  - it is impossible to swallow such nonsense. Far from lending credit to their depositions, their rank only underlines the importance of the means deployed by the United States army to distort the truth.  (pg 24)
     The official version is only propaganda. But the facts remain that 125 persons died at the Pentagon and that an airplane carrying 64 passengers disappeared. What caused the explosion that damaged the Pentagon? What became of American Airlines flight 77? Are the passengers dead?  if so, who killed them and why?  If not, where are they? The U.S. Administration ashould address all these questions. (pg 25)

9-11 - by Noam Chomsky - 2001

The New Pearl Harbor - Disturbing Questions About The Bush Administration and 9/11, by David Ray Griffin  -2004

     Problems for a coincidence theory:
     1.  Several FAA flight controllers exhibited extreme incompetence on 9/11, and evidently on that day only.
     2.  The officials in charge at both NMCC and NORAD also acted  incompetently on 9/11 and evidently on that day only.
     3.  In particular when NMCC-NORAD officials did finally order jet fights to be scrambled to protect New York and Washington, they ordered them in each case from more distant bases, rather than from McGuire and Andrews, respectively.
    4.  After public statements saying that Andrews Air Force Base had no jet fighters on alert to protect Washington, its website, which had previous said that many jets were always on alert, was altered. 
    5.  Several pilots who normally are airborne and going full speed in under three minutes all took much longer to get up on 9/11. 
    6.  These same pilots, flying planes capable of going 1,500 to 1,850 miles per hour, on that day were all evidently able to get their planes to fly only 300 to 700 miles per hour.
    7.  The collapse of the buildings of the World Trade Center, besides occurring at almost free-fall speed, exhibited other signs of being controlled demolitions: molten steel, seismic shocks, and fine dust were all produced.
    8.  The video and physical evidence suggesting that controlled demolition was the cause of othe collapse of the Twin Towers co-exists with testimony from people in these buildings that they heard, felt, and saw the effects of explosions.
    9. The collapse of WTC-1 and WTC-2 had some of the same features as the collapse of WTC-7 even though the latter collapse could not be attributed to the impact and jet fuel of an airplane.
    10. Both the North Tower and the South Tower collapsed just as their respective fires were dying down, even though this means that the South Tower, which had been hit second, collapsed first.
    11. Government agencies had the debris, including the steel, from the collapsed WTC buildings removed without investigations, which is what would be expected ifi the government wanted to prevent evidence of explosives from being discovered.
    12. Physical evidence suggesting that what hit the Pentagon could not have been a Boeing 757 co-exist with testimony of several witnesses that the aircraft that did hit the Pentagon was far smaller than a 757.
    13. This evidence about the aircraft that hit the Pentagon co-exists with reports that Flight 77 crashed in Kentucky or Ohio.
    14. This evidence co-exists with the fact that the only evidence that Flight 77 did 'not' crash was upplied by an attorney closely associated with the Bush Administration.
    15.  Evidence that Flight 77 did not return to Washington to his the Pentagon co-exists with the fact that when the flight control transcript was released, the final 20 minutes were missing.
    16. The fact that the aircraft that hit the Pentagon did so only after executing a very difficult maneuver co-exists with the fact that it struck a section of the Pentagon that, besides containing none of its leaders, was the section in which the strike would cause the least death and destructions.
    17. On the same day in which jet fighters were unable to protect the Pentagon from an attack by a single airplane, the missiles that normally protect the Pentagon also failed to do so. 
    18. Sounds from cell phones inside Flight 93 suggesting that the plane had been hit by a missile were matched by many reports to this effect from witnesses on the ground.
    19. This evidence the flight 93 was shot down co-exists with reports from both civilian and military leaders that there was intent to shoot this flight down.
    20. The only plane that was evidently shot down, Flight 93, was the only one in which it appeared that passengers were going to gain control.
    21. The evidence that Flight 93 was shot down after the passengers were about to gain control co-exists with the fact that the flight control transcript for this flight was not released.
    22. That coincidence co-exists with the fact that when the cockpit recording of Flight 93 was released, the final three minutes were missing.
    23. Evidence showing that the US government had far more specific evidence of what was to occur on 9/11 than it has admitted co-exists with evidence that it actively blocked investigations that might have prevented the attacks. 
    24. Reports of obstructions from FBI agents in Minneapolis co-exist with similar reports from Chicago and New York.   (pgs 141 - 143)
    (You will find more of these in the book)  

9/11 Commission - Cover Up - What the Government is Still Hiding About the War on Terror - by Peter Lance - 2004

      " Fire Marshal Ronnie Bucca, who perished on the 78th floor of the South Tower on Sept. 11, was working as a terrorism liaison to the FDNY at Metrotech, the fire department's headquarters, in 1998 when he uncovered evidence that Ahmed Amin Refai, an Egyptian a naturalized citizen working as an accountant for the FDNY, had obtained the blueprints of the World Trade center from the FDNY prior to the 1993 bombing. Further, Fire Marshal Bucca discovered that Mr. Refair was an intimate of blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and had been photographed on the Sheikh's arm acting as his bodyguard in the months prior to the WTC bombing. 
     Further, Fire Marshall Bucca learned that Mr. Refai had been questioned twice by Federal agents in 1994, who had apparently failed to follow up on his activities. Then in `1998 Fire marshal Bucca learned that Mr. Fefai had told multiple lies to obtain a second I.D. card allowing entrance to Metrotech the FDNY's SECURE headquarters which contained blueprints of most of the city's major building including the updated plans of the WTC complex. Mr. Bucca presented his findings to the FBI's JTTF and they were ignored.
      Following his death o Sept.11, Fire Marshal Bucca's widow, Eve, contacted the FDNY, who sent the Refai file to the FBI a second time and a second time it was ignored.  (pgs 289-290)

       "9:24 a.m. The FAA notifies NORAD that AA Flight 77 appears to be headed toward Washing D.C.
         9:27 a.m.  NORAD orders three F-16 fighters scrambled from Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Langley is 129 miles  from Washington. Ready aircraft at Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles away are not scrambled. The fact that both AA 11 and AA 77 are tracked by FAA even when their transponders are shut off, proves that the government has the ability to follow each of the four hijacked aircraft on 9/11. In fact, Vice President Dick Cheney gets regular updates from the FAA as AA 77 bears down on Washington.  He's first alerted when the hijacked plane is fifty miles away from the capital.
      The Wall Street Journal has one explanation for the slow fighter response. In a story on March 22, 2004, they report that "Once they got in the air, the Langley fighters observed peacetime noise restrictions requiring that they fly more slowly than supersonic speed and take off over water pointed away from Washington.  (pg 236)

Inside Job - Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies, by Jim Marrs - 2004

     "Many have wondered about the witnesses who claim to have heard multiple explosions within the buildings. One such witness was the head of WTC security, John O'Neill, who states shortly before he himself became a victim that he had helped dig out survivors on the 27th floor before the building collapsed. Since the aircraft crashed into the 80th floor, what heavily damaged the 27th floor?  (pg 33)
     "Survivor Teresa Velis, manager for a software development company was on the 47th floor of the North Tower when it was struck. "I got off the elevator, turned the corner and opened the door to the ladies' room. I said good morning to a lady who was sitting at a mirror when the whole building shook. I thought it was an earthquake. Then I heard those banging noises on the other side of the wall. It sounded like someone had cut the elevator cables. It just fell and fell and fell."
      Velis reached ground level with a coworker when the South Tower collapsed, knocking them down. In near total darkness, she and the coworker followed someone with a flashlight. "The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator and out to Church Street. There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street toward Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn't know which way to run."
      Ross Milanytch watched the horror at the WTC from his office window on the 22nd floor of oa building a couple of blocks away. "[I saw] small explosions on each floor. And after it all cleared, all that was left of the buildings, you could see the steel girders in like a triangular sail shape. The structure was just completely gone," he said.  (pg 34)

Plan of Attack, by Bob Woodward - 2004

     "On Friday, January 31, Bush was scheduled to meet again with Tony Blair at Camp David, but a mix of rain and ice kept them at the White House.
     Blair told Bush that he needed to get a second U.N. resolution. He had promised that to his political party at home, and he was confident that together he and Bush could rally the U.N. and the international community.
     Bush was set against a second resolution. This was a rare case in which Cheney and Powell agreed. Both were opposed. The first resolution had taken seven weeks, and this one would be much harder. 
     Powell didn't think it was necessary. He thought a judge would rule that 1441 was enough to move without a second resolution." (pg 296-297)
     "But Blair had the winning argument. It was necessary for him politically. It was no more complicated than that, an absolute political necessity. Blair said he needed the favor. Please. "  (pg 297)
     "Cheney and Libby were not giving up on the alleged Iraq connection with al Qaeda, and perhaps the 9/11 plots. Powell just did not see it. That matter finally would have to go to the president. 
     We don't need to stretch the terrorism case. Tenet said, recalling the presidents instructions. They had pretty good evidence that a Palestinian named Abe Musab al-Zarqawi, who had strong al Qaeda ties, was involved with the alleged poison center in northern Iraq where Tim's CIA paramilitary team was operating.
     Zaraqwi had gone to Baghdad in the spring of 2002 ofr medical treatment and they thought he had established a base of operations there. The captured assassin of Laurence Foley, a State Department official killed in Jordan in the fall, had said his cell received money official killed in Jordan in the fall, had said his cell received money and weapons from Zarqawi for the murder. The Zarqawi network was big and dangerous.
     There was, however, a big problem. "I can't take you to authority, direction and control" Tenet said, referring to his standard for making a hard case. It means there was no proof that Saddam or Iraqi intelligence was running things. Libby had argued that operational control was not the only test. The Taliban in Afghanistan did not direct bin laden. The president's test was if someone harbored terrorists. The CIA could make a case that Saddam had harbored Zarqawi giving him some kind of sanctuary. Zarqawi was operating in places and ways that Saddam's regime would not have permitted unless it wanted it. So they were technically harboring terrorists. He suggested sticking with the one kernel that was solid.
     Tenet understood that Cheney was seized with al Qaeda.
     Bush finally backed Tenet 100 percent on this issue in the face of Cheney's pressure.
     Powell decided he would lay out the Zarqawi connections in his presentation and he arrived at compromise language. After the WMD case, which would take about 75 percent of his time, he would say there was a "potentially much more sinister" connection between Iraq and al Qaeda. He would present all the Zarqawi links to more than 100 operatives who had been arrested in Europe, including in France, britain, Spain, and Italy. (pgs 300-301)

102 Minutes - The Untold Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers - by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn - 2005

     [Tom McGinnis called his wife on the phone]
     It was 10:25 - The 92nd floor seemed to be safely below the plane crash. In the ninety-nine minutes since Flight 11 had struck, the 92nd floor had not been afflicted with unbearable smoke or flame - the worst of that had been six or seven floors above them for much of the time. The sprinkler system had gone off or the pipes had burst water had risen to the ankles. The big problem was getting out seventy people were on 92, sixty-nine of them with Carr, and none of them could open the doors. McGinnis and his group were stuck in a conference room where the door had jammed. Over time, the flames had spread along the 93rd and 94th floors even down to the 92nd floor, and were now bearing down on the pockets of refuge. The people who had survived for the terrible hour and a half, unable t ofind an escape route, found themselves forced to the windows for air. More and more people began to fall. As the fire raged along the west side of the 92nd floor, forty-one year-old Tom McGinnis, who had met Illiana when they were kids in Washington Heights, again told her he loved her and Caitlin (their daughter) 
     "Don't hang up," she pleaded.
     "I gotta get down on the floor," he said.
     "With the, the phone connection faded out.
       It was 10:26, 100 minutes from the time the plane hit.  (pg 238)

       "..... the moment of death, particularly for those at the top of the north tower, the 1,000 or so people who survived the crash of Flight 11 at 8:;36 but have not been able to find an open staircase. Their fate was sealed nearly four decades earlier, when the stairways were clustered in the core of the building, and fire stairs were eliminated as a wasteful use of valuable space. The top floors of the north tower, weakened by the unabated, uncontained fire now crater in a tremendous rush.
       As the floors fall, they pick up speed, ten stories in a single second, they sweep through a tower that seems empty, because 99 percent of the people who worked below the fire floors are now out of the tower. But this building is not empty. Still inside are Pablo Ortiz and Frank De Martini, who freed scores from the upper floors. Perhaps a dozen or so firefighters have climbed into the 40th, some a bit higher; other officers are wandering the halls and stairs to round up members of their companies who got separated during the ascent.
      Lower in the building, probably still on the 27th floor; is Capt. William Burke, who saw the collapse of the south tower, ordered his company out, but stayed with Ed Beyea in his wheelchair. No doubt, so is Abe Zelmanowitz, who stood by Beyea through the long morning, as thousands of people marched down the stairs, as rescuers came and went from the 27th floor, until only Captain Burke remained with them.
      Of uncertain status are the firefighters - perhaps as many as 100 - last seen resting on the 19th floor by the three court officers, apparently unaware of the dire situation. Few could have made such progress to safety.
     Mike Warchola, the lieutenant from Ladder 5, on his last day of work, is on the 12th floor, helping a woman who cannot breathe. Possibly it is Judith Reese, who was resting in that area when Jeff Gettler turned her over to a group of firefighters and Port Authority police officers. She remains under their care. They are trying to get her the last few steps to safety, but the building is coming at them faster than she can move.  (p243)

     "In stairway B, among the firefighters who have taken on the cause of Josephine Harris and her fallen arches, there is a prayer or two for a swift end. The impossible collisions of floor, steel, glass are belting towards them. Even stronger than the noise is the wind. Sal D'Agostino tries to open a door to leave the stairwell, but it flies out, and throws him against the wall. The wind lifts the engine's chauffeur, Mike Meldrum off his feet and heaves him one floor down; it carries Matt Komorowski down three floors.
      As the floors drop, the air has nowhere to go. So much of a sky-scraper is nothing but air, empty spaces filled by people in buildings like 1 and 2 World Trade Center, putting little pieces of their daily lives onto these platforms.
     Here is a desk drawer where Dianne DeFontes keeps her sensible shoes. The rack where Raffaele Cava first hung his hat, thirty  years earlier. The couch in Frank DeMartini's office where his aides' children nap on their afternoon at Daddy's job. The big table up in Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, where the wealthy young men and women dine out of paper bags on Junk Food Fridays. The flower vases in Windows on the World that Christine Olender checks, so that the well-set tables of crystal and linen are as pleasing to the eye as the forty-mile vista of city and harbor; river and road. 
     Now the lights have gone out. The giant platters of air plunge past the people in the north tower and hit bottom. The wind seems to be bouncing back up stairway B, whipping tons of crushed building particles along the shaft. The people stretched up and down the lower floors of that stairway - the ones with Josephine Harris, a couple of the stragglers who had stayed in Pat Hoey's office on the 64th floor that morning - can see nothing. They pry open a door; but it goes nowhere: they huddle alive, in the last intact stub of the World Trade Center:  Above them is only sky.   (pgs 244-245)

Against All Enemies - Inside America's War on Terror, by Richard A Clarke - 2004

     "Iran, the fourth ofo the Priority Countries, is as important as the others in the war on terrorism. When the Bush administration talked about Iraq is a nation that supported terrorism, including al Qaeda, and was developing weapons of mass destruction, those comments perfectly suited Iran, not Iraq. It was Tehran that had funded and directed Hezbollah since its inception. It was Hezbollah that had killed hundreds of Americans in Lebanon the Marine barracks and Saudi Arabia, (Khobar Towers). Hezbollah, with Iranian support has also killed hundreds of Israelis. While the "ties" and "links" between Saddam and al Qaeda were minimal, al Qaeda regularly used Iranian territory for transit and sanctuary prior to September 11. Al Qaeda's Egyptian branch, Egyptian Islamic Jihad operated openly in Tehran. It is no coincidence that many of the al Qaeda management team, or Shura Council, moved across the border into Iran after U.S. forces finally invaded Afghanistan.
     While Iraq's weapons of mass destruction proved elusive to U.N. inspectors and later to U.S. troops, the U.N.'s International atomic Energy Agency found evidence that Iran was secretly engaged in a nuclear weapons program. Iran was much more actively engaged with terrorism and weapons of mass destruction than Iraq. Any objective observer looking at the evidence in 2002 and 2003 would have said that the U.s. should spend more time and attention dealing with the security  threats from Tehran than those from Baghdad. That is not meant as an argument for invading Iran. Having once looked at that option in detail in 1996, I have no desire to revisit it. It is, however, an argument for paying attention to real threats. Many of those threats like Iran require thoughtful imaginative and careful responses. There are strong active democratic forces in Iran. Without destroying their credibility by making them agents of the CIA, the United States, working with other nations, should be able to strengthen these democratic forces in Iran to the point where they can take control of the national security apparatus from the ideologues. It will not be an easy task and it will require persistent devotion of high-level U.S. attention, not unlike what is being devoted to Iraq.

Constitutional Chaos - What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws, by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - 2004

      "The Constitution provides for a strong chief executive - not a king - but an executive who is not subject to either of the two branches. What do I mean by this?  In the modern European system, the head of the government is the prime ministers. The prime minister is also the head of the political party that dominates the legislative branch. The prime minister of most modern European countries is not elected in a popular vote. His parties' representatives are elected to parliament and, if they have a majority in parliament, they choose him as the leader of their party to become the leader of the government. The prime minister's name does not appear on a national ballot as a candidate for that office.
      Here in the U.S. of course, the president, though voted for popularly, actually is chosen by electors from the states where the voters chose him. The people vote in each state directly for electors, and the electors promise they will cast their state's electoral votes for the winner of that state's popular vote. Usually the person who wins the national popular vote becomes president, but in the 2000 election exemplified, that is not always the case.  (pg 192)

[Editor's note: the 2004 election is still hotly debated as well]

       "Nevertheless, the Constitution gives us a strong chief executive, not one whose powers derive from the legislature, but one whose powers derive from the Constitution. If a British prime minister loses a vote of confidence, that is, if Parliament rejects one of his proposals, he can be swept from office and forced to stand for re-election, not so with the American president. Not only may he lose a vote in the Congress and still keep his job, but he doesn't even have to be in the same party as that which dominates Congress, and frequently that has been the case. (pgs 192-193) 

Also see: 

The Presidential Election on November 7, 2000, was thrown to the ... The dreams and visions below came both before and after the election ... 

There was an election going on in which the outcome was to be a certain way and when it was over there was another box inside everyone's home that was going ...

America Alone - The Neo-Conservatives and The Global Order- , by Stefan Halper & Jonathan Clarke - 2004

      "Rising Anti-Americanism

         We have pointed out that the administration's military-based diplomacy has brought a striking rise in world-wide anti-American feeling.  When the president travels, he must do so in a locked-down security bubble: eight hours here, sixteen hours there, never more than thirty minutes from an airport, no press conferences, no meeting the people, no seeing of the sights. American representatives overseas tell us that in many small ways theier jobs have become more difficult over the past three years. The open doors we experienced in our careers are closing. Poll figures for Europe are particularly striking. Some 64 percent of Europeans condemned the war in Iraq as "not worth the loss of life and other associated costs," while those who believe "it is desirable for the U.S. to exert strong leadership in world affairs" slipped from 64 to 45 percent from 2002 to 2003.  In a related development, there are indications of a global move away from American brands. American market share is under pressure in virtually all regions of the world. Further, as seen in its attempt to garner U.N. support for the reconstruction of Iraq in the U.N. support for American diplomatic initiatives has been elusive. 
      Thus far unmentioned in these concluding observations is the damage done to American credibility abroad and the increased difficulty American leaders will have to garnering the support at home needed to address future crises.  The irony that neo-conservatives rose to prominence in the last 1960s and 1970s asserting the legitimacy of American force projection in Vietnam is  inescapable. After the disillusionment of that war, Americans drew away from military intervention in the wars of liberation, concluding that while nationalist forces could be defeated in set battles, nationalism remained, and the notion of winning opponents "hearts and minds" was just that - a notion. There were virtually no examples of success in such endeavors, leading both conservatives and liberals to believe that such initiatives, in the neo-conservative agenda demonstrates, remain risky, expensive, dispiriting and prone to failure.
      It was not until the neo-conservatives reformulated the argument in such a way as to link the war on terrorism to regime change in Iraq that the crisp realism that had infused much of the established politico-military discourse in the Nixon-Ford and Reagan was collapsed. It seems certain that one result of the current policy beyond the upheaval now threatening in Iraq and likely Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, will be an era characterized by a fractured public trust centering on the government's national security policies and a particular aversion to intervention.  (pgs 311-312)

The Neocon Reader, edited by Irwin Stelzer - includes multiple writers, including Tony Blair - 2005

        Trouble Ahead

       "Beyond the axis of evil, there are other rogue states intent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction - particularly biological weapons. Given our vulnerability to attack from biological agent, as evidenced recently in the anthrax releases, it is important to carefully assess and respond to potential proliferators. Today, I want to discuss three other state sponsors of terrorism that are pursuing or that have the potential to pursue weapons of mass destruction or have the capability to do so in violation of their treaty obligations. While we will continue to use diplomatic efforts and multilateral regimes with these countries, it is important to review the challenges we face and to underline the issues that these states must address. As the President has said, "America will do what is necessary to ensure our nation's security. We'll be deliberate. Yet time is not on our side. I will not wait on events while dangers gather. I will not stand by as peril draws closer and closer.'  First Libya.
       The United States also knows that Syria has long had a chemical warfare program. It has a stockpile of the nerve agent Sarin and is engaged in research and development of the more toxic and persistent nerve agent VX. Although Damascus currently is dependent on foreign sources for key elements of its chemical warefare program, including precursor chemicals and key production equipment, we are concerned about Syrian advances in its indigenous CW infrastructure which would significantly increase the independence of its CW program. We think that Syria has a variety of aerial bombs and Scud warheads which are potential means of delivery of deadly agents capable of striking neighboring countries.
      Syria has a combined total of several hundred Scud B, Scud C, and Scud SRBMS. It is pursuing both solid - and liquid - propellant missile programs and Russian entities have been involved in aiding Syria's ballistic missile development. All of Syria's missiles are mobile and can reach much of Israel, Jordan, and Turkey from launch sites well within the country.  (pgs 123-124)  by John R. Bolton (new Ambassador to the U.N. 8-5-05) 



The story of George W Bush is not complete without Skull & Bones as his ancestor Rev. James Smith Bush entered Yale in the class of 1844, and his maternal uncle Robert E. Sheldon, Jr. class of 1904, and Prescott Sheldon Bush, class of 1917.  The Order has not changed since its inception in 1832. One cannot ask to be in it - they must be chosen. You can accept or reject the offer - that is the only choice. Since its inception, there have been about 2500 Yale graduates who were members of Skull & Bones as only 15 members are chosen per year, in their Junior year and are members while they are Seniors.  About 500 members are alive at any one time. They are very powerful members of society and support each other in business, social life and political life.

To be chosen, one must be 'male' and excel in sports and be a team player. An individualist or a loner would certainly not be chosen. The most likely potential member is from a 'Bones family' who is energetic, resourceful, political and an amoral team player - a man who will sacrifice himself for the good of the team.

If you remember the 2000 election, you saw Skull & Bones member John F. Kerry sacrifice himself for George W. Bush to be President even though there were widespread questions of the honesty of the election in several states.  John F. Kerry bit the bullet and went quietly away even though his supporters wanted the election to be investigated, particularly in states where electronic voting was used.

America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C Sutton - 1983

Out of the 2500+ members of Skull & Bones, Most members are from the Eastern seaboard United States. As late as 1930 only three members resided in Los Angeles, California but 28 members resided in New Haven Connecticut. (pg 18)

Members are 'all' males and almost all WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). In great part they descended from English Puritan families, their ancestors arrived in North america in the 1630 - 1660 period. (pg 18)

These Puritan families either intermarried with financial power or invited in some of money moguls e.g. Rockefellers, Davisons, and Harrimans, whose sons became members of the Order. (pg 18)

PHELPS FAMILY (1630, Boston, Mass.)
PERKINS FAMILY (1631, Boston, Mass.)
WADSWORTH FAMILY (1632, Newton, Mass.)
WHITNEY FAMILY (1635, Watertown, Mass.)
BUNDY FAMILY (1635, Boston, Mass.)
LORD FAMILY (1635, Cambridge, Mass.)
STIMSON FAMILY (1635, Watertown, Mass.)
GILMAN FAMILY (1638, Hingham, Mass.)
PAYNE FAMILY (Standard Oil)
PILLSBURY FAMILY (flour milling)
TAFT FAMILY (1679, Braintree, Mass.)

(Chart - pg 19)

In the 1930's W.A. Harriman & Company merged with Brown Brothers. This was an older financial house whose partner were also members of the Order. Alexander Brown was founded 1809 in New York and Philadelphia. (pg 20)

By the 1970's the relatively unknown private international banking firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman with assets of about one half billion dollars had taken in so many of 'the Brotherhood' that out of 26 individual partners, no fewer than 9 were members of the Order. (pg 20)

To make it more interesting, Prescott Bush,  father of President George H. W. Bush (both in the Order) was a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman for over 40 years  (pg 20).

Secret Societies of America's Elite - From the Knights Templar to Skull and Bones - by Steven Sora - 2003

"One of the stranger buildings on the Yale Campus resembles a mausoleum. Inside, a young man, one of fifteen juniors chosen each year, lies naked in a coffin. He is not dead, he is reciting a sexual autobiography of his life before being 'tapped' for the Skull & Bones. The ceremony is called Connubuial Bliss, and it no doubt helps the bonding process that will last a lifetime. Standing around are the fourteen other initiates and the current membership who are all seniors at Yale. The goings-on get stranger, and it is said that if one would climb to the top of nearby Weir Hall, one 'could hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb.  Unlike a normal fraternity, no one actually resides in the building, it only conducts rituals there. Also, unlike a fraternity, the Skull and Bones initiates emerge wealtheir and with connections that can ensure a lifetime of success.

Former President  George H. W. Bush is one of those who has lain in the coffin. He is not the only famous member, his son George W. Bush is  another. A third president, William Howard Taft, was a "Bonesman", and his father Alphonso Taft, was one of the founders. The odds of three presidents coming out of the same fifteen-member-a-year fraternity are infinitesimal. Then again, the support from fellow Bonesmen means they have clout - enough clout to get to the White House. The membership list of Skull and Bones is one of the greatest concentrations power in the United States. Names like Pillsbury, Kellogg, Weyerhaeuser, Phelps, and Whitney abound. They rule in the business world and they rule in the political arena.  (pg 290)

Other names listed are:

Senator John Chafee (R - Rhode Island (died 1999 of heart failure at age 77)

Senator Robert Taft  (R - Ohio)  [Senator Robert F. Taft, also known as "Mr. Republican," spoke out 
        against the foreign policy of the Truman administration. Along with criticizing the handling of Korea 
        and the Far East, Taft opposed NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), viewing it as a militant 
        antagonism towards the Soviet Union.] (Robert Taft was son of President William A Taft)

William F. Buckley (conservative)

James Buckley (brother of WFB - CIA)

F. Trubee Davison (CIA)

Dino Pionzio (CIA)

Archibald MacLeish (CIA)

Henry Luce (Time magazine)

McGeorge Bundy (JFK National Security Advisor)[Walt Rostow was national security advisor under
          Johnson and also close to Dulles and George McGundy (Skull & Bones) and Richard Bissell.
          Bissell, Cabell and Dulles were all fired by Kennedy. Rostow may have been a traitor to JFK, an
          "enemy within".

          Walt Rostow, former Kennedy State Department counsel and President Johnson's national security
          advisor, had been one of President Kennedy's inner circle of advisors. He is currently the Rex G.
          Baker, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. His wife
          Elspeth is the Stiles Professor in American Studies.35 Walt Rostow was close, socially and
          professionally to Allen Dulles, McGeorge Bundy, Kennedy's national security advisor, Richard
          Bissell, former director of all CIA covert operations, and Air Force General Charles P. Cabell,
          former deputy director of the CIA.36 Like Ransom, Rostow had attained the rank of Major and won
          the Legion of Merit for his work with the OSS during World War II.37 Whether or not they knew
          each other at Yale or during the war, Ransom and Rostow had much in common and more than a few
          mutual friends. It is therefore understandable that Rostow agreed to continue his career at Ransom's

William Sloane Coffin (CIA)

Russell Davenport (Fortune magazine) 

Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis (Scroll & Key Society) (CIA)

Senator John Forbes Kerry (D - Massachusetts) (heir to the Forbes fortune)

William Averill Harriman (1913) [Union Banking Corp. was established in 1924 as a unit of W. A. Harriman
        and Co. (A joint Walker, Thyssen, Harriman operation). The founding partners were George Herbert
        Walker, Co-founder & sponsor (Grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush, Ex-President, on the
        Father's side). William Averill Harriman and Fritz Thyssen of the German Steel Trust. The office of
        Union Banking Corp. was the N.Y. office of the German Steel Trust.]

Robert Abercrombie Lovett [
The son of a judge, Lovett was born in Huntsville, Texas. He graduated from
        Yale University in 1918 and took postgraduate courses in law and business administration at Harvard, 
        University between 1919 and 1921. As a naval ensign during World War I, Lovett flew for a time with
        the British Naval Air Service on patrol and combat missions and then commanded a U.S. naval air
        squadron, rising to the rank of lieutenant commander. Lovett began his business career as a clerk at
        the National Bank of Commerce in New York and later moved to Brown Brothers Harriman and
        Company, where he eventually became a partner and a prominent member of the New York business
        community. He remained interested in aeronautics, especially in European commercial and military
        aviation. (14 September 1895 - 7 May 1986) was the fourth United States Secretary of Defense,
        serving in the cabinet of President Harry S. Truman from 1951 to 1953 and in this capacity, directed
        the Korean War. He was promoted to the position from deputy secretary of defense.]

"From this remarkable base of power the heirs to the Russell Trust maintain control to the inner circle of power. The outer circle, which consists of organizations that exist in at least semi-daylight, include the Trilateral Commission, the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Round Tables of Commerce in numerous cities. " (pg 292)

The Secret Behind Secret Societies, by Jon Rappoport - 2003

"As early as 1979, how could one avoid shaking his head at the potential power of an organization, Bilderberg, whose steering committee alone consisted of,
- the head of FIAT, Giovanni Agneilli, 
- David Rockefeller
- Baron Snoy et d'Oppuers
- the secretary General of the Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Victor Umbrecht
- director of the Swis pharmaceutical giant, Ciba-Geigy
- George Ball
- managing director or Lehman Brothers, Lord Eric Roll
- director of the Bank of England, and chairman of the Common Market Trust, Emilio Collado
- Exxon executive and J.P. Morgan Director, 
- german industrialist, Otto Wolfe

Wolfe, Rockefeller and Agnelli also served as executive committee members of the Trilateral Commission

Going back even earlier, President Kennedy, "vircually staffed the State Department with ... Beilderberg alumni " 
Secretary of State, Dead Rush
Undersecretary of State George W. Ball
George McGhee
Walter Rostow

McGeorge Bundy
Arthur Dean
Paul Nitze at the Pentagon

Furthermore, many of the trilateral Commissioners in the Carter Administrator [were] also Bilderbergers, including Vice-President Mondale, Secretary of State Vance, National Security Advisor Brzezinski, and Tresury Secretary Blumenthal.  (pg 245)

See:  for more information


The Truth About George

The Truth About George
The unvarnished truth about George W. Bush and his accomplices ...
on issues important to supporters of women's rights and civil rights.


His Cronies

His Attacks on ...





His War

Plus ...


The president's real goal in Iraq

Bookman is the deputy
page editor
of The Atlanta


29 September  2002.

Follow links for greater depth.

The official story on Iraq has never made sense. The connection that the Bush administration has tried to draw between Iraq and al-Qaida has always seemed contrived and artificial. In fact, it was hard to believe that smart people in the Bush administration would start a major war based on such flimsy evidence.

The pieces just didn't fit. Something else had to be going on; something was missing.

In recent days, those missing pieces have finally begun to fall into place. As it turns out, this is not really about Iraq. It is not about weapons of mass destruction, or terrorism, or Saddam, or U.N. resolutions.

 This war, should it come, is intended to mark the official emergence of the United States as a full-fledged global empire, seizing sole responsibility and authority as planetary policeman. It would be the culmination of a plan 10 years or more in the making, carried out by those who believe the United States must seize the opportunity for global domination, even if it means becoming the "American imperialists" that our enemies always claimed we were.

Once that is understood, other mysteries solve themselves. For example, why does the administration seem unconcerned about an exit strategy from Iraq once Saddam is toppled?

Because we won't be leaving. Having conquered Iraq, the United States will create permanent military bases in that country from which to dominate the Middle East, including neighboring Iran.

In an interview Friday, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld brushed aside that suggestion, noting that the United States does not covet other nations' territory. That may be true, but 57 years after World War II ended, we still have major bases in Germany and Japan. We will do the same in Iraq.

And why has the administration dismissed the option of containing and deterring Iraq, as we had the Soviet Union for 45 years? Because even if it worked, containment and deterrence would not allow the expansion of American power. Besides, they are beneath us as an empire. Rome did not stoop to containment; it conquered. And so should we.

Among the architects of this would-be American Empire are a group of brilliant and powerful people who now hold key positions in the Bush administration: They envision the creation and enforcement of what they call a worldwide "Pax Americana," or American peace. But so far, the American people have not appreciated the true extent of that ambition.

Part of it's laid out in the National Security Strategy, a document in which each administration outlines its approach to defending the country. The Bush administration plan, released Sept. 20, marks a significant departure from previous approaches, a change that it attributes largely to the attacks of Sept. 11.

To address the terrorism threat, the president's report lays out a newly aggressive military and foreign policy, embracing pre-emptive attack against perceived enemies. It speaks in blunt terms of what it calls "American internationalism," of ignoring international opinion if that suits U.S. interests. "The best defense is a good offense," the document asserts.

It dismisses deterrence as a Cold War relic and instead talks of "convincing or compelling states to accept their sovereign responsibilities."

In essence, it lays out a plan for permanent U.S. military and economic domination of every region on the globe, unfettered by international treaty or concern. And to make that plan a reality, it envisions a stark expansion of our global military presence.

"The United States will require bases and stations within and beyond Western Europe and Northeast Asia," the document warns, "as well as temporary access arrangements for the long-distance deployment of U.S. troops."

The report's repeated references to terrorism are misleading, however, because the approach of the new National Security Strategy was clearly not inspired by the events of Sept. 11. They can be found in much the same language in a report issued in September 2000 by the Project for the New American Century, a group of conservative interventionists outraged by the thought that the United States might be forfeiting its chance at a global empire.

"At no time in history has the international security order been as conducive to American interests and ideals," the report said. stated two years ago. "The challenge of this coming century is to preserve and enhance this 'American peace.' "

Familiar themes

Overall, that 2000 report reads like a blueprint for current Bush defense policy. Most of what it advocates, the Bush administration has tried to accomplish. For example, the project report urged the repudiation of the anti-ballistic missile treaty and a commitment to a global missile defense system. The administration has taken that course.

It recommended that to project sufficient power worldwide to enforce Pax Americana, the United States would have to increase defense spending from 3 percent of gross domestic product to as much as 3.8 percent. For next year, the Bush administration has requested a defense budget of $379 billion, almost exactly 3.8 percent of GDP.

It advocates the "transformation" of the U.S. military to meet its expanded obligations, including the cancellation of such outmoded defense programs as the Crusader artillery system. That's exactly the message being preached by Rumsfeld and others.

It urges the development of small nuclear warheads "required in targeting the very deep, underground hardened bunkers that are being built by many of our potential adversaries." This year the GOP-led U.S. House gave the Pentagon the green light to develop such a weapon, called the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, while the Senate has so far balked.

That close tracking of recommendation with current policy is hardly surprising, given the current positions of the people who contributed to the 2000 report.

Paul Wolfowitz is now deputy defense secretary. John Bolton is undersecretary of state. Stephen Cambone is head of the Pentagon's Office of Program, Analysis and Evaluation. Eliot Cohen and Devon Cross are members of the Defense Policy Board, which advises Rumsfeld. I. Lewis Libby is chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney. Dov Zakheim is comptroller for the Defense Department.

'Constabulary duties'

Because they were still just private citizens in 2000, the authors of the project report could be more frank and less diplomatic than they were in drafting the National Security Strategy. Back in 2000, they clearly identified Iran, Iraq and North Korea as primary short-term targets, well before President Bush tagged them as the Axis of Evil. In their report, they criticize the fact that in war planning against North Korea and Iraq, "past Pentagon wargames have given little or no consideration to the force requirements necessary not only to defeat an attack but to remove these regimes from power."

To preserve the Pax Americana, the report says U.S. forces will be required to perform "constabulary duties" -- the United States acting as policeman of the world -- and says that such actions "demand American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations."

To meet those responsibilities, and to ensure that no country dares to challenge the United States,the report advocates a much larger military presence spread over more of the globe, in addition to the roughly 130 nations in which U.S. troops are already deployed.

More specifically, they argue that we need permanent military bases in the Middle East, in Southeast Europe, in Latin America and in Southeast Asia, where no such bases now exist. That helps to explain another of the mysteries of our post-Sept. 11 reaction, in which the Bush administration rushed to install U.S. troops in Georgia and the Philippines, as well as our eagerness to send military advisers to assist in the civil war in Colombia.

The 2000 report directly acknowledges its debt to a still earlier document, drafted in 1992 by the Defense Department. That document had also envisioned the United States as a colossus astride the world, imposing its will and keeping world peace through military and economic power. When leaked in final draft form, however, the proposal drew so much criticism that it was hastily withdrawn and repudiated by the first President Bush.

Effect on allies

The defense secretary in 1992 was Richard Cheney; the document was drafted by Wolfowitz, who at the time was defense undersecretary for policy.

The potential implications of a Pax Americana are immense.

One is the effect on our allies. Once we assert the unilateral right to act as the world's policeman, our allies will quickly recede into the background. Eventually, we will be forced to spend American wealth and American blood protecting the peace while other nations redirect their wealth to such things as health care for their citizenry.

Donald Kagan, a professor of classical Greek history at Yale and an influential advocate of a more aggressive foreign policy -- he served as co-chairman of the 2000 New Century project -- acknowledges that likelihood.

"If [our allies] want a free ride, and they probably will, we can't stop that," he says. But he also argues that the United States, given its unique position, has no choice but to act anyway.

"You saw the movie 'High Noon'? he asks. "We're Gary Cooper."

Accepting the Cooper role would be an historic change in who we are as a nation, and in how we operate in the international arena. Candidate Bush certainly did not campaign on such a change. It is not something that he or others have dared to discuss honestly with the American people. To the contrary, in his foreign policy debate with Al Gore, Bush pointedly advocated a more humble foreign policy, a position calculated to appeal to voters leery of military intervention.

For the same reason, Kagan and others shy away from terms such as empire, understanding its connotations. But they also argue that it would be naive and dangerous to reject the role that history has thrust upon us. Kagan, for example, willingly embraces the idea that the United States would establish permanent military bases in a post-war Iraq.

"I think that's highly possible," he says. "We will probably need a major concentration of forces in the Middle East over a long period of time. That will come at a price, but think of the price of not having it. When we have economic problems, it's been caused by disruptions in our oil supply. If we have a force in Iraq, there will be no disruption in oil supplies."

Costly global commitment

Rumsfeld and Kagan believe that a successful war against Iraq will produce other benefits, such as serving an object lesson for nations such as Iran and Syria. Rumsfeld, as befits his sensitive position, puts it rather gently. If a regime change were to take place in Iraq, other nations pursuing weapons of mass destruction "would get the message that having them . . . is attracting attention that is not favorable and is not helpful," he says.

Kagan is more blunt.

"People worry a lot about how the Arab street is going to react," he notes. "Well, I see that the Arab street has gotten very, very quiet since we started blowing things up."

The cost of such a global commitment would be enormous. In 2000, we spent $281 billion on our military, which was more than the next 11 nations combined. By 2003, our expenditures will have risen to $378 billion. In other words, the increase in our defense budget from 1999-2003 will be more than the total amount spent annually by China, our next largest competitor.

The lure of empire is ancient and powerful, and over the millennia it has driven men to commit terrible crimes on its behalf. But with the end of the Cold War and the disappearance of the Soviet Union, a global empire was essentially laid at the feet of the United States. To the chagrin of some, we did not seize it at the time, in large part because the American people have never been comfortable with themselves as a New Rome.

Now, more than a decade later, the events of Sept. 11 have given those advocates of empire a new opportunity to press their case with a new president. So in debating whether to invade Iraq, we are really debating the role that the United States will play in the years and decades to come.

Are peace and security best achieved by seeking strong alliances and international consensus, led by the United States? Or is it necessary to take a more unilateral approach, accepting and enhancing the global dominance that, according to some, history has thrust upon us?

If we do decide to seize empire, we should make that decision knowingly, as a democracy. The price of maintaining an empire is always high. Kagan and others argue that the price of rejecting it would be higher still.

That's what this is about.

"Rebuilding America's Defenses," a 2000 report by the Project for the New American Century, listed 27 people as having attended meetings or contributed papers in preparation of the report. Among them are six who have since assumed key defense and foreign policy positions in the Bush administration. And the report seems to have become a blueprint for Bush's foreign and defense policy.

Paul Wolfowitz
Political science doctorate from University of Chicago and dean of the international relations program at Johns Hopkins University during the 1990s. Served in the Reagan State Department, moved to the Pentagon during the first Bush administration as undersecretary of defense for policy. Sworn in as deputy defense secretary in March 2001.

John Bolton
Yale Law grad who worked in the Reagan administration as an assistant attorney general. Switched to the State Department in the first Bush administration as assistant secretary for international organization affairs. Sworn in as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, May 2001.

Eliot Cohen
Harvard doctorate in government who taught at Harvard and at the Naval War College. Now directs strategic studies at Johns Hopkins and is the author of several books on military strategy. Was on the Defense Department's policy planning staff in the first Bush administration and is now on Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board.

I. Lewis Libby
Law degree from Columbia (Yale undergrad). Held advisory positions in the Reagan State Department. Was a partner in a Washington law firm in the late '80s before becoming deputy undersecretary of defense for policy in the first Bush administration (under Dick Cheney). Now is the vice president's chief of staff.

Dov Zakheim
Doctorate in economics and politics from Oxford University. Worked on policy issues in the Reagan Defense Department and went into private defense consulting during the 1990s. Was foreign policy adviser to the 2000 Bush campaign. Sworn in as undersecretary of defense (comptroller) and chief financial officer for the Pentagon, May 2001.

Stephen Cambone
Political science doctorate from Claremont Graduate School. Was in charge of strategic defense policy at the Defense Department in the first Bush administration. Now heads the Office of Program, Analysis and Evaluation at the Defense Department.


Karen McChrystal <> wrote:

Doug Ireland : The Real Aipac Spy Ring Story -- It Was All About Iran:

When, for purely electoral reasons with the Iraq occupation going so disastrously, the White House decided against a direct attack by the U.S. on Iran, the neo-cons went to Plan B -- an attack on Iran by proxy, from Israel.
Sunday Herald - 15 September 2002
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice- president), Donald Rumsfeld (defence secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century (pdf format), was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'.

This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'.

The report describes American armed forces abroad as 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'. The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document written by Wolfowitz and Libby that said the US must 'discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role'.

The PNAC report also:

l refers to key allies such as the UK as 'the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership';

l describes peace-keeping missions as 'demanding American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations';

l reveals worries in the administration that Europe could rival the USA;

l says 'even should Saddam pass from the scene' bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently -- despite domestic opposition in the Gulf regimes to the stationing of US troops -- as 'Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has';

l spotlights China for 'regime change' saying 'it is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia'. This, it says, may lead to 'American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China';

l calls for the creation of 'US Space Forces', to dominate space, and the total control of cyberspace to prevent 'enemies' using the internet against the US;

l hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing weapons of mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons -- which the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says: 'New methods of attack -- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological -- will be more widely available ... combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool';

l and pinpoints North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran as dangerous regimes and says their existence justifies the creation of a 'world-wide command-and-control system'.

Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP, father of the House of Commons and one of the leading rebel voices against war with Iraq, said: 'This is garbage from right-wing think-tanks stuffed with chicken-hawks -- men who have never seen the horror of war but are in love with the idea of war. Men like Cheney, who were draft-dodgers in the Vietnam war.

'This is a blueprint for US world domination -- a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world. I am appalled that a British Labour Prime Minister should have got into bed with a crew which has this moral standing.'

Copyright © 2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd. no.176088


Harriet Miers was the fixer for Bush's National Guard Records Purge
Posted on Monday, October 03 @ 08:53:08 EDT by drew

Aides to Texas Governor George W. Bush visited the Air National Guard archives at Camp Mabry in 1997 and possibly altered Bush's military service records to conceal Bush's grounding from flight in 1972 and subsequent missed duty, according to a former senior official of the Texas National Guard.

Bill Burkett, a Lt. Colonel who was the State Plans Officer of the Texas National Guard at the time, said Bush operative Dan Bartlett headed a high-level operation to "scrub" Bush's Air National Guard record, to make sure it was in synch with the biography that the campaign was preparing.

The book, "A Charge to Keep," was authored by Bush and his principal spokeswoman, Karen Hughes. Hughes was recently exposed during the DUI sidebar involving reporter Wayne Slater as the person who strictly controls what Bush is allowed to say.

At the time, Bartlett was Governor Bush's liaison to the Texas National Guard. Bartlett is now the campaign spokesman who has provided misleading information to the press on several occasions about Bush's military service.

In "A Charge to Keep," Bush briefly mentioned his National Guard service. After completing flight training in June 1970, Bush wrote, "I continued flying with my unit for the next several years."

In fact, according to reports by the Boston Globe, and, Bush stopped flying only 22 months later in April 1972. He was subsequently grounded from flight on August 1, 1972 because he "failed to accomplish his annual physical."

There is no mention of the grounding in Bush's biography, which falsely implies that Bush continued flying until he left the National Guard.

When questioned by the press, Bush spokesman Dan Bartlett has offered several different reasons for this grounding. Initially Bartlett said that Bush could not get to Houston for his physical, but this was proved wrong when it was shown that Bush could have visited flight surgeons stationed in Alabama. Bartlett then said the F-102 fighter that Bush was trained to fly was removed from service, but this was proved wrong when it was shown that the F-102 remained in service in Bush's unit for two more years. has speculated that Bush skipped his annual physical in 1972 because the Pentagon that year imposed random drug testing for the first time, and Bush feared he would fail the exam. Bush has admitted drinking heavily at the time, and has refused to deny using cocaine before 1974. Similar allegations have been reported in the Times of London and the New York Post. has stressed the significance of Bush's grounding. Bush's pilot training cost the government nearly $1 million, and this was a huge investment that the Pentagon would not lightly abandon with two years remaining of a pilot's obligation. Moreover, pilots were badly needed at the time because of the war in Vietnam.

According to, Bush's grounding would normally have been reviewed by a Flight Inquiry Board of three senior officers, but there is no record that such a board was convened in Bush's case. has called for Bush to reveal his full military records, to put these and other charges to rest.

Moreover, and have revealed that Bush did not report for duty for at least a year after he stopped flying, and possibly two years. Bush's official record shows no duty after April 1972, and his superior officers in both Alabama and Texas say they never saw him after that.

An official report issued on April 30, 1973 says "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of this report," from May 1 1972 to April 30, 1973. Rewards for proof that Bush reported for duty have been offered in Alabama and Texas and on the Internet, but no one has claimed the rewards.

During the campaign, Bush has attempted to fend off charges that he did not report for duty. When charges were raised about the time he spent in Alabama in the fall of 1972, Bush insisted that he reported for duty. "I can't remember what I did. I just - I fulfilled my obligation," he said. Bush has specifically disputed the recollection of ret. Brig. Gen. William Turnipseed, who says he is "dead-certain" that Bush did not report for duty in Alabama. ''I read the comments from the guy who said he doesn't remember me being there, but I remember being there," Bush said.

Internet activists led by Iowa farmer Martin Heldt and retired Air National Guard pilot Bob Rogers have been campaigning to expose Bush's failure to report for duty since May 23, 2000, when the Boston Globe first reported on a "one-year gap" in Bush's military duty. Heldt created a discussion board at Salon Magazine charging that Bush was "AWOL", which spurred an explosion of grassroots Internet activism.

Heldt and Rogers filed a Freedom of Information Act request for Bush's military records, which provided overwhelming evidence of Bush's missed duty, and served as the basis of the articles in and

On Thursday, Congressional Medal of Honor recipients Bob Kerrey and Daniel Inouye brought these charges to the attention of the national media, which has almost entirely ignored the work of Heldt and Rogers. "The question is where were you, Governor Bush?," said Inouye. "During my service, if I missed training for two years, at the least, I would have been court-martialed. I would have been placed in prison," he said.

To rebut this charge, the Bush campaign has relied on two mysterious documents. The documents are neither dated nor signed, which makes their legitimacy entirely questionable. Moreover, the document that the campaign claims covers the year from May 1972 to May 1973 is badly torn and can only be linked to Lt. George W. Bush by the letter "W". Finally, these documents are directly contradicted by Bush's official record, several signed memoranda, and the testimony of several witnesses.

Still, both the New York Times and George Magazine have used these mysterious documents as the basis for dismissing all of the other documents and witnesses which overwhelmingly show that Bush did not report for duty.

Thus, the assertion by Bill Burkett that Dan Bartlett and his operatives may have modified Bush's Air National Guard records takes on exceptional significance. Bartlett's "scrubbing" operation in 1997 could have inserted these mysterious documents, or removed significant information from the torn document. In addition, Bartlett's operation could have removed or altered other revealing documents.

Indeed, there is corroborating evidence that Bush campaign operatives have devoted considerable effort to "scrubbing" public records to conceal other evidence of Bush's wrongdoing. For example, Bush got a new driver's license after he was elected Governor, which appears to be completely unprecedented. This prevented reporters from discovering Bush's DUI arrest in Maine in 1976.

This new license may also be concealing a prior DUI or drug arrest in 1972 or 1973, when Bush went to work with an inner-city community service group in Houston called Project PULL. There has been considerable speculation that Bush performed this work as a form of alternative sentencing for a DUI or drug arrest, but reporters have been stymied by the fact that Bush's 1995 driver's license contains no prior information.

Moreover, Newsweek reported on July 9, 2000 that the Bush campaign "launched a secretive research operation designed to scour all records relating to his Vietnam-era service" during preparation for Bush's 1998 re-election campaign. They paid "hard-nosed Dallas lawyer named Harriet Miers" $19,000 to review the records. According to Newsweek, one result of her work was to deflect charges that former Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes helped Bush get into the Texas Air National Guard despite low qualifications and a long waiting list. Barnes was later forced to testify under oath that he helped Bush.

The same Newsweek article also discusses the absence of evidence that Bush fulfilled his orders to report for duty in Alabama in the fall of 1972. According to the article, "Dan Bartlett conceded that the records 'were either lost or misplaced... we are not sure.'" If Burkett's charges are true, Bartlett may have had a hand in losing or misplacing these records.

Burkett stops short of directly accusing Bartlett of "doctoring" Bush's records. Instead, Burkett faults the Bush campaign and senior officials of the Texas National Guard for incompetence in failing to release two key documents that would answer questions about Bush's absence from duty - but not his grounding from flight.

Burkett boils it down to a simple question: "Why didn't Governor Bush simply release his military pay files and retirement points accounting records, which are the only official records that will show that he satisfactorily and honorably completed his service commitment?"

The simple answer may be that these records would prove the opposite - that Bush never reported for duty after April 1972, and was simply "given" the points he needed for discharge by senior officerswho wanted to preserve his "political viability" then - and now.




Another Web Bot hit
Scandal Rising?
While we were pondering why the news day has turned so slow, a curious note from the web bot project landed in my inbox.  It makes apparent reference to stories that have been floating around the the internet to infer that the the marriage of George & Laura Bush may be in trouble. It has also become a topic on various blogs,  We've been aware of it for some weeks, but have chosen to let it simmer out of respect for the parties involved.
But while we have let the story pass by, the latest data coming in for the current web bot run has started to show some real "heating up" in emotional terms related to the story among the media aware general public, such that regardless of whether it's true or not, people are starting to get "riled up."  Thus, emotional values are rising on the rumors.  Here, with exclusive permission, is the advisory that sent out to its subscribers today:
Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.
Data set distilled from 19.97 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.
Meta Data - Sexual Scandal FINALLY Showing Up?
Back on May 8, 2006, in Part 5 of ALTA series 1006, we had written the following about our timing error with the 'sexual scandal' which has been showing up repeatedly for months, and with increasingly affective, large and negative, emotive sums:
"We also note that a little while back the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer went vertical within the Bushista entity and will continue on this line until late May of 2007. During this time it will seem, from the perspective of the Bushista entity, that every weld in the hull has sprung a leak as all of the inter-tangled, mutually supporting lies/delusions which compose the Bushista world view come into 'conflict' with reality. There will be no greater evidence of this than the projections for the period of 8/eight months following the August 31st initiation of the 'conflict' meta data layer.

Subscribers of a longer duration to the ALTA series may recall that previous ALTA reports have/had shown the 'development of a scandal of a sexual nature' impacting the Markets which was first seen some 7/seven months back, but which was erroneously placed as manifesting within late February, or early March. We are/were some months off in the actual appearance of the 'sexual scandal', as the current exposure of the 'Watergate Brothel' just now emerging within the mainstream media fits the language that we associated with our forecast 'sexual scandal'. We note that the 'scandal' will travel through the many layers of 'officialdom', both 'political and monetary', and will 'bind the bowels of the markets' as though a 'crippling disease'. The emotional potentials first seen a number of months back are apparently manifesting now, given the emerging language around this event/scandal.
Soooo.... we were off by about 2/two months, but are going to seemingly be nearly accurate on the emotional impacts. This will not be a 'little scandal', but instead will be seen as a 'cancer' and a 'proximate cause' of collapse. The ripples will bring out our first 'international crisis' of the Spring/Summer, as well as contribute to the 'reversal of fortune' now pressing down on the Bush Wars of Aggression. Expect mismanagement, and denial to rule for a very short period only, and then the 'secrets revealed' layer will kick in with a vengeance such that so much is spilling out of so many involved, that complex charts will be needed just to keep track of all of the guilty parties and their cross connections. Igor suspects that those who will prosecute this new 'watergate' scandal could use our expertise in visual modeling of complex relationships. "
end extract - part 5, ALTA 1006, May 8, 2006:
We note that over these last few weeks, the whole of the 'scandal' has had basically nothing in the way of impact. Thus, as much as the wording may have seemed to fit the Watergate Brothel scandal developing, it is now less likely to be the "big deal" that we have had within our lexical structures for now better than 9/nine months.
So, when the Globe publishes the story about "Laura Walks Out", we think that we have a "winner" in our lexical structures. Already the language is showing up within the fora/chatboards which mirrors to a fine point what we have had for months.
The reason that this bit of scandal deserves a special update within an ALTA series is *not* that we think we have a "hit" with the system, but rather that our continued reference to the 'sexual scandal' within previous reports was as a proximate temporal marker for other events, most notably, those which will affect the 'price of money' and the 'stability of the union'. This last phrase means the 'union, political' as seen within the Populace/USofA entity.
Noting once again some of the language that we have had arise related to the effects of this scandal are that the Markets entity will be 'gangrenous in the gut, no motion'. And yes, once again, impacted by, and participates within 'encounter with scarcity' and 'restrictions on movement'. All these meta data layers so annoyingly referred to repeatedly will now start manifesting with a vengeance as this temporal marker has also manifested. We also need to remind that the recent part 2 of this series has the latest data showing the release period to begin on June 28th. It may well be that it will take nearly 2/two weeks of building tensions over the scandal (and the yet to be revealed 'sexual horrors') before the mainstream media goes teevee with it. However, a scandal at this level, especially as it will trigger a 'flood of piss' as shown by the Bushista entity (a reference to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer), is just the level that has been seen to 'kick the wind out of the dollar'.

Also note how the populace begins to react over the rest of the current building period. Our data set suggests a bit of a build and then once the release period has started, events, and deterioration will rapidly escalate.
This will be most pertinent for those idiots amongst us who continue to 'trade' in paper assets. Do not think you are wise enough to time this impact. Once the process begins the acceleration into the emotional lows of early September, the levels of rising emotional tension values are pointing to a 'time of chaos' in which 'events trample'.

Just a heads up from the nutjobs here at halfpasthuman. Other than this, have a nice Summer.
back to work on part 3.
While we don't have an interest in covering the private lives of our Nation's Leaders, the potential for a huge emotional reaction as the story becomes more widely reported could certainly fit temporally with what seems like severe weakness in the US dollar, and perhaps the stock markets immediately in the days and few weeks ahead.
Quiet Monday?
The futures are tending upward this morning, on what looks like a very quiet  - one could almost say boring - news day so far.  Most of the news is either rehash/rewrite/recycled stories that on a busy news day wouldn't be worth the ink.  The markets ought to drift higher today and maybe into tomorrow.  A reader email of interest says in part:
"George, I'm not going to make an iron clad prediction (I know better, dealing with the stock market, unlike Lammert) but I think with a 21 day put/call average at .70 (the last time it was there was Oct. of 2005 leading to a 150 point rally in the S&P ) along with bullish % on the S&P under 50% and short time rates still not high enough for asset allocation, a crash might not be in the works. That's the difference between 1929 or 1987, and now. I think a better comparison is 1928 where the S&P topped out in May, sold off until mid June then put in it's final rally to Sept of 29. I know you've mentioned Elliot Wave more than once, I don't practice or truly believe in it but I sure see a lot of 3 wave declines the last month. Just look at the NYSE at top on May 9th a decline of 670 pts in 15 days a rally, then another decline of 615 in 11 days sure seems like an ABC correction to me. Matches up pretty well with the bearish numbers above. The market never does what it should after all why would it rally 300% from 1932 to 1937 in the midst of the great depression. Remember what Lammert said expect the unexpected."
Korea Mongering
There are headlines all over the place about North Korea today.  Not only does North Korea threaten to "mercilessly wipe out" US forces should they ever engage us in war, but they are also claiming to be near ready to test fire a missile which could reach the US. Of course, the reaction of the yen was predictable, it dropped to a record low versus the Euro.
War Coverage
Don't Wake 'em
We notice that the House has removed accused CONgressman William Jefferson from the Ways and Means Committee.  Are these guys in the District of Corruption all asleep, or what?

Just before George W. Bush took office in January, 2001, ... George W. Bush will link up with erstwhile political rival Sen. ... ...

On Tuesday, however, George W. Bush managed to completely obliterate the ... Never mind that in the first ten words of his speech, George W. Bush once again ...

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH FLIES TO QUEBEC, CANADA RIOTS FOLLOW!!! PROTESTERS GASSED. 3-1-2002 - President George W. Bush admits he started a ...

President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control ... President George W Bush was taken to a secure location in the White House ...

To show their disgust with George W. Bush's re-election, on Inauguration Day, ... To go to DC, where the other people we'll see paid to see George W. Bush, ... bush-protests-inauguration.htm

George W. Bush admits to being a member of the Skull and Bones Society ... George W. Bush nominates Colin Powell to be Secretary of State: A confirmed Mason ...

The Changing of the Guard Part Four: Secrets of Skolnick
Short of ringing the neck of George W. Bush, how is Putin, supposedly now a US ... BUT, there is now a much larger group itching to target George W. Bush, ...

A man of limited intelligence, George W. Bush, with nothing more than his name and the behind-the-scenes pressure of his powerful father-a former President, ...

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH SPEECH TO CONGRESS 9-20-2001 ... On Friday 9-13-2001, President George W. Bush went to the WTC to talk with and thank the ...

State of the Union Address by President George W. Bush [Transcript]. The White House ^ | 28 January 2003 | President George W. Bush ...

GEORGE W. BUSH, JR. SPEAKS ON NATIVE AMERICAN POLICY WHILE RUNNING FOR OFFICE:. The federal government and tribal governments must work together, ...

George W. Bush recently approved his first 30-day reprieve in a death penalty case -- to ... George W. Bush since he announced his run for the White House. ...

Any of the protesters in New York this week who are dedicated to the removal of George W. Bush from office should bear the potential headlines in mind. ...

sometimes worse in all the southern states along the Mexican/US border, particularly in Texas. Notice how well President George W. Bush speaks Spanish. ...

President George W. Bush's attempt Monday to encourage closer government partnerships ... George W. Bush will link up with erstwhile political rival Sen. ...


Five days later, President George W. Bush again linked North Korea with the war on terrorism. Calling on Pyongyang to permit inspections of its weapons ... -


James R. Bath, friend and neighbor of George W. Bush, was used as a cash funnel from ... "Bath provided financing to George W. Bush, the future president's ...

In the 2000 election, George W. Bush stole the presidency by combining various forms of vote ... 3-1-2002 - President George W. Bush admits he started a ...

... Clinton was held was too high, and the one for George W. Bush is too low. ... hatred of George W. Bush and the Republican majorities in Congress risks ...


On June 16 and 17, President George W. Bush criticized “revisionist history” ... In September 2001, President George W. Bush, manipulated by Paul Wolfowitz ...

Almost immediately after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, President George W Bush declared that America was at war with, 'an enemy with no ...

In 1999, candidate George W. Bush spoke before a closed-press CNP session in San Antonio. His speech, contemporaneously described as a typical mid-campaign ...

... denouncing US President George W. Bush for ordering the air strikes, ... of the raids -- President George W. Bush's first military action less than a ...

"Americans should be alarmed that George W. Bush has chosen two men with extreme ... Saporta said, "During his campaign for President, George W. Bush stated ...

George W. Bush has not responded to questions from Congress regarding the ... George W. Bush, Mar. 8, 2003 Radio Address The Downing Street Memos: Why Care? ...

George W. Bush, Governor of Texas,, cocaine. Lewis Carrol, mathematician, photographer, author: "Alice in Wonderland", mushrooms ...

A man of limited intelligence, George W. Bush, with nothing more than his name ... Chief of Staff whispers to George W. Bush. Bush "briefly turns somber" ...


George W. Bush received less that four-percent of the minority vote and was widely expected to make a dramatic shift away from policies and personnel which ...

Anti-War Global rallies protest possible US war on Iraq - Oct. 26 ...

The organizers say Congress' Iraq resolution is illegal and US President George W. Bush's threats of a possible war against Iraq do not represent the views ... -

In Florida, President George W. Bush cancelled a scheduled speech on education ... US President George W. Bush has said they were "terrorist attacks" and ...

[6] The Elder Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush, all were in a position to ... With a scandal about to break against George W. Bush, he and his circle had ...

Homeland Security ???? You Are a Suspect You Are a Suspect 11/14 ...
When George W. Bush was running for president, he stood foursquare in defense of each person's medical, financial and communications privacy. ...

THE ECONOMY - A PROPHECY - 1999 - 2001
Just before George W. Bush took office in January, 2001, he was going around the country talking about the recession that was coming, so that he could blame ...

This week, the limelight moves to New York, where President George W. Bush prepares to address the UN General Assembly Thursday, September 12, the day after ... -

... prime suspect in last Tuesday's attacks and wanted "dead or alive" by President George W. Bush, has made his home as a "guest" of the Taliban. ...

2 President George W. Bush is expected to address the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. Counterterrorism officials are analyzing data ...

Our last two presidential candidates were both members of Skull & Bones - George W. Bush and John F Kerry. The "new world order" involves the elimination of ...

According to White House sources, President George W. Bush laughed the matter off ... NEW YORK George W. Bush and Dick Cheney portray Saddam Hussein as so ...

President George W. Bush, has included the Hezbollah as a terrorist group which he wants destroyed. I understand that - but why was this particular group so ...

Militia Groups

God Bless George W. Bush and Richard E. Cheney! God Bless America! ... Militia Database. ... 3-1-2002 - President George W. Bush admits he started a ...

Star Wars: The Next Generation
Presidential candidate George W Bush pledges he would ... George W. Bush, not known for being a rocket scientist clearly needs some good visual aids when it ...

New York -- In the most wrenching decision of George W. Bush's life on Tuesday, ... George W. Bush had not given authorization to the Defense Department to ... -

"Not only does it advance the cause of beating George W. Bush, but it also advances the goal of daughters and granddaughters to see this as a possibility ...

Kerry: Political Commentary - 2004 Presidential Election
Kerry also criticized US President George W. Bush's use in his January 28 State of the Union address of the erroneous claim that Iraq sought to buy nuclear ... -

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton (far right), President George W. Bush talks with the press about the previous day's terrorist attacks ...

... of America wrote to President George W. Bush to express the support of ... stem-cell warning to George W. Bush left the president room to maneuver, ...

President George W Bush is already sending aircraft carriers and support oil tankers to the Persian Gulf and has called up 50000 reservists, putting America ...


Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush, who favors a more expansive program, had urged Clinton to leave negotiations with Putin to the next ...

PHILADELPHIA — As Republicans gathered here last August to nominate George W. Bush for president, a drama played out in secret locations across the city as ...

THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD - Part Two: Illuminati Revealed
It raises the possibility that George W. Bush and his Administration are Illuminists, and suggests that much of the world "elite" may be engaged in a ...

While US President George W Bush has hinted he will take retaliatory action, Mr Straw said he could not get into the "realm of speculation" but spoke of ...


Although pressure from within the United States for a retaliatory strike will grow, President George W. Bush currently enjoys high popularity ratings. ...

... despite US President George W. Bush's assurance to Saudi crown prince Abdullah in Crawford, Texas, that no final date had been set for a US military ...

George W. Bush, who is now backed by the Elite to become the next president. (I couldn't have called this one any closer.) Possibly, unless he is also ...

When George W. Bush first announced the government's intention to downsize the operational US stockpile, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir ...

DC Police Crack Down on Anti-Capitalist Protests
The protesters' agendas range from globalization to the Israel-Palestinian conflict to US President George W. Bush's policy on Iraq. ...

The news reported it this way: "President George W. Bush has declined to take a stand on the issue, saying he will await the CFIUS review process." ...

US President George W. Bush on Friday called it "another grim reminder of the length to which terrorists will go to threaten this civilized world." ...

Transcript of President Bush's Speech
Sept. 20 - Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Tempore, members of Congress, and fellow Americans: In the normal course of events, presidents come to this ...

4. And is it just a coincidence that George W. Bush just happened to overnight in Milan after his visit with the Pope, while the Bilderberg Conference was ...

... and aides say they pulled out because rival George W. Bush was slow to agree to the California event and that sparked scheduling conflicts. ...

The Changing of the Guard: Part III: Illuminati Life and Propaganda
Tony Blair, fearful of compromised phone channels, came in person to the USA to tell George W. Bush what they were about to do. ...

If this premonition comes true, George W. Bush will become an "Osiris" while Dick Cheney becomes a "Horus" on DECEMBER 7TH, 2001 and it's very likely ...

The Changing of the Guard - Part One: Corporate Media ...

US Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor, one of those who installed George W. Bush as President of the United States despite his loss of the popular ...


President George W. Bush's first published comment on national security classification policy comes in a January 31 letter to Congress that restates the ...


US President George W. Bush declared Thursday he had taken the "right decision" in expelling the 50 Russian diplomats but sought to allay fears that the ...


President George W Bush declared parts of North Carolina to be in major disaster. Airlines cancelled more than 2000 flights and moved aircraft out of the ...

President George W. Bush on Friday called up 35000 military reservists, and the administration has suggested that tens of thousands more would be needed if ...

PINDAR..The Lizard King
The fiasco election of George W. Bush Jr. to office is a key sign that they are on target. The public lesson of the United States presidential "election" of ...

The White House said President George W. Bush has been informed of the incidents, which happened two weeks after the July 7 attacks on the London transit ...

But one Texas oil analyst said politics could soon trump economics, prompting US President George W. Bush to draw on the SPR. ...

9/11 - The 411 - How the Saudi Government is Using Alien ...

George W. Bush ordered an invasion of Afghanistan, but he didn't go there and ... The President's son, George W. Bush, is now the third largest insider ...


Pray for your President George W. Bush and all government leaders of every country and island on earth to work for peace among all nations and people. ...

US President George W. Bush's executive order allowing authorites to quarantine people, against their will if necessary, jolted Americans, while in Canada, ...

The move stood to win political points for Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites), who is neck-and-neck with Republican George W. Bush (news - web sites) ...

NOTE: President George W Bush has been threatening war against Iraq for quite some months - the final date set while I type this is March 17, 2003. ...

An emotional President George W. Bush said the United States and its global allies were ready to "whip terrorism" and declared Friday a national day of ...

were deployed in advance of the summit, at which 34 hemispheric leaders are expected. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH FLIES TO QUEBEC, CANADA RIOTS FOLLOW! ...

He said he would take up the matter with the George W. Bush administration, but there has not been any indication of action so far. ...

She responded, "George W. Bush and his band of brown-shirted thugs." Next to Bernhard, Redford is Alexis de Tocqueville. Brent Bozell is President of Media ...

The Presidential Election of George W Bush of Texas certainly fits into this category:. THE ELECTION - 2000 - DREAMS AND VISIONS ... I ended the meditation. ...
The American Tragedy: A Symbolic Event, Part Two
"[The era of George W. Bush] will in some way mark the end of presidency or the United States as it exists today". "In general, revolutionary changes seem ...

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